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© 2020 The Author(s).The article presents a dataset containing nine classes of calculated sequence-derived descriptors for 78 peptide sequences, 21 of which demonstrate the ability to bind with gastric cancer cells. The datasaet was used in the paper "A screening algorithm for gastric cancer binding peptides" [1] for the creation of a classification model that can predict the ability of a given peptide sequence to bind with gastric cancer cells. The 78 peptide sequences were extracted from a systematic literature search, and the various peptide descriptors were calculated using the R package "Peptides". The nine calculated sequence-derived descriptor classes are the Blosum indices, Cruciani properties, FASGAI vectors, Kidera factors, ProtFP, ST-scales, T-scales, VHSE scales, and Z-scales. The resulting dataset, which is composed of over 4000 data points, offers a rich resource for further protochemometric analyses of the curated peptide sequences relevant to cancer diagnostics and therapeutics. © 2020 The Author(s).Water isotopes from plant xylem and surrounding environment are increasingly used in eco-hydrological studies. Carrière et al. [1] analyzed a dataset of water isotopes in (i) the xylem of three different tree species, (ii) the surrounding soil and drainage water and (iii) the underlying karst groundwater, to understand tree water uptake during drought in two different Mediterranean forests on karst setting. The xylem and soil water were extracted by cryogenic distillation. The full dataset was obtained with Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) and Isotope Ratio Infrared Spectrometer (IRIS), and included 219 measurements of δ2H and δ18O. Prompted by unexpected isotopic data characterized by a very negative deuterium excess, a subsample of 46 xylem samples and 9 soil water samples were double checked with both analytical techniques. IRMS and IRIS analyses yielded similar data. Therefore, the results reveal that laser spectrometry allows an accurate estimation of xylem and soil water isotopes. The dataset highlights a strong 2H depletion in xylem water for all species. Deuterium does not seem adequate to interpret ecological processes in this dataset given the strong fractionation. © 2020 The Author(s).The data provided with this paper are image series of slowly diffusing GlyRa3 molecules, linked to either eGFP or mCherry fluorescent proteins, at the membrane of HEK cells, acquired on a Zeiss LSM880 confocal laser scanning microscope. Raster spectral image cross-correlation spectroscopy (RSICS) is applied to the data, a technique that exploits intensity fluctuations in confocal image series recorded using a spectral detector to study the diffusion and concentration of molecules, and interactions between them. First, spectral filters are created from reference image series containing GlyRa3 labeled with a single fluorophore. Once experimental data containing GlyRa3 labeled with both fluorophores is acquired, single images are either autocorrelated, or the cross-correlation is calculated between two images, each one containing the data for eGFP or mCherry labeled GyRa 3. Data is then fit with a one-component model assuming a two-dimensional Gaussian point spread function to obtain the diffusion coefficient, D, and average number of molecules in the focus, N. The software package PAM is used to analyze all the acquired data. The data can be used as a reference for artifact-free two-color ccRICS that contains slowly diffusing interacting molecules. Additionally, the analysis workflow described in this paper helps researchers avoid common errors during a RICS experiment. © 2020 The Authors.In recent years, the extraction of gold has become important for the development of nations. However, mining wastewater represents an environmental problem due to its high content of free cyanide-based compounds and weak and strong cyanocomplexes for the use of sodium cyanide to obtain gold from minerals. The experimental data presented show the performance of the elimination of one of the strongest cyanocomplex that can appear in mining wastewater ( [ Co ( CN ) 6 ] 3 - ) by the ultraviolet C activation of persulfate (PS). The removal of total cobalt in solution was used as an indicator of the elimination of the cobalt cyanocomplexes that appear as transformation products from the degradation of [ Co ( CN ) 6 ] 3 - . The data evidence that strong cyanocomplexes can be eliminated from mining wastewater. The experimental runs were divided into two parts as a first step, the influence of the UVC light was elucidated. Afterward, five initial concentrations of persulfate ion (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 g/L of PS), two pH values (11 and 13) and two additional initial concentrations of contaminant (25 mg/L and 75 mg/L of [ Co ( CN ) 6 ] 3 - ) were examined to find the optimal parameter where the highest Co removal is obtained. © 2020 The Author(s).The data article ex vitro (vegetative plant propagation) culture techniques are sustainable alternatives to the large-scale production of economically important plant species. Morus alba is an essential species that is mainly considered to be economically important due to their potential use as silk production, medicine and food. In this work, we evaluated the data of effects of different concentration of Waste Tea Residue Carbon Dots (WTR-CDs) on the ex vitro growth of morus. This dataset can be beneficial for researchers finding alternative eco-friendly, biodegradable and cost-friendly substitute for plant growth stimulator that are helpful for plant propagation during plant production program. Time consuming and low germination ratio of seeds are the most restricting triggers for commercial use for large-scale cultivation of plant species. Use of WTR-CDs in ex vitro culture technology is an appropriate alternative approach for large-scale production of plants within a short period of time. © 2020 The Authors.For every closed Russian bank I collect its closure reasons. I divide these reasons into categories and report them in the form of tags. The data come from