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A long series of Michael acceptors are studied computationally as potential alternatives to the maleimides that are used in most antibody-drug conjugates to link Cys of mAbs with cytotoxic drugs. The products of the reaction of methanethiol (CH3SH/MeSH, as a simple model of Cys) with N-methylated ethynesulfonamide, 2-ethynylpyridinium ion, propynamide, and methyl ethynephosphonamidate (that is, with HC≡C-EWG) are predicted by the M06-2X/6-311+G(d,p) method to be thermodynamically more stable, in relation to their precursors, than that of MeSH with N-methylmaleimide and, in general, with H2C═CH-EWG; calculations with AcCysOMe and tBuSH are also included. However, for the addition of the anion (MeS-), which is the reactive species, the order changes and N-methylated 2-vinylpyridinium ion, 2,3-butadienamide, and maleimide may give more easily the anionic adducts than several activated triple bonds; moreover, the calculated ΔG⧧ values increase following the order HC≡C-SO2NHMe, N-methylmaleimide, HC≡C-PO(OMe)NHMe, and HC≡C-CONHMe. In other words, MeS- is predicted to react more rapidly with maleimides than with ethynephosphonamidates and with propynamides, in agreement with the experimental results. New mechanistic details are disclosed regarding the advantageous use of some amides, especially of ethynesulfonamides, which, however, are more prone to double additions and exchange reactions.In the marine environment, sessile cyanobacteria have developed chemical strategies for protection against grazers. In turn, herbivores have to circumvent these defenses and in certain cases even take advantage of them as shelter from their own predators. This is the case of Stylocheilus striatus, a sea hare that feeds on Anabaena torulosa, a cyanobacterium that produces toxic cyclic lipopeptides of the laxaphycin B family. S. striatus consumes the cyanobacterium without being affected by the toxicity of its compounds and also uses it as an invisibility cloak against predators. In this article, using different substrates analogous to laxaphycin B, we demonstrate the presence of an enzyme in the digestive gland of the mollusk that is able to biotransform laxaphycin B derivatives. The enzyme belongs to the poorly known family of d-peptidases that are suspected to be involved in antibiotic resistance.Understanding the organization of the hydration layer at functionalized silica surfaces is relevant for a large range of biosensing applications or surface phenomena such as biomolecule adsorption. Silane monolayers are widely used to functionalize silica surfaces. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we have investigated the role of silane molecule head-group charge, alkyl chain length, and surface coverage in the structural organization and dynamic properties of Na+ ions, Cl- ions, and water molecules at the interface. The silane molecules studied are 3-aminopropyldimethylethoxysilane, n-propyldimethylmethoxysilane, octadecyldimethylmethoxysilane, and (dimethylamino)dimethylsilylundecanoate. Our results suggest that the distribution of interfacial ions is sensitive to the 2D dispersion of the silane-charged head groups. Also, while charged silane monolayers show a strong orientation of interfacial water molecules, which leads to a rupture in the hydrogen bond network and disturbs their tetrahedral organization, the arrangement of water molecules at the interface with uncharged silane monolayers seems to be related to the surface roughness and to alkyl chain length. In line with these results, the diffusion of ions and water molecules is higher at the CH3 long monolayer interface than at the CH3 short monolayer interface and at the charged monolayer interfaces. Also, whatever the silane molecules studied, bulk properties are recovered around 0.7 nm above the interface. The interfacial water organization is known to impact biomolecule adsorption. Therefore, these results could further help in optimizing the functionalization layers to capture analytes.In this letter, we investigated the modification of the oscillator strength of an asymmetric stretching band of CS2 by strong coupling to an infrared cavity photon. This is achieved by placing liquid CS2 in a Fabry-Perot resonator and tuning the cavity mode position to match the molecular vibrational transition. Ultrastrong coupling leads to an increase in the effective oscillator strength of the asymmetric stretching band of CS2. We proved this experimentally by taking the area ratio of the asymmetric stretching and combination bands by selectively coupling the former. A nonlinear increase in the oscillator strength of the asymmetric stretching band is observed upon varying the coupling strength. This is explained by a quantum mechanical model that predicts quadratic behavior under ultrastrong coupling conditions. These findings will set up a new paradigm for understanding chemical reaction modifications by vacuum field coupling.The precise design of a catalyst for a given reaction is extremely difficult, often requiring a significant empirical screening campaign to afford products in high yields and enantiomeric excess. Design becomes even more challenging if one requires a catalyst that performs well for a diverse range of substrates. Such "privileged" catalysts exist, but little is known why they operate so generally. We report the results of computations which show that when substrate and catalyst features are conserved between significantly different mechanistic regimes, similar modes of activation can be invoked. As a validating case study, we explored a Hantzsch ester hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturated iminiums involving BINOL-derived chiral phosphates and find they impart asymmetric induction in an analogous fashion to their acid counterpart. Specifically, DFT calculations at the IEFPCM(1,4-dioxane)-B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p)//B3LYP/6-31G(d) level predicted enantioselectivity to be close to the experimental value (82% ee calculated, 96% ee experimental) and showed that the reaction proceeds via a transition state involving two