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Finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) is gaining popularity as healthy food due to its nutritional and phytochemical properties. This study reports nutritional and phytochemical profile of ten finger millet genotypes. Proximate analysis of finger millet genotypes revealed moisture, total carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber and ash in the range of 7.50-11.75, 71.90-76.38, 6.7-8.0, 1.2-1.7, 3.1-3.8 and 3.1-3.8 per cent respectively. Micro-nutrient profiling showed Ca, Fe, Zn, P, K and Mn in the range of 2400.00-3400.00, 40.28-47.60, 12.40-17.45, 1600.00-2900.00, 3800.00-5200.00 and 51.33-61.28 mg kg-1 respectively. Phytochemical profiling was done for total phenol, phytic acid, tannins, flavonoids, HCN, oxalate and trypsin inhibitor which were observed in the range of 99.75-112.25, 210.75-302.75, 340.00-500.00, 62.23-74.05, 2.45-2.80, 19.80-26.23 mg 100 g-1 and 207.35-234.23 TIU g-1 respectively. Amino acid profiling showed good amount of essential amino acids. Nutritional and phytochemical profiling of finger millet genotypes showed its potentiality to become source of health promoting food.It is widely accepted that voluntary spatial attention is slow - it can only affect performance with medium and long cue-target intervals. Here, we examined whether this also holds for voluntary temporal attention. We performed a rigorous examination of the time-course of attention allocation to a point in time using two common paradigms for studying endogenous temporal attention 'constant foreperiod' and 'temporal orienting'. With both paradigms, the task required non-speeded identification of a letter, whose presentation was preceded by a warning cue. This cue was either auditory or visual, and it was either informative or uninformative. Critically, to avoid exogenous attention, the cues did not involve an intensity change. We found significantly higher identification accuracy when the cue was informative than uninformative, suggesting that temporal attention improved perceptual processing. Importantly, reliable effects of temporal attention on perceptual processing were found with as little as 150 ms from cue onset and up to 2400 ms. Hence, measuring endogenous attention in the temporal domain revealed a twofold faster mechanism than what was believed based on measurements in the spatial domain. These findings challenge the common assumption that voluntary processes are inherently slow. Instead, they portray voluntary mechanisms as considerably more flexible and dynamic, and they further underscore the importance of incorporating the temporal domain into the study of human perception.

Visual loss is a very rare but dramatic complication of such an indispensable standard procedure in head and neck tumor surgery such as the cervical lymphadenectomy (neck dissection).

We present a review of the literature and a new case of a postoperative blindness of a 65-year-old man with type 2 diabetes who underwent a unilateral radical neck dissection, a contralateral modified radical neck dissection and a hemimandibulectomy for an oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.

By now there have been only 15 clinical cases of total blindness published during the last 60 years. In 13 cases blindness followed a bilateral radical neck dissection whereas in 2 cases blindness occurred after a combined selective and modified radical neck dissection. Ischemia of the optic nerve due to intraoperative hypotension, blood loss and venous congestion were the major etiological aspects of blindness. Perioperative management of differentiated volume and blood administration, blood pressure management and a close postoperhould be highlighted in the standard declaration of consent.

Supernumerary penises is an extremely rare congenital anomaly which affects one in every 5-6 million live births. Affected patients may have only a rudimentary penis, supernumerary penile glances or complete duplication or triplication of penises. Some patients may have some other associated congenital anomalies.

A 3-month-old child presented because of left side hydrocele. There were evidence of two supernumerary penises in the perineum, the first one was about 2 cm in length with a glans and was attached to the root of the penis, and the third one was about 1 cm and was below the scrotum. Hydrocelectomy was performed. The two supernumerary penises were extending to perineal region and were attached to original penis, both had corpora cavernosum and spongiosum with no urethra inside. Both supernumerary penises were excised and both corpora were sutured with a fine slowly absorbable suture material. The patient was discharged with no postoperative events and follow up was done for one years with no reportcorporal development and anatomy of the urethra.

There is a controversy in the recent literature regarding the most appropriate approach to treat spondylitis tuberculosis, whether to choose anterior, posterior, and combined approach as well as one-stage versus two-stage approach. Mesh cage has potential advantages, including inhibition of infection by fusion and reconstruction technique combined with corpectomy. Anterior surgery has advantage as it allows direct access to the diseased vertebral bodies and intervertebral disc.

We present a case of spondylitis tuberculosis of lower lumbar vertebrae (L5) and L4-L5 intervertebral disc causing paraparese treated with anterior debridement and fusion with expendable mesh cage. Patient presented with weakness of lower limb and back pain, with history of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Patient was diagnosed with paraparesis due to spondylitis Tb of L4-S1 with paravertebral abscess at L4-S1 Frankle D.

The patient was treated with anterior debridement and fusion using expendable mesh cage. Immediate postoperative radiograph showed restoration of vertebral height. This case showed that paraparesis can occur in lower lumbar vertebrae with distinct clinical appearance to that of lower thoracal or upper lumbar spondylitis tuberculosis, and that anterior approach for debridement and fusion using expendable mesh is a logical and direct means of addressing a tuberculous spine lesion, which predominantly affects anterior elements.

The anterior approach has the advantage of leading the surgeon directly into the lesion and allowing a good visualization. Vismodegib supplier Instrumentation after debridement and bone graft can provide instant stability for the spinal column, which can lead patients to resume activities.

The anterior approach has the advantage of leading the surgeon directly into the lesion and allowing a good visualization. Instrumentation after debridement and bone graft can provide instant stability for the spinal column, which can lead patients to resume activities.

Autoři článku: Berntsengrace3712 (Juel Creech)