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Results The EHRs from 41237 T2D patients were analyzed. No additional data collection, with respect to the standard clinical practice, was required. The DSS exhibited competitive performance (up to an overall accuracy of 98%±2% and macro-recall of 96%±1%) for classifying chronic care quality across the different follow-up phases. The chronic care quality model brought to a significant increase (up to 12%) of the T2D patients without complications. For GPs who agreed to use the proposed system, there was an economic incentive. A further bonus was assigned when performance targets are achieved. Conclusions The quality care evaluation in a clinical use-case scenario demonstrated how the empowerment of the GPs through the use of the platform (integrating the proposed DSS), along with the economic incentives, may speed up the improvement of care.Clinical trial registries can provide important information about relevant studies for a given condition to other researchers and the public. We developed a computerized informatics based approach to provide an overview and analysis of COVID-19 studies registered on registry. Using the perspective of analyzing active or completed COVID-19 studies, we identified 401 interventional clinical trials, 287 observational studies and 64 registries. We analyzed features of each study type separately such as location, design, interventions and update history. Our results show that the United States had the most COVID-19 interventional trials, France had the most COVID-19 observational studies and France and the United States tied for the most COVID-19 registries on The majority of studies in all three study types had a single study site. For update history "Study Status" is the most updated information and we found that studies located in Canada (2.70 updates per study) and the United States (1.76 updates per study) update their studies more often than studies in any other country. Using normalization and mapping techniques, we identified Hydroxychloroquine (92 studies) as the most common drug intervention, while convalescent plasma (20 studies) is the most common biological intervention. The primary purpose of most interventional trials is for treatment with 298 studies (74.3%). For COVID-19 registries we found the most common proposed follow-up time is 1 year (15 studies). Of specific importance and interest is COVID-19 vaccine trials, of which 12 were identified. Our informatics based approach allows for constant monitoring and updating as well as multiple applications to other conditions and interests.Neopterygii is a large group of ray-finned fishes which underwent a rapid radiation in the Middle Triassic. Until recently, 11 stem neopterygians have been recovered from the early Middle Triassic Luoping Biota in eastern Yunnan, China, and they are small to medium-sized fishes. Here, I report the discovery of a new stem neopterygian, Feroxichthys yunnanensis gen. et sp. nov. from the Luoping Biota, which represents the first evidence of large-sized stem neopteygians in this biota with a total length of ~340 mm (290 mm in standard length). The skull of the new taxon is exceptionally well-preserved, showing some peculiar features rarely known in other stem neopterygians, for example fusion of paired premaxillae, fusion of lacrimal with maxilla, and a fused parieto-dermopterotic with a strong posterior process. Phylogenetic studies recover Feroxichthys as a basal colobodontid, and a revised diagnosis of this family is presented. The feeding apparatus indicates that Feroxichthys might have been predominantly durophagous, resembling other colobodontids. However, the anterior peg-like teeth in the jaws of Feroxichthys are much longer and stronger than other colobodontids, enabling a more powerful initial prey capture before food was passed posteriorly to molariform teeth for crushing in the oral cavity. As a mysterious large durophagous predator previously unknown from the Luoping Biota, the new finding is important not only for understanding the early diversification of neopterygians during this age but also for investigating the trophic structure in this marine ecosystem.For the identification and sequencing of proteins, mass spectrometry (MS) has become the tool of choice and, as such, drives proteomics. MS/MS spectra need to be assigned a peptide sequence for which two strategies exist. Either database search or de novo sequencing can be employed to establish peptide spectrum matches. For database search, mzIdentML is the current community standard for data representation. There is no community standard for representing de novo sequencing results, but we previously proposed the de novo markup language (DNML). At the moment, each de novo sequencing solution uses different data representation, complicating downstream data integration, which is crucial since ensemble predictions may be more useful than predictions of a single tool. We here propose the de novo MS Ontology (DNMSO), which can, for example, provide many-to-many mappings between spectra and peptide predictions. Additionally, an application programming interface (API) that supports any file operation necessary for de novo sequencing from spectra input to reading, writing, creating, of the DNMSO format, as well as conversion from many other file formats, has been implemented. This API removes all overhead from the production of de novo sequencing tools and allows developers to concentrate on algorithm development completely. We make the API and formal descriptions of the format freely available at https//

Birds have extremely well-developed acoustic communication and have become popular in bioacoustics research. The majority of studies on bird song have been conducted in the temperate zones where usually males of birds sing to attract females and defend territories. In over 360 bird species mostly inhabiting the tropics both males and females sing together in duets. Avian duets are usually formed when a male and female coordinate their songs. We focused on a species with relatively weakly coordinated duets, with male solo as the prevailing vocalisation type.

