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The results of real-time reverse transcription-PCR exhibited that BBI altered the expression of Atg5, Beclin1, light chain 3-II, and sequestosome1 and increased the Bax/Bcl2 ratio in MDA-MB-231 cell line.

According to our results, BBI could inhibit autophagy and induce apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 cell line. Thus, BBI may be used as a therapeutic drug in the treatment of breast cancer whether alone or with chemotherapeutic drugs.

According to our results, BBI could inhibit autophagy and induce apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 cell line. Thus, BBI may be used as a therapeutic drug in the treatment of breast cancer whether alone or with chemotherapeutic drugs.

Liver cancer is considered as one of the most widespread malignancies across the globe. According to a recent estimate, about 782,000 people were diagnosed with liver cancer, out of which 746,000 people died. Conventional anticancer therapy cannot fulfill all the clinical needs due to accessibility, clinical efficacy, and safety issues. Hence, the need of novel inexpensive drugs from traditional medicine as potential chemotherapeutic agent becomes utmost urgent. Root of Saussurea lappa, C.B. Clarke (Unani name, qust) has been used in the Unani medicine for the treatment of chronic liver diseases (warm-e-jigar sulb) including hepatocellular carcinoma since centuries.

The objective is to study the anti-cancerous, antioxidant, and hepatoprotective activity of different extracts of SLE in vitro.

MTT assay was used to determine the anticancer activity and EC

of SLEs. Cell viability and cell inhibition were calculated. Apoptosis was studied by DAPI 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining. Thein vitro hepatotoxicity of CCl4 was produced and hepatoprotective properties of different concentrations of ethanolic (ESL), aqueous (ASL), and hydroethanolic extract of Saussurea lappa (HSL) have been evaluated by measuring cell viability in HepG2 cells.

MTT assay revealed that the molecule reduced the cell viability of HepG2 cancer cells. Test drugs induced apoptosis in a concentration-dependent manner, as indicated by DAPI staining. In addition, ESL, ASL, and HSL also reduced the colony-forming potential of the HepG2 cell. ESL, ASL, and HSL were observed to protect the HepG2 cells from CCl4 induced injury in a dose-dependent manner.

The observed effect substantiated the anti-cancerous, antioxidant, and hepatoprotective activity of SLEs in HepG2 Cells.

The observed effect substantiated the anti-cancerous, antioxidant, and hepatoprotective activity of SLEs in HepG2 Cells.

The aim of the present study was to explore the antitumor activity of the ethanolic extract of Albizia lebbeck L. pods against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) in Swiss albino mice and its cytotoxic effect against HeLa and A549 cell lines in vitro.

Antitumor activity of ethanolic extract of A. lebbeck L. check details (ALEE) pods was evaluated in Swiss albino mice against EAC cell lines at the doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight which were given by intraperitoneal route of administration and was compared with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), the reference standard. The extract and 5-FU were administered for 14 consecutive days. After 24 h of the last dose and 18 h of fasting, the mice were sacrificed and the antitumor effect of ALEE was assessed by evaluating tumor volume, viable and nonviable tumor cell count, increase in life span, and hematological parameters of EAC-bearing hosts.In vitro cytotoxicity has been assessed using (2,3-bis[2-Methoxy-4-nitro-5sulfophenyl]-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxyanilide inner salt assay method and was compared with cisplatin, the reference standard.

ALEE showed direct cytotoxicity on EAC cells in a dose-dependent manner. ALEE exhibited a significant (P < 0.001) decrease in the body weight, tumor volume, viable cell count, tumor weight, and elevated the life span of EAC tumor-bearing mice. Hematological profile such as red blood cell, hemoglobin, white blood cell, and platelet count was reverted to the normal level in ALEE-treated mice.

The results showed that the ethanolic extract of A. lebbeck L. has a powerful antitumor activity because it was effective in significantly inhibiting the tumor growth in both in vivo and in vitro cancer cell lines.

The results showed that the ethanolic extract of A. lebbeck L. has a powerful antitumor activity because it was effective in significantly inhibiting the tumor growth in both in vivo and in vitro cancer cell lines.

Andrographis echioides is a prevalently used medicinal herb in South Asian countries. Scientific researches with the extracts of A. echioides revealed its antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, ulceroprotective, and hepatoprotective properties. This study was done to elucidate antiproliferative and antiangiogenic potential of ethanolic extracts of A. echioides (EEAE) by 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay.

EEAE was prepared using Soxhlet apparatus with ethanol after being sun-dried and powdered. MCF 7 (human invasive breast ductal carcinoma) cell lines retaining attributes of differentiated mammary epithelium with both estrogen and progesterone receptors were treated with EEAE, and antiproliferative effect was seen using Mosmann method of MTT assay using 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) as a comparator. The evaluation of antiangiogenic potential of EEAE was done by comparing mean vessel density (MVD) in chick CAM after treatment wcancer drug and can be successfully used in the therapy of various cancers after establishment of the anticancer effects in animal models and subsequently in clinical trials.

This study systematically reviews the distribution of racial/ancestral features and their inclusion as covariates in genetic-toxicity association studies following radiation therapy.

Original research studies associating genetic features and normal tissue complications following radiation therapy were identified from PubMed. The distribution of radiogenomic studies was determined by mining the statement of country of origin and racial/ancestrial distribution and the inclusion in analyses. Descriptive analyses were performed to determine the distribution of studies across races/ancestries, countries, and continents and the inclusion in analyses.

Among 174 studies, only 23 with a population of more one race/ancestry which were predominantly conducted in the United States. Across the continents, most studies were performed in Europe (77 studies averaging at 30.6 patients/million population [pt/mil]), North America (46 studies, 20.8 pt/mil), Asia (46 studies, 2.4 pt/mil), South America (3 studies, 0.4 pt/mil), Oceania (2 studies, 2.1 pt/mil), and none from Africa. All 23 studies with more than one race/ancestry considered race/ancestry as a covariate, and three studies showed race/ancestry to be significantly associated with endpoints.

Most toxicity-related radiogenomic studies involved a single race/ancestry. Individual Participant Data meta-analyses or multinational studies need to be encouraged.

Most toxicity-related radiogenomic studies involved a single race/ancestry. Individual Participant Data meta-analyses or multinational studies need to be encouraged.

High-dose rate remote afterloading brachytherapy machine and advanced treatment planning system help in getting optimum dose to tumor and low dose to normal structures. Inverse planning simulated annealing (IPSA) optimization technique has a unique feature of dwell time deviation constraint (DTDC). In this study, six IPSA-based plans having different DTDC values with routinely practiced geometric plus graphical optimization (GO + GrO) have been compared using various dosimetric parameters.

For this retrospective study, we have generated IPSA-optimized interstitial brachytherapy plans for ten cancer cervix patients. Routinely practiced GO + GrO-based plans were compared with six different IPSA plans having varying DTDC values from 0.0 to 1.0 using different dosimetric indices.

Conformity index and homogeneity index (HI) were higher in GO + GrO plans, compared to IPSA-optimized plans. However, HI of IPSA plans was increasing with increasing DTDC values. High-dose volumes were well controllable using DTDC parameter in IPSA-optimized plans. Dose to the rectum and bladder was smaller for IPSA-optimized plans than GO + GrO plans.

One of the benefits of applying DTDC in IPSA-optimized plan is that it reduces high-dose volumes. Another advantage is the reduction in rectum and bladder dose.

One of the benefits of applying DTDC in IPSA-optimized plan is that it reduces high-dose volumes. Another advantage is the reduction in rectum and bladder dose.

To classify the available plan evaluation indices and compare the dosimetric suitability of these indices.

Available published plan evaluation indices were categorized. Conformity index (CI) into two groups, one group contains those CI formulas which do not consider critical structure and other group contains those CI formulas which consider planning target volume (PTV) coverage, normal tissue and critical structure sparing simultaneously. Various homogeneity index (HI) formulas extracted from literature. Structure data sets of 25 patients were taken under consideration comprising of various sites. For each patient, two plans were created using Volumetric Arc Therapy technique. First type of plan (Plan-A) were generated considering all tissue objectives for targets and Organ at Risks (OARs) whereas second type of plan (Plan-B) were generated considering only targets tissue objectives and excluding OARs tissue objectives during plan optimization and dose calculation. Planning evaluation parameters were compared between Plan-A and Plan-B.

CI calculated by various formulas in two different scenarios presented <2% variation. Any commonly used CI formula failed to differentiate the two different planning situations. On comparison between HI of two different scenario, it is observed that there are four formulas of HI which showed negligible variation but two formulae S-index and HI (D) showed marginal variation. It is also observed that when OARs are removed from optimization dose homogeneity improved which is specifically pointed by sigma index formula.

CI, which has assimilated the presence of OAR in their formulation, shows more reliability in plan evaluation. Sigma index was found to be more efficient formula while evaluating homogeneity of a treatment plan.

CI, which has assimilated the presence of OAR in their formulation, shows more reliability in plan evaluation. Sigma index was found to be more efficient formula while evaluating homogeneity of a treatment plan.

Some cancerous patients have hip prosthesis of metal elements when they undergo radiation therapy. Metal implants are a cause of metal artifacts in computed tomography (CT) images due to their higher density compared to normal tissues. The aim of this study is to evaluate the quantitative effects of metal artifacts on dose distribution of the pelvic region.

Seven patients with metal implants in the pelvic region were scanned and CT images were exported to the Monaco treatment planning system. Based on the diagnosis of each patient, three-dimensional plans were implemented on CT images and dose distributions were extracted. At the next step, metal artifacts were contoured and electron densities of these new structures were modified to the extent of soft tissue. Finally, dose distributions and the differences were investigated by VeriSoft software.

The results of this study showed that if the electron density to metal artifacts is not assigned properly, it will increase the calculated monitor units (MUs) by almost 3.

Autoři článku: Bengtsencahill5632 (Hopper Wiberg)