online sources. Combined with Russian banks' financial statements, freely available on the Central Bank of Russia's website, this dataset provides ample possibilities for empirical research on bank failure prediction models that take into account the after-the-fact revealed reasons of bank closure; on the extent, determinants, and effects of financial misreporting by Russian banks; on the relative performance of banks pursuing particular business models, such as captive banks. © 2020 The Author(s).This paper presents the data set of Optic coherence tomography (OCT) and fundus Images of human eye. The OCT machine TOPCON'S 3D OCT-1000 camera is employed to acquire the images. The dataset is comprised of 50 images which includes control and glaucomatous images. For each OCT Image there is a corresponding fundus Image with annotation. Cup to disc ratio (CDR) values annotated by glaucoma specialists through fundus Images are provided in excel file. OCT images are optic nerve head (ONH) centred. Manually annotation is performed for the delineation of the Inner Limiting Membrane (ILM) Layer and Retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) layer with the help of ophthalmologist. The data is valuable for the development of automated algorithm for glaucoma diagnosis. © 2020 The Author(s).Alemtuzumab is approved for highly active MS and, in Europe, can be employed after other disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) as an escalation approach or first therapeutic option. The occurrence of secondary autoimmune adverse events and infections differs depending on the employed approach. In the manuscript entitled "Alemtuzumab treatment of multiple sclerosis in real-world clinical practice report from a single Italian center" by di Ioia M. and collaborators, efficacy and safety data of alemtuzumab were evaluated in a real-world MS population. The aim of the article is to describe in detail the unexpected serious adverse events which occurred in this cohort during and after the administration of the alemtuzumab treatment. Adverse events were observed in 45,7% of the patients. These events were ranked as severe in 23% of the patients. We reported, in particular, cases of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), pancytopenia, viral hepatitis E and noninfectious meningo-encephalomyelitis.Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-2019) has been recognized as a global threat, and several studies are being conducted using various mathematical models to predict the probable evolution of this epidemic. These mathematical models based on various factors and analyses are subject to potential bias. Here, we propose a simple econometric model that could be useful to predict the spread of COVID-2019. We performed Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model prediction on the Johns Hopkins epidemiological data to predict the epidemiological trend of the prevalence and incidence of COVID-2019. For further comparison or for future perspective, case definition and data collection have to be maintained in real time. © 2020 The Authors.Here we show the electrochemical data for a Ferroelectric Electrolyte Battery (FEB) Li/ferroelectric Li-glass electrolyte (Li2·99Ba0·005ClO) in cellulose/γ-MnO2 pouch-cell with (2.5 × 2.5 cm2) discharged with a green LED load. The Li2·99Ba0·005ClO electrolyte was synthesized and ground in ethanol. A cellulose matrix was dipped into the Li-glass/ethanol slurry. The γ-MnO2 based cathode was doctor bladed onto a carbon-coated aluminum foil current collector. The cell was assembled in an Ar-filled glove-box and it was not sealed and, therefore, it remained inside the glove-box while discharging with a green LED at approximately 24 °C for 334 days (>11 months) corresponding to 764 mAhg-1 of the active cathode and to 224 mAhg-1 of the electrolyte. The maximum capacity of γ-MnO2 is 209 mAhg-1 and of the MnO2 in the commercial cell is 308 mAhg-1, corresponding to LiMnO2; therefore, the capacity of the FEB is 370% the capacity of the γ-MnO2 and 250% the capacity of the MnO2 in the commercial cell. Moreover, the experimental capacity of the electrolyte minus the maximum capacity of the γ-MnO2 is 163 mAhg-1 of the electrolyte. The potential difference between anode and cathode in a diode is non-linear and dependent on the input current and, therefore, the plateaus in the potential vs time curves do not correspond to thermodynamic equilibria of the electrochemical cell energy source. this website Nevertheless, the maximum output current as well as the FEB cell's discharge profile may be determined with an LED and compared with traditional battery cells' profiles. The present data might be used by the electrochemical (in particular, battery), electrostatic and ferroelectric materials researchers and industrials for comparative analysis. Furthermore, it can be reused to calculate the maximum energy stored electrostatically in these devices. © 2020 The Author(s).Banana is a climacteric fruit and its ripening process is greatly influenced by presence of ethylene. This physiological climacteric characteristic of banana fruit leads to a fast ripening and a short shelf-life. Application of edible coating such as chitosan aims to prolong fruit shelf life. The knowledge on gene expression will help to understand the fruit ripening process itself and chitosan effect on global gene expression. Global gene expression data of chitosan treated and control of Cavendish banana during fruit ripening were provided. Total RNA was isolated from banana pulp for differential gene expression analysis. The RNA-sequencing generated ranged from 16,155,947 to 23,587,110 total reads, with 75.8%-83.8% of reads were mapped against the genome reference. In total, 33,797-35,944 transcripts were detected. The transcriptomics data discussed in this publication are accessible through NCBI's Gene Expression Omnibus with GEO Series accession number GSE139457. These data provide information to identify candidate genes involved in fruit ripening in response to chitosan coating to design a better banana postharvest management.

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