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Eukaryotic microalgae are a rich source of commercially important metabolites including lipids, pigments, sugars, amino acids and enzymes. However, their inherent genetic potential is usually not enough to support high level production of metabolites of interest. In order to move on from the traditional approach of improving product yields by modification of the cultivation conditions, understanding the metabolic pathways leading to the synthesis of the bioproducts of interest is crucial. Identification of new targets for strain engineering has been greatly facilitated by the rapid development of high-throughput sequencing and spectroscopic techniques discussed in this review. Despite the availability of high throughput analytical tools, examples of gathering and application of proteomic and metabolomic data for metabolic engineering of microalgae are few and mainly limited to lipid production. The present review highlights the application of contemporary proteomic and metabolomic techniques in eukaryotic microalgae for redesigning pathways for enhanced production of algal metabolites.Lignin is one of the main obstacles for enzymatic hydrolysis, which can be selectively removed by hydrogen peroxide-acetic acid pretreatment (HPAC). In this work, the effects of sulfuric acid concentration on chemical composition, structural features, physical properties and enzymatic digestibility of HPAC pretreated poplar were investigated. Belinostat ic50 The increased H2SO4 dosage enhanced the lignin removal of HPAC-pretreated poplar, resulting in the increased accessibility and decreased hydrophobicity. A satisfying glucose yield (91.84%) was obtained from HPAC pretreated poplar (100 mM H2SO4) at 5 FPU/g DM of cellulase loading with the addition of xylanase (30 U/g DM) and Tween 80 (3 g/L). The increment of H2SO4 concentration promoted the yield of xylooligosaccharides from 0.69% to 20.45% and monosaccharides from 5.76% to 92.89% respectively by two-step enzymatic hydrolysis. This work demonstrated that HPAC pretreatment played a critical role in efficient utilization of poplar carbohydrates by enzymatic hydrolysis.An outdoor anaerobic fermentation reactor loses a significant amount of energy due to heat dissipation to the surrounding environment. The digester of direct absorption biogas can effectively utilize solar energy and scattering of the medium to enhance reaction temperature, which can promote anaerobic fermentation of microorganisms. A numerical model for the direct absorption methane digester was established to investigate the mechanism of photo biochemical transformation. The average relative values of simulated results were 4.1% and 9.6%, indicating that the model can effectively simulate the heat transfer process of biogas slurry under solar irradiation. Decreasing the albedo and increasing the effect of forward scattering of small particles can improve the regenerative performance and biogas production of digester. Increasing the backward scattering effect of small particles limited biogas fermentation. Scattering distribution had bigger effects on the rates of biogas and propionic acid production than those of albedo.Low ability of waste sewage sludge to degrade cellulose is observed due to its less cellulolytic bacteria content. The enrichment of sewage sludge in the absence or presence of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) was conducted to improve anaerobic digestion (AD) of cellulose in this study. Compared to initial sewage sludge (IS), enriched sludge without CMC addition (ES) displayed 69.81% higher CH4 yield and about 1.7-fold greater anaerobic biodegradation of cellulose. In particular, bacterial and archaeal diversities in samples inoculated with ES were significantly altered, with Ruminiclostridium and Methanobacterium as the predominant genera. Enriched sludge with CMC addition (ESC) displayed enhanced methane production at initial cellulose fermentation but showed no distinct difference compared with the control after incubation 24 days. These findings suggest that enrichment of waste sewage sludge without CMC addition is more beneficial for promoting AD of cellulose, providing a novel insight for efficient energy utilization of lignocellulosic wastes.To enable the production of butanol with undiluted, non-detoxified sugarcane bagasse hemicellulose hydrolysates, this study developed a three-staged repeated-batch immobilized cell fermentation in which the efficiency of a 3D-printed nylon carrier to passively immobilize Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum DSM 14923 was compared with sugarcane bagasse. The first stage consisted of sugarcane molasses fermentation, and in the second stage, non-detoxified sugarcane bagasse hemicellulose hydrolysates (SBHH) was pulse-fed to sugarcane molasses fermentation. In the next four batches, immobilized cells were fed with undiluted SBHH supplemented with molasses, and SBHH-derived xylose accounted for approximately 50% of the sugars. Bagasse was a superior carrier, and the average xylose utilization (33%) was significantly higher than the treatment with the 3D-printed carrier (16%). Notably, bagasse allowed for 43% of the butanol to be SBHH-derived. Overall, cell immobilization on lignocellulosic materials can be an efficient strategy to produce butanol from repeated-batch fermentation of non-detoxified hemicellulose hydrolysates.By handling conflicting traffic movements and establishing dynamic coordination between intersections in real-time, the Adaptive Signal Control System (ASCS) can potentially improve the operation and safety of signalized intersections on a corridor. This study identifies the hierarchical effects of ASCS on the crash severity by exploring the