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This article is part of the theme issue 'Life history and learning how childhood, caregiving and old age shape cognition and culture in humans and other animals'.Developmental context has been shown to influence learning abilities later in life, namely through experiments with nutritional and/or environmental constraints (i.e. lack of enrichment). However, little is known about the extent to which opportunities for learning affect the development of animal cognition, even though such opportunities are known to influence human cognitive development. We exposed young zebra finches (Taenopygia guttata) (n = 26) to one of three experimental conditions, i.e. an environment where (i) colour cues reliably predicted the presence of food (associative learning), (ii) a combination of two-colour cues reliably predicted the presence of food (conditional learning), or (iii) colour cues were non-informative (control). After conducting two different discrimination tasks, our results showed that experience with predictive cues can cause increased choice accuracy and decision-making speed. Our first learning task showed that individuals in the associative learning treatment outperformed the control treatment, while task 2 showed that individuals in the conditional learning treatment had shorter latencies when making choices compared with the control treatment. We found no support for a speed-accuracy trade-off. This dataset provides a rare longitudinal and experimental examination of the effect of predictive versus non-predictive cues during development on the cognition of adult animals. This article is part of the theme issue 'Life history and learning how childhood, caregiving and old age shape cognition and culture in humans and other animals'.There is a famous puzzle about the first 3 million years of archaeologically visible human technological history. The pace of change, of innovation and its uptake, is extraordinarily slow. In particular, the famous handaxes of the Acheulian technological tradition first appeared about 1.7 Ma, and persisted with little change until about 800 ka, perhaps even longer. In this paper, I will offer an explanation of that stasis based in the life history and network characteristics that we infer (on phylogenetic grounds) to have characterized earlier human species. The core ideas are that (i) especially in earlier periods of hominin evolution, we are likely to find archaeological traces only of widespread and persisting technologies and practices; (ii) the record is not a record of the rate of innovation, but the rate of innovations establishing in a landscape; (iii) innovations are extremely vulnerable to stochastic loss while confined to the communities in which they are made and established; (iv) the export of inre in humans and other animals'.I argue that the evolution of our life history, with its distinctively long, protected human childhood, allows an early period of broad hypothesis search and exploration, before the demands of goal-directed exploitation set in. This cognitive profile is also found in other animals and is associated with early behaviours such as neophilia and play. I relate this developmental pattern to computational ideas about explore-exploit trade-offs, search and sampling, and to neuroscience findings. I also present several lines of empirical evidence suggesting that young human learners are highly exploratory, both in terms of their search for external information and their search through hypothesis spaces. In fact, they are sometimes more exploratory than older learners and adults. This article is part of the theme issue 'Life history and learning how childhood, caregiving and old age shape cognition and culture in humans and other animals'.We apply a new quantitative method for investigating how children's exploration changes across age in order to gain insight into how exploration unfolds over the course of a human life from a life-history perspective. In this study, different facets of exploratory play were quantified using a novel touchscreen environment across a large sample and wide age range of children in the USA (n = 105, ages = 1 year and 10 months to 12 years and 2 months). In contrast with previous theories that have suggested humans transition from more exploratory to less throughout maturation, we see children transition from less broadly exploratory as toddlers to more efficient and broad as adolescents. Our data cast doubt on the picture of human life history as involving a linear transition from more curious in early childhood to less curious with age. Instead, exploration appears to become more elaborate throughout human childhood. This article is part of the theme issue 'Life history and learning how childhood, caregiving and old age shape cognition and culture in humans and other animals'.The evolutionary biologist W. D. Hamilton (Hamilton 1966 J. Theor. Biol. 12, 12-45. (doi10.1016/0022-5193(66)90184-6)) famously showed that the force of natural selection declines with age, and reaches zero by the age of reproductive cessation. However, in social species, the transfer of fitness-enhancing resources by postreproductive adults increases the value of survival to late ages. While most research has focused on intergenerational food transfers in social animals, here we consider the potential fitness benefits of information transfer, and investigate the ecological contexts where pedagogy is likely to occur. Although the evolution of teaching is an important topic in behavioural biology and in studies of human cultural evolution, few formal models of teaching exist. Here, we present a modelling framework for