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12±0.36 mm vs. probucol; -0.11 ±0.32 mm vs. combo; -0.16±0.38 mm). MACCEs were frequent in the control group, but the difference was not significant (control; 10.8% vs. probucol; 4.4% vs. combo; 6.9%, p=0.35). Probucol and cilostazol were well tolerated in long-term treatment without serious drug-related adverse reactions. CONCLUSION Probucol or probucol and cilostazol with statin did not reduce carotid IMT in comparison with statin alone in this study. However, the clinical outcome of probucol-based treatment with current standard statin treatment may need further studies.AIMS Although intensive statin therapy reduced cardiovascular risks, cardiovascular events have not been completely prevented. Probucol is a potent antioxidant and reduces tendon xanthomas in familial hypercholesterolemia patients despite reduction of high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol (HDL-C). We investigated whether probucol can reduce cardiovascular events on top of conventional lipid-lowering therapy in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). METHODS PROSPECTIVE is a multicenter, randomized, prospective study that recruited 876 Japanese patients with CHD and dyslipidemia with an low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol (HDL-C) level of ≥ 140 mg/dL without medication or those treated with lipid-lowering drugs. Lipid-lowering agents were administered during the study period in the control group (n=438), and probucol 500 mg/day was added to lipid-lowering therapy in the probucol group (n=438). Patients were randomly assigned to two treatment groups by adjusting the LDL-C level and presence of di003307).Facile and effective detection of dopamine (DA) plays a significant role in current clinical applications. buy I-138 Substantially, special optical nanomaterials are important for fabricating easy-to-control, cheap, selective, and portable fluorescence DA sensors with superior performance. Herein, carbon dots (CDs) prepared from melting method were applied as signal to establish a simple but effective fluorescence strategy for DA determination based on the enzymatic activity of acid phosphatase (ACP), which induces DA to form polydopamine (pDA). The formed pDA caused by the enzymatic oxidization of ACP toward DA can interact with CDs through the inner filter effect. Such behavior effectively quenched the CDs' fluorescence. The degree of fluorescence quenching of CDs was positively correlated with the DA content. Under the optimized reaction conditions, the proposed fluorescence method exhibited a comparable analytical performance with other DA sensors with good selectivity. Furthermore, this method has been successfully applied to detect DA in DA hydrochloride injection and human serum samples. It shows that this method features potential practical application value and is expected to be used in clinical research.Medical professionals routinely offer prenatal genetic testing services to their expecting patients. Some bioethicists believe that when these professionals promote the use of such testing for abortion on grounds of disability, they express a devaluing message to and about extant disabled people. Supporters of this expressivist objection further maintain that, in expressing such a message, medical professionals reinforce negative attitudes about extant disabled people and thereby further stigmatize them. But while the expressivist objection has received quite a bit of support from disability rights theorists-in part because of its intuitive appeal-its current formulation suffers from various shortcomings that render it implausible. By invoking tools from the philosophy of language, I present the expressivist objection* an improved and distinctive formulation of the expressivist objection that preserves some of its core insights. According to this improved formulation, the promotion of prenatal testing for selective abortion can at least sometimes be wrong.This paper has both theoretical and practical ambitions. The theoretical ambitions are to explore what would constitute both effective and ethical treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, the practical ambition is perhaps more important we argue that a dominant form of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), which is widely taken to be far-and-away the best "treatment" for ASD, manifests systematic violations of the fundamental tenets of bioethics. Moreover, the supposed benefits of the treatment not only fail to mitigate these violations, but often exacerbate them. Warnings of the perils of ABA are not original to us-autism advocates have been ringing this bell for some years. However, their pleas have been largely unheeded, and ABA continues to be offered to and quite frequently pushed upon parents as the appropriate treatment for autistic children. Our contribution is to argue that, from a bioethical perspective, autism advocates are fully justified in their concerns-the rights of autistic children and their parents are being regularly infringed upon. Specifically, we will argue that employing ABA violates the principles of justice and nonmaleficence and, most critically, infringes on the autonomy of children and (when pushed aggressively) of parents as well.Contextualist treatments of clashes of intuitions can allow that two apparently conflicting claims can both be true. But making true claims is far from the only thing that matters-there are often substantive normative questions about what contextual parameters are appropriate to a given conversational situation. This paper foregrounds the importance of the social power to set contextual standards and how it relates to injustice and oppression, introducing a phenomenon I call "contextual injustice," which has to do with the unjust manipulation of conversational parameters in context-sensitive discourse. My central example applies contextualism about knowledge ascriptions to questions about knowledge regarding sexual assault allegations, but I will also discuss parallel dynamics in other examples of context-sensitive language involving politically significant terms, including gender terms. The discussion further illustrates some of the deep connections between language, epistemology, and social justice.Tranexamic acid (TXA) is an anti-fibrinolytic agent that acts by inhibiting plasminogen activation and fibrinolysis. Although its first clinical use dates back more than 50 years, this hemostatic agent is still the object of intense clinical and developmental research. In particular, renewed interest in TXA has arisen following evidence that it has a beneficial effect in reducing blood loss in a variety of medical and surgical conditions at increased risk of bleeding. Given this characteristic, TXA is currently considered a mainstay of Patient Blood Management programs aimed at reducing patients' exposure to allogeneic blood transfusion. Importantly, recent large randomized controlled trials have consistently documented that the use of TXA confers a survival advantage in a number of globally critical clinical conditions associated with acute bleeding, including traumatic injury and post-partum hemorrhage, without increasing the thromboembolic risk. Copyright© 2020 Ferrata Storti Foundation.The inflammatory cytokine Stem Cell Factor (SCF, ligand of c-kit receptor) has been implicated as a pro-oncogenic driver and an adverse prognosticator in several human cancers. Increased SCF levels have recently been reported in a small series of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), however its precise role in CLL pathophysiology remains elusive. In this study, CLL cells were found to predominantly express the membrane isoform of SCF that is known to elicit a more robust activation of the c-kit receptor. SCF was significantly overexpressed in CLL cells compared to healthy tonsillar B cells whilst it correlated with adverse-prognostic biomarkers, shorter time-to-first treatment and shorter overall survival. Activation of immune receptors and long-term cell-cell interactions with the mesenchymal stroma led to an elevation of SCF primarily in adverse-prognostic CLL cases. On the contrary, suppression of oxidative stress and the BTK inhibitor Ibrutinib negated SCF levels. Interestingly, SCF significantly correlated with mitochondrial dynamics and HIF-1α which have previously been linked with clinical aggressiveness in CLL. SCF was able to elicit direct biological effects in CLL cells affecting redox homeostasis and cell proliferation. Overall, the aberrantly expressed SCF in CLL cells emerges as a key response regulator to microenvironmental stimuli whilst correlating with poor prognosis. On these grounds, specific targeting of this inflammatory molecule could serve as a novel therapeutic approach in CLL. Copyright © 2020, Ferrata Storti Foundation.Von Willebrand factor (VWF) is a multimeric hemostatic protein that is synthesized in endothelial cells, where it is stored for secretion in elongated secretory organelles, so-called Weibel-Palade bodies (WPBs). Hemostatic activity of VWF is strongly tied to WPB length, but how endothelial cells control the dimensions of their WPBs is unclear. In this study we used a targeted shRNA screen to identify the longin-SNARE Sec22b as a novel determinant of WPB size and VWF trafficking. We found that Sec22b depletion resulted in loss of the typically elongated WPB morphology along with disintegration of the Golgi and dilation of rough ER (rER) cisternae. This was accompanied by reduced proteolytic processing of VWF, accumulation of VWF in the dilated rER and reduced basal and stimulated VWF secretion. Our data demonstrate that the elongation of WPBs, and thus adhesive activity of its cargo VWF, is determined by the rate of anterograde transport between ER and Golgi, which depends on Sec22b-containing SNARE complexes. Copyright © 2020, Ferrata Storti Foundation.The intrinsic regeneration ability of neurons is a pivotal factor in the repair of peripheral nerve injury. Therefore, identifying the key modulators of nerve regeneration may help improve axon regeneration and functional recovery after injury. Unlike for classical transcription factors and regeneration-associated genes (RAGs), the function of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the regulation of neuronal regeneration remains mostly unknown. In this study, we used RNA-Seq-based transcriptome profiling to analyze the expression patterns of lncRNAs and mRNAs in rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) following sciatic nerve injury. Analyses using the lncRNA-mRNA co-expression network, gene ontology (GO) enrichment, and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway databases indicated that the lncRNA Arrl1 decreases neurite outgrowth after neuronal injury. shRNA-mediate Arrl1 silencing increased axon regeneration both in vitro and in vivo, and improved functional recovery of the sciatic nerve. Moreover, inhibiting an identified target gene of Arrl1, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2B (Cdkn2b), markedly promoted neurite outgrowth of DRG neurons. We also found that Arrl1 acts as a competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) that sponges a Cdkn2b repressor, microRNA-761 (miR-761), and thereby up-regulates Cdkn2b expression during neuron regeneration. We conclude that the lncRNA Arrl1 affects the intrinsic regeneration of DRG neurons by de-repressing Cdkn2b expression. Our finding indicate a role for an lncRNA-microRNA-kinase pathway in the regulation of axon regeneration and functional recovery following peripheral nerve injury in rats. Published under license by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

Autoři článku: Asmussenklint5265 (Aguilar Raahauge)