heterogeneous effect of ASCS on the crash severity. Four different random-parameter ordered regression models (two ordered probit models, and two ordered logit models) are developed and compared. The analysis reveals that the random-parameter ordered probit and logit models (ROP and ROL) with observed heterogeneity perform better than the random-parameter ordered probit and logit models (RP and RL) without observed heterogeneity in terms of the Akaike information criteria and the goodness of fit of the model. The ROP model performs better than the ROL model in terms of classification model performance measures. The ROP model enables parameters (i.e., the coefficients of the explanatory variables) to vary as a function of explanatory variables as well as across observations, thus accounting for both observed (captured by available explanatory variables) and unobserved (not captured by available explanatory variables) heterogeneity. The analysis reveals that the presence of ASCS is associated with lower crash severity. In this study, observed heterogeneity of ASCS effects on the crash severity is captured by variables related to the intersection and corridor features. Other contributing factors besides ASCS, such as annual average daily traffic, speed limit, lighting, peak period, crash type (rear-end, angle), and pedestrian involvements, are also associated with the probability of crash severity. Unobserved heterogeneity of the effect of angle crash type on the crash severity is found to exist across the observations. The findings of this research have practical implications for establishing ASCS implementation guidelines in lowering the probability of higher crash severity.The level of safety for cyclists at roundabouts may vary according to national differences not only in the design itself but also sociodemographic, cyclist and driver behaviour as well as environmental factors. This paper investigates the national influence on cyclist casualty severity at roundabouts by comparing the United Kingdom (using Northumbria as a representative sample) and Belgium. The data included speed limits, socio-demographic characteristics, environmental conditions and driver/cyclist behaviour-related contributory factors. First, a logistic regression analysis for the UK data, including 864 cyclist casualties, was carried out. Increasing the speed limit by ten units (for example 30mph to 40mph) increased the probability of a cyclist being killed or seriously injured by 10%. A cyclist casualty was more than three times more likely to be killed or seriously injured (the odds ratio is 3.02) where sudden braking was recorded as a contributory factor. Second, a separate logistic regression analysisvironmental conditions are specific for each country. The third part of the logistic regression analysis suggested that the country residual was highly statistically significant. This indicates that there are some statistically significant differences with respect to the characteristics of the two regional datasets used in the analysis.Several factors can influence driver behaviour, and road geometry is one of them. A better understanding of driver-roadway interaction can enhance road design to create a safer traffic system. In this context, driving simulators are powerful tools that combine convenience and effectiveness in identifying drivers' responses to different geometry factors. In this paper, a systematic review following a Prisma guideline was conducted on driving simulator studies that examined the effects of road geometry on driver behaviour to reveal the current procedures adopted in this field and their main findings. A systematic search of eleven databases was performed covering six years of research results. Inclusion of relevant studies focused on horizontal curves, a topic identified as the most cited, extended this period. The results revealed significant heterogeneity in relation to the measured variables and deficiencies when reporting the experiment, which prevented a meta-analysis of the studies' outcomes. Despite this, a discussion of the potential of driving simulators to contribute to several road safety research gaps is presented. In addition, problems of a lack of standardisation in the performance of the experiments were detected, potentially influencing the findings of the studies. However, the results also suggest that experiments that followed good experimental practices observed effects on driver performances not detected by other studies.Traffic safety devices are one of the most important tools used to improve safety in tunnels. The tunnel retro-reflective arch (TA) plays a crucial role in stimulating drivers, relieving visual stress, and improving safety. However, determining the TA spacing mostly relies on experience and relevant standards are lacking. The aim of this research was to evaluate the degree of influence of the TA on driver behavior, visual aspects, and psychology in different zones (overall tunnel, curved segment, and middle segment) of extra-long tunnels. To test the influence of TAs, four scenarios were constructed, including three alternatives with different TA spacings (200, 300, and 400 m), and one no-arch design as a control alternative. Based on a driving simulator, the evaluation indicators related to driving safety, smoothness, and handling stability were selected and analyzed. We acquired data every 50 m as an analytical unit. The results show that the TA significantly affects driver behavior, visual aspects, and psychology. According to the matter-element model result, setting the TA spacing to 300 m in curved segment and in the tunnel overall is the best option. In the middle segment, the setting spacing of 400 m is ideal.

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