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The dewetting dynamics of a supported bilayer polymer thin film on a solid substrate is investigated using grazing incidence x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. We find that the top layer dewets via the spinodal mechanism. The kinetics of the dewetting is studied by monitoring the time evolution of the surface diffuse x-ray scattering intensity. We study the time evolution of fluctuations about the average surface structure by measuring the two-time x-ray intensity fluctuation correlation functions. Using these two-time correlation functions we quantify the crossover from early-time diffusive dynamics to hydrodynamics. The early diffusive regime satisfies dynamic universality. The two-time correlation functions also quantify the onset of hydrodynamic effects. The hydrodynamic regime is observed during the spinodal dewetting process as these interactions are not screened.One attractive feature of the original pseudopotential method consists on its simplicity of adding a force dependent on a nearest-neighbor potential function. In order to improve the method, regarding thermodynamic consistency and control of surface tension, different approaches were developed in the literature, such as multirange interactions potential and modified forcing schemes. In this work, a strategy to combine these enhancements with an appropriate interaction force field using only nearest-neighbor interactions is devised, starting from the desired pressure tensor. The final step of our procedure is implementing this external force by using the classical Guo forcing scheme. Numerical tests regarding static and dynamic flow conditions were performed. Static tests showed that current procedure is suitable to control the surface tension and phase densities. Based on thermodynamic principles, it is devised a solution for phase densities in a droplet, which states explicitly dependence on the surface tension and interface curvature. A comparison with numerical results suggest a physical inconsistency in the pseudopotential method. This fact is not commonly discussed in the literature, since most of studies are limited to the Maxwell equal area rule. However, this inconsistency is shown to be dependent on the equation of state (EOS), and its effects can be mitigated by an appropriate choice of Carnahan-Starling EOS parameters. Also, a droplet oscillation test was performed, and the most divergent solution under certain flow conditions deviated 7.5% from the expected analytical result. At the end, a droplet impact test against a solid wall was performed to verify the method stability, and it was possible to reach stable simulation results with density ratio of almost 2400 and Reynolds number of Re=373. The observed results corroborate that the proposed method is able to replicate the desired macroscopic multiphase behavior.We consider a red-versus-blue coupled synchronization and spatial swarming (i.e., swarmalator) model that incorporates attraction and repulsion terms and an adversarial game of phases. The model exhibits behaviors such as spontaneous emergence of tactical manoeuvres of envelopment (e.g., flanking, pincer, and envelopment) that are often proposed in military theory or observed in nature. We classify these states based on a large set of features such as spatial densities, synchronization between clusters, and measures of cluster distances. These features are used to study the influence of coupling parameters on the expected presence of these states and the-sometimes sharp-transitions between them.This paper is the second in a two-part exposition on surface-directed spinodal decomposition (SDSD), i.e., the interplay of kinetics of wetting and phase separation at a surface which is wetted by one of the components of a binary mixture. In our first paper [P. Das, P. K. Jaiswal, and S. Puri, Phys. Rev. E 102, 012803 (2020)2470-004510.1103/PhysRevE.102.012803], we studied SDSD on chemically heterogeneous and physically flat substrates. In this paper, we study SDSD on a chemically homogeneous but morphologically patterned substrate. Such substrates arise in a vast variety of technological applications. Our goal is to provide a theoretical understanding of SDSD in this context. We present detailed numerical results for domain growth both inside and above the grooves in the substrate. The morphological evolution can be understood in terms of the interference of SDSD waves originating from the different surfaces comprising the substrate.We present theoretical calculations of the characteristics of the static magnetic response of multicore magnetic nanoparticles. SW-100 These particles contain a considerable number (∼10^2) of single-domain magnetic nanocrystallites, which are modeled as uniformly magnetized balls with uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy, the energetic barrier of which is comparable with the thermal energy. Thus, we model a multicore magnetic nanoparticle as an ensemble of superparamagnetic nanoparticles, the position and the easy magnetization axis of which are fixed but randomly distributed. Summing up the magnetic moments of the nanocrystallites inside a multicore particle, we thus obtain the magnetic moment of the multicore particle under the assumption that magnetic interactions between the nanocrystallites can be neglected. It is found that the weak-field magnetic response of these multicore particles is independent of anisotropy constant. The model is compared with recent experimental data and good agreement is found.Base pairing is a fundamental phenomenon in RNA structure and function. However, although there have been considerable recent advances, some important aspects of base-pair formation are still unknown, including the ways of base-pair formation and detailed roles of metal ions. Here we show that base pairs can form through four different ways stabilizing, bridging, rotating, and shifting. Among them the stabilizing and bridging ways involve direct binding of metal ions while the rotating and shifting ways do not in most cases. Furthermore, we find that the formations of base pairs in different positions of the hairpin stem may adopt different ways.

Autoři článku: Beringwestermann2405 (Franck Tran)