predicting the timing of both information transfer and learning across the life course, and find that under a broad range of conditions, optimal patterns of information transfer in a skills-intensive ecology often involve postreproductive aged teachers. We explore several implications among human subsistence populations, evaluating the cost of hunting pedagogy and the relationship between activity skill complexity and the timing of pedagogy for several subsistence activities. Long lifespan and extended juvenility that characterize the human life history likely evolved in the context of a skills-intensive ecological niche with multi-stage pedagogy and multigenerational cooperation. This article is part of the theme issue 'Life history and learning how childhood, caregiving and old age shape cognition and culture in humans and other animals'.This special issue focuses on the relationship between life history and learning, especially during human evolution. 'Life history' refers to the developmental programme of an organism, including its period of immaturity, reproductive rate and timing, caregiving investment and longevity. Across many species an extended childhood and high caregiving investment appear to be correlated with particular kinds of plasticity and learning. Human life history is particularly distinctive; humans evolved an exceptionally long childhood and old age, and an unusually high level of caregiving investment, at the same time that they evolved distinctive capacities for cognition and culture. The contributors explore the relations between life history, plasticity and learning across a wide range of methods and populations, including theoretical and empirical work in biology, anthropology and developmental psychology. This article is part of the theme issue 'Life history and learning how childhood, caregiving and old age shape cognition and culture in humans and other animals'.Postmenopausal longevity distinguishes humans from our closest living evolutionary cousins, the great apes, and may have evolved in our lineage when the economic productivity of grandmothers allowed mothers to wean earlier and overlap dependents. Since increased longevity retards development and expands brain size across the mammals, this hypothesis links our slower developing, bigger brains to ancestral grandmothering. If foraging interdependence favoured postmenopausal longevity because grandmothers' subsidies reduced weaning ages, then ancestral infants lost full maternal engagement while their slower developing brains were notably immature. With survival dependent on social relationships, sensitivity to reputations is wired very early in neural ontogeny, beginning our lifelong preoccupation with shared intentionality. This article is part of the theme issue 'Life history and learning how childhood, caregiving and old age shape cognition and culture in humans and other animals'.Humans possess an unusual combination of traits, including our cognition, life history, demographics and geographical distribution. Many theories propose that these traits have coevolved. Such hypotheses have been explored both theoretically and empirically, with experiments examining whether human behaviour meets theoretical expectations. However, theory must make assumptions about the human mind, creating a potentially problematic gap between models and reality. Here, we employ a series of 'experimental evolutionary simulations' to reduce this gap and to explore the coevolution of learning, memory and childhood. The approach combines aspects of theory and experiment by inserting human participants as agents within an evolutionary simulation. Across experiments, we find that human behaviour supports the coevolution of learning, memory and childhood, but that this is dampened by rapid environmental change. We conclude by discussing both the implications of these findings for theories of human evolution and the utility of experimental evolutionary simulations more generally. This article is part of the theme issue 'Life history and learning how childhood, caregiving and old age shape cognition and culture in humans and other animals'.Background A number of persons with severe mental illnesses are unable to prepare for, find or keep a job due to factors linked to their illness as well as psychosocial issues. Aim To test the feasibility of a supported employment programme to help persons with severe mental disorders obtain and sustain employment. Methods A supported employment programme was developed for persons with severe mental disorders with components of (a) assessment of vocational potential, (b) vocational counselling, (c) networking and liaison with prospective employers, (d) job-related training and placement and (e) continued support for 6 months. Job placement status, social occupational functioning and disability (quantitative data) and benefits of enrolling in the employment programme (qualitative data) were assessed. Results A total of 40 employers were liaised with for providing job placement and reasonable accommodation. AZ191 order Out of 63 participants recruited into the study, 32 (50.8%) participants were placed in competitive jobs, placement was actively attempted for 17 (27.0%) participants, 7 (11.1%) were referred for skill training and 7 (11.1%) dropped out from the study. The disability score significantly reduced and socio-occupational functioning significantly improved in those who were placed over a period of 6 months. Conclusion The supported employment programme was found to be feasible as it showed good placement rates and improvement in socio-occupational functioning and disability scores.

Autoři článku: Axelsentrevino9715 (Ortega Hopper)