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We present a model which displays the Griffiths phase, i.e., algebraic decay of density with continuously varying exponents in the absorbing phase. In the active phase, the memory of initial conditions is lost with continuously varying complex exponents in this model. This is a one-dimensional model where a fraction r of sites obey rules leading to the directed percolation class and the rest evolve according to rules leading to the compact directed percolation class. For infection probability p≤p_c, the fraction of active sites ρ(t)=0 asymptotically. For p>p_c, ρ(∞)>0. At p=p_c, ρ(t), the survival probability from a single seed and the average number of active sites starting from single seed decay logarithmically. The local persistence P_l(∞)>0 for p≤p_c and P_l(∞)=0 for p>p_c. For p≥p_s, local persistence P_l(t) decays as a power law with continuously varying exponents. see more The persistence exponent is clearly complex as p→1. The complex exponent implies logarithmic periodic oscillations in persistence. link2 The wavelength and the amplitude of the logarithmic periodic oscillations increase with p. We note that the underlying lattice or disorder does not have a self-similar structure.In this paper, we study the robustness of interdependent networks with multiple-dependence (MD) relation which is defined that a node is interdependent on several nodes on another layer, and this node will fail if any of these dependent nodes are failed. We propose a two-layered asymmetric interdependent network (AIN) model to address this problem, where the asymmetric feature is that nodes in one layer may be dependent on more than one node in the other layer with MD relation, while nodes in the other layer are dependent on exactly one node in this layer. We show that in this model the layer where nodes are allowed to have MD relation exhibits different types of phase transitions (discontinuous and hybrid), while the other layer only presents discontinuous phase transition. A heuristic theory based on message-passing approach is developed to understand the structural feature of interdependent networks and an intuitive picture for the emergence of a tricritical point is provided. Moreover, we study the correlation between the intralayer degree and interlayer degree of the nodes and find that this correlation has prominent impact to the continuous phase transition but has feeble effect on the discontinuous phase transition. Furthermore, we extend the two-layered AIN model to general multilayered AIN, and the percolation behaviors and properties of relevant phase transitions are elaborated.The kinetics of oxidation is examined using a phase-field model of electrochemistry when the oxide film is smaller than the Debye length. As a test of the model, the phase-field approach recovers the results of classical Wagner diffusion-controlled oxide growth when the interfacial mobility of the oxide-metal interface is large and the films are much thicker than the Debye length. However, for small interfacial mobilities, where the growth is reaction controlled, we find that the film increases in thickness linearly in time, and that the phase-field model naturally leads to an electrostatic overpotential at the interface that affects the prefactor of the linear growth law. Since the interface velocity decreases with the distance from the oxide vapor, for a fixed interfacial mobility, the film will transition from reaction- to diffusion-controlled growth at a characteristic thickness. For thin films, we find that in the limit of high interfacial mobility we recover a Wagner-type parabolic growth law in the limit of a composition-independent mobility. A composition-dependent mobility leads to a nonparabolic kinetics at small thickness, but for the materials parameters chosen, the deviation from parabolic kinetics is small. Unlike classical oxidation models, we show that the phase-field model can be used to examine the dynamics of nonplanar oxide interfaces that are routinely observed in experiment. As an illustration, we examine the evolution of nonplanar interfaces when the oxide is growing only by anion diffusion and find that it is morphologically stable.The Soret effect, i.e., the flow of matter caused by a temperature gradient, is studied in a glass-forming binary Lennard-Jones (LJ) mixture, using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics computer simulation. The transport processes associated with this effect are thermal diffusion and interdiffusion. While interdiffusion processes exhibit a drastic slowing down when approaching the glass transition, thermal diffusion appears to be a fast process even in the glass. link3 We show that the Soret effect becomes more pronounced in the vicinity of the glass transition, due to the decoupling between thermal diffusion and interdiffusion as well as the chemical ordering in the considered LJ mixture. This is reflected in the occurrence of large concentration gradients, nonlinear concentration profiles, and long-lived nonstationary structures.The effective one-component plasma (EOCP) model has provided an efficient approach to obtaining many important thermophysical parameters of hot dense matter [J. Clérouin, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 115003 (2016)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.116.115003]. In this paper, we perform extensive quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) simulations to determine the equations of state, ionic structures, and ionic transport properties of neon and krypton within the warm dense matter (WDM) regime where the density (ρ) is up to 12 g/cm^3 and the temperature (T) is up to 100 kK. The simulated data are then used as a benchmark to explicitly evaluate the EOCP and Yukawa models. It is found that, within present ρ-T regime, the EOCP model can excellently reproduce the diffusion and viscosity coefficients of neon and krypton due to the fact that this model defines a system which nearly reproduces the actual physical states of WDM. Therefore, the EOCP model may be a promising alternative approach to reasonably predicting the transport behaviors of matter in WDM regime at lower QMD computational cost. The evaluation of Yukawa model shows that the consideration of the energy level broadening effect in the average atom model is necessary. Finally, with the help of EOCP model, the Stokes-Einstein relationships about neon and krypton are discussed, and fruitful plasma parameters as well as a practical ρ-T-dependent formula of the effective coupling parameter are obtained. These results not only provide valuable information for future theoretical and experimental studies on dense neon and krypton but also reveal the applicability of the EOCP model and the limitation of the Yukawa model in WDM regime and further support the continuing search for a unified description of ionic transport in dense plasma.We consider a system of independent pointlike particles performing a Brownian motion while interacting with a Gaussian fluctuating background. These particles are in addition endowed with a discrete two-state internal degree of freedom that is subjected to a nonequilibrium source of noise, which affects their coupling with the background field. We explore the phase diagram of the system and pinpoint the role of the nonequilibrium drive in producing a nontrivial patterned spatial organization. We are able, by means of a weakly nonlinear analysis, to account for the parameter-dependence of the boundaries of the phase and pattern diagram in the stationary state.Recent experimental findings on anomalous diffusion have demanded novel models that combine annealed (temporal) and quenched (spatial or static) disorder mechanisms. The comb model is a simplified description of diffusion on percolation clusters, where the comblike structure mimics quenched disorder mechanisms and yields a subdiffusive regime. Here we extend the comb model to simultaneously account for quenched and annealed disorder mechanisms. To do so, we replace usual derivatives in the comb diffusion equation by different fractional time-derivative operators and the conventional comblike structure by a generalized fractal structure. Our hybrid comb models thus represent a diffusion where different comblike structures describe different quenched disorder mechanisms, and the fractional operators account for various annealed disorder mechanisms. We find exact solutions for the diffusion propagator and mean square displacement in terms of different memory kernels used for defining the fractional operators. Among other findings, we show that these models describe crossovers from subdiffusion to Brownian or confined diffusions, situations emerging in empirical results. These results reveal the critical role of interactions between geometrical restrictions and memory effects on modeling anomalous diffusion.Modeling thermal transport through interfaces has been one of the most challenging problems in nanoscale heat transfer. Although continuous theoretical efforts have been made, there has been no consensus on how to rigorously incorporate temperature effect and anharmonicity. In this paper, we adopt the self-consistent anharmonic phonon concept for nonlinear lattices to investigate phonon propagation within the materials as well as across interfaces based on equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. Based on linear response theory, we propose an efficient method to calculate the frequency-dependent transmission coefficient in a nonlinear lattice. The transmission spectrum is extracted directly from velocity correlations, which naturally includes anharmonic effects. Phonon renormalization at finite temperature can also be easily handled using the proposed method. Our results are consistent with the atomistic Green's function method at the limit of weak anharmonicity. For nonlinear lattices under high temperatures, the anharmonicity is found to increase the cutoff frequency of the transmission coefficient due to phonon renormalization. Further analysis shows that the anharmonicity also promotes interfacial thermal conductance by causing the redistribution of the spectral flux of the excited vibrational waves during their propogation.We experimentally investigate the cooperative excitations in the transition from a self-excited three-dimensional ordered plane wave to a defect-mediated turbulence (DMT) state with multiple unstable defect filaments in a dusty plasma system. It is found that, with increasing effective driving, a single acoustic vortex (AV) with positive or negative helicity winding around a long straight defect filament with small wiggling in the 2+1D (dimensional) space-time space starts to emerge along the center axis of the small dust cluster. The sequential ruptures of the crest surfaces from the cluster boundary followed by their reconnection with adjacent ruptured crest surfaces, or repelling one of the pairwise generated defects out of the boundary, are the key for the single AV generation. Further increasing driving makes the single defect filament exhibit helical excursion in the 2+1D space. The system eventually enters the state with a few short-lived AVs and the DMT state with multiple AVs. The gradual increasing defect filament fluctuations and defect number in the transition to the DMT more strongly distort the nearby waveforms, which leads to the transition from the emergence of distinct sideband peaks to the broadened peaks in the power spectra of temporal dust density fluctuation. For the system with a larger cluster size, the single AV states are skipped in the transition to the DMT state.

Autoři článku: Barbeediaz9717 (Conner Sullivan)