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Patients with lvPPA showed a worse cognitive decline, especially in episodic memory, and faster progression to dementia. Finally, patients with nfvPPA showed the most significant losses in language production and functional abilities. Data regarding the prodromal and last stages of PPA are still missing and studies with a longer follow-up observation period are needed.

Observational tools have been developed to assess pain in cognitively impaired individuals. It is not known, however, whether these tools are universal enough so that even pain depicted in print art can be assessed reliably. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the reliability in scoring facial expressions of pain in dental print art from the 17th, 18th, and 19th century, using a Short Form of the 15-item Pain Assessment in Impaired Cognition (PAIC15-SF) tool.

Seventeen prints of patients undergoing dental procedures were scored twice by two inexperienced observers and an expert and once by a Gold Standard observer.

All observers achieved high intra-observer reliability for all four items of the category "facial expressions" and for three items of the category "body movements" (ICC 0.748-0.991). The remaining two items of the category "body movements", viz., "rubbing" and "restlessness", were excluded from further research because it was not possible to calculate a reliable ICC. Overall, the intra-observer reliability of the expert was higher than that of the inexperienced observers. The inter-observer reliability scores varied from poor to excellent (ICC 0.000-0.970). In comparison to the Gold Standard, the inter-observer reliability of the expert was higher than that of the inexperienced observers.

The PAIC15-SF tool is universal enough even to allow reliable assessment of facial expressions of pain depicted in dental print art.

