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Treatment allocation should be decided by a multidisciplinary board involving hepatologists, pathologists, radiologists, liver surgeons and oncologists guided by personalized -based medicine. This approach is important not only to balance between different oncologic treatments strategies but also due to the complexity of the disease (chronic liver disease and the cancer) and due to the large number of potentially efficient therapies. Careful patient selection and a tailored treatment modality for every patient, either potentially curative (surgical treatment and tumor ablation) or palliative (transarterial therapy, radioembolization and medical treatment, i.e., sorafenib) is mandatory to achieve the best treatment outcome.Bacterial translocation (BT) refers to the passage of viable bacteria or bacterial products from the intestinal lumen, through the intestinal epithelium, into the systemic circulation and extraintestinal locations. The three principal mechanisms that are thought to be involved in BT include bacterial overgrowth, disruption of the gut mucosal barrier and an impaired host defence. BT is commonly observed in liver cirrhosis and has been shown to play an important role in the pathogenesis of the complications of end stage liver disease, including infections as well as hepatic encephalopathy and hepatorenal syndrome. Due to the importance of BT in the natural history of cirrhosis, there is intense interest for the discovery of biomarkers of BT. To date, several such candidates have been proposed, which include bacterial DNA, soluble CD14, lipopolysaccharides endotoxin, lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, calprotectin and procalcitonin. Studies on the association of these markers with BT have demonstrated not only promising data but, oftentimes, contradictory results. As a consequence, currently, there is no optimal marker that may be used in clinical practice as a surrogate for the presence of BT.Many years after therapeutic wilderness, sorafenib finally showed a clinical benefit in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. After the primary general enthusiasm worldwide, some disappointments emerged particularly since no new treatment could exceed or at least match sorafenib in this setting. Without these new drugs, research focused on optimizing care of patients treated with sorafenib. One challenging research approach deals with identifying prognostic and predictive biomarkers of sorafenib in this population. The task still seems difficult; however appropriate investigations could resolve this dilemma, as observed for some malignancies where other drugs were used.Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is classically considered to be hepatotropic, but accumulating evidences strongly support its extra-hepatotropic nature too. HBV nucleic acids and proteins have long been reported in a variety of extra-hepatic tissues. Of these, HBV has been studied in details in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), due to its accessibility. From these studies, it is now well established that PBMCs are permissive to HBV infection, replication, transcription and production of infective virions. Furthermore, molecular evolutionary studies have provided definite evidences towards evolution of HBV genome in PBMCs, which is independent of evolution occurring in the liver, leading to the emergence and selection of compartment specific escape variants or drug resistant strains. These variants/resistant strains of HBV remain restricted within the PBMCs and are rarely detected in the serum/plasma. In addition, HBV infected PBMCs have been reported to be directly transmitted through intrauterine modes, and this infection does not correlate significantly with serum HBV surface antigen or HBV DNA markers. This editorial briefly reviews the current knowledge on this topic, emphasizes and delineates the gaps that are required to be filled to properly understand the biological and clinical relevance of extrahepatic tropism of HBV.Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third leading cause of cancer related deaths worldwide. Various treatment modalities have been applied to HCC depending on the tumor load, functional capacity of the liver and the general condition of the patient. According to Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer staging strategy and The American Association for the Study of Liver Disease guidelines, surgical resection is not advocated in the tretment of multinodular HCC. Despite this, many recent clinical studies show that, resection can achieve good results in patients with multinodular HCC and 5-year survival rate around 40% can be reached. If resection or transplantation is not performed, these patients are usually managed with palliative procedures such as transarterial chemoembolization, radioembolization and cytotoxic chemotherapy and 5-year survival of this group of patients will be extremely low. Although survival rates are lower and complications may be increased in this group of patients, liver resection can safely be performed in selected patients in experienced centers for the management of multinodular HCC.Bacillus thuringiensis is the most widely used biological pesticide in the world. It belongs to the Bacillus cereus sensu lato group, which contains six species. Among these six species, B. thuringiensis, B. anthracis, and B. cereus have a low genetic diversity. B. thuringiensis strain HD521 shows maroon colony which is different from most of the B. thuringiensis strains. Strain HD521 also displays an ability to inhibit plant sheath blight disease pathogen (Rhizoctonia solani AG1 IB) growth and can form bipyramidal parasporal crystals consisting of three cry7 genes. These crystals have an insecticidal activity against Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata larva (Coleoptera). Here we report the complete genome sequence of strain HD521, which has one chromosome and six