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We use spatial Urban Atlas data from 2006 to 2018. At the metropolitan scale, we find that GI connectivity in the RMA decreases 3.9% from 2006 to 2018, even though the general distributions of GI changes only slightly. With reference to the municipal scale from 2006 to 2018, four major types of GI connectivity changes were discovered in RMA's 15 cities, namely consistent decreasing, consistent increasing, increase followed by decrease, and vice-versa. Our findings provide new evidence on GI connectivity changes across a twelve-year difference and at metropolitan and municipal scales, as well as the identification of priority areas for increasing GI connectivity. It provides insights on the evolving and heterogenous nature of GI connectivity in support of decision-making for more sustainable metropolitan development for people and nature.High temperature usually reduces wheat yield, especially at critical growth stages, such as anthesis and grain filling. However, effects of increasing temperature during wintering period on winter wheat growth and development are rarely reported. Hence, this three-year field experiment evaluated how artificial warming during early spring (wintering period) affects winter wheat. The warming treatment (WT) advanced the wheat reviving, jointing, anthesis, and maturity stages, but the average temperature in each growing stage reduced, thus extending the duration of tillering, spike differentiation, and grain filling. Concurrently, the leaf area index and biomass accumulation were obviously increased. Additionally, WT showed a lower leaf senescence rate compared with that of control (CK). Also, the photosynthesis rate and SPAD of WT were increased relative to CK. WT increased superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities, and reduced malondialdehyde content in flag leaf during the grain filling stage, suggesting WT during early spring could delay leaf senescence after anthesis, which contributed to a high filling rate and long filling duration. Correspondingly, the final spike number, kernel number, and kernel weight of WT were significantly increased compared with CK. In the three seasons, grain yield was increased by 18.2%-37.5% in WT compared with CK. Results of this study provided a new viewpoint that increasing temperature could shorten the wintering period but extend the effective growth phase, and increase grain yield in winter wheat.Natural gas leakage by means of bubbles in cold seep abundantly existed on the ocean floor, causing the change of ocean ecology and the increase of atmospheric temperature. Fortunately, hydrated bubbles as a way of methane sequestration can reduce the effect on the ocean ecology and the escape of gas bubbles from the ocean floor, and are getting attention. To know the growth mode and efficiency of gas hydrate sequestration on bubble, the thickening growth kinetics of hydrated bubble was studied in present work. In-situ Raman spectroscopy was used to analyze the evolution of gas pores and mass transfer channels in the sI CH4, sI CH4-C2H6 and sII CH4-C2H6 hydrate films on the hydrated bubble by the peak area ratio of Raman spectra. Three types of Raman spectra (a-, b-, and c-type), three texture structures of film (Large gas pore; Small gas pore; No gas pore) and two hydrate thickening patterns (filling of new hydrate within large gas pores; covering growth on the original hydrate lattice) were provided in the thickening of hydrated bubble. Results showed that the thickening of the hydrated bubble was a multi-stages growth, i.e., quick growth (stage I), slow growth (stage II), and no growth (stage III). The texture structures and the type and size of gas pore in hydrated bubble were critical for the kinetics growth rate of hydrated bubble in thickening. Especially, the theory of heterogeneous growth of hydrated bubble was proposed to apply the hydrate growth at the interface of two or multi- bubbles, accelerating the efficiency of carbon sequestration as the hydrated bubble. This study will provide a better theoretical basis for understanding the behaviors and efficiency of hydrated carbon sequestration on the surface of bubbles resulting from the gas leakage in the hydrate exploitation or the natural cold seep. SYNOPSIS Hydrated bubble strongly modulates the emission of a potent greenhouse gas from the deep sea.Constructed wetlands are widely used around the world as a low-cost wastewater treatment system that simultaneously provides various ecosystem services. Microorganisms in wetland soils serve as fundamental producers and decomposers that support wetland functions. However, few studies have documented the compositions of soil microorganisms in constructed wetland systems and even fewer have evaluated how soil microorganisms change after a wetland is constructed. In this study, soil samples were collected from four constructed wetlands of different ages and analyzed with a phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) method to show how soil microbial communities change overtime. The results were that both the bacterial and fungal abundances increased with wetland age, and bacteria comprised about 90% of the soil microbial communities in all ages of constructed wetlands. Although the compositions of microbial communities remained similar among the wetlands, the stress indices showed that microbial stress may be affected by changes in the availability of in situ nutrients, e.g. ammonium, nitrate, soluble organic nitrogen and total dissolved nitrogen.Microplastics have been widely detected in the effluent discharged from wastewater treatment plants. However, few studies have focused on the occurrence of microplastics in the sediments of waterbodies receiving reclaimed water. The present study investigated the microplastics distribution in the sediments of such a lake in Tianjin, China receiving reclaimed water and determined the factors affecting the settlement of microplastics in the sediment