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This case is presented to the forensic community to discuss the presentation and findings in sudden death caused by acute leukemia. The case highlights when acute leukemia should enter the differential as a potential cause of death, as well as potential resources available in the postmortem workup of acute leukemias.

Chebbi, S, Chamari, K, Van Dyk, N, Gabbett, T, and Tabben, M. Hamstring injury prevention for elite soccer players A real-world prevention program showing the effect of players' compliance on the outcome. J Strength Cond Res 36(5) 1383-1388, 2022-The aim of this study was to determine the effect of implementing the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) to prevent hamstring injuries in soccer. A professional team was followed by the same medical team during 5 successive seasons (2012/2013 through 2016/2017). During the first and last seasons (2012/2013 and 2016/2017), no hamstring preventive action was implemented. For the seasons 2013/2014, 2014/2015, and 2015/2016, a noncompulsory (few players refusing to participate) NHE prevention program was implemented with accurate recording of the players' training and match exposure and attendance to the prevention sessions. The first 10 weeks of the season were used to progressively increase the volume and intensity of the NHE exercises, and at the end of the season, plaof exposure. A nonstatistically significant higher risk of hamstring injury was observed in the control, low, and moderate attendance groups compared with the high-attendance group. The greatest risk of hamstring injury was observed in the low-attendance group (odds ratio 1.77, confidence interval 0.57-5.47, p = 0.32). Implementing a NHE prevention program has a positive effect on the injury rate in a soccer team; however, the compliance of players with such interventions may be critical for its success.Candida auris has been isolated from clinical samples in different regions and countries since it was first described in 2009. Due to the difficulties in identification; decreased susceptibility or resistance to antifungal agents; exceptional capacity to colonize and persist on surfaces; ability to survive despite standard disinfection procedures; and significant increase in the number of regions and countries with reported cases, C.auris has become a global health concern and placed among the World's ten most concerned fungi list in 2018. It is stated that 60-90% of C.auris strains are resistant to fluconazole, 10-30% exhibit high minimum inhibitory concentration values for amphotericin B, and up to 5% can be considered as resistant to echinocandins. Existing data obtained from ongoing research on molecular mechanisms of antifungal resistance in C.auris revealed some common features with other Candida species. However, diverging aspects are also reported. In this review article, current information on molecular mechanisms and biofilm-related factors responsible for decreased susceptibility or resistance to antifungal agents and unexpectedly high survival potential of C.auris have been discussed.Rhodotorula species are yeasts that are common in the environment,but are not frequently encountered as an infectious agent in humans. Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Rhodotorula glutinis and Rhodotorula minuta are the species that cause disease in humans. Although its isolation from mucosa is doubtful in terms of the presence of true infection, it is more frequently encountered in daily practice due to the increasing number of invasive procedures, immune system deficiencies caused by immunosuppressive drugs and diseases. R.mucilaginosa growth isolated from various clinical samples between 2000 and 2018 in a tertiary university hospital was presented in this case report. The first case was an 82-year-old man with chronic lung disease, hypertension, congestive heart failure and acute leukemia causing severe immunosuppression. Use of broad spectrum antibiotics, history of immunosuppressive therapy, presence of jugular catheter were the risk factors in this patient. R.mucilaginosa was isolated from blood culture while over the years. Rhodotorula species should be considered as the cause of an infection if no clinical response is obtained after echinocandin and/or fluconazole treatment in patients with long-term immunosuppression and invasive procedures. Data on clinical pictures, treatment responses, follow-up and treatment results of this rare yeast are still limited. This case series was presented to draw attention to the risk factors related to R.mucilaginosa infection/colonization, clinical characteristics of the patients, follow-up results and treatment options and to contribute to the literature.Lucilia sericata, one of the most common species of the Calliphoridae family, is found in large numbers around droppings, garbage and carcasses. This fly species is important in medicine, forensics and veterinary medicine. The larvae of the parasite are important both in veterinary medicine and in combating of the animal diseases, as they cause significant losses in animal production. Since they are one of the first fly colonies to settle on corpses, they can also be used in determining the time of death in the field of forensic medicine. L.sericata larvae used in Maggot debridement treatment (MDT) which is a treatment method with fly larvae, help wound healing by destroying necrotic tissues and infectious agents in wounds. While the larvae protect themselves from polymicrobial flora with the proteins they secrete; at the same time, they make an interesting contribution to wound healing with these molecules secreted. One of the most important molecules discovered in recent years is lucimycin which has an antir the multidisciplinary studies of the scientists from different fields on the discovery and applicability of the important moleculesin the treatment of the wounds.Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by the genus Leishmania spp., which are intracellular parasites. Depending on parasite species and host immune response, there are three basic clinical forms of the disease cutaneous, mucocutaneous, and visceral leishmaniasis. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a chronic disease and characterized by the presence of ulcerated skin lesions. The type of skin pathology seen during disease is determined in part by the infecting Leishmania spp., but also by a combination of inflammatory and antiinflammatory host immune response factors resulting in diverse clinical outcomes. In this study, it was aimed to determine the genes, molecular signaling mechanisms and biological functions of the molecules that play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease and immune response and determine host-parasite interactions in mice that are naturally resistant and susceptible to Leishmania major and Leishmania braziliensis. For this, transcriptomic series GSE56029 was downloaded from "Gene Expression Omni In this study, the mechanisms belonging to the parasite species and host that determine the resistance/susceptibility phenotype were attempted to elucidate. Assessment of gene expression patterns, cytokine/chemokines, and signaling pathways in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice infected with L.major and L.braziliensis will provide a better understanding of the potential mechanisms underlying infection from a genetic perspective. These results may guide for the future studies in terms of developing potential biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis prediction of cutaneous leishmaniasis and providing information about new treatment targets.The frequency and variety of infections caused by fungi are increasing. However, changes and intercenter and regional differences are observed in the distribution of fungal species over the years. It is important to update the epidemiological data in order to enable early and appropriate treatment. In this retrospective study, the number of fungi isolated from clinical samples, their distribution at the genus/ species level and the variations over the years in Hacettepe University hospital which is a regional center for patients at risk of fungal infection were investigated. For this purpose, laboratory records from 2008- 2019 were examined and 21813 fungal strains isolated from 19636 clinical samples were detected. When the first (2008-2013) and second (2014-2019) six-year periods were compared, a 2.5 fold increase was observed in the number of specimens yielding fungal growth (first period; n= 5620, second period; n= 14016). Fungi were most frequently isolated from urine (45.0%), lower respiratory tract (30nal differences observed in epidemiological trends regarding the distributions of fungal genera and species. Surveillance studies to be conducted with the participation of large and sufficient numbers of centers in our country, as we have done for our center, will also contribute to approaches regarding the management of fungal infections by revealing the epidemiological data in a comprehensive manner.Pneumocystis jirovecii is an atypical fungus that causes Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in HIV/AIDS and immunocompromised patients. AZD4573 clinical trial Antibiotics containing sulfa and sulfone groups are widely used in PCP prophylaxis and treatment. Especially, long-term use of trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) is known to cause certain point mutations associated with drug resistance in the P.jirovecii dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) gene. In addition, DHPS and mitochondrial large subunit (mtLSU) rRNA genotype characterization provides important data on the epidemiology of P.jirovecii. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the DHPS and mtLSU rRNA gene polymorphisms of P.jirovecii strains isolated from immunocompromised patients in Mersin University Hospital. In this study, 16 P.jirovecii positive samples, which isolated from 96 patients samples, between August 2016 and February 2018, were included. P.jirovecii mtLSU rRNA genotypes were determined by sequence analysis according to polymorphisms at the 85th and 248th nucli epidemiology in our region and potential drug-resistant strains showed a risk of transmission in immunosuppressive patients. Multicenter studies involving more P.jirovecii isolates are needed to better define the epidemiology of P.jirovecii in our region and in our country.Genotype distribution of hepatitis C virus (HCV) can vary over the years between different patient groups and regions. The prevalence of intravenous drug users (IVDU) is known to increase in our country, yet there are a limited number of studies investigating the distribution of HCV genotypes in this group. These data are essential for monitorization of the changes in HCV epidemiology. The present study aimed to evaluate the five-year results of HCV genotyping among patients infected with HCV related to IVDU and unrelated to drug use. Plasma samples of 720 patients (HCV antibody, HCV RNA positive), which were sent to our laboratory for HCV genotyping between January 2014-March 2019 were analyzed. HCV RNA extraction from plasma samples was performed in the automated-extraction system of EZ1 advanced (Qiagen, Germany) using the EZ1 virus mini kit v2.0 (Qiagen, Germany). Amplicons were obtained by amplifying the 5'NCR and core gene region in the Rotorgene 6000 real-time PCR (Qiagen, Germany) device with the HCV RNA real-time quantitative 2.

Autoři článku: Bassiversen1723 (Barr Nance)