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In real-world recognition/classification tasks, limited by various objective factors, it is usually difficult to collect training samples to exhaust all classes when training a recognizer or classifier. A more realistic scenario is open set recognition (OSR), where incomplete knowledge of the world exists at training time, and unknown classes can be submitted to an algorithm during testing, requiring the classifiers to not only accurately classify the seen classes, but also effectively deal with unseen ones. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of existing open set recognition techniques covering various aspects ranging from related definitions, representations of models, datasets, evaluation criteria, and algorithm comparisons. Furthermore, we briefly analyze the relationships between OSR and its related tasks including zero-shot, one-shot (few-shot) recognition/learning techniques, classification with reject option, and so forth. Additionally, we also review the open world recognition which can be seen as a natural extension of OSR. Importantly, we highlight the limitations of existing approaches and point out some promising subsequent research directions in this field.As an emerging imaging modality, transient imaging that records the transient information of light transport has significantly shaped our understanding of scenes. In spite of the great progress made in computer vision and optical imaging fields, commonly used multi-frequency time-of-flight (ToF) sensors are still afflicted with the band-limited modulation frequency and long acquisition process. To overcome such barriers, more effective image-formation schemes and reconstruction algorithms are highly desired. In this paper, we propose a compressive transient imaging model, without any priori knowledge, by constructing a near-tight-frame based representation of the ToF imaging principle. Selleckchem NMU chemical We prove that the compressibility of sensor measurements can be presented in the Fourier domain and held in the frame, and the ToF measurements possess multi-scale characteristics. Solving the inverse problems in transient imaging with our proposed model consists of two major steps, including a compressed-sensing-based approach for full measurement recovery, which essentially reduces the capture time, and a wavelet-based transient image reconstruction framework, which realizes adaptive transient image reconstruction and achieves highly accurate reconstruction results. The compressive transient imaging model is suitable for various existing multi-frequency ToF sensors and requires no hardware modifications. Experimental results using synthetic and real online datasets demonstrate its promising performance.The effects of cochlear implants on residual hearing loss is investigated through a finite element model of human auditory periphery consisting of the cochlea and middle ear. The simulation results show that a round window stiffness is the dominant factor in residual hearing loss. The increased round window stiffness to five times caused over 4 dB residual hearing loss at low frequencies below 500 Hz. Without considering round window ossification, inserting a cochlear implant can show at most 4 dB difference of residual hearing loss in magnitude from the no-implant case although the cochlear implant's geometry and position has been varied. If the stiffness of the round window is the same, the simulation results suggest to use a thin-straight-cochlear implant inserted into the lateral side in order to preserve residual hearing at frequencies below 700 Hz. In addition, when the distance between the basilar membrane and a cochlear implant is closer, the residual hearing loss becomes severe at high frequencies above 1 kHz. The results would be helpful for choice of a cochlear implant depending on a patient's condition.OBJECTIVE To investigate chronic durability of transparent graphene electrodes fabricated on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and SU-8 substrates for chronic in vivo studies. METHODS We perform systematic accelerated aging tests to understand the chronic reliability and failure modes of transparent graphene microelectrode arrays built on PET and SU-8 substrates. link2 We employ graphene microelectrodes fabricated on PET substrate in chronic in vivo experiments with transgenic mice. RESULTS Our results show that graphene microelectrodes fabricated on PET substrate work reliably after 30 days accelerated aging test performed at 87°C, equivalent to 960 days in vivo lifetime. We demonstrate stable chronic recordings of cortical potentials in multimodal imaging/recording experiments using transparent graphene microelectrodes fabricated on PET substrate. On the other hand, graphene microelectrode arrays built on SU-8 substrate exhibit extensive crack formation across microelectrode sites and wires after one to two weeks, resulting in total failure of recording capability for chronic studies. CONCLUSION PET shows superior reliability as a substrate for graphene microelectrode arrays for chronic in vivo experiments. SIGNIFICANCE Graphene is a unique neural interface material enabling cross-talk free integration of electrical and optical recording and stimulation techniques in the same experiment. To date, graphene-based microelectrode arrays have been demonstrated in various multi-modal acute experiments involving electrophysiological sensing or stimulation, optical imaging and optogenetics stimulation. Understanding chronic reliability of graphene-based transparent interfaces is very important to expand the use of this technology for long-term behavioral studies with animal models.The Cretaceous fossil record of amber provides a variety of evidence that is essential for greater understanding of early pollination strategies. Here, we describe four pieces of ca. 99-million-year-old (early Cenomanian) Myanmar amber