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fulfilling Koch's postulates. Based on morphology, sequencing, and pathogenicity test, the pathogen was identified as A. alternata. To our knowledge, this is the first report of A. alternata causing leaf spot disease of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) in China and is worthy of our attention for the harm it may cause to industrial hemp production.Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) is an important crop that has significant economic value in northern regions of China, especially in Heilongjiang Province. In October 2019, root rot was discovered on the sugar beet cultivar HDW09 in Hulan (126°64' E, 46°00' N), Heilongjiang Province, China. Typical symptoms included lesions on root tissues, which were initially small and dark brownish, then gradually turned into irregular shapes and black in color. As the disease progressed, the extent of necrosis penetrated from external layers into inner tissue. Root tissues suffered from severe decay, which resembles symptoms of several previously reported root rot diseases of sugar beet(Harveson 2006). To identify the pathogen, pieces of the transition zones (3-5mm) between asymptomatic and symptomatic tissues were surface sterilized for 15 seconds in 1% NaClO, rinsed twice with sterilized distilled water, plated on corn meal agar supplemented with penicillin G (50 mg/L), and incubated at 25 ± 2°C in the dark. Isolates belo montana was reisolated from 100% of the inoculated tissues, and identification was confirmed by molecular sequencing, validating Koch's postulates. This is the first report of Ca. montana in China causing root rot on sugar beet. The study suggests its broader host range and wider geographical distribution than ever known and lays a basis for further monitoring and managing this important pathogen.

While there is considerable current emphasis on youth and early psychosis, relatively little is known about the lives of people who live with psychotic disorders into middle age and beyond. We investigated social functioning, physical health status, substance use and psychiatric symptom profile in people with psychotic disorders aged between 50 and 65 years.

Data were collected as part of the Survey of High Impact Psychosis, a population-based survey of Australians aged 18-65 years with a psychotic disorder. We compared those aged 50-65 years (

 = 347) with those aged 18-49 years (

 = 1478) across a range of measures.

The older group contained more women and more people with affective psychoses compared to the younger group. They were also more likely to have had a later onset and a chronic course of illness. The older group were more likely to have negative symptoms but less likely to exhibit positive symptoms; they also had lower current cognition, compared to the younger group. Compared to the younger group, the older group were more likely to be divorced/separated, to be living alone and to be unemployed. They had substantially lower lifetime use of alcohol and illicit substances, but rates of obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus were higher.

Our findings suggest that the characteristics of people with psychosis change significantly as they progress into the middle age and beyond. A better understanding of these differences is important in informing targeted treatment strategies for older people living with psychosis.

Our findings suggest that the characteristics of people with psychosis change significantly as they progress into the middle age and beyond. A better understanding of these differences is important in informing targeted treatment strategies for older people living with psychosis.Hemihamate arthroplasty is an established method of managing difficult Pilon fractures of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint. We present our experience in 30 patients, whose injuries were further complicated by severe comminution and late presentations. selleck kinase inhibitor Several modifications were utilized, including preoperative distraction, use of smaller size grafts and functional release of collaterals. The average follow-up period was 28 months (range 18 to 28). Postoperatively, the average range of flexion at the PIP joint improved from 30° (range 20° to 45°) preoperatively to 104° (90° to 110°) at the final follow-up. The average extension lag was 6° (0° to 20°). Five patients required secondary procedures and no patient had a recurrent dorsal dislocation. We propose these modifications in the use of hemihamate arthroplasty for the management of difficult PIP joint fractures.Level of evidence IV.

Despite having one of the world's largest medical education consortium, India lacks a comprehensive and nationally representative data on suicide deaths among medical students and physicians unlike the one found in most of the developed nations of the world.

We aimed to explore the different characteristics of suicide deaths among medical students, residents and physicians in India over a decade (2010-2019).

Content analysis of all suicide death reports among medical students, residents and physicians available from online news portals and other publicly available sites was done. Search was done retrospectively using pertinent search words individually or in combination with language restricted to Hindi and English and timed from January 2010 to December 2019. Reports on completed suicide by allopathic medical students, residents and physicians from India were included. Socio-demographic and suicidological variables were analysed using R software.

A total of 358 suicide deaths among medical students ( total of nine reports of suicide pact were found with the average deaths per pact being 2.4 and predominantly driven by financial reasons.

Academic stress among medical students and residents, and marital discord in physicians emerged as the key reasons for suicide. However, this preventable domain should be further explored through focused research. This is the first of its kind study from India which attempted to explore this vital yet neglected public health issue using the most feasible and practical method of online news content-based analysis.

