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The unfavorable demographic situation in the Russian Federation determines need of developing medical, organizational and social technologies for preventing abortions because of non-medical reasons. The purpose of the study was to analyze consensus opinion of physicians about reasons women refusing to continue pregnancy, to establish directions of preventing abortions and to evaluate efficiency of the Municipal Competition "Life is sacred gift", the initiative of the All-Russian Program "Sanctity of Motherhood". The study applied such sociological technique as questionnaire survey of 20 obstetricians gynecologists about causes of miscarriage and main directions of prevention of abortion. The analysis was implemented of dynamics of rate of abortions during last 5 years before the introduction of innovative program of prevention of abortion with participation of physicians, psychologists, representatives of public and religious organizations in the form of the competition "Life is sacred gift" (2006-2010) and in program implementation (2012 -2016 GG.) Also were applied the concordance technique, the Fisher's angular transform and rank correlation. The consistency of opinions of physicians about place of lacking of knowledge about risks of abortion and reproductive health in woman decision making about abortion (W = 0.32; χ² = 44.8; p less then 0.001), about motivation of preserving pregnancy as the main focus on non-medical abortion prevention (W = 0.33; χ² = 33.3; p less then 0.001). The implementation of innovation program permitted to increase percentage of women who refused abortion from 3.3% to 17.5% (p less then 0.01), to reduce number of non-medical abortions from 37.9 to 16.9 per 100 births, and from 17,5 to 10.5 per 1000 women of fertile age (p less then 0.01). The implementation of innovative program increases effectiveness of standard interventions to prevent abortions.The analysis of various needs in medical laboratory services among physicians of the Samara oblast is targeted to further improvement of laboratory service at oblast level. It is established that effectiveness of laboratory service depends on the needs of customer of service sector which are both physicians and patients. Ignoring their needs results in an increasing both of number of unsatisfied customers and level of mistrust individual operators and laboratory service itself. On the contrary, client-centric approach facilitates dialog of all participants of process of providing laboratory services.The organization of accounting frequency, scope and effectiveness of first medical aid measures could significantly affect improvement of the first aid system in the Russian Federation. According to the score of severity of injury - Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS-90) and the Injury Severity Scale (ISS) and experts review 23.4% of road accident victims who died before the arrival of emergency medical care had survival probability of more than 50%. The total number of first aid cases before the arrival of the ambulance is only 4.4% of all victims of road traffic crashes. learn more More than 60% of victims needed first aid care and treatment. All reporting statistical forms in force in the Russian Federation at the moment do not provide data for accounting cases of first aid. The developed and tested new registration form "First Aid Registration Card", containing necessary indicators of first aid effectiveness, permits quickly to fill out main indicators data of the victim condition and to complete first aid measures. Also it allows to assess the impact of first aid on mortality, disability and timing of temporary disability loss.The qualitative functioning of any medical institution depends on both professional competence of its staff and document management. The contemporary society is moving towards e-document management. The topicality of investigation stems from necessity to give scientific rationale and put into practice modern information systems and electronic technologies in the activities of head nurses. The article considers realization issues of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018 No. 204 "On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024". Among other "national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024, the Decree sets the goal to ensure the accelerated digital enabling in the economy and social sphere". Therefore, it is no coincidence that the Federal project "Creating a single digital circuit in health care based on unified state health information system" takes central position in the National Health Care Project. The study used content analysis, expert judgment, sociological and statistical methods. The introduction of the AWP SMS program into professional activities of senior medical nurses allows optimizing documents processing. Its effectiveness was evaluated using mathematical modeling methodology.The expansion of types of medical care and the development of tourism activities in medical services market in Russia actively gains momentum. The certain successes were achieved in this sector of economy. Medical and health tourism is more than complex and complicated category as compared to classical types of tourism and requires additional investigation related to improving efficiency of market business activities of related services and implementation of optimal state policy related to regulation and support of development of this segment of tourism industry. The article analyzes current state of market of medical services provided to foreign citizens and considers trends of further development of market of medical and health tourism. The topic of development of medical and health tourism in context of need is to ensure sustainable development of national economy and integration cooperation in the field of recreation and tourism.The decision-making management in health care organizations is one of the basic components of their efficiency. However, there is imbalance between requirements of everyday practice and scientific rationale of process under consideration, in particular lacking of appropriate criteria-diagnostic apparatus causing certain difficulties in decision-making. The purpose of the study was to design automated multi-criteria method of evaluating success of decision-making management in health care organizations. The survey of 62 experts, health care managers, was carried out. 23 criteria for evaluating success of decision-making management in health care organizations have been defined as well as their gradation and significance, integral model options, i.e. the multi-criteria evaluation method has been designed. The automation of method on "1C Enterprise" software greatly facilitates assessment of not one but a number of health care organizations enabling their ranking. The machine processing results in integral evaluation and informative criteria determining it thus making possible search of case causes and ways of correction.

Autoři článku: Bennetsendillard2831 (Hopkins Meadows)