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Recently, concerns about general anesthesia (GA)-related neurotoxicity has been growing in societies. Parents' information obviously plays an important role to make right decision for elective surgeries on children aged under three years old.

The aim of this survey was to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and performance of pregnant women about the GA-related neurotoxicity in children aged under three years old.

This descriptive study was conducted at Alzahra Teaching Hospital in Guilan, Iran, during 2020. The eligible pregnant women admitted to this center were interviewed, and a questionnaire containing 10 items was filled out by the responsible resident of anesthesiology.

In this research, a total of 361 pregnant women were enrolled and underwent a face-to-face interview. The mean age of the participants was 31.4 ± 7 years, 64.5% were living in urban areas, 82.5% were housewives, and 65.7% were multipara. Moreover, 83.7% of participants believed that receiving information in this regard was crucial, and 81.7% preferred physicians as the source of information. Only 8% of mothers had received information regarding the issue. A significant correlation was observed between the habitat, employment, the level of education, knowledge, and attitude status, and the source of receiving information.

According to our results, the knowledge, attitude, and performance of pregnant women were not optimal and needed to be improved through practical strategies.

According to our results, the knowledge, attitude, and performance of pregnant women were not optimal and needed to be improved through practical strategies.Functional foods are essential food products that possess health-promoting properties for the treatment of infectious diseases. In addition, they provide energy and nutrients, which are required for growth and survival. They occur as prebiotics or dietary supplements, including oligosaccharides, processed foods, and herbal products. However, oligosaccharides are more efficiently recognized and utilized, as they play a fundamental role as functional ingredients with great potential to improve health in comparison to other dietary supplements. They are low molecular weight carbohydrates with a low degree of polymerization. They occur as fructooligosaccharide (FOS), inulooligosaccharadie (IOS), and xylooligosaccahride (XOS), depending on their monosaccharide units. Oligosaccharides are produced by acid or chemical hydrolysis. However, this technique is liable to several drawbacks, including inulin precipitation, high processing temperature, low yields, and high production costs. As a consequence, the application of microbial enzymes for oligosaccharide production is recognized as a promising strategy. Microbial enzymatic production of FOS and IOS occurs by submerged or solid-state fermentation in the presence of suitable substrates (sucrose, inulin) and catalyzed by fructosyltransferases and inulinases. Incorporation of FOS and IOS enriches the rheological and physiological characteristics of foods. They are used as low cariogenic sugar substitutes, suitable for diabetics, and as prebiotics, probiotics and nutraceutical compounds. In addition, these oligosaccharides are employed as anticancer, antioxidant agents and aid in mineral absorption, lipid metabolism, immune regulation etc. This review, therefore, focuses on the occurrence, physico-chemical characteristics, and microbial enzymatic synthesis of FOS and IOS from coprophilous fungi. In addition, the potential health benefits of these oligosaccharides were discussed in detail.

Intravesical mesh erosion is an uncommon late complication of placement of a synthetic mid-urethral sling (MUS) for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence, and only a few cases have been reported. Optimal management remains controversial, though there is a tendency toward surgical removal through a variety of routes. However, surgical removal comes with its own risks and is not necessarily associated with an improvement in symptoms. We, herein present the first case of a conservatively managed intravesical mesh erosion following MUS placement.

Nine years after insertion of a tension-free vaginal tape (TVT), a patient presented with persistent lower abdominal pain and dysuria. Flexible cystoscopy demonstrated an erosion of the tape through the bladder wall. The patient declined surgical intervention at the time. Therefore, she was commenced on regular methenamine hippurate and vaginal oestrogen, and kept under surveillance with regular cystoscopies. Her symptoms responded to this treatment and 6years later remained well controlled on this regime.

This case demonstrates that conservative management may be a safe and appropriate option for patients who decline surgical excision of mesh erosion.

This case demonstrates that conservative management may be a safe and appropriate option for patients who decline surgical excision of mesh erosion.Thermal spray coating involves spraying a product (oftentimes metal) that is melted by extremely high temperatures and then applied under pressure onto a surface. Large amounts of a complex metal aerosol (e.g., Fe, Cr, Ni, Zn) are formed during the process, presenting a potentially serious risk to the operator. Information about the health effects associated with exposure to these aerosols is lacking. Even less is known about the chemical and physical properties of these aerosols. The goal was to develop and test an automated thermal spray coating aerosol generator and inhalation exposure system that would simulate workplace exposures. An electric arc wire-thermal spray coating aerosol generator and exposure system was designed and separated into two areas (1) an enclosed room where the spray coating occurs; (2) an exposure chamber with different measurement devices and controllers. The physicochemical properties of aerosols generated during electric arc wire-thermal spray coating using five different consumaber concentration was achieved and maintained during a 4-hr period. At 1 d after exposure, lung injury and inflammation were significantly elevated in the group exposed to the thermal spray coating aerosol compared to the air control group. The system was designed and constructed for future animal exposure studies to generate continuous metal spray coating aerosols at a targeted concentration for extended periods of time without interruption.We report a unique case of a robotic partial nephrectomy performed under continuous spinal anesthesia (CSA). A 63-year-old woman, active smoker with mild obesity and previous right pneumonectomy, was diagnosed with a growing 5.5-cm renal right cystic tumor. Being at high risk for general anesthesia, a loco-regional approach was indicated. Therefore, after multidisciplinary discussion, a robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy under CSA was considered mandatory. After T4-T5 sensory and motor block, retroperitoneoscopic robot-assisted surgery was successfully performed. Postoperative period was uneventful, with optimal pain control. This unique case demonstrates the feasibility of robotic surgery under CSA, for imperative indications.The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India had brought with it a surge of 'black fungus' co-infection, which is a misnomer for mucormycosis. The present case illustrates the 'real black fungus' infection in a 50-year old male patient with COVID-19 pneumonia, who otherwise had no significant previous medical history. He was admitted on day 8 of COVID-19 illness and was intubated due to persistently low oxygen saturation. Blood cultures were positive for flask-shaped dematiaceous budding yeasts with pseudohyphae formation, which grew as brown-black fuzzy colonies on Sabouraud dextrose agar. The isolate was identified as Exophiala dermatitidis based on phenotypic characterization. Despite antifungal therapy with amphotericin B and itraconazole, the patient deteriorated rapidly and succumbed to acute respiratory distress syndrome and multiorgan failure. A review of reported cases of Exophiala dermatitidis fungemia over the last 5-years is discussed.In 1936, Löeffler first recognized the association between a distinctive form of severe heart failure and marked eosinophilia. Most cases are caused by either parasitic infections or drugs; however, no cause has been identified in one-third of the patients [1]. This report presents a rare case of Löeffler's syndrome caused by the parasite Paragonimus westermani.Tissierella praeacuta, also known as Clostridium hastiforme is an anaerobic gram negative bacteria, first isolated in 1908, by P.H. Tissier. To date, there are currently six documented cases of this environmental organism causing infection in humans. Here, we present a patient who was admitted to hospital with osteomyelitis of his right calcaneus, found to subsequently have T. praeacuta bacteremia isolated from anaerobic blood cultures. During his inpatient course, he was treated with IV vancomycin, cefepime, and metronidazole in addition to surgical debridement of his foot wound. The patient was discharged on a course of oral Levofloxacin and Amoxicillin-Clavulanate with significant clinical improvement.Clostridium subterminale is an anaerobic spore-forming bacterium rarely isolated in human infections. selleck inhibitor This case study presents a necrotizing C. subterminale infection stemming from a dental abscess that progressed into sepsis, a small pericardial effusion, moderate bilateral pulmonary effusions, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. The management of the infection, along with other relevant cases is discussed.

Persistence of Ebola virus (EBOV) in semen remains of deep concern, as sexual transmission of EBOV seems plausible up to 6 months after acute phase of Ebola virus disease (EVD). Favipiravir, a broad spectrum antiviral product, has been evaluated in reducing EVD mortality in Guinea in 2014-2015 in the JIKI trial, the pharmacokinetic results of which suggest that an increase of dose might be necessary to achieve a therapeutically relevant exposure. In FORCE trial, we aimed at evaluating the tolerance and activity of high doses of favipiravir in male EVD survivors with EBOV RNA detection in semen in Guinea.

In 2016, we launched a phase IIa open-labeled multicenter dose escalation study. Male survivors of EVD with EBOV RT-PCR positive on semen received a loading dose of 2400mg BID of favipiravir on day 1 then a maintenance dose of 1800mg BID from day 2-14. The primary outcome was the tolerance, assessed daily during period treatment and up to day 90. Unfortunately only two participants were included and the trial was stopped for lack of recruitment. No clinical adverse event of grade 3/4 was reported for both patients. One patient experienced a grade 3 hypocalcemia at day 10 and 14.

High doses of favipiravir were well tolerated in these two participants. Better characterized tolerance and pharmacokinetics of high doses of favipiravir are of utmost importance considering that favipiravir is a candidate treatment for a variety of emerging severe viral diseases with poor prognosis.

High doses of favipiravir were well tolerated in these two participants. Better characterized tolerance and pharmacokinetics of high doses of favipiravir are of utmost importance considering that favipiravir is a candidate treatment for a variety of emerging severe viral diseases with poor prognosis.

Autoři článku: Barlowraun2626 (Coates Mcgowan)