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The remarkable results of free-standing clusters hold true for surface mounted clusters, in which the interaction with CO is dramatically weakened for those compounds with a PtGe ratio of 11. Our results demonstrate that Ge can be a promising alloying agent to mitigate the deactivation of Pt and that the dopant concentration is a critical factor in the design of advanced catalysts.We investigate a spin-boson inspired model of electron transfer, where the diabatic coupling is given by a position-dependent phase, eiWx. We consider both equilibrium and nonequilibrium initial conditions. We show that, for this model, all equilibrium results are completely invariant to the sign of W (to infinite order). However, the nonequilibrium results do depend on the sign of W, suggesting that photo-induced electron transfer dynamics with spin-orbit coupling can exhibit electronic spin polarization (at least for some time).We report vibrational spectra of the H2-tagged, cryogenically cooled X- · HOCl (X = Cl, Br, and I) ion-molecule complexes and analyze the resulting band patterns with electronic structure calculations and an anharmonic theoretical treatment of nuclear motions on extended potential energy surfaces. The complexes are formed by "ligand exchange" reactions of X- · (H2O)n clusters with HOCl molecules at low pressure (∼10-2 mbar) in a radio frequency ion guide. The spectra generally feature many bands in addition to the fundamentals expected at the double harmonic level. These "extra bands" appear in patterns that are similar to those displayed by the X- · HOD analogs, where they are assigned to excitations of nominally IR forbidden overtones and combination bands. The interactions driving these features include mechanical and electronic anharmonicities. Particularly intense bands are observed for the v = 0 → 2 transitions of the out-of-plane bending soft modes of the HOCl molecule relative to the ions. These involve displacements that act to break the strong H-bond to the ion, which give rise to large quadratic dependences of the electric dipoles (electronic anharmonicities) that drive the transition moments for the overtone bands. On the other hand, overtone bands arising from the intramolecular OH bending modes of HOCl are traced to mechanical anharmonic coupling with the v = 1 level of the OH stretch (Fermi resonances). These interactions are similar in strength to those reported earlier for the X- · HOD complexes.Mixed quantum-classical dynamics based on the exact factorization exploits the "derived" electron-nuclear correlation (ENC) term, aiming for the description of quantum coherences. The ENC contains interactions between the phase of electronic states and nuclear quantum momenta, which depend on the spatial shape of the nuclear density. The original surface hopping based on the exact factorization (SHXF) [Ha et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, 1097 (2018)] exploits frozen Gaussian functions to construct the nuclear density in the ENC term, while the phase of electronic states is approximated as a fictitious nuclear momentum change. However, in reality, the width of nuclear wave packets varies in time depending on the shape of potential energy surfaces. In this work, we present a modified SHXF approach and a newly developed Ehrenfest dynamics based on the exact factorization (EhXF) with time-dependent Gaussian functions and phases by enforcing total energy conservation. We perform numerical tests for various one-dimensional two-state model Hamiltonians. Overall, the time-dependent width of Gaussian functions and the energy conserving phase show a reliable decoherence compared to the original frozen Gaussian-based SHXF and the exact quantum mechanical calculation. In particular, the energy conserving phase is crucial for EhXF to reproduce the correct quantum dynamics.In this paper, we investigate the effects of full electronic correlation on high harmonic generation in the helium atom subjected to laser pulses of extremely high intensity. To do this, we perform real-time propagations of helium atom wavefunction using quantum chemistry methods coupled to Gaussian basis sets. Calculations are performed within the real-time time-dependent configuration interaction framework at two levels of theory time-dependent configuration interaction with single excitations (uncorrelated method) and time-dependent full configuration interaction (fully correlated method). The electronic wavefunction is expanded in Dunning basis sets supplemented with functions adapted to describing highly excited and continuum states. We also compare the time-dependent configuration interaction results with grid-based propagations of the helium atom within the single-active-electron approximation. Our results show that when including the dynamical electron correlation, a noticeable improvement to the description of high harmonic generation (HHG) can be achieved in terms of, e.g., a more constant intensity in the lower energy part of the harmonic plateau. However, such effects can be captured only if the basis set used suffices to reproduce the most basic features, such as the HHG cutoff position, at the uncorrelated level of theory.We present an approach for constructing thermodynamically consistent time-dependent models relevant to thin films of diblock copolymers in applied electric fields. The approach is based on the principles of linear irreversible thermodynamics, and, in this work, it is applied to study the effects of electric fields on thin films of incompressible diblock copolymers. Enforcement of local incompressibility constraint at all times leads to a local order parameter dependent transport