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This review looks at some of the central relationships between artificial intelligence, psychology, and economics through the lens of information theory, specifically focusing on formal models of decision-theory. In doing so we look at a particular approach that each field has adopted and how information theory has informed the development of the ideas of each field. A key theme is expected utility theory, its connection to information theory, the Bayesian approach to decision-making and forms of (bounded) rationality. What emerges from this review is a broadly unified formal perspective derived from three very different starting points that reflect the unique principles of each field. Each of the three approaches reviewed can, in principle at least, be implemented in a computational model in such a way that, with sufficient computational power, they could be compared with human abilities in complex tasks. However, a central critique that can be applied to all three approaches was first put forward by Savage in The Foundations of Statistics and recently brought to the fore by the economist Binmore Bayesian approaches to decision-making work in what Savage called 'small worlds' but cannot work in 'large worlds'. This point, in various different guises, is central to some of the current debates about the power of artificial intelligence and its relationship to human-like learning and decision-making. Recent work on artificial intelligence has gone some way to bridging this gap but significant questions remain to be answered in all three fields in order to make progress in producing realistic models of human decision-making in the real world in which we live in.The therapeutic index of chemotherapeutic agents can be improved by the use of nano-carrier-mediated chemotherapeutic delivery. Ligand-targeted drug delivery can be used to achieve selective and specific delivery of chemotherapeutic agents to cancer cells. In this study, we prepared a peptidomimetic conjugate (SA-5)-tagged doxorubicin (Dox) incorporated liposome (LP) formulation (SA-5-Dox-LP) to evaluate the targeted delivery potential of SA-5 in human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) overexpressed non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and breast cancer cell lines. The liposome was prepared using thin lipid film hydration and was characterized for particle size, encapsulation efficiency, cell viability, and targeted cellular uptake. In vivo evaluation of the liposomal formulation was performed in a mice model of NSCLC. The cell viability studies revealed that targeted SA-5-Dox-LP showed better antiproliferative activity than non-targeted Dox liposomes (Dox-LP). HER2-targeted liposome delivery showed selective cellular uptake compared to non-targeted liposomes on cancer cells. In vitro drug release studies indicated that Dox was released slowly from the formulations over 24 h, and there was no difference in Dox release between Dox-LP formulation and SA-5-Dox-LP formulation. In vivo studies in an NSCLC model of mice indicated that SA-5-Dox-LP could reduce the lung tumors significantly compared to vehicle control and Dox. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the SA-5-Dox-LP liposome has the potential to increase therapeutic efficiency and targeted delivery of Dox in HER2 overexpressing cancer.The main objectives of this study were to perform a systematic review of genomic regions associated with various behavioral traits in the main farmed mammals and identify key candidate genes and potential causal mutations by contrasting the frequency of polymorphisms in cattle breeds with divergent behavioral traits (based on a subjective clustering approach). A total of 687 (cattle), 1391 (pigs), and 148 (sheep) genomic regions associated with 37 (cattle), 55 (pigs), and 22 (sheep) behavioral traits were identified in the literature. In total, 383, 317, and 15 genes overlap with genomic regions identified for cattle, pigs, and sheep, respectively. Six common genes (e.g., NR3C2, PITPNM3, RERG, SPNS3, U6, and ZFAT) were found for cattle and pigs. A combined gene-set of 634 human genes was produced through identified homologous genes. A total of 313 out of 634 genes have previously been associated with behavioral, mental, and neurologic disorders (e.g., anxiety and schizophrenia) in humans. Additionally, a total of 491 candidate genes had at least one statistically significant polymorphism (p-value less then 0.05). Out of those, 110 genes were defined as having polymorphic regions differing in greater than 50% of exon regions. Therefore, conserved genomic regions controlling behavior were found across farmed mammal species and humans.Healthcare workers are at the forefront against COVID-19, worldwide. Since Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli (FPG) IRCCS was enlisted as a COVID-19 hospital, the healthcare workers deployed to COVID-19 wards were separated from those with limited/no exposure, whereas the administrative staff were designated to work from home. Between 4 June and 3 July 2020, an investigation was conducted to evaluate the seroprevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) immunoglobulin (IgG) antibodies among the employees of the FPG using point-of-care (POC) and venous blood tests. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values were determined with reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction on nasal/oropharyngeal swabs as the diagnostic gold standard. The participants enrolled amounted to 4777. Seroprevalence was 3.66% using the POC test and 1.19% using the venous blood test, with a significant difference (p less then 0.05). The POC test sensitivity and specificity were, respectively, 63.64% (95% confidence interval (CI) 62.20% to 65.04%) and 96.64% (95% CI 96.05% to 97.13%), while those of the venous blood test were, respectively, 78.79% (95% CI 77.58% to 79.94%) and 99.36% (95% CI 99.07% to 99.55%). Among the low-risk populations, the POC test's predictive values were 58.33% (positive) and 98.23% (negative), whereas those of the venous blood test were 92.86% (positive) and 98.53% (negative). According to our study, these serological tests cannot be a valid alternative to diagnose COVID-19 infection in progress.During plant domestication and improvement, farmers select for alleles present in wild species that improve performance in new selective environments associated with cultivation and use. The selected alleles become enriched and other alleles depleted in elite cultivars. One important aspect of crop improvement is expansion of the geographic area suitable for cultivation; this frequently includes growth at higher or lower latitudes, requiring the plant to adapt to novel photoperiodic environments. TP0427736 supplier Many crops exhibit photoperiodic control of flowering and altered photoperiodic sensitivity is commonly required for optimal performance at novel latitudes. Alleles of a number of circadian clock genes have been selected for their effects on photoperiodic flowering in multiple crops. The circadian clock coordinates many additional aspects of plant growth, metabolism and physiology, including responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. Many of these clock-regulated processes contribute to plant performance. Examples of selection for altered clock function in tomato demonstrate that with domestication, the phasing of the clock is delayed with respect to the light-dark cycle and the period is lengthened; this modified clock is associated with increased chlorophyll content in long days. These and other data suggest the circadian clock is an attractive target during breeding for crop improvement.The present study was conducted to determine the effect of the use of varying amounts of fermented rapeseed meal in diets for rabbits on the immune status and microbiota of segments of the GIT. Forty 35 day old rabbits used in the experiment were assigned to four groups the control group (group C) were fed a standard diet and the experimental received 4%, 8% or 12% fermented rapeseed meal (included in place of standard soybean meal). Class A, G and M immunoglobulins were determined in the blood plasma. In the food content collected after slaughter, microbiological parameters were determined for individual sections of the digestive tract. Rabbits from the groups receiving a diet with an increased proportion of fermented rapeseed meal (8% or 12%) had lower concentrations of anaerobic bacteria and Escherichia coli in the intestinal contents. Research has shown that the increase in intake of fermented rapeseed meal was correlated with an increase in the correlations between the immunoglobulin level and the size of the microbial population in the GIT. In light of the presented results fermented rapeseed meal, by supplying valuable bioactive substances, appears to be a good component in the diet of rabbits, enhancing immune system development and helping to prevent disturbances of the gut microbiota.Child and adolescent obesity constitute one of the greatest contemporary public health menaces. The enduring disproportion between calorie intake and energy consumption, determined by a complex interaction of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors, finally leads to the development of overweight and obesity. Child and adolescent overweight/obesity promotes smoldering systemic inflammation ("para-inflammation") and increases the likelihood of later metabolic and cardiovascular complications, including metabolic syndrome and its components, which progressively deteriorate during adulthood. Exosomes are endosome-derived extracellular vesicles that are secreted by a variety of cells, are naturally taken-up by target cells, and may be involved in many physiological and pathological processes. Over the last decade, intensive research has been conducted regarding the special role of exosomes and the non-coding (nc) RNAs they contain (primarily micro (mi) RNAs, long (l) non-coding RNAs, messenger (m) RNAs and y. Furthermore, the targeting of crucial circulating exosomal cargo to tissues involved in the pathogenesis and maintenance of obesity could provide a novel therapeutic approach to this devastating and management-resistant pandemic.RNA aptamers are becoming increasingly attractive due to their superior properties. This review discusses the early stages of aptamer research, the main developments in this area, and the latest technologies being developed. The review also highlights the advantages of RNA aptamers in comparison to antibodies, considering the great potential of RNA aptamers and their applications in the near future. In addition, it is shown how RNA aptamers can form endless 3-D structures, giving rise to various structural and functional possibilities. Special attention is paid to the Mango, Spinach and Broccoli fluorescent RNA aptamers, and the advantages of split RNA aptamers are discussed. The review focuses on the importance of creating a platform for the synthesis of RNA nanoparticles in vivo and examines yeast, namely Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as a potential model organism for the production of RNA nanoparticles on a large scale.Contact-free sensors offer important advantages compared to traditional wearables. Radio-frequency sensors (e.g., radars) offer the means to monitor cardiorespiratory activity of people without compromising their privacy, however, only limited information can be obtained via movement, traditionally related to heart or breathing rate. We investigated whether five complex hemodynamics scenarios (resting, apnea simulation, Valsalva maneuver, tilt up and tilt down on a tilt table) can be classified directly from publicly available contact and radar input signals in an end-to-end deep learning approach. A series of robust k-fold cross-validation evaluation experiments were conducted in which neural network architectures and hyperparameters were optimized, and different data input modalities (contact, radar and fusion) and data types (time and frequency domain) were investigated. We achieved reasonably high accuracies of 88% for contact, 83% for radar and 88% for fusion of modalities. These results are valuable in showing large potential of radar sensing even for more complex scenarios going beyond just heart and breathing rate.

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