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Lemierre's syndrome is a rare disease typically manifested by thrombophlebitis of the jugular vein and septic embolism following a history of oropharyngeal infection. Fusobacterium necrophorum is the causative agent of Lemierre syndrome, commonly known as post-anginal sepsis.

We reported a 24-year-old male who came to the emergency department complaining of a history of a sore throat, fever, malaise, fever, and neck swelling with a normal consciousness level. A laboratory examination showed leukocytosis and high C-reactive protein serum. Radiological diagnosis reveals an anterior neck abscess with left jugular vein thrombosis and left epidural abscess. The blood culture was positive for Fusobacterium necrophorum. The patient underwent surgical drainage and, at the same time, was treated with antibiotics and anticoagulant drugs. After 45 days, the patient improved clinically and was discharged. There were no other symptoms after a one-month follow-up clinically and neck ultrasonography.

Lemierre's syndroof patients.A 49-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) presented to the emergency department. Her examination showed marked pallor, exhaustion, lethargy, yellowish eyes, anorexia, nausea and vomiting. Hematuria; negative standard direct antiglobulin test (DAT); normal glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD); hemoglobin (Hb), 4.8 g/dl; Mean cell volume (MCV), 91fl; platelet count, 233 × 106/L; Total bilirubin, 7.0 mg/dl; Glucose, 316 mg/dl; lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), 1750U/L. Undoubtedly, therapeutic panel should have been used for hemolytic anemia. Intravenous (IV) fluids and 2 units of packed cell were transfused. Methylprednisolone with rituximab were started for the patient. After 3 weeks of the patient admission, she was discharged home with stable vital signs and Hb, 10 g/dl. We concluded in the cases that presented along with a severe drop in Hb and evidence of hemolysis which non immune hemolytic anemia is excluded in spite of negative standard DAT limited transfusion besides corticosteroids combined with rituximab, could be helpful in saving the patient.Urethral catheterization (UC) is a common procedure done in the Emergency Department of a hospital. The main indications for a UC are relieving acute urinary retention and bladder outlet obstruction. This cross-sectional audit was carried out between July 2019 to February 2020, in the Emergency Department (ED). All male patients aged 18 years and above, in whom UC was performed, were included in the audit. A total of 81 male patients were surveyed. Although, sterilized technique was maintained by using sterile gloves and pyodine but hand hygiene (sterilization or hand wash) was not performed before the procedure 80% of times. CDC hand hygiene guidelines were distributed to promote hand hygiene. What do we already know about this topic ? The Lippincott guidelines are considered gold standard which includes hand hygiene as an important element of urinary catheterization UC. The CDC Center of Disease Control CDC promotes the use of mandatory gloves and generous hand sanitizing before procedures. How does your research contribute to the field For continuous improvement and patient focused practice, we must audit the technique of nursing staff, doctors and health care assistants who are involved in insertion and ordering of catheters to provide quality health care and avoid unnecessary catheterization [1]. The aim of this study was to audit the appropriateness of usage of urinary catheters by the healthcare staff and, their technique of insertion and indications for urinary catheterization. What are your research's implications towards theory, practice, or policy? Hand hygiene is an important element of patient care. If done properly it can prevent several hospital-acquired infections. Heathcare facilities must audit their staff on regular basis and provide refreshers and promote the use of proper hand hygiene before urinary catheterization.

We report a rare case of a patient with a mass involving both the hilum and the heart, but its specific nature could not be determined. SCLC was confirmed by postoperative pathology. It revealed that radical surgical resection for T4 SCLC should be considered an important part of multimodality treatment.

A 49-year-old gentleman complained of mild chest tightness for a week. Two large mass lesions were detected on CECT in the left atrium and left hilum. After an MDT discussion, an extended resection was recommended. Postoperative pathology denoted a complete excision with no residuals and negative lymph nodes.

Due to the rarity of lung metastases to the heart, it is vital to determine the homology between the hilar mass and the cardiac mass. Based on this, simultaneous surgical treatment is done and it is very beneficial for patients by eliminating those hazards, such as acute mechanical cardiac obstruction, and cardiac embolism. Our literature review demonstrates that the SCLC tumour progresses rapidly after cardiac metastasis, limiting the chance of a complete resection. Furthermore, complete resection of T4 tumours in NSCLC has been attempted many times, so it should also be tried on SCLC.

It is common for SCLC tumours to progress rapidly once they havemetastasized to the heart. An aggressive operation such as radical resection can reduce tumor burdens, minimize the risk of sudden acute death and improve patient follow-up treatment, all of which may prolong the survival of patients.

It is common for SCLC tumours to progress rapidly once they havemetastasized to the heart. An aggressive operation such as radical resection can reduce tumor burdens, minimize the risk of sudden acute death and improve patient follow-up treatment, all of which may prolong the survival of patients.

Malaria is a common parasitic infection with a wide range of clinical presentations. Thus, it should be suspected for any symptomatic patient with a recent travel history to a malaria-endemic area.

In this case report, we will present a previously healthy 28-year-old patient who developed cerebellar signs that were attributed to infectious etiology later on proven to be a malaria-related complication that responded well to anti-malarial medications.