column. Nine sediment cores were collected and the abundance, shape, size, and color of the microplastics were determined. The polymers of microplastics were identified and the mass concentrations of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polycarbonate (PC) were analyzed. Large amount of microplastics were found to accumulate in the sediments of the lake receiving reclaimed water. Eighteen polymers were found in the sediments and PA, PET, PP, PSF, and PU are much more than others. In surface sediments, PET and PC ranged from 2.43 to 10.62 mg/kg and 0.03 to 0.77 mg/kg, respectively. Fragment and fiber are the most common shapes, accounting for 67.5% and 24.8% of all the microplastics. The distribution of microplastics was influenced by polymer type, size, shape, and grain size of the sediments. Microplastic morphological diversities decreased with increasing depth of the sediments. Our findings provide evidence that the sediments of receiving waterbodies are important sinks of the microplastics in reclaimed water.Knowledge of benthic diatom traits can help understand ecosystem function and guide biodiversity conservation. This is particularly important in rivers on which there are small run-of-river dams, which currently receive less attention. These dams generate power by drawing water from upstream and discharging it downstream after a large drop in penstock. We examine 15 functional diatom traits in habitats upstream, surrounding, and downstream of 23 small run-of-river dams in Xiangxi River, China. We compare the effects of these small dams on benthic diatom species traits, and taxonomic and functional diversity, from 90 sites. Dams change local environmental (e.g., channel width, flow velocity, depth) and physicochemical (e.g., dissolved oxygen, water temperature) variables, and a shift in diatom life forms and guilds is apparent, from taxa with strong attachment and low profile in high velocity waters (i.e., H1, H2 and H4) to those with weak attachment or that are planktonic below dams and outlets (i.e., H3 and H5), and towards high profile taxa below dams. Significant differences in biodiversity, particularly in functional richness, redundancy, and evenness, are apparent. Species and functional diversity indices are influenced by physical and chemical environmental factors (especially flow velocity and water depth). We found that diatom functional traits reflect longitudinal changes in flow and ecological condition, and suggest that monitoring such traits could be useful in adjusting flows to minimize ecosystem impacts. To maintain ecological flow and reasonable water depth within rivers we advocate for improved connectivity, carrying capacity and resilience of water ecosystems via a long-term, trait-based understanding of the impacts of small run-of-river dams.Hydroelectric reservoirs emit carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) to the atmosphere, yet there is still much uncertainty concerning the magnitude and drivers of these greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This uncertainty is particularly large over the initial years after flooding and in complex, cascade reservoir systems where studies are rare. We assessed the spatial and temporal patterns of CO2 and CH4 concentrations in the newly created La Romaine complex, which is composed of three consecutive reservoirs (RO1, RO2, RO3) along the La Romaine River. Dissolved CO2 and CH4 concentrations were intensively measured over three seasons for four years. Results show elevated CH4 and especially CO2 concentrations in surface waters of all three reservoirs upon flooding, with strong seasonality and high spatial heterogeneity within reservoirs. There was a strong seasonal decoupling of surface water CO2 and CH4 concentrations. Contrary to expectations, surface water CO2 and CH4 concentrations were relatively stable over the initial years of flooding, with exception of the decrease in CO2 concentrations in the shallower RO1 reservoir. Further, individual reservoir characteristics, notably reservoir morphometry and pre-flood land cover, together with climatic factors were the main drivers of CO2 and CH4 concentrations, and the reservoir position in the cascade played a minor role. Models differed for CO2 and CH4, and also between reservoirs highlighting the need to capture these specificities in reservoir functioning. We establish a modeling framework to effectively fill the spatial and temporal gaps that inevitably exist in the sampling coverage of large and heterogeneous reservoirs, which combined with appropriately modeled gas transfer velocities, will serve as a platform to derive robust estimates of diffusive fluxes. This modeling framework can be transposed to other reservoirs, and will contribute to more accurate and representative estimates of diffusive carbon emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs.Viruses carrying phoH genes are an important functional group that may boost phosphate metabolism of their prokaryote hosts and affect phosphorus cycle in the ocean. However, at present, very little is known about the phoH-carrying viruses' community structure and diversity in marine sediments, as well as their correlation network with prokaryotes and environment. Here, via a large spatial scale investigation along the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea, for the first time, diverse unknown benthic phoH-carrying viruses were uncovered, which were mainly affiliated to three clusters. Interestingly, these viruses presented a very distinct community structure compared to those in seawaters. CDK activation Correlation network analysis implied that these viruses might mainly infect the prokaryotes of Gamm-/Delta-proteobacteria, Thaumarchaeota, and Cyanobacteria in sediments. Distinct virus-prokaryote correlation network modules were shown in different sea areas. These modules' highly nested feature implied their coevolution with prokaryotes during long-term arms race.

Autoři článku: Archerjain1597 (Munch Crouch)