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Intracellular amyloid-β (Aβ) oligomers are key therapeutic targets because they are strongly cytotoxic and play crucial roles in the cognitive function in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Anthocyanins, polyphenolic flavonoids with antioxidant and neuroprotective properties, are potential therapeutic candidates for AD. Here, we investigated the effects of anthocyanin-enriched extracts from fruits of mulberry (Morus alba Linn.) in Thailand against the neurotoxicity of Aβ oligomers. Using the monitoring system for Aβ aggregation, we showed that the extract induced the dissociation of Aβ in cultured HEK293T cells. To investigate the effects on cognitive function, we orally administered the extract to Aβ-GFP transgenic mice (Aβ-GFP Tg), a mouse model that expresses Aβ oligomers inside neurons, and performed the novel object recognition test and passive avoidance test. Aβ-GFP Tg usually showed deficits in novel object recognition memory and reference memory compared with non-Tg, but administration of the extract improved both compared with vehicle-treated Aβ-GFP Tg. Aβ-GFP Tg exhibited lower superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity than non-Tg. However, after the administration of the extract, the SOD activity was restored. These results suggest that Thai mulberry fruit extract ameliorates cytotoxicity induced by the intracellular Aβ oligomers and may be an effective therapeutic or preventive candidate for AD.Tuberculosis is a global health problem caused by infection with the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) bacteria. Although antibiotic treatment has dramatically reduced the impact of tuberculosis on the population, the existence and spreading of drug resistant strains urgently demands the development of new drugs that target Mtb in a different manner than currently used antibiotics. The prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein (Pup) proteasome system is an attractive target for new drug development as it is unique to Mtb and related bacterial genera. Using a Pup-based fluorogenic substrate, we screened for inhibitors of Dop, the Mtb depupylating protease, and identified I-OMe-Tyrphostin AG538 (1) and Tyrphostin AG538 (2). The hits were validated and determined to be fast-reversible, non-ATP competitive inhibitors. We synthesized >25 analogs of 1 and 2 and show that several of the synthesized compounds also inhibit the depupylation actions of Dop on native substrate, FabD-Pup. Importantly, the pupylation activity of PafA, the sole Pup ligase in Mtb, was also inhibited by some of these compounds.Replacing equipment and software can improve efficiency and allow updates to laboratory procedures, but has the potential to introduce changes in established values for a laboratory. Replacement of an electron microscope (EM), fitted with an updated digital camera, and use of new software for imaging and analysis prompted this QA study to ensure that new equipment, imaging, and measurement of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) produced data consistent with the laboratory's established range of normal width. GBM measurements from 14 randomly selected human renal biopsies were compared using five different approaches. Original measurements of GBMs obtained on the laboratory's previous EM were compared to images collected on the new microscope with measurements performed using new software, as well as the original images and the new images measured using a separate software method as a control. The widths obtained by five approaches were compared to each other. While measurements showed minor variability between the approaches, significant difference in GBM width was noted in three of the paired comparisons. In some cases, these differences suggested slight diagnostic changes. Evaluation of new equipment, software, and techniques is important for a laboratory's quality assurance. While new equipment and/or procedures can introduce errors in test outcomes, we found that different EMs, cameras, and software made slight differences in our laboratory's values for kidney GBM width. However, a few cases showed enough difference in GBM width to suggest a change in diagnosis, illustrating the necessity of calibration adjustments in the setting of new equipment and software.

The authors recognized a gap in existing guidelines and convened a modified Delphi process to address novel issues in pediatric difficult airway management raised by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Pediatric Difficult Intubation Collaborative, a working group of the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia, assembled an international panel to reach consensus recommendations on pediatric difficult airway management during the COVID-19 pandemic using a modified Delphi method. We reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of this process and ways care has changed as knowledge and experience have grown over the course of the pandemic.