The classical presentation of malaria with attacks of fever is noticed only in around 60% of the patients. The development of immunity, the increasing resistance to anti-malarial drugs, and the indiscriminate use of anti-malarial drugs have led to malaria presenting unusual characteristics. Cerebellar ataxia, extrapyramidal signs, and various psychiatric manifestations have been described as early presentations of cerebral malaria or as a part of the post-malaria neurological syndrome. Other neurological syndromes like peripheral neuropathies, movement disorders, myelopathies, and stroke-like syndrome have also been described.

Malaria should be included as a differential diagnosis in a patient presenting with cerebellar signs as its devastating if left untreated. However, it responds well to anti-malarial regimens if started early during the course.

Malaria should be included as a differential diagnosis in a patient presenting with cerebellar signs as its devastating if left untreated. However, it responds well to anti-malarial regimens if started early during the course.

Triple A (Allgrove) syndrome is an autosomal recessive multi-organ disease, caused by a mutated gene on chromosome 12q13 in most cases, characterized by the classic triad of Alacrimia, Achalasia and Adrenal insufficiency; along with neurologic abnormalities and many other manifestations in some cases.While short stature is not a rare manifestation in the context of this syndrome, it remains without identifiable cause.

Here we described an 8-year-old female who had feeding difficulties, recurrent vomiting, hyperpigmentation and short stature. She was diagnosed with Allgrove syndrome after confirmation of adrenal insufficiency, Achalasia, and Alacrimia. Despite correcting these disorders, we did not notice an improvement in the patient's height, which promote us to further investigations, which eventually led to the diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency as a cause of short stature.The treatment consisted of Hydrocortisone, artificial tears, pneumatic balloon dilation, Nifedipine and Recombinant growth Hormone with a great improvement of her condition.

This case found an unusual association between Allgrove syndrome and growth hormone deficiency, a treatable cause of short stature, which in turn is a frequent manifestation of unknown etiology in this syndrome.

This case found an unusual association between Allgrove syndrome and growth hormone deficiency, a treatable cause of short stature, which in turn is a frequent manifestation of unknown etiology in this syndrome.Splenic Vein Thrombosis (SpVT) in a young patient with non-hepatitis B and C liver cirrhosis is an infrequent case generating hemorrhagic manifestations. Herein we report a 28-year-old man presenting with hematemesis, melena, and features of liver cirrhosis. Hematemesis, melena, and ascites resolve following a conservative treatment. Abdominal ultrasound confirmed portal hypertension. Serial endoscopy on day 14, 17 and 1-month evaluation showed grade II-III esophageal varices and severe hypertensive portal gastropathy. Abdominal CT scan with contrast within 1 week after discharge revealed thrombus along ± 5.8 cm, splenomegaly with dilated splenic vein, dilatation and tourtosity of the left gastric vein and visualized distal esophageal vein. Liver biopsy 2 months after hospitalization showed hepatocytes with extensive hydropic degeneration with fibrosis (F3).Cronkhite -Canada Syndrome (CCS) is a rare non-hereditary disease characterized by multiple polyps in the alimentary tract and ectoderm changes, and there is no clearly diagnostic criteria and treatment methods. A 55-year-old Chinese woman was admitted to our hospital with diarrhea. She was diagnosed with Cronkhite-Canada Syndrome (CCS). The clinical symptoms of the patient included diarrhea, nausea, retching, anorexia, weight loss, and we found that she had alopecia, onychatrophy, rampant caries and skin pigmentation from the physical examination. Gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed multiple polyps in the gastric antrum, stomach body, ileocecal part and colon, and from the microscopically the polype hyperplsique was observed. The patient was treated by eradicating Helicobacter pylori and regulating the intestinal flora disbalance and his diarrhea improved within a short period of time. We suggested that she should take glucocorticoids orally, but the patient refused. Follow-up at 1 year showed that the symptoms of the patient had recurred sometimes, and she had taken Chinese herbal medicine orally a few times. At present, the symptoms of diarrhea are relieved, the weight of the patient has increased, and the hair and nails of the patient have grown again. From this case, we learned CCS can be likely ignored and not be diagnosed promptly because the low morbidity of CCS.

Thyrotoxicosis is a clinical syndrome produced by a multitude of disorders. selleck chemicals llc Thyrotoxicosis is a serious medical condition that, if left untreated, can lead to a fatal illness. This review of recent evidences give additional input for perioperative management of thyrotoxic patients.

The literatures were found with Boolean operators in the form of thyrotoxicosis AND anesthesia, antithyroid medications AND perioperative optimization AND beta blockers OR calcium channel blockers in electronic data base sources such as the Cochrane library, PubMed, and Google scholar. This review was carried out in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 statement.

and recommendations Before surgery and anesthesia, manifestation of thyrotoxicosis including palpitation, irritability etc should be ruled out.

and recommendations Before surgery and anesthesia, manifestation of thyrotoxicosis including palpitation, irritability etc should be ruled out.

Autoři článku: Barrywalls9024 (Lewis Mccormick)