Instead of analysing a set of recordings spread over a long time, we analysed whole day microphone-array recordings of the Yellow-breasted Boubou (

), a species endemic to West African montane rainforests. We described the structure of the solo and duet vocalisations and temporal characteristics of daily activity based on 5,934 vocal bouts of 18 focal pairs and their neighbours.

Birds had small, sex specific repertoires. All males shared three types is not a dominating type of vocal activity. Duet structure, context and timing of daily production support the joint resource defence hypothesis and mate guarding/prevention hypotheses, however maintaining pair contact also seems to be important. This study provides for the first time the basic quantitative data describing calls, solos and duet songs in the Yellow-breasted Boubou.

Yellow-breasted Boubou is a duetting species in which males are much more vocal than females and duetting is not a dominating type of vocal activity. Duet structure, context and timing of daily production support the joint resource defence hypothesis and mate guarding/prevention hypotheses, however maintaining pair contact also seems to be important. This study provides for the first time the basic quantitative data describing calls, solos and duet songs in the Yellow-breasted Boubou.Ethylene response factors (ERFs) are plant-specific transcription factors (TFs) that play important roles in plant growth and stress defense and have received a great amount of attention in recent years. In this study, seven ERF genes related to abiotic stress tolerance and response were identified in plants of the Populus genus. Systematic bioinformatics, including sequence phylogeny, genome organisation, gene structure, gene ontology (GO) annotation, etc. were detected. Expression-pattern of these seven ERF genes were analyzed using RT-qPCR and cross validated using RNA-Seq. Data from a phylogenetic tree and multiple alignment of protein sequences indicated that these seven ERF TFs belong to three subfamilies and contain AP2, YRG, and RAYD conserved domains, which may interact with downstream target genes to regulate the plant stress response. An analysis of the structure and promoter region of these seven ERF genes showed that they have multiple stress-related motifs and cis-elements, which may play roles in the plant stress-tolerance process through a transcriptional regulation mechanism; moreover, the cellular_component and molecular_function terms associated with these ERFs determined by GO annotation supported this hypothesis. In addition, the spatio-temporal expression pattern of these seven ERFs, as detected using RT-qPCR and RNA-seq, suggested that they play a critical role in mediating the salt response and tolerance in a dynamic and tissue-specific manner. The results of this study provide a solid basis to explore the functions of the stress-related ERF TFs in Populus abiotic stress tolerance and development process.The monocot family Triuridaceae is a morphological misfit with respect to several traits of floral morphology, including the uniformly apocarpous polymerous gynoecium and the famous inside-out flowers of Lacandonia. Although Triuridaceae are crucially important for understanding the floral evolution of Pandanales and angiosperms in general, significant knowledge gaps exist which hamper adequate morphological analysis of flowers in this family. The scarcity of morphological data is also reflected in numerous taxonomic inconsistencies. Here we provide a comprehensive study of reproductive organs of four species of Sciaphila occurring in Vietnam (S. arfakiana, S. densiflora, S. nana and S. stellata) including the first investigation of early floral development and gynoecium phyllotaxis. Our observations are mainly based on SEM images. We confirm the perianth (studied in male flowers) to be two-whorled and report a rare sequence of initiation of perianth parts the outer tepals show a late congenital fusion, as thle by three. We discuss our results in the light of general diversity of floral structure of monocots. Our data allow to clarify several issues in taxonomy of Asian Sciaphila and indicate directions of further studies. We report a significant range extension for S. selleck compound densiflora, which is newly recorded for the flora of Vietnam. We describe for the first time staminodes in female flowers of this species. We reveal two distinct morphs of S. nana in Vietnam. We highlight the need of a thorough revision of S. secundiflora species complex in order to verify the species boundaries and, in particular, to test the identity of the Vietnamese S. stellata.Accurate knowledge of the spatial and temporal patterns of coral bleaching is essential both for understanding how coral reef ecosystems are changing today and forecasting their future states. Yet, in many regions of the world, the history of bleaching is poorly known, especially prior to the late 20th century. Here, I use the information preserved within skeleton cores of long-lived Porites corals to reconstruct the past century of bleaching events in the Saudi Arabian central Red Sea. In these cores, skeletal "stress bands"-indicative of past bleaching-captured known bleaching events that occurred in 1998 and 2010, but also revealed evidence of previously unknown bleaching events in 1931, 1978, and 1982. However, these earlier events affected a significantly lesser proportion of corals than 1998 and 2010. Therefore, coral bleaching may have occurred in the central Red Sea earlier than previously recognized, but the frequency and severity of bleaching events since 1998 on nearshore reefs is unprecedented over the past century.

Autoři článku: Arildsendideriksen0899 (Kang Tennant)