circular plasmids.The actinobacterium Rhodococcus sp. JG-3 is an aerobic, eurypsychrophilic, soil bacterium isolated from permafrost in the hyper arid Upper Dry Valleys of Antarctica. It is yellow pigmented, gram positive, moderately halotolerant and capable of growth from 30 °C down to at least -5 °C. The 5.28 Mb high-quality-draft genome is arranged into 6 scaffolds, containing 9 contigs and 4998 protein coding genes, with 64 % GC content. Increasing the availability of genome sequences from cold-adapted species is crucial to gaining a better understanding of the molecular traits of cold adaptation in microbes.Vibrio anguillarum causes a fatal hemorrhagic septicemia in marine fish that leads to great economical losses in aquaculture world-wide. Vibrio anguillarum strain NB10 serotype O1 is a Gram-negative, motile, curved rod-shaped bacterium, isolated from a diseased fish on the Swedish coast of the Gulf of Bothnia, and is slightly halophilic. Strain NB10 is a virulent isolate that readily colonizes fish skin and intestinal tissues. Here, the features of this bacterium are described and the annotation and analysis of its complete genome sequence is presented. The genome is 4,373,835 bp in size, consists of two circular chromosomes and one plasmid, and contains 3,783 protein-coding genes and 129 RNA genes.Arenimonas donghaensis is the type species of genus Arenimonas which belongs to family Xanthomonadaceae within Gammaproteobacteria. In this study, a total of five type strains of Arenimonas were sequenced. The draft genomic information of A. donghaensis DSM 18148(T) is described and compared with other four genomes of Arenimonas. The genome size of A. donghaensis DSM 18148(T) is 2,977,056 bp distributed in 51 contigs, containing 2685 protein-coding genes and 49 RNA genes.Streptomyces sp. TP-A0598, isolated from seawater, produces lydicamycin, structurally unique type I polyketide bearing two nitrogen-containing five-membered rings, and four congeners TPU-0037-A, -B, -C, and -D. We herein report the 8 Mb draft genome sequence of this strain, together with classification and features of the organism and generation, annotation and analysis of the genome sequence. The genome encodes 7,240 putative ORFs, of which 4,450 ORFs were assigned with COG categories. Also, 66 tRNA genes and one rRNA operon were identified. The genome contains eight gene clusters involved in the production of polyketides and nonribosomal peptides. Among them, a PKS/NRPS gene cluster was assigned to be responsible for lydicamycin biosynthesis and a plausible biosynthetic pathway was proposed on the basis of gene function prediction. This genome sequence data will facilitate to probe the potential of secondary metabolism in marine-derived Streptomyces.Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are ubiquitous environmental pollutants and microbial biodegradation is an important means of remediation of PAH-contaminated soil. Delftia acidovorans Cs1-4 (formerly Delftia sp. Cs1-4) was isolated by using phenanthrene as the sole carbon source from PAH contaminated soil in Wisconsin. Its full genome sequence was determined to gain insights into a mechanisms underlying biodegradation of PAH. Three genomic libraries were constructed and sequenced an Illumina GAii shotgun library (916,416,493 reads), a 454 Titanium standard library (770,171 reads) and one paired-end 454 library (average insert size of 8 kb, 508,092 reads). The initial assembly contained 40 contigs in two scaffolds. The 454 Titanium standard data and the 454 paired end data were assembled together and the consensus sequences were computationally shredded into 2 kb overlapping shreds. Illumina sequencing data was assembled, and the consensus sequence was computationally shredded into 1.5 kb overlapping shand the pesticides Dicamba and Fenitrothion. Determination of the complete genome sequence of D. acidovorans Cs1-4 has provided new insights the microbial mechanisms of PAH biodegradation that may shape the process in the environment.Mesorhizobium loti strain CJ3Sym was isolated in 1998 following transfer of the integrative and conjugative element ICEMlSym(R7A), also known as the R7A symbiosis island, in a laboratory mating from the donor M. loti strain R7A to a nonsymbiotic recipient Mesorhizobium strain CJ3. Strain CJ3 was originally isolated from a field site in the Rocklands range in New Zealand in 1994. STA-4783 solubility dmso CJ3Sym is an aerobic, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming rod. This report reveals the genome of M. loti strain CJ3Sym currently comprises 70 scaffolds totaling 7,563,725 bp. The high-quality draft genome is arranged in 70 scaffolds of 71 contigs, contains 7,331 protein-coding genes and 70 RNA-only encoding genes, and is part of the GEBA-RNB project proposal.Members of the genus Halotalea (family Halomonadaceae) are of high significance since they can tolerate the greatest glucose and maltose concentrations ever reported for known bacteria and are involved in the degradation of industrial effluents. Here, the characteristics and the permanent-draft genome sequence and annotation of Halotalea alkalilenta AW-7(T) are described. The microorganism was sequenced as a part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Type Strains, Phase I the one thousand microbial genomes (KMG) project at the DOE Joint Genome Institute, and it is the only strain within the genus Halotalea having its genome sequenced. The genome is 4,467,826 bp long and consists of 40 scaffolds with 64.62 % average GC content. A total of 4,104 genes were predicted, comprising of 4,028 protein-coding and 76 RNA genes. Most protein-coding genes (87.79 %) were assigned to a putative function. Halotalea alkalilenta AW-7(T) encodes the catechol and protocatechuate degradation to β-ketoadipate via the β-ketoadipate and protocatechuate ortho-cleavage degradation pathway, and it possesses the genetic ability to detoxify fluoroacetate, cyanate and acrylonitrile.

Autoři článku: Barrycross1806 (Green Ibsen)