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This effect, on the opposite, was frequently observed on a commercial teicoplanin CSP (Teicoshell) employed for comparative purposes. Noticeably, on the zwitterionic-teicoplanin CSPs, by using either acetonitrile- or methanol-rich mobile phases (MPs), it was possible to favor speed over enantioresolution and vice versa. SGLT inhibitor This work gives further replies to the request for rapid determination of enantiomeric excess of Nα-FMOC proteinogenic (and non-proteinogenic) AAs, typically used as preferred chiral synthons in the solid-phase synthesis of therapeutic peptides.Atmospheric amines contribute to the nucleation and initial growth of new particles as well as secondary organic aerosol formation, influencing the radiative balance of the Earth's atmosphere. In this study, we develop an ion chromatography (IC) method for separating and quantifying the nine most abundant amines (methylaminium (MMAH+), dimethylaminium (DMAH+), trimethylaminium (TMAH+), ethylaminium (MEAH+), diethylaminium (DEAH+), propylaminium (MPAH+), butylaminium (MBAH+), ethanolaminium (MEOH+), and triethanolaminium (TEOH+)) from six common inorganic species in atmospheric aerosols. The retention times of the amines were altered by the addition of acetonitrile to the eluent because acetonitrile can reduce the adsorption of hydrophobic amines on the stationary phase. The developed method achieved the successful separation of DEAH+ and TMAH+ from inorganic cations, which often coelute with each other in established IC methods. The interference of K+ on the determination of MEAH+ was eliminated by the complexation of K+ with 18-crown-6, which prolonged the retention time of K+. Finally, 9 target amines and 6 common inorganic cations were separated, with a resolution Rs ≥ 1.2 for DEAH+ and MPAH+ and Rs > 1.5 for other species. The detection limits varied in the range of 0.34-1.48 ng for the 9 amines and 0.19-0.56 ng for the inorganic cations. The developed method was successfully applied for the determination of low molecular weight amines and inorganic cations in PM2.5 collected from an urban site in Shanghai and an isolated coast of Chongming Island. Eight amines were detected in the urban samples, in which MMAH+ and DMAH+ dominated. The average amine concentration in the urban aerosols was 76.3 ± 38.4 ng m-3, which is approximately 4-fold higher than those in the marine samples collected from the coast.The separation of the enantiomers of mepromazine, promethazine, thioridazine and alimemazine was studied by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis in the presence of cyclodextrins using 1 M acetic acid and 50 mM ammonium acetate in methanol as background electrolyte. Heptakis(2,3-di-O-acetyl-6-O-sulfo)-β-cyclodextrin, heptakis(2,3-di-O-methyl-6-O-sulfo)-β-cyclodextrin (HDMS-β-CD) and octakis(2,3-di-O-methyl-6-O-sulfo)-γ-cyclodextrin were the most effective chiral selectors for mepromazine, promethazine and alimemazine. Subsequently, a method for the determination of dextromepromazine as chiral impurity of levomepromazine was developed employing quality by design principles. Using HDMS-β-CD as selector, a fractional factorial resolution V+ design was employed for evaluating the knowledge space, while a central composite face centered design provided further method optimization and the basis for the computation of the design space by Monte Carlo simulations. The final experimental conditions included a 30/40.2 cm fused-silica capillary with 75 µm inner diameter and a background electrolyte composed of 0.75 M acetic acid and 55 mM ammonium acetate in methanol containing 27.5 mg/mL HDMS-β-CD. The applied voltage was 22 kV and the capillary temperature was 15°C. Following method robustness testing via a Plackett-Burman design, the method was validated for dextromepromazine in the range of 0.01 to 3.0 % relative to a concentration of 0.74 mg/mL levomepromazine and applied to the analysis of reference standards of the European Pharmacopoeia and commercial tablets. The assay also allowed the detection of levomepromazine sulfoxide although the quantitation of the compound was hampered by the poor peak shape of the late migrating diastereomer.Detection of endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids (EAAS) misuse is a major challenge in doping control analysis. Currently, a number of endogenous steroids, which constitute the steroid profile, are quantified using gas chromatography (GC). With this methodology, only the sum of the free and glucuronidated steroids is measured together. A dilute-and-shoot LC-MS method, which is compliant with the quality requirements for measuring EAAS established by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), was developed and validated containing glucuronidated and sulfated steroids in order to gain some extra information and to expand the existing steroid profile. The developed method is, to the best of our knowledge, the first method to combine both steroid glucuronides and sulfates, which is compliant with the quality standards of the technical document on EAAS, established by WADA. The first advantage of this new steroid profile is the reduced sample preparation time, as it is a direct injection method of diluted urine. A second advantage is the ability of the used gradient to separate 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol-3-glucuronide (5ααβdiol3G), 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol-17-glucuronide (5ααβdiol17G), 5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol-3-glucuronide (5βαβdiol3G) and 5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol-17-glucuronide (5βαβdiol17G) allowing to gain specific information on these isomers, which cannot be accomplished