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Although the total number of microbial taxa on Earth is under debate, it is clear that only a small fraction of these has been cultivated and validly named. Evidently, the inability to culture most bacteria outside of very specific conditions severely limits their characterization and further studies. In the last decade, a major part of the solution to this problem has been the use of metagenome sequencing, whereby the DNA of an entire microbial community is sequenced, followed by the in silico reconstruction of genomes of its novel component species. The large discrepancy between the number of sequenced type strain genomes (around 12,000) and total microbial diversity (10


species) directs these efforts to de novo assembly and binning. Unfortunately, these steps are error-prone and as such, the results have to be intensely scrutinized to avoid publishing incomplete and low-quality genomes.

We developed MAGISTA (metagenome-assembled genome intra-bin statistics assessment), a novel approach to assesscommunity is a very valuable tool for benchmarking (new) metagenome analysis methods.

Pest management has been facing the spread of invasive species, insecticide resistance phenomena, and concern for the impact of chemical pesticides on human health and the environment. It has tried to deal with them by developing technically efficient and economically sustainable solutions to complement/replace/improve traditional control methods. The renewal has been mainly directed towards less toxic pesticides or enhancing the precision of their delivery to reduce the volume employed and side effects through lure-and-kill approaches based on semiochemicals attractants. However, one of the main pest management problems is that efficacy depends on the effectiveness of the attractant system, limiting its successful employment to semiochemical stimuli-responsive insects. Biomaterial-based and bioinspired/biomimetic solutions that already guide other disciplines (e.g., medical sciences) in developing precision approaches could be a helpful tool to create attractive new strategies to liberate precision pest mac lure, mechanical lethality, biocompatibility, and bioinsecticide growth). Such an approach might be cost-competitive, and with the potential for applicability to several pest species. Moreover, it is already technically feasible, since all the technologies necessary to design and configure materials with specific characteristics are already available on the market.

Biomaterials, particularly in the hydrogel form, can be a useful tool for developing the biomimetic lure-and-kill approach because they can satisfy multiple needs simultaneously (e.g., biomimetic lure, mechanical lethality, biocompatibility, and bioinsecticide growth). Such an approach might be cost-competitive, and with the potential for applicability to several pest species. Moreover, it is already technically feasible, since all the technologies necessary to design and configure materials with specific characteristics are already available on the market.

Molecular markers are essential to identify Echinococcus species and genotypes in areas with multiple Echinococcus species to understand their epidemiology and pathology. Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) is one of the areas worst hit by echinococcosis. However, molecular epidemiology is still missing among echinococcosis patients in TAR. This research explored the Echinococcus species and genotypes infecting humans in TAR and the population diversity and the possible origin of G1 in TAR.

Cyst samples were collected in one echinococcosis-designated hospital in TAR. Echinococcus species and genotypes were identified through a maximum-likelihood approach with near-complete/complete mtDNA using IQ-TREE. Phylogenetic networks were built with PopART, and the phylogeographical diffusion pattern was identified using a Bayesian discrete phylogeographic method.

Using phylogenetic trees made with near-complete/complete mtDNA obtained from 92 cysts from TAR patients, the Echinococcus species and genotypes infecting hueasures, and serve as a valuable baseline for monitoring the Echinococcus species and genotypes mutations and trends of the Echinococcus spp. population in TAR.

The abscopal effect is a phenomenon in which a tumor located far from irradiated lesions regresses. We have experienced a case in which both intracranial and extracranial lesions showed an abscopal effect after radiotherapy for spinal metastases of unknown primary. We report the differential abscopal effect in extracranial and intracranial lesions.

A 57-year-old Japanese man was diagnosed with multiple lung nodules, bone metastases, and brain metastases. The results of pathological examination at the previous hospital he visited suggested adenocarcinoma of the lung. However, there was a possibility that the biopsy specimen was inadequate. Radiation therapy was performed on the ninth thoracic vertebra for a total dose of 39Gy in 13 fractions because the lesion in the ninth thoracic vertebra was destructively extending. After thorough examination, the primary lesion could not be identified, and we made diagnosis of cancer of unknown primary. The patient did not want to receive systemic chemotherapy; howeverlesion of a vertebra resulted in an abscopal effect on both extracranial and intracranial lesions. Notably, the abscopal effect in the intracranial lesions was weaker than that in the extracranial lesions.

We report a rare case in which radiotherapy alone for an extracranial metastatic lesion of a vertebra resulted in an abscopal effect on both extracranial and intracranial lesions. Notably, the abscopal effect in the intracranial lesions was weaker than that in the extracranial lesions.

Haemaphysalis longicornis ticks are reported on dogs from an increasing geographic range. This study aimed to determine the sustained efficacy of Seresto

collars (imidacloprid/flumethrin) against experimental infestations of H. longicornis in dogs.

