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During the catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation, thermal damages to the esophagus may have deleterious effects. The use of the SensoLas light sensor (SLLS; LasCor GmbH, Taufkirchen, Germany) and focused local atrial electrograms (LEGs) were tested as means for the assessment of thermal effects on the esophagus during laser catheter ablation. A total of 32 transcatheter in vitro and in vivo 1064-nm laser impacts were aimed at porcine (n = 16) and canine (n = 16) atrial endocardia. Photons scattering through the atrial and esophageal walls were captured by the SLLS, transmitted via an optical fiber to a diode, and converted to power displayed on a monitor. The laser was stopped automatically when the power measurement reached values beyond the preset upper limit. During in vivo laser applications, bipolar LEGs were recorded via the miniature electrodes of the laser catheter. Thermal damage to the esophagus was avoided when the power measurement was limited to 150 μW or less and the diode current was 60 μA or less, regardless of the energy setting used and regardless of the thicknesses of the atrial and esophageal walls. Laser energy applied for eight seconds to 13 seconds (average 10 seconds) abolished the electrical potentials permanently. In conclusion, the control of laser light via the SLLS and of atrial potential amplitudes in the LEGs can prevent thermal esophageal and lung injury during laser catheter ablation.Mechanical prosthetic aortic and mitral valves preclude either a retrograde aortic or transseptal approach to the left ventricular (LV) endocardium. Several operators have reported on the application of nonconventional techniques for ventricular tachycardia (VT) ablation including transventricular septal puncture, epicardial approach, transmechanical valve approach, transcoronary venous approach, and transapical approach. Incorporating transventricular access to the LV under intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) guidance has been previously attempted in VT ablation procedures in patients with both aortic and mitral mechanical valves. However, while ICE is readily used in the United States, its use is less common in Europe, since the health insurance agencies largely do not cover the costs of ICE catheters. We therefore herein present a case of VT ablation in the LV using a transventricular approach in a patient who underwent mechanical double valve replacement performed under subcostal echocardiographic and fluoroscopic guidance.Scar-mediated ventricular tachycardia (VT) is a recognized cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and other cardiomyopathies such as nonischemic cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, and cardiac sarcoidosis. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) therapy improves survival but does not prevent the onset of recurrent VT or associated morbidity from ICD shocks. While randomized controlled trials have demonstrated advantages of scar-mediated VT ablation in comparison with antiarrhythmic drugs, procedural success has remained overall modest at between 50% and 70%. Standard scar-mediated VT ablation has relied on the use of activation and entrainment mapping during sustained VT to identify critical isthmuses for ablation. Substrate-based approaches have emerged as options to address hemodynamically unstable VT and have focused on identifying electrograms characteristic of critical isthmuses (eg, late potentials, local abnormal ventricular activities, conducting channels) within dense scar during sinus rhythm. Scar homogenization, a more recent approach, relies minimally on mapping and focuses on complete substrate modification. Core isolation, on the other hand, another recent development, relies heavily on mapping to identify regions within scar that are "cores" for arrhythmogenicity and then concentrates ablation to these areas. At this time, scar-mediated VT ablation appears to be at a crossroads wherein evolving substrate-based approaches are exploring whether to rely less or increasingly more on mapping. This review will therefore discuss the evolution of substrate-based, scar-mediated VT ablation and in the process try to answer whether there is still a role for mapping.Advances in electroanatomic mapping (EAM) technology have facilitated improved success and safety profiles in the field of catheter ablation. However, these advances in their current iteration may be of limited value in ablation performed in very small children. The present case report highlights the application of current EAM technologies in an infant with incessant arrhythmias and includes a discussion regarding the application and limitations of newer mapping and ablation technologies in this unique and fragile patient group.The development of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) has been crucial in reducing morbidity and mortality in patients with advanced heart failure. However, a significant proportion of patients who receive CRT fail to derive significant clinical benefits from this therapy. Successful CRT depends on a multitude of factors, including appropriate patient selection, left ventricular lead positioning, and postimplant management. Newer device-based algorithms, multipoint ventricular pacing, and the development of leadless CRT devices constitute important facets of both the present and near-future evolution of this therapy.Optical coherence tomography (OCT) employs near-infrared light to image the microstructure of different tissues. Clinically, it has been used to image the walls of coronary arteries. In research settings, one of the applications for OCT is visualizing endocardial and subendocardial structures. The present experiment sought to determine whether OCT can identify native conduction tissues in adult porcine hearts. During the study, the right atrial endocardial surfaces of excised adult porcine hearts were exposed. The triangle of Koch was imaged with the OCT system and the conduction tissue was identified. The area was then prepared for histologic examination with Masson's trichrome stain. The results of histologic preparations and OCT images were then compared. Ultimately, nine porcine hearts were examined using this methodology. OCT imaging successfully identified subendocardial structures presumed to be the compact atrioventricular node. Histologic images of the preparations delineated the different tissue types and conduction tissue was easily identified. The location of distinctive hyporeflective areas in the OCT images correlated with the location of conduction tissue in the histology images. In light of the findings of this study, it is suggested that atrioventricular nodal tissue can be identified by OCT in freshly dissected unfixed porcine hearts. OCT images distinguished the differentiated conduction tissue in close proximity with the endocardium, myofibers, and fibrous tissue, and the success of this was verified with histology. This technology may be useful for the direct visualization of the native conduction system during procedures in the operating room and electrophysiology laboratory. Further studies with perfused tissue samples and live animal experiments are needed to better assess the efficacy of this novel application.His-bundle pacing (HBP) constitutes an excellent alternative to right ventricular pacing. Recently, several studies have reported on the success and efficacy of HBP in patients with left bundle branch block requiring cardiac resynchronization therapy. Nonetheless, HBP may not always be feasible due to high capture thresholds or disease in the distal His bundle. The present report discusses the utility and feasibility of pacing in the left bundle branch area located distal to the site of conduction block.We report a case of direct His-bundle lead placement at the time of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator insertion and atrioventricular node ablation. The patient was found to have an isolated persistent left superior vena cava, and selective His-bundle pacing was successfully achieved through the use of a steerable sheath and dedicated mapping catheter.Temporary cardiac pacing is commonly used in patients with life-threatening bradycardia and serves as a bridge to implantation of a permanent pacemaker (PPM). For years, passive fixation leads have been used for this purpose, offering the advantage of that they can be placed at bedside. The downside, however, is that patients must remain on telemetry and bed rest until lead removal due to the risk of displacement and failure to capture. Even then, the latter cannot always be prevented. Temporary cardiac pacing with passive fixation leads has also been related to a higher incidence of infection and venous thrombosis, delayed recovery, and increased length of stay. Thus, over the last couple of decades, pacemaker leads with an active fixation mechanism have become increasingly used. This is known as a temporary PPM (TPPM) approach, which carries a very low risk of lead dislodgement and allows patients to ambulate, among other advantages. Here, we performed a review of the literature on the use of TPPMs and theiisk in a patient who is already hemodynamically unstable. When possible, a screw-in-lead pacemaker should be used for temporary pacing.Atrioesophageal fistula (AEF) is an uncommon but devastating complication of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation. Even with appropriate recognition and treatment, mortality is greater than 30% in most studies. If AEF is suspected, it is essential to avoid endoscopy and to order immediate cross-sectional imaging. If the diagnosis is confirmed, a thoracic surgeon should be promptly notified and must assess the patient urgently. The prognosis for AEF is poor even if it is appropriately recognized and addressed, so prevention must be a high priority. Prevention of AEF should involve the use of low-risk and cost-effective measures during ablation, which may increase safety, efficacy, or both. These strategies may include conscious sedation (as opposed to general anesthesia), low-power ablation, low-flow irrigation, short-duration lesions, esophageal temperature measurement, esophageal deviation, and pharmacologic prophylaxis with proton pump inhibitors or histamine H2 receptor blockers. Multiple new technologies are now becoming available, which may further reduce esophageal injury. Proceduralists should be aware of the available techniques and equipment that may help to reduce the risk of AEF, while simultaneously considering the possibility of unintended consequences.Pacemaker-dependent (PD) patients undergoing implantable cardiac electronic device extraction often must be subjected to temporary pacing interventions. We sought to determine the safety and utility of a leadless pacing system (Micra™; Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA) in patients undergoing system extraction as compared with externalized temporary transvenous right ventricular lead (temp-perm) placement. We performed a retrospective cohort analysis of all patients receiving either permanent Micra™ or temp-perm systems following system extraction from October 2013 to September 2017 at Vanderbilt University Hospital. The Micra™ and temp-perm cohorts included nine and 27 patients meeting the inclusion criteria, respectively. System infection was the most common indication for extraction (67% Micra™, 84% temp-perm), but no patients had active bacteremia at the time of permanent system reimplantation. There was no difference in system type (p = 0.09) or mean lead dwell time extracted (109 versus 81 months; p = 0.93).

Autoři článku: Avilamcknight5292 (Mitchell England)