in GC-MS screening due to hydrolysis. This steroid profile also contains free testosterone, 5α-androstane-3,17-dione and 5β-androstane-3,17-dione as markers of degradation. In total, 17 compounds and 10 isotopically labelled internal standards are included in this method.This work describes a sensitive and rapid analytical method for trace determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in cosmetic samples. The proposed method is based on stir bar sorptive-dispersive microextraction (SBSDME). A magnetic composite made of CoFe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles embedded into reduced graphene oxide sheets is used as sorbent phase. After the extraction, the target analytes are desorbed in toluene and then analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The main parameters involved in the extraction procedure (i.e., composite amount, extraction time and desorption time) were evaluated and optimized to provide the best extraction efficiency. The method was successfully validated under the selected conditions, showing a linear range of at least up to 125 ng mL-1, instrumental and method limits of detection from 0.02 to 2.50 ng mL-1 and from 0.15 to 24.22 ng g-1, respectively, and relative standard deviations (RSD) below 10 % for all the target analytes. Standard addition combined with internal standard calibration was employed for quantification. The proposed method was successfully applied to the analysis of ten PAHs in four cosmetic products of different matrix. Several analytes between 14 and 464 ng g-1 were found, some of them prohibited in cosmetic products. This work expands the analytical potential of SBSDME technique to other analytes and to the use of new sorbent phases, showing the great versatility of this approach depending on the characteristics of the analytes.Processing of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can enhance the efficacy and/or reduce the toxicity. Currently available approaches regarding TCM processing generally focus on a few markers, rendering a one-sided strategy that fail to unveil the involved global chemical transformation. We herein present a strategy, by integrating enhanced multicomponent characterization, untargeted metabolomics, and mass spectrometry imaging (MSI), to visualize the chemical transformation and identify the markers associated with the wine steaming of Ligustri Lucidi Fructus (LLF), as a case. An ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometry-based polarity-switching (between the negative and positive modes), precursor ions list-including data-dependent acquisition approach was developed, which enabled the simultaneous targeted/untargeted characterization of 158 components from LLF via one injection analysis. Holistic, continuous, and time-dependent chemical variation trajectory, among different processing time (0-12 h) for LLF, was depicted by principle component analysis. Pattern recognition chemometrics could unveil 20 markers, among which the peak area ratios of eight components to oleuropein aglycone, used as an internal standard, were diagnostic to identify the processed (both the commercial and in-house prepared) from the raw LLF. Four markers (10-hydroxyoleoside dimethylester, 8-demethyl-7-ketoliganin, elenolic acid, and salidroside) showed an increasing trend, while another four (neonuezhenide/isomer, verbascoside/isomer, luteoline, and nuzhenal A) decreased in LLF after processing. MSI visualized the spatial distribution in the fruit and indicated consistent variation trends for four major markers deduced by the untargeted metabolomics approach. This integral strategy, in contrast to the conventional approaches, gives more convincing data supporting the processing mechanism investigations of TCM from a macroscopic perspective.Affinity chromatography is generally regarded as a powerful tool allowing the single step purification of recombinant proteins with high purity and yields. However, for most protein products, affinity purification methods for industrial applications are not readily available, mainly due to the lack of specific and robust natural counterparts that could function as affinity ligands. In this study, we explored the applicability of nanobody-based peptide-tag immunorecognition systems as a platform for affinity chromatography. Two typical nanobodies (BC2-nb and Syn2-nb) that are capable of recognizing specifically a particular peptide-tag, were prepared through prokaryotic expression and proved to be able to bind with nanomolar affinity to their cognate tag fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP). Through an epoxy-based immobilization reaction, the two nanobodies were coupled on a Sepharose CL-6B matrix under the same conditions. The remaining antigen binding activity of the immobilized BC2-nb and Syn2-nb was determined to be 83.1% and 42.9%, yielding the resins with the dynamic binding capacity (DBC) of 21.4 mg/mL and 5.9 mg/mL, respectively. The immobilized affinity ligands exhibited high binding specificity towards their respective target peptides, yielding a product purity above 90% directly from crude bacterial lysates in one single chromatographic step. However, for the both affinity complexes, desorption has been found difficult, and effective recovery of the bound products could be only achieved with competitive elution or after employing harsh conditions such as 10 mM NaOH solution, which will compromise the reuse cycles of the affinity resins. This study shows the potential of nanobody-based affinity chromatography for efficient purification of recombinant proteins especially from complex feedstocks and reveals the primary issues to be addressed to develop a successful application.

Autoři článku: Bechcox9349 (McMahan Omar)