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When the degree of nitridation is insufficient, molten Al is unable to fill the voids in the powder bed, leading to the formation of low-quality composites with high porosities. However, excessive nitridation is found to rapidly consume the nitrogen gas, leading to a rapid drop in the pressure in the crucible and exposing the remaining aluminum powder in the upper part of the powder bed. The nitridation behavior is not affected by these variables acting independently; therefore, a systematic study is needed in order to examine the concerted effect of these variables so as to determine the optimal conditions to produce AMCs with desirable properties for target applications.Worldwide, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative multifactorial disease influencing the elderly population. Nowadays, several medications, among them curcumin, are used in the treatment of AD. Curcumin, which is the principal component of Curcuma longa, has shown favorable effects forsignificantly preventing or treating AD. During the last decade, the scientific community has focused their research on the optimization of therapeutic properties and on the improvement of pharmacokinetic properties of curcumin. This review summarizes bibliographical data from 2009 to 2019 on curcumin analogues, derivatives, and hybrids, as well as their therapeutic, preventic, and diagnostic applications in AD. Recent advances in the field have revealed that the phenolic hydroxyl group could contribute to the anti-amyloidogenic activity. Phenyl methoxy groups seem to contribute to the suppression of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ42) and to the suppression of amyloid precursor protein (APP) andhydrophobic interactions have also revealed a growing role. Furthermore, flexible moieties, at the linker, are crucial for the inhibition of Aβ aggregation. The inhibitory activity of derivatives is increased with the expansion of the aromatic rings. The promising role of curcumin-based compounds in diagnostic imaging is highlighted. The keto-enol tautomerism seems to be a novel modification for the design of amyloid-binding agents. Molecular docking results, (Q)SAR, as well as in vitro and in vivo tests highlight the structures and chemical moieties that are correlated with specific activity. As a result, the knowledge gained from the existing research should lead to the design and synthesis ofinnovative and multitargetedcurcumin analogues, derivatives, or curcumin hybrids, which would be very useful drug and tools in medicine for both diagnosis and treatment of AD.The aim of this study was to critically evaluate and compare the different methods to assess overall hangover severity. Currently, there are three multi-item hangover scales that are commonly used for this purpose. All of them comprise a number of hangover symptoms for which an average score is calculated. These scales were compared to a single, 1-item scale assessing overall hangover severity. The results showed that the hangover symptom scales significantly underestimate (subjective) hangover severity, as assessed with a 1-item overall hangover severity scale. A possible reason for this could be that overall hangover severity varies, depending on the frequency of occurrence of individual symptoms included in the respective scale. In contrast, it can be assumed that, when completing a 1-item overall hangover scale, the rating includes all possible hangover symptoms and their impact on cognitive and physical functioning and mood, thus better reflecting the actually experienced hangover severity. On the other hand, solely relying on hangover symptom scales may yield false positives in subjects who report not having a hangover. When the average symptom score is greater than zero, this may lead to non-hungover subjects being categorized as having a hangover, as many of the somatic and psychological hangover symptoms may also be experienced without consuming alcohol (e.g., having a headache). Taken together, the current analyses suggest that a 1-item overall hangover score is superior to hangover symptom scales in accurately assessing overall hangover severity. We therefore recommend using a 1-item overall hangover rating as primary endpoint in future hangover studies that aim to assess overall hangover severity.EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR TKIs) are the standard of care treatment for patients with EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD). Although initially effective, EGFR TKIs are not curative. Disease inevitably relapses due to acquired drug resistance. We hypothesized that vitamin D metabolites could be used with EGFR TKIs to prevent therapeutic failure. To test this idea, we investigated the link between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3) and progression-free survival (PFS) in patients with EGFR-mutant LUAD that received EGFR TKIs (erlotinib n = 20 and afatinib n = 1). Patients who were 25(OH)D3-sufficient experienced significantly longer benefit from EGFR TKI therapy (mean 14.5 months) than those with 25(OH)D3 insufficiency (mean 10.6 months, p = 0.026). In contrast, 25(OH)D3 had no prognostic value in patients with KRAS-mutant LUAD that received cytotoxic chemotherapy. To gain mechanistic insights, we tested 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) activity in vitro. 1,25(OH)2D3 promoted epithelial differentiation and restored EGFR TKI sensitivity in models of EGFR TKI resistance that were associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). 1,25(OH)2D3 was ineffective in a non-EMT model of resistance. We conclude that vitamin D sufficiency portends increased PFS among EGFR-mutant LUAD patients that receive EGFR TKIs, and that vitamin D signaling maintains drug efficacy in this specific patient subset by opposing EMT.Breast cancer depends on women's age. Its chemotherapy and hormone therapy lead to the loss of bone density and disruption of the skeleton. The proteins RANK and RANKL play a pivotal role in the formation of osteoclasts. It is also well established that the same proteins (RANK and RANKL) are the main molecules that play an important role in mammary stem cell biology. Mammary stem cells guarantee differentiation of the epithelial mammary cells, the growth of which is regulated by the progesterone-induced RANKL signaling pathway. The crosstalk between progesterone receptor, stimulated by progesterone and its analogues results in RANKL to RANK binding and activation of cell proliferation and subsequently unlimited expansion of the breast cancer cells. Therefore downstream regulation of this signaling pathway is desirable. To meet this need, a new class of selective estrogen receptor modulators (SPRMs) with anti- and mesoprogestin function were tested as potential anti-RANK agents. To establish the new feature of SPRMs, the impact of tested SPRMs on RANK-RANKL proteins interaction was tested. Furthermore, the cells proliferation upon RANKL stimulation, as well as NFkB and cyclin D1 expression, induced by tested SPRMs were analyzed. Conducted experiments proved NFkB expression inhibition as well as cyclin D1 expression limitation under asoprisnil and ulipristal treatment. The established paracrine anti-proliferative activity of antiprogestins together with competitive interaction with RANK make this class of compounds attractive for further study in order to deliver more evidence of their anti-RANK activity and potential application in the breast cancer therapy together with its accompanied osteoporosis.Patients with axial spondyloarthritis (ax-SpA) present with inflammation invading the axial skeleton. Symptoms of ax-SpA interfere with patients' quality of life, and peripheral symptoms are also noted. Human leukocyte antigen B27 was associated with adhesive capsulitis. However, epidemiological studies investigating the associated incidence and risk factors for patients with ax-SpA with adhesive capsulitis are limited. The data of patients with ax-SpA were recorded during the 2004-2008 period and followed to the end of 2010. The control cohort comprised age- and sex-matched non-ax-SpA subjects. A Cox multivariate proportional hazards model was applied to analyze the risk factors for adhesive capsulitis. The hazard ratio (HR) and adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) were estimated between the study and control cohorts after confounders were adjusted for. Effects of sulfasalazine (SSZ), methotrexate (MTX), and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) use on adhesive capsulitis risk were also analyzed. We enrolled 2859 patients with ax-SpA in the study cohort and 11,436 control subjects. A higher incidence of adhesive capsulitis was revealed in the ax-SpA cohort The crude HR was 1.63 (95% CI, 1.24-2.13; p less then 0.001), and the aHR was 1.54 (95% CI, 1.16-2.05; p = 0.002). For patients with ax-SpA using SSZ or HCQ, no difference in aHR was noted compared with control participants, but patients with ax-SpA treated with MTX had higher HR and aHR than controls. Patients with ax-SpA are at risk for adhesive capsulitis. When these patients receive SSZ or HCQ, the risk of adhesive capsulitis can be lowered compared with that of the control cohort.Ceria nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs) are generally considered in various functional applications, such as catalysts in fuel cells, sensors, and antioxidant and oxidase-like enzymes in the biological environment. The CeO2 NPs were synthesized using the E. globulus leaf extract-mediated hydrothermal technique. The synthesized NPs were characterized by various analytical instruments including powder X-ray diffractometer (PXRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) analysis. The XRD results showed an average NPs sizes of 13.7 nm. Cytotoxic study results showed an IC50 value of 45.5 µg/L for A549 and 58.2 µg/L for HCT 116, indicating that CeO2 NPs are more toxic to A549 compared to HCT116 cell lines. The generation of ROS was responsible for its cytotoxic activity against cancer cell lines. Specific surface area (40.96 m2/g) and pore diameter (7.8 nm) were measured using Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms. CeO2 NPs with a high surface area were used as photocatalyst in degrading sunset yellow (SY) dye under UV-irradiation and 97.3% of the dye was degraded within 90 min. These results suggest that the synthesized CeO2 NPs could be used as a good photocatalyst as well as a cytotoxic agent against human cancer cell lines.Pomegranate is receiving renewed commercial and scientific interest, therefore a deeper knowledge of the chemical composition of the fruits of less studied varieties is required. In this work, juices from arils and decoctions from mesocarp plus exocarp were prepared from fifteen varieties. Samples were submitted to High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Diode Array Detector-Mass Spectrometry, spectrophotometric and colorimetric CIEL*a*b* analyses. Antioxidant, antiradical and metal chelating properties, inhibitory activity against tyrosinase and α-amylase enzymes were also evaluated. All varieties presented the same main phenols; anthocyanins and ellagitannins were widely variable among varieties, with the richest anthocyanin content in the juices from the Wonderful and Soft Seed Maule varieties (approx. 660 mg/L) and the highest ellagitannin content in the peel of the Black variety (approx. 133 mg/g dry matter). A good correlation was shown between the colour hue and the delphinidin/cyanidin ratio in juices (R2 = 0.

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