The PAIC15-SF tool is universal enough even to allow reliable assessment of facial expressions of pain depicted in dental print art.Object sounds can enhance the attentional selection and perceptual processing of semantically-related visual stimuli. However, it is currently unknown whether crossmodal semantic congruence also affects the post-perceptual stages of information processing, such as short-term memory (STM), and whether this effect is modulated by the object consistency with the background visual scene. In two experiments, participants viewed everyday visual scenes for 500 ms while listening to an object sound, which could either be semantically related to the object that served as the STM target at retrieval or not. This defined crossmodal semantically cued vs. uncued targets. The target was either in- or out-of-context with respect to the background visual scene. After a maintenance period of 2000 ms, the target was presented in isolation against a neutral background, in either the same or different spatial position as in the original scene. The participants judged the same vs. different position of the object and then provided a confidence judgment concerning the certainty of their response. The results revealed greater accuracy when judging the spatial position of targets paired with a semantically congruent object sound at encoding. This crossmodal facilitatory effect was modulated by whether the target object was in- or out-of-context with respect to the background scene, with out-of-context targets reducing the facilitatory effect of object sounds. Selleckchem D-AP5 Overall, these findings suggest that the presence of the object sound at encoding facilitated the selection and processing of the semantically related visual stimuli, but this effect depends on the semantic configuration of the visual scene.Educational systems around the world encourage students to engage in programming activities, but programming learning is one of the most challenging learning tasks. Thus, it was significant to explore the factors related to programming learning. This study aimed to identify computer programming e-learners' personality traits, self-reported cognitive abilities and learning motivating factors in comparison with other e-learners. We applied a learning motivating factors questionnaire, the Big Five Inventory-2, and the SRMCA instruments. The sample consisted of 444 e-learners, including 189 computer programming e-learners, the mean age was 25.19 years. It was found that computer programming e-learners demonstrated significantly lower scores of extraversion, and significantly lower scores of motivating factors of individual attitude and expectation, reward and recognition, and punishment. No significant differences were found in the scores of self-reported cognitive abilities between the groups. In the group of coand expectation, and clear direction), but the impact of self-reported cognitive abilities in the model was negligible in both groups of participants and non-participants of e-learning based computer programming courses; χ² (34) = 51.992, p = 0.025; CFI = 0.982; TLI = 0.970; NFI = 0.950; RMSEA = 0.051 [0.019-0.078]; SRMR = 0.038. However, as this study applied self-reported measures, we strongly suggest applying neurocognitive methods in future research.Nocardia brain abscess is relatively rare, accounting for about 1-2% of all brain abscesses, and its mortality rate is three times higher than of other types of bacterial brain abscesses; thus, early diagnosis and treatment are essential. Nocardia brain abscess generally occurs in immunodeficient patients. We report a case of Nocardia farcinica brain abscess in a multiple myeloma patient treated with proteasome inhibitor (bortezomib and ixazomib), cyclophosphamide, and corticosteroid. The patient was treated with ceftriaxone and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, together with drainage of the brain abscess. Regular brain MRI follow-ups showed that intracranial lesions were gradually absorbed and improved.The ability to rapidly process others' emotional signals is crucial for adaptive social interactions. However, to date it is still unclear how observing emotional facial expressions affects the reactivity of the human motor cortex. To provide insights on this issue, we employed single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate corticospinal motor excitability. Healthy participants observed happy, fearful and neutral pictures of facial expressions while receiving TMS over the left or right motor cortex at 150 and 300 ms after picture onset. In the early phase (150 ms), we observed an enhancement of corticospinal excitability for the observation of happy and fearful emotional faces compared to neutral expressions specifically in the right hemisphere. Interindividual differences in the disposition to experience aversive feelings (personal distress) in interpersonal emotional contexts predicted the early increase in corticospinal excitability for emotional faces. No differences in corticospinal excitability were observed at the later time (300 ms) or in the left M1. These findings support the notion that emotion perception primes the body for action and highlights the role of the right hemisphere in implementing a rapid and transient facilitatory response to emotional arousing stimuli, such as emotional facial expressions.Studies on parental interaction in the context of ASD has mainly focused on mothers, even if fathers and their children seem to form close and supportive relationships that may have unique effects on child development. Given the impact of ASD symptoms on a child's ability to interact with significant others, recent findings strengthen the importance of including caregivers during treatment to guarantee a better adaptation to the child's impairments. Despite this, fathers are scarcely involved, and interventions seem to not be tailored to their interactive characteristics and needs. For this reason, a systematic review was conducted to investigate fathers and children with ASD behaviors during interaction. This review found 12 observational studies that identified social, cognitive, and affective interactive modalities in father-child dyads through three psychology-focused journal databases PubMed, PsycINFO and Scopus. The significant variation in both sample size and in the measures used to assess dyadic outcomes limits the ability of this work to make robust recommendations for intervention. Despite this, the results revealed characteristic behaviors of this dyad that consequently allow specific targets to be worked on during intervention. In fact, from fathers' individual strengths and weaknesses, it is possible to implement interventions that are complementary with maternal characteristics from the perspective of personalized and optimized treatment.Fast rhythms excess is a hallmark of Parkinson's Disease (PD). To implement innovative, non-pharmacological, neurostimulation interventions to restore cortical-cortical interactions, we need to understand the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying these phenomena. Here, we investigated effective connectivity on source-level resting-state electroencephalography (EEG) signals in 15 PD participants and 10 healthy controls. First, we fitted multivariate auto-regressive models to the EEG source waveforms. Second, we estimated causal connections using Granger Causality, which provide information on connections' strength and directionality. Lastly, we sought significant differences connectivity patterns between the two populations characterizing the network graph features-i.e., global efficiency and node strength. Causal brain networks in PD show overall poorer and weaker connections compared to controls quantified as a reduction of global efficiency. Motor areas appear almost isolated, with a strongly impoverished information flow particularly from parietal and occipital cortices. This striking isolation of motor areas may reflect an impaired sensory-motor integration in PD. The identification of defective nodes/edges in PD network may be a biomarker of disease and a potential target for future interventional trials.Neuropathic pain (NP) is a chronic, debilitating, and resistant form of pain. The onset rate of NP following spinal cord injuries (SCI) is high and may reduce the quality of life more than the sensorimotor loss itself. The long-term ineffectiveness of current treatments in managing symptoms and counteracting maladaptive plasticity highlights the need to find alternative therapeutic approaches. Virtual reality (VR) is possibly the best way to administer the specific illusory or reality-like experience and promote behavioral responses that may be effective in mitigating the effects of long-established NP. This approach aims to promote a more systematic adoption of VR-related techniques in pain research and management procedures, highlighting the encouraging preliminary results in SCI. We suggest that the multisensory modulation of the sense of agency and ownership by residual body signals may produce positive responses in cases of brain-body disconnection. First, we focus on the transversal role embodiment and how multisensory and environmental or artificial stimuli modulate illusory sensations of bodily presence and ownership. Then, we present a brief overview of the use of VR in healthcare and pain management. Finally, we discus research experiences which used VR in patients with SCI to treating NP, including the most recent combinations of VR with further stimulation techniques.

Autoři článku: Andreassenlamb8327 (Finley Ayers)