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Dementia is a growing public health issue for aging Indigenous populations. Current cognitive assessments present varying degrees of cultural, educational, and language bias, impairing their application in Indigenous communities. Our goal is to provide Anishinaabe communities in Canada with a brief cognitive test that can be administered within the community setting by community health workers or professionals. The purpose of this study was to adapt the Kimberly Indigenous Cognitive Assessment (KICA) for use as a brief cognitive test with Anishinaabe populations in Canada.

We used a community-based participatory research approach coupled with two-eyed seeing to provide an equitable space for Indigenous knowledge. Adaptation of the KICA was accomplished over 22 months using an iterative cycle of monthly consultations between an 11-member expert Anishinaabe language group (EALG) and the investigators, with ad hoc consultations with an Indigenous Elder, a community advisory council, and the KICA authors. Facoved dementia care for Indigenous peoples.

The research resulted in the new Canadian Indigenous Cognitive Assessment. The findings reveal important cultural and linguistic considerations for cross-cultural cognitive assessment in Indigenous contexts. This new culturally appropriate and safe brief cognitive test may improve case finding accuracy and lead to earlier diagnosis and improved dementia care for Indigenous peoples.Sensing neuronal action potential associated magnetic fields (APMFs) is an emerging viable alternative of functional brain mapping. Measurement of APMFs of large axons of worms have been possible due to their size. In the mammalian brain, axon sizes, their numbers and routes, restricts using such functional imaging methods. With a segmented model of mammalian pyramidal neurons, we show that the APMF of intra-axonal currents in the axon hillock are two orders of magnitude larger than other neuronal locations. Expected 2D magnetic field maps of naturalistic spiking activity of a volume of neurons via widefield diamond-nitrogen-vacancy-center-magnetometry were simulated. A dictionary-based matching pursuit type algorithm applied to the data using the axon-hillock's APMF signature allowed spatiotemporal reconstruction of action potentials in the volume of brain tissue at single cell resolution. Enhancement of APMF signals coupled with magnetometry advances thus can potentially replace current functional brain mapping techniques.Social dysfunction is an intractable problem in a wide spectrum of psychiatric illnesses, undermining patients' capacities for employment, independent living, and maintaining meaningful relationships. Identifying common markers of social impairment across disorders and understanding their mechanisms are prerequisites to developing targeted neurobiological treatments that can be applied productively across diagnoses and illness stages to improve functional outcome. This project focuses on eye gaze perception, the ability to accurately and efficiently discriminate others' gaze direction, as a potential biomarker of social functioning that cuts across psychiatric diagnoses. This premise builds on both the monkey and human literatures showing gaze perception as a basic building block supporting higher-level social communication and social development, and reports of abnormal gaze perception in multiple psychiatric conditions accompanied by prominent social dysfunction (e.g., psychosis-spectrum disorders, autism-serception disturbances in psychiatric patients with prominent social dysfunction; (2) Map behavioral indices of gaze perception disturbances to dimensions of psychiatric phenotypes and core functional domains; and (3) Identify the neural correlates of altered gaze perception in psychiatric patients with social dysfunction. Successfully completing these specific aims will identify the specific basic deficits, clinical profile, and underlying neural circuits associated with social dysfunction that can be used to guide targeted, personalized treatments, thus advancing NIMH's Strategic Objective 1 (describe neural circuits associated with mental illnesses and map the connectomes for mental illnesses) and Objective 3 (develop new treatments based on discoveries in neuroscience and behavioral science).The spin- 1 2 kagome antiferromagnet is considered an ideal host for a quantum spin liquid (QSL) ground state. We find that when the bonds of the kagome lattice are modulated with a periodic pattern, new quantum ground states emerge. Newly synthesized crystalline barlowite (Cu4(OH)6FBr) and Zn-substituted barlowite demonstrate the delicate interplay between singlet states and spin order on the spin- 1 2 kagome lattice. Comprehensive structural measurements demonstrate that our new variant of barlowite maintains hexagonal symmetry at low temperatures with an arrangement of distorted and undistorted kagome triangles, for which numerical simulations predict a pinwheel valence bond crystal (VBC) state instead of a QSL. The presence of interlayer spins eventually leads to an interesting pinwheel q = 0 magnetic order. Partially Zn-substituted barlowite (Cu3.44Zn0.56(OH)6FBr) has an ideal kagome lattice and shows QSL behavior, indicating a surprising robustness of the QSL against interlayer impurities. The magnetic susceptibility is similar to that of herbertsmithite, even though the Cu2+ impurities are above the percolation threshold for the interlayer lattice and they couple more strongly to the nearest kagome moment. This system is a unique playground displaying QSL, VBC, and spin order, furthering our understanding of these highly competitive quantum states.

The type of antithrombotic treatment in cervical artery dissection patients is still a matter of debate. Most physicians prefer anticoagulants over antiplatelet agents for stroke prevention. However, this approach is not evidence-based and antiplatelets might be as safe and as effective. The 'Biomarkers and Antithrombotic Treatment in Cervical Artery Dissection' ('TREAT-CAD') trial ( NCT02046460) compares Aspirin to oral anticoagulants (vitamin K antagonists) with regard to efficacy and safety by using both clinical and imaging surrogate outcome measures. TREAT-CAD tests the hypothesis, that aspirin is as safe and effective as vitamin K antagonists.



andomised controlled,

pen-labelled, multicentre, non-inferiority trial with

linded assessment of outcome

vents (PROBE-design). Key eligibility criteria are (i) clinical symptoms attributable to cervical artery dissection and (ii) verification of the cervical artery dissection diagnosis by established magne primary analysis will be done on the per protocol data set. The targeted sample size consists of 169 evaluable patients in the per protocol data set.

TREAT-CAD is testing the non-inferiority of Aspirin versus vitamin K antagonists treatment in patients with symptomatic cervical artery dissection by combined clinical and magnetic resonance imaging outcomes.

TREAT-CAD is testing the non-inferiority of Aspirin versus vitamin K antagonists treatment in patients with symptomatic cervical artery dissection by combined clinical and magnetic resonance imaging outcomes.

Small vessel disease causes a quarter of ischaemic strokes (lacunar subtype), up to 45% of dementia either as vascular or mixed types, cognitive impairment and physical frailty. However, there is no specific treatment to prevent progression of small vessel disease.

We designed the LACunar Intervention Trial-2 (LACI-2) to test feasibility of a large trial testing cilostazol and/or isosorbide mononitrate (ISMN) by demonstrating adequate participant recruitment and retention in follow-up, drug tolerability, safety