hydrogen-bonding interactions from the iminium intermediate and nucleophile to the catalyst. These interactions lower the energy of the transition structure and provide extra rigidity to the system. This new model invokes "privileged" noncovalent interactions and leads to a new explanation for the enantioselectivity outcome, ultimately providing the basis for the development of general catalyst design principles and the translation of mechanistically disparate reaction profiles for the prediction of enantioselectivity outcomes using statistical models.Electron-based dissociation (ExD) produces uncluttered mass spectra of intact proteins while preserving labile post-translational modifications. However, technical challenges have limited this option to only a few high-end mass spectrometers. We have developed an efficient ExD cell that can be retrofitted in less than an hour into current LC/Q-TOF instruments. Supporting software has been developed to acquire, process, and annotate peptide and protein ExD fragmentation spectra. In addition to producing complementary fragmentation, ExD spectra enable many isobaric leucine/isoleucine and isoaspartate/aspartate pairs to be distinguished by side-chain fragmentation. The ExD cell preserves phosphorylation and glycosylation modifications. It also fragments longer peptides more efficiently to reveal signaling cross-talk between multiple post-translational modifications on the same protein chain and cleaves disulfide bonds in cystine knotted proteins and intact antibodies. The ability of the ExD cell to combine collisional activation with electron fragmentation enables more complete sequence coverage by disrupting intramolecular electrostatic interactions that can hold fragments of large peptides and proteins together. These enhanced capabilities made possible by the ExD cell expand the size of peptides and proteins that can be analyzed as well as the analytical certainty of characterizing their post-translational modifications.The acceleration in design of new metal organic frameworks (MOFs) has led scientists to focus on high-throughput computational screening (HTCS) methods to quickly assess the promises of these fascinating materials in various applications. HTCS studies provide a massive amount of structural property and performance data for MOFs, which need to be further analyzed. Recent implementation of machine learning (ML), which is another growing field in research, to HTCS of MOFs has been very fruitful not only for revealing the hidden structure-performance relationships of materials but also for understanding their performance trends in different applications, specifically for gas storage and separation. In this review, we highlight the current state of the art in ML-assisted computational screening of MOFs for gas storage and separation and address both the opportunities and challenges that are emerging in this new field by emphasizing how merging of ML and MOF simulations can be useful.G-quadruplexes (G4s) continue to gather wide attention in the field of chemical biology as their prevalence in the human genome and transcriptome strongly suggests that they play key regulatory roles in cell biology. G4-specific, cell-permeable small molecules (G4-ligands) innovatively permit the interrogation of cellular circuitries in order to assess to what extent G4s influence cell fate and functions. Here, we report on multivalent, biomimetic G4-ligands referred to as TASQs that enable both the isolation and visualization of G4s in human cells. Two biotinylated TASQs, BioTASQ and BioCyTASQ, are indeed efficient molecular tools to isolate G4s from mixtures of nucleic acids through simple affinity capture protocols and to image G4s in cells via a biotin/avidin pretargeted imaging system first applied here to G4s, found to be a reliable alternative to in situ click chemistry.The rapid and reliable recognition of nucleic acid sequences is essential to a broad range of fields including genotyping, gene expression analysis, and pathogen screening. For viral detection in particular, the capability is critical for optimal therapeutic response and preventing disease transmission. Here, we report an approach for detecting identifying sequence motifs within genome-scale single-strand DNA and RNA based on solid-state nanopores. By designing DNA oligonucleotide probes with complementarity to target sequences within a target genome, we establish a protocol to yield affinity-tagged duplex molecules the same length as the probe only if the target is present. The product can subsequently be bound to a protein chaperone and analyzed quantitatively with a selective solid-state nanopore assay. We first use a model DNA genome (M13mp18) to validate the approach, showing the successful isolation and detection of multiple target sequences simultaneously. We then demonstrate the protocol for the detection of RNA viruses by identifying and targeting a highly conserved sequence within human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1B).The desolvation and ionization process of analytes can significantly be improved by enriching the nebulizing gas with a dopant (dopant enriched nitrogen (DEN) gas) in the electrospray source. However, for the analysis of released glycans in negative ion mode, the usage of DEN gas remains largely unexplored. For this purpose, we investigated the effect of different polar protic solvents (methanol, ethanol, and isopropanol) as well as using solely the nebulizing gas or ambient air on the ionization and charge state distribution of released N- and O-glycans. Compared to the standard acetonitrile enriched nitrogen gas, isopropanol showed the highest increase in regards to peak areas. Moreover, it showed large benefits for the identification of glycan structures at high sensitivity as the increased precursor intensities subsequently resulted in higher intensities in tandem MS mode. While similar effects are noted for both neutral and sialylated species, the most significant effect was observed for early eluting glycans where very low acetonitrile concentrations were present in the eluent.

Autoři článku: Baldwinsheridan7587 (Gomez Temple)