Twenty-four Beagle dogs previously assessed for their suitability to harbor ticks were included in the study and randomized into three groups of eight dogs each. Two of the groups were treated with collars at different time points at the first tick infestation, dogs in group 1 had already worn collars for 92days, while dogs in group 2 had received collars only on the previous day, thus allowing evaluation of two different treatment durations at the same point in time. Infestation of the treated groups was conducted at 1, 7, 28, and 56days (group 2) and 92, 119, 147, 168, 196, 227, and 238days (group 1) after collar placement. Group 3 served as untreated control and was infested whenever the dogs of the other two groups were infested. Infestations were conductagainst H. longicornis infestations in dogs.

The 8-month sustained acaricidal efficacy demonstrated by the Seresto® collar (imidacloprid/flumethrin) provides a reliable strategy against H. longicornis infestations in dogs.

To investigate the effects of the growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) axis on the incidence and progression of retinopathy.

We enrolled 91 patients with acromegaly and 123 subjects with impaired fasting glucose (IFG) between 2008 and 2016 to examine the incidence and prevalence of retinopathy. Patients attended follow-ups in our clinics and underwent examinations according to the national guidelines for diabetes management. Both cohorts attended follow-ups until June 2019.

Both groups had similar HbA1c, cholesterol, and blood pressure levels. However, patients with acromegaly had higher GH (8.05 ± 16.18 vs. 0.78 ± 1.25ng/mL) and IGF-1 (547.0 ± 342.1 vs. 146.7 ± 51.4ng/mL) levels than in subjects with IFG. During the follow-up period, 8 patients (8.8%) with acromegaly and 12 patients (9.8%) with IFG developed some degree of retinopathy. Three patients with acromegaly and two with IFG progressed to proliferative retinopathy. Patients with acromegaly had the same incidence of non-proliferative retinopathy (odds ratio [OR] 0.830; 95% CI 0.318-2.164) and a non-statistically significantly higher incidence of proliferative retinopathy (OR 2.461; 95% CI 0.404-14.988).

The data reveals that GH and IGF-1 might play a crucial role in the development of proliferative retinopathy and influence its progression. Therefore, we suggest screening patients with acromegaly should be similar to diabetes patients.

The data reveals that GH and IGF-1 might play a crucial role in the development of proliferative retinopathy and influence its progression. Therefore, we suggest screening patients with acromegaly should be similar to diabetes patients.

Patient and family engagement (PFE) has been defined as a partnership between patients, families, and health care providers to achieve positive health care outcomes. There is evidence that PFE is critical to improving outcomes. We sought to systematically identify and map the evidence on PFE strategies for adults with chronic conditions and identify areas needing more research.

We searched PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE, and Cochrane, January 2015 to September 2021 for systematic reviews on strategies for engaging patients with chronic conditions and their caregivers. From each review, we abstracted search dates, number and type of studies, populations, interventions, and outcomes. PFE strategies were categorized into direct patient care, health system, and community-policy level strategies. We found few systematic reviews on strategies at the health system, and none at the community-policy level. In view of this, we also searched for original studies that focused on PFE strategies at those two levels and reviewetegies had positive effects or potential benefits. A limitation of this evidence map is that due to its focus on reviews, which were plentiful, it did not capture details of individual interventions. Nevertheless, this evidence map should help to focus attention on gaps that require more research in efforts to improve PFE.

Much more evidence exists on the effects of direct patient care strategies on PFE than on the effects of health system or community-policy strategies. Most reviews indicated that direct patient care strategies had positive effects or potential benefits. A limitation of this evidence map is that due to its focus on reviews, which were plentiful, it did not capture details of individual interventions. Nevertheless, this evidence map should help to focus attention on gaps that require more research in efforts to improve PFE.

In line with the significance of organizational commitment, the question arises "Do spiritual health and psychological well-being optimize teachers' organizational commitment?" The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between spiritual health, psychological well-being and the organizational commitment of high school teachers.

This was a cross-sectional study in which, 346 teachers in Tehran high schools participated through multi-stage sampling. The data were collected using Ryff Psychological Well-being Questionnaire (1989), Spiritual Health Questionnaire in Iranian Society (2014) and Organizational Commitment scale of Allen and Meyer (1990), and their relationships were assessed.

Psychological well-being and spiritual health had positive and significant relationship with teachers' organizational commitment. Furthermore, approximately 50% of variations in organizational commitment subscales could be explained by the variables of spiritual health and psychological well-being.

Psychological well-being and spiritual health can predict organizational commitment as the dependent variable among high school teachers.

Autoři článku: Bagersivertsen3543 (Atkinson Robles)