from Kachin containing four closely related genera of short-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera Kateretidae) associated with abundant pollen grains identified as three distinct palynomorphotypes of the gymnosperm Cycadopites and Praenymphaeapollenites cenomaniensis gen. and sp. nov., a form-taxon of pollen from a basal angiosperm lineage of water lilies (Nymphaeales Nymphaeaceae). We demonstrate how a gymnosperm to angiosperm plant-host shift occurred during the mid-Cretaceous, from a generalist pollen-feeding family of beetles, which served as a driving mechanism for the subsequent success of flowering plants. Genetic mosaicism can manifest as spatially variable phenotypes that vary from site to site within an organism. Here, we use imaging-based phenomics to quantitate phenotypes at many sites within the axial skeleton of CRISPR-edited G0 zebrafish. Through characterization of loss-of-function cell clusters in the developing skeleton, we identify a distinctive size distribution shown to arise from clonal fragmentation and merger events. We quantitate the phenotypic mosaicism produced by somatic mutations of two genes, plod2 and bmp1a, implicated in human osteogenesis imperfecta. Comparison of somatic, CRISPR-generated G0 mutants to homozygous germline mutants reveals phenotypic convergence, suggesting that CRISPR screens of G0 animals can faithfully recapitulate the biology of inbred disease models. We describe statistical frameworks for phenomic analysis of spatial phenotypic variation present in somatic G0 mutants. In sum, this study defines an approach for decoding spatially variable phenotypes generated during CRISPR-based screens. Half of the bacteria in the human gut microbiome are lysogens containing integrated prophages, which may activate in stressful immune environments. Although lysogens are likely to be phagocytosed by macrophages, whether prophage activation occurs or influences the outcome of bacterial infection remains unexplored. To study the dynamics of bacteria-phage interactions in living cells-in particular, the macrophage-triggered induction and lysis of dormant prophages in the phagosome-we adopted a tripartite system where murine macrophages engulf E. coli, which are lysogenic with an engineered bacteriophage λ, containing a fluorescent lysis reporter. Pre-induced prophages are capable of lysing the host bacterium and propagating infection to neighboring bacteria in the same phagosome. A non-canonical pathway, mediated by PhoP, is involved with the native λ phage induction inside phagocytosed E. coli. These findings suggest two possible mechanisms by which induced prophages may function to aid the bactericidal activity of macrophages. Complex, time-varying responses have been observed widely in cell signaling, but how specific dynamics are generated or regulated is largely unknown. One major obstacle has been that high-throughput screens are typically incompatible with the live-cell assays used to monitor dynamics. Here, we address this challenge by screening a library of 429 kinase inhibitors and monitoring extracellular-regulated kinase (Erk) activity over 5 h in more than 80,000 single primary mouse keratinocytes. Our screen reveals both known and uncharacterized modulators of Erk dynamics, including inhibitors of non-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) that increase Erk pulse frequency and overall activity. Using drug treatment and direct optogenetic control, we demonstrate that drug-induced changes to Erk dynamics alter the conditions under which cells proliferate. Our work opens the door to high-throughput screens using live-cell biosensors and reveals that cell proliferation integrates information from Erk dynamics as well as additional permissive cues. Although the association between the microbiome and IBD and liver diseases is known, the cause and effect remain elusive. By connecting human microphysiological systems of the gut, liver, and circulating Treg and Th17 cells, we created a multi-organ model of ulcerative colitis (UC) ex vivo. The approach shows microbiome-derived short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) to either improve or worsen UC severity, depending on the involvement of effector CD4 T cells. Using multiomics, we found SCFAs increased production of ketone bodies, glycolysis, and lipogenesis, while markedly reducing innate immune activation of the UC gut. However, during acute T cell-mediated inflammation, SCFAs exacerbated CD4+ T cell-effector function, partially through metabolic reprograming, leading to gut barrier disruption and hepatic injury. link3 These paradoxical findings underscore the emerging utility of human physiomimetic technology in combination with systems immunology to study causality and the fundamental entanglement of immunity, metabolism, and tissue homeostasis. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are sequentially processed by two RNase III enzymes, Drosha and Dicer. miR-451 is the only known miRNA whose processing bypasses Dicer and instead relies on the slicer activity of Argonaute-2 (Ago2). miR-451 is highly conserved in vertebrates and regulates erythrocyte maturation, where it becomes the most abundant miRNA. However, the basis for the non-canonical biogenesis of miR-451 is unclear. Here, we show that Ago2 is less efficient than Dicer in processing pre-miRNAs, but this deficit is overcome when miR-144 represses Dicer in a negative-feedback loop during erythropoiesis. Loss of miR-144-mediated Dicer repression in zebrafish embryos and human cells leads to increased canonical miRNA production and impaired miR-451 maturation. Overexpression of Ago2 rescues some of the defects of miR-451 processing. Thus, the evolution of Ago2-dependent processing allows miR-451 to circumvent the global repression of canonical miRNAs elicited, in part, by the miR-144 targeting of Dicer during erythropoiesis.

Autoři článku: Bellli9302 (Thiesen Brooks)