Academic stress among medical students and residents, and marital discord in physicians emerged as the key reasons for suicide. However, this preventable domain should be further explored through focused research. This is the first of its kind study from India which attempted to explore this vital yet neglected public health issue using the most feasible and practical method of online news content-based analysis.

Police and paramedics play a crucial role in responding to suicide crises in the community. However, little is known about the nature, extent, precipitating factors, pathways and outcomes of a suicide-related call to emergency services and what responses will most effectively and compassionately meet the needs of those in crisis.

(PiP) was established to address these knowledge gaps.

This article describes (1) the methodology used to construct the PiP dataset, a population-wide linked dataset that investigates the characteristics and health pathways of individuals in Queensland who were the subject of a suicide-related call to police or paramedics; and (2) preliminary findings on service demand, demographics and health services utilisation.

We identified 219,164 suicide-related calls to Queensland Police Service or Queensland Ambulance Service that were made over the 3-year period 1 February 2014 to 31 January 2017. A total of 70,893 individuals were identifiable via records linkage. The cohort linke suicide crisis situations. The PiP study is a world first and provides a unique opportunity to improve responses to this public health problem.Glycemic outcomes of adults with type 1 diabetes may be affected by depression. Our aim was to compare outcomes of "depressed" (Patient Health Questionnaire-9 ⩾ 10, N = 83) to "not-depressed" matched control (Patient Health Questionnaire-2 less then 3, N = 166) adults with type 1 diabetes with objective measures. The depressed group had poorer blood glucose control and, for those with glucose meter downloads, fewer glucose tests/day. The groups did not differ on glucose variability or episodes of hypoglycemia. Depression in adults with type 1 diabetes is associated with poorer glycemic control and less blood glucose monitoring. Future research should examine whether treatment of depression results in better self-care and glycemic outcomes.

Open reduction in developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is regularly performed despite screening programmes, due to failure of treatment or late presentation. A protocol for open reduction of DDH has been refined through collaboration between surgical, anaesthetic, and nursing teams to allow same day discharge. The objective of this study was to determine the safety and feasibility of performing open reduction of DDH as a day case.

A prospectively collected departmental database was visited. All consecutive surgical cases of DDH between June 2015 and March 2020 were collected. Closed reductions, bilateral cases, cases requiring corrective osteotomy, and children with comorbidities were excluded. Data collected included demographics, safety outcome measures (blood loss, complications, readmission, reduction confirmation), and feasibility for discharge according to the Face Legs Activity Cry Consolidability (FLACC) pain scale. A satisfaction questionnaire was filled by the carers. Descriptive statistics unication with carers. It is even more important during the COVID-19 pandemic when reduced length of hospital stay is likely to be safer for both patient and their parents. Cite this article Bone Joint Open 2021;2(4)271-277.Monoclonal antibodies are highly complex, large and biologic products with a substantial impact on the clinical management of a variety of diseases including cancer. The expiry of patents for essential monoclonal antibodies in cancer care such as bevacizumab, rituximab and trastuzumab, has prompted the global development of biosimilars to balance the biologics market. However, an understanding of the different approach of biosimilar development compared with its reference medicinal product, especially in the context of clinical trial design and end point selection may help oncologists integrating biosimilars into clinical practice. Herein, we reviewed the clinical development of biosimilars in oncology comparing the available clinical data of proposed biosimilars of bevacizumab, rituximab and trastuzumab.Background We examined sex differences in nonstenotic carotid plaque composition in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS). Methods and Results Patients with anterior circulation ischemic stroke imaged with neck computed tomographic angiography who met criteria for ESUS or had atrial fibrillation were identified. Patients with atrial fibrillation were included as a negative control. Semiautomated plaque quantification software analyzed carotid artery bifurcations. Plaque subcomponent (calcium, intraplaque hemorrhage [IPH], and lipid rich necrotic core) volumes were compared by sex and in paired analyses of plaque ipsilateral versus contralateral to stroke. Multivariate linear regressions tested for associations. Ninety-four patients with ESUS (55% women) and 95 patients with atrial fibrillation (47% women) were identified. Men with ESUS showed significantly higher volumes of calcified plaque (63.9 versus 19.6 mm3, P less then 0.001), IPH (9.4 versus 3.3 mm3, P=0.008) and a IPH/lipid rich necrotic core ratio (0.

Autoři článku: Arildsenshea4419 (Goldstein Copeland)