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tween the IPC and FS groups. The body of evidence did not allow a clear conclusion regarding the effectiveness of IPC with iron gluconate and iron bisglycinate in the prevention and treatment of IDA. The certainty of evidence was low. Adequately powered and high-quality trials with large sample sizes that assess both hematological and clinical outcomes are required.

Population increase and the demand for infrastructure development such as construction of highways and road widening are intangible, leading up to mass land clearing. As flat terrains become scarce, infrastructure expansions have moved on to hilly terrains, cutting through slopes and forests. Unvegetated or bare slopes are prone to erosion due to the lack of or insufficient surface cover. The combination of exposed slope, uncontrolled slope management practices, poor slope planning and high rainfall as in Malaysia could steer towards slope failures which then results in landslides under acute situation. Moreover, due to the tropical weather, the soils undergo intense chemical weathering and leaching that elevates soil erosion and surface runoff. Mitigation measures are vital to address slope failures as they lead to economic loss and loss of lives. Since there is minimal or limited information and investigations on slope stabilization methods in Malaysia, this review deciphers into the current slope management practices such as geotextiles, brush layering, live poles, rock buttress and concrete structures. However, these methods have their drawbacks. Thus, as a way forward, we highlight the potential application of soil bioengineering methods especially on the use of whole plants. Here, we discuss the general attributions of a plant in slope stabilization including its mechanical, hydrological and hydraulic effects. Subsequently, we focus on species selection, and engineering properties of vegetation especially rooting structures and architecture. Finally, the review will dissect and assess the ecological principles for vegetation establishment with an emphasis on adopting the mix-culture approach as a slope failure mitigation measure. Nevertheless, the use of soil bioengineering is limited to low to moderate risk slopes only, while in high-risk slopes, the use of traditional engineering measure is deemed more appropriate and remain to be the solution for slope stabilization.

As the human behavior is influenced by both cognition and emotion, affective computing plays a central role in human-machine interaction. Algorithms for emotions recognition are usually based on behavioral analysis or on physiological measurements (e.g., heart rate, blood pressure). Among these physiological signals, pulse wave propagation in the circulatory tree can be assessed through photoplethysmography (PPG), a non-invasive optical technique. Since pulse wave characteristics are influenced by the cardiovascular status, which is affected by the autonomic nervous activity and hence by the psychophysiological state, PPG might encode information about emotional conditions. The capability of a multivariate data-driven approach to estimate state anxiety (SA) of healthy participants from PPG features acquired on the brachial and radial artery was investigated.

The machine learning method was based on General Linear Model and supervised learning. PPG was measured employing a custom-made system and SA of the participants was assessed through the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-Y) test.

A leave-one-out cross-validation framework showed a good correlation between STAI-Y score and the SA predicted by the machine learning algorithm (

= 0.81;

= 1.87∙10

). The preliminary results suggested that PPG can be a promising tool for emotions recognition, convenient for human-machine interaction applications.

A leave-one-out cross-validation framework showed a good correlation between STAI-Y score and the SA predicted by the machine learning algorithm (r = 0.81; p = 1.87∙10-9). The preliminary results suggested that PPG can be a promising tool for emotions recognition, convenient for human-machine interaction applications.

Left unchecked, pre-diabetes progresses to diabetes and its complications that are important health burdens in the United States. There is evidence of geographic disparities in the condition with some areas having a significantly high risks of the condition and its risk factors. Identifying these disparities, their determinants, and changes in burden are useful for guiding control programs and stopping the progression of pre-diabetes to diabetes. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to investigate geographic disparities of pre-diabetes prevalence in Florida, identify predictors of the observed spatial patterns, as well as changes in disease burden between 2013 and 2016.

The 2013 and 2016 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data were obtained from the Florida Department of Health. Counties with significant changes in the prevalence of the condition between 2013 and 2016 were identified using tests for equality of proportions adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Simes method. Flexible s reporting significant increases in prevalence between 2013 and 2016. These findings are critical for guiding health planning, resource allocation and intervention programs.Natural history collections are a valuable resource for molecular taxonomic studies and for examining patterns of evolutionary diversification, particularly in the case of rare or extinct species. However, the recovery of sequence information is often complicated by DNA degradation. This article describes use of the Sequel platform (Pacific Biosciences) to recover the 658 bp barcode region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene from 380 butterflies with an average age of 50 years. Nested multiplex PCR was employed for library preparation to facilitate sequence recovery from extracts with low concentrations of highly degraded DNA. By employing circular consensus sequencing (CCS) of short amplicons (circa 150 bp), full-length barcodes could be assembled without a reference sequence, an important advance from earlier protocols which required reference sequences to guide contig assembly. The Sequel protocol recovered COI sequences (499 bp on average) from 318 of 380 specimens (84%), much higher than for Sanger sequencing (26%). Because each read derives from a single molecule, it was also possible to quantify the incidence of substitutions arising from DNA damage. In agreement with past work on sequence changes induced by DNA degradation, the transition C/G → T/A was the most prevalent category of change, but its rate of occurrence (4.58E-4) was so low that it did not impede the recovery of reliable sequences. Because the current protocol recovers COI sequence from most museum specimens, and because sequence fidelity is unaffected by nucleotide misincorporations, large-scale sequence characterization of museum specimens is feasible.

Post-menopausal osteoporosis is a common health problem worldwide, most commonly caused by estrogen deficiency. Most of the information regarding the skeletal effects of this disease relates to trabecular bone, while cortical bone is less studied. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of estrogen deficiency on the structure and mechanical properties of cortical bone.

Eight ovariectomized (OVH) and eight intact (control) Sprague Dawley rats were used.Structural features of femoral cortical bone were studied by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and synchrotron-based microcomputer-tomography and their mechanical properties determined by nano-indentation.

Cortical bone of both study groups contains two distinct regions organized circumferential lamellae and disordered bone with highly mineralized cartilaginous islands. Lacunar volume was lower in the OVH group both in the lamellar and disorganized regions (182±75 µm

vs 232±106 µm


<0.001 and 195±86 µm

vs. 247±106 µm


<0.001, respectively). Lacunar density was also lower in both bone regions of the OVH group (40±18 ×10


vs. 47±9×10


in the lamellar region,

=0.003 and 63±18×10


vs. 75±13×10


in the disorganized region,

<0.001). Vascular canal volume was lower in the disorganized region of the bone in the OVH group compared to the same region in the control group (

<0.001). Indentation moduli were not different between the study groups in both bone regions.

Changes to cortical bone associated with estrogen deficiency in rats require high-resolution methods for detection. Caution is required in the application of these results to humans due to major structural differences between human and rat bone.

Changes to cortical bone associated with estrogen deficiency in rats require high-resolution methods for detection. Caution is required in the application of these results to humans due to major structural differences between human and rat bone.Staphylococcus aureus is a drug-resistant pathogen, capable of colonizing diverse ecological niches and causing a broad spectrum of infections related to a community and healthcare. In this study, we choose four methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) clinical isolates from Germany and Hungary based on our previous polyphasic characterization finding. We assumed that the selected strains have a different genetic background in terms of the presence of resistance and virulence genes, prophages, plasmids, and secondary metabolite biosynthesis genes that may play a crucial role in niche adaptation and pathogenesis. To clarify these assumptions, we performed a comparative genome analysis of these strains and observed many differences in their genomic compositions. check details The Hungarian isolates (SA H27 and SA H32) with ST22-SCCmec type IVa have fewer genes for multiple-drug resistance, virulence, and prophages reported in Germany isolates. Germany isolate, SA G6 acquires aminoglycoside (ant(6)-Ia and aph(3')-III) and nucle highly alike; however, comparative genome analysis exposed that the acquisition of phage elements, and plasmids through the events of MGEs transfer contribute to differences in their phenotypic characters. This comparative genome analysis would improve the knowledge about the pathogenic S. aureus strain's characterization, and responsible for clinically important phenotypic differences among the S. aureus strains.

Understanding the prescription practices and attitudes of veterinarians towards antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is crucial in guiding efforts to curb AMR. This study investigated prescription practices and attitudes towards AMR among veterinarians in the City of Tshwane, South Africa.

Out of the 83 veterinarians invited to participate in the study, 54 signed the consent form and completed the questionnaire. Percentages and 95% confidence intervals of all categorical variables were computed. A multinomial logistic model was used to identify predictors of the veterinarians' view towards antimicrobial use.

The majority (88%) of respondents indicated that improper use of antimicrobials contributed to selection for AMR. Veterinarians relied on clinical signs and symptoms (88%, 48/54) to decide whether to prescribe antimicrobials or not. However, the choice of antimicrobials depended on the cost of antibiotics (77.2%), route of administration (81.5%), and risk of potential adverse reactions (79.6%; 43/54). Many (61.

Autoři článku: Armstrongoneil5301 (Brock Sweet)