coefficient in the model for the diblock copolymers. The dependence of the transport coefficient on the local order parameter is used to relate it with the diffusion constant of Rouse chains and leads to sensitivity of the model to initial conditions. In addition, transient behavior is found to be affected when compared with an ad hoc model assuming a constant transport coefficient. Numerical results such as electric field induced alignment of lamellae domains due to the field are found to be in qualitative agreement with experiments. This approach opens up a systematic way of developing kinetic models for simulating effects of electrolytes added to thin films containing diblock copolymers in the presence of applied electric fields.Magnesium has attracted growing interest for its use in various applications, primarily due to its abundance, lightweight properties, and relatively low cost. However, one major drawback to its widespread use remains to be its reactivity in aqueous environments, which is poorly understood at the atomistic level. Ab initio density functional theory methods are particularly well suited to bridge this knowledge gap, but the explicit simulation of electrified water/metal interfaces is often too costly from a computational viewpoint. Here, we investigate water/Mg interfaces using the computationally efficient implicit solvent model VASPsol. Fludarabine We show that the Mg (0001), (101̄0), and (101̄1) surfaces each form different electrochemical double layers due to the anisotropic smoothing of the electron density at their surfaces, following Smoluchowski rules. We highlight the dependence that the position of the diffuse cavity surrounding the interface has on the potential of zero charge and the electron double layer capacitance, and how these parameters are also affected by the addition of explicit water and adsorbed OH molecules. Finally, we calculate the equilibrium potential of Mg2+/Mg0 in an aqueous environment to be -2.46 V vs a standard hydrogen electrode, in excellent agreement with the experiment.Accurate and efficient methods to simulate nonadiabatic and quantum nuclear effects in high-dimensional and dissipative systems are crucial for the prediction of chemical dynamics in the condensed phase. To facilitate effective development, code sharing, and uptake of newly developed dynamics methods, it is important that software implementations can be easily accessed and built upon. Using the Julia programming language, we have developed the NQCDynamics.jl package, which provides a framework for established and emerging methods for performing semiclassical and mixed quantum-classical dynamics in the condensed phase. The code provides several interfaces to existing atomistic simulation frameworks, electronic structure codes, and machine learning representations. In addition to the existing methods, the package provides infrastructure for developing and deploying new dynamics methods, which we hope will benefit reproducibility and code sharing in the field of condensed phase quantum dynamics. Herein, we present our code design choices and the specific Julia programming features from which they benefit. We further demonstrate the capabilities of the package on two examples of chemical dynamics in the condensed phase the population dynamics of the spin-boson model as described by a wide variety of semiclassical and mixed quantum-classical nonadiabatic methods and the reactive scattering of H2 on Ag(111) using the molecular dynamics with electronic friction method. Together, they exemplify the broad scope of the package to study effective model Hamiltonians and realistic atomistic systems.Nonlinear dielectric measurements are an important tool to access material properties and dynamics concealed in their linear counterparts, but the available data are often intermittent and, on occasion, even contradictory. Employing and refining a recently developed technique for high ac field dielectric measurements in the static limit, we ascertain nonlinear effects in glycerol over a wide temperature range from 230 to 320 K. We find that the temperature dependence of the Piekara factor a, which quantifies the saturation effect, changes drastically around 290 K, from ∂a/∂T = +1.4 to -130 in units of 10-18 V2 m-2 K-1. These high values of |a| quantify not only elevated dielectric saturation effects but also indicate a temperature driven increase in higher-order orientational correlations and considerable correction terms with respect to the central limit theorem. No signature of this feature can be found in the corresponding low field data.Ternary semiconductors such as AgInS2, with their interesting photocatalytic properties, can serve as building blocks to design light harvesting assemblies. The intraband transitions created by the metal ions extend the absorption well beyond the bandgap transition. The interfacial electron transfer of AgInS2 with surface bound ethyl viologen under bandgap and sub-bandgap irradiation as probed by steady state photolysis and transient absorption spectroscopy offers new insights into the participation of conduction band and trapped electrons. Capping AgInS2 with CdS shifts emission maximum to the blue and increases the emission yield as the surface defects are remediated. CdS capping also promotes charge separation as evident from the efficiency of electron transfer to ethyl viologen, which increased from 14% to 29%. The transient absorption measurements that elucidate the kinetic aspects of electron transfer processes in AgInS2 and CdS capped AgInS2 are presented. The improved performance of CdS capped AgInS2 offers new opportunities to employ them as photocatalysts.

Autoři článku: Ballardmchugh2092 (Boysen Post)