In the setting of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Delphi panel recommends against moving away from the operating room solely for the purpose of having a negative pressure environment. The Delphi panel recommends supplying supplemental oxygen and using videolaryngoscopy during anticipated difficult airway management. Direct laryngoscopy is not recommended. If the patient meets extubation criteria, uidelines; however, it is encouraging to see that the panel's recommendations have held up well as scientific knowledge and clinical experience have grown.Over 20% of all living mammals are bats (order Chiroptera). Bats possess extraordinary adaptations including powered flight, laryngeal echolocation and a unique immune system that enables them to tolerate a diversity of viral infections without presenting clinical disease symptoms. They occupy multiple trophic niches and environments globally. Significant physiological and ecological diversity occurs across the order. Bats also exhibit extreme longevity given their body size with many species showing few signs of ageing. find more The molecular basis of this extended longevity has recently attracted attention. Telomere maintenance potentially underpins bats' extended healthspan, although functional studies are still required to validate the causative mechanisms. In this review, we detail the current knowledge on bat telomeres, telomerase expression, and how these relate to ecology, longevity and life-history strategies. Patterns of telomere shortening and telomerase expression vary across species, and comparative genomic analyses suggest that alternative telomere maintenance mechanisms evolved in the longest-lived bats. link2 We discuss the unique challenges faced when working with populations of wild bats and highlight ways to advance the field including expanding long-term monitoring across species that display contrasting life-histories and occupy different environmental niches. We further review how new high quality, chromosome-level genome assemblies can enable us to uncover the molecular mechanisms governing telomere dynamics and how phylogenomic analyses can reveal the adaptive significance of telomere maintenance and variation in bats.The assessment of CASP models for utility in molecular replacement is a measure of their use in a valuable real-world application. link3 In CASP7, the metric for molecular replacement assessment involved full likelihood-based molecular replacement searches; however, this restricted the assessable targets to crystal structures with only one copy of the target in the asymmetric unit, and to those where the search found the correct pose. In CASP10, full molecular replacement searches were replaced by likelihood-based rigid-body refinement of models superimposed on the target using the LGA algorithm, with the metric being the refined log-likelihood-gain (LLG) score. This enabled multi-copy targets and very poor models to be evaluated, but a significant further issue remained the requirement of diffraction data for assessment. We introduce here the relative-expected-LLG (reLLG), which is independent of diffraction data. This reLLG is also independent of any crystal form, and can be calculated regardless of the source of the target, be it X-ray, NMR or cryo-EM. We calibrate the reLLG against the LLG for targets in CASP14, showing that it is a robust measure of both model and group ranking. Like the LLG, the reLLG shows that accurate coordinate error estimates add substantial value to predicted models. We find that refinement by CASP groups can often convert an inadequate initial model into a successful MR search model. Consistent with findings from others, we show that the AlphaFold2 models are sufficiently good, and reliably so, to surpass other current model generation strategies for attempting molecular replacement phasing.Chemoselective transformations are a cornerstone of efficient organic synthesis; however, achieving this goal for even simple transformations, such as acylation reactions, is often a challenge. We report that N-carbonylimidazoles enable catalytic chemodivergent aniline or alcohol acylation in the presence of pyridinium ions or 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU), respectively. Both acylation reactions display high and broad chemoselectivity for the target group. Unprecedented levels of chemoselectivity were observed in the DBU-catalyzed esterification A single esterification product was obtained from a molecule containing primary aniline, alcohol, phenol, secondary amide, and N-H indole groups. These acylation reactions are highly practical as they involve only readily available, inexpensive, and relatively safe reagents; can be performed on a multigram scale; and can be used on carboxylic acids directly by in situ formation of the acylimidazole electrophile.

To assess impact of pharmacovigilance (PV) educational program on knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of healthcare professionals (HCPs).

a prospective study was conducted on HCPs at an Egyptian hospital. The study included pre-education phase; where KAP questionnaire was administered by HCPs to obtain baseline data, intervention phase; where educational sessions were held by clinical pharmacists and Egyptian PV centre, and post-education phase; where the questionnaire was re-administered by participants 9 months post-receiving educational sessions. The questionnaire comprised five sections participants' demographics, knowledge, attitude and practice sections and two multiple choice questions asking about the importance of establishment of ADRs monitoring centre, and factors hindering ADRs reporting. Pre-education and post-education data were compared.

From 221 HCPs invited to participate, only 153 filled the pre-education and post-education questionnaires. At baseline, the median (range) of the total KAP score were 1 (0-7), 1 (0-4) and 4 (0-14) for physicians, nurses and pharmacists, respectively. All KAP scores were low for all HCPs at baseline with the pharmacists having significantly higher knowledge and attitude scores compared with physicians, and nurses (P<.001). After education, all scores significantly increased and 13 ADRs were reported by HCPs compared with only 2 at baseline.

It was concluded that educational program had a significant impact on enhancing KAP of HCPs towards PV and ADRs reporting.

It was concluded that educational program had a significant impact on enhancing KAP of HCPs towards PV and ADRs reporting.

Autoři článku: Bassgregory9043 (Hubbard Josephsen)