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, 2020) [1]. The data provide experimental evidence for a better understanding how the nanoparticle surface loading method of CpG influences the uptake of these nanoparticles by antigen-presenting cells as a step guide in the design of more effective vaccine formulations.This article presents data that are further analyzed and interpreted in "Shouting at Each Other into the Void A Semantic Network Analysis of Vaccine Hesitance and Support in Online Discourse Regarding California Law SB277" [1]. This research modified snowball sampling, a technique usually used to generate chains of informants that illuminate the structure of social networks, to collect digital documents following a chain of web links and recommendations, thus illuminating the underlying social, technical, and linguistic structure of online discourse. The resulting documents were manually coded according to the attitude towards vaccines they represented and/or the position they took with regard to California Senate Bill 277, a vaccine mandate policy that banned all nonmedical exemptions from school immunization requirements. Each attitude category, as well as the dataset as a whole, was subjected to quantitative linguistic analysis to identify key words and phrases in the data according to the frequency with which they appeared. A combination of that technique and semantic network analysis were used to generate clusters of related words that could be used for qualitative and narrative analysis, as detailed in the companion paper. The data collection and analysis processes described here will be of use to researchers conducting mixed-method analysis of online discourse who want their data to reflect the potential information and digital resources available to individuals who attempt to inform themselves about a particular topic using Internet searches. The data presented here could be useful for anyone seeking deeper insight into the linguistic and narrative patterns surrounding online debates about vaccination, controversial government policies, or both.Retrograde dyes are often used in basic research to investigate neuronal innervations of an organ. This article describes the experimental data on the application of retrograde dyes on the mouse heart in vivo and on the cardiac or neuronal cultures in vitro. By providing this information, cardiac or inneinnervations can be evaluated in vivo. Therefore, unknown cellular and molecular mechanisms and systemic interactions in the body can be investigated. In particular, we provided practical tips to lower mortality risks following the cardiac surgery and evaluated the staining capacity and fluorescent characteristics of the Di-8-ANEPPQ dye in the cardiac tissue and cell cultures. First, primary cultures of mouse nodose ganglia (NG) neurons and mouse neonatal cardiomyocytes were stained with Di-8-ANEPPQ. The Di-8-ANEPPQ signal from live cultures were visualized using spinning disk confocal microscopy to verify the lipophilic and fluorescent labeling capacity of Di-8-ANEPPQ. Next, the excitation and emission data oors to trace the sensory neurons innervating not only the heart but also other organs using Di-8-ANEPPQ. this website These data support the original research article titled "Evaluation of bilateral cardiac afferent distribution at the spinal and vagal ganglia by retrograde labeling" that was accepted for publication in Brain Research Journal [1].Emerging evidence indicates that males and females display different neurobiological responses to chronic stress which contribute to varied behavioral adaptations. In particular, pyramidal neurons undergo dendritic atrophy and synapse loss in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of male, but not female, mice. Our recent work shows that chronic stress also provokes microglia-mediated neuronal remodeling, which contributes to synaptic deficits in the PFC and associated behavioral consequences in males. Separate studies indicate that chronic stress promotes astrocyte dystrophy in the PFC which is associated with behavioral despair. Notably, these prior reports focused primarily on stress effects in males. In the present studies, male and female mice were exposed to 14 or 28 days of chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) to assess molecular and cellular adaptations of microglia, astrocytes, and neurons in the medial PFC. Consistent with our recent work, male, but not female, mice displayed behavioral and cognitive deficits wiare associated with different neurobiological and behavioral adaptations. In all, these results suggest that microglia-mediated neuronal remodeling, astrocyte dystrophy, and synapse loss contribute to stress-induced PFC dysfunction and associated behavioral consequences in male mice.We report a boy with hypercalcemia due to neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) caused by a compound heterozygous mutation in the calcium sensing receptor (CaSR) managed successfully on a type II calcimimetic drug. The hypercalcemia was temporarily treated by hyperhydration, bisphosphonate and calcium depleted milk. At 29 days of age cinacalcet was introduced. The starting dose was 0.5 mg/kg/day and was subsequently titrated to the point of efficacy (5.2 mg/kg/day) when a persuasive reduction in parathyroid hormone and calcium concentrations was observed. We propose a trial of type II calcimimetics in newborns with NSHPT irrespective of the genetic mutation and advocate that residual functionality of the CaSR predict the drug efficacy.Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) is a genetic disease characterized by the formation of heterotopic ossification (HO) in connective tissues. HO first develops in the thoracic region, before more peripheral sites are affected. Due to HO along the thoracic cage, its movements are restricted and pulmonary function deteriorates. Because development of HO is progressive, it is likely that pulmonary function deteriorates over time, but longitudinal data on pulmonary function in FOP are missing. Longitudinal pulmonary function tests (PFTs) from seven FOP patients were evaluated retrospectively to assess whether there were changes in pulmonary function during aging. Forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), total lung capacity (TLC), residual volume (RV) and diffusing lung capacity for carbon dioxide divided by alveolar volume (DLCO/VA) were included. In addition, HO volume along the thorax together with its progression as identified by whole body low dose CT scans were correlated to PFT data. Per patient, aged 7-57 years at the time of the first PFT, three to nine PFTs were available over a period of 6-18 years. Restrictive pulmonary function, identified by TLC or suspected by FVC, was found in all, but one, patients. In three patients, TLC, FVC or both decreased further during the follow-up period. All, but one, patients had an increased RV. The DLCO/VA ratio was normal in all FOP patients. Interestingly, FEV1 increased after a surgical intervention to unlock the jaw. In four out of five patients total HO volume in the thoracic region progressed beyond early adulthood, but no further decline in FVC was observed. In conclusion, restrictive pulmonary function was found in the majority of patients already at an early age. Our data suggest that the deterioration in pulmonary function is age dependent.The positive affect of rewards is an important contributor to well-being. Reward involves components of pleasure 'liking', motivation 'wanting', and learning. 'Liking' refers to the hedonic impact of positive events, with underlying mechanisms that include hedonic hotspots in limbic brain structures that amplify 'liking' reactions. 'Wanting' refers to incentive salience, a motivational process that makes reward cues attractive and able to trigger craving for their reward, mediated by larger dopamine-related mesocorticolimbic networks. Under normal conditions, 'liking' and 'wanting' cohere. However, 'liking' and 'wanting' can be dissociated by alterations in neural signaling, either induced in animal neuroscience laboratories or arising spontaneously in addictions and other affective disorders, which can be detrimental to positive well-being.

To determine with CT the prevalence and extent of mitral annular disjunction (MAD) in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and its association with mitral valve disease and arrhythmia.

We retrospectively evaluated 408 patients (median age, 82 years; 186 females) with severe aortic stenosis undergoing ECG-gated cardiac CT with end-systolic data acquisition. Baseline and follow-up data were collected in the context of a national registry. Two blinded, independent observers evaluated the presence of MAD on multi-planar reformations. Maximum MAD distance (left atrial wall-mitral leaflet junction to left ventricular myocardium) and circumferential extent of MAD were assessed on CT using dedicated post-processing software. Associated mitral valve disease was determined with echocardiography.

7.8 % (32/408) of patients with severe aortic stenosis had MAD. The maximum MAD was 3.5 mm (interquartile range 3.0-4.0 mm). The circumferential extent of MAD comprised 34 ± 15 % of the posterior and 26 ± 12 % of the entire mitral annulus. Intra- and interobserver agreement for the detection of MAD on CT were excellent (kappa 0.90 ± 0.02 and 0.92 ± 0.02). Mitral regurgitation (p = 1.00) and severe mitral annular calcification (p = 0.29) were similarly prevalent in MAD and non-MAD patients. Significantly more patients with MAD (6/32; 19 %) had mitral valve prolapse compared to those without (6/376; 2 %; p < 0.001). MAD was not associated with arrhythmia before and after TAVR (p > 0.05).

Using CT, MAD was found in 7.8 % of patients with severe aortic stenosis, with a higher prevalence in patients with mitral valve prolapse. We found no association of MAD with arrhythmia before or after TAVR.

Using CT, MAD was found in 7.8 % of patients with severe aortic stenosis, with a higher prevalence in patients with mitral valve prolapse. We found no association of MAD with arrhythmia before or after TAVR.

The aim of this study is to assess the role of traction bronchiectasis/bronchiolectasis and its progression as a predictor for early fibrosis in interstitial lung abnormalities (ILA).

Three hundred twenty-seven ILA participants out of 5764 in the Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility (AGES)-Reykjavik Study who had undergone chest CT twice with an interval of approximately five-years were enrolled in this study. Traction bronchiectasis/bronchiolectasis index (TBI) was classified on a four-point scale 0, ILA without traction bronchiectasis/bronchiolectasis; 1, ILA with bronchiolectasis but without bronchiectasis or architectural distortion; 2, ILA with mild to moderate traction bronchiectasis; 3, ILA and severe traction bronchiectasis and/or honeycombing. Traction bronchiectasis (TB) progression was classified on a five-point scale 1, Improved; 2, Probably improved; 3, No change; 4, Probably progressed; 5, Progressed. Overall survival (OS) among participants with different TB Progression Score and between the TB progression group and No TB progression group was also investigated. Hazard radio (HR) was estimated with Cox proportional hazards model.

The higher the TBI at baseline, the higher TB Progression Score (P < 0.001). All five participants with TBI = 3 at baseline progressed; 46 (90 %) of 51 participants with TBI = 2 progressed. TB progression was also associated with shorter OS with statistically significant difference (adjusted HR = 1.68, P < 0.001).

TB progression was visualized on chest CT frequently and clearly. It has the potential to be the predictor for poorer prognosis of ILA.

TB progression was visualized on chest CT frequently and clearly. It has the potential to be the predictor for poorer prognosis of ILA.

Autoři článku: Bergmannmahler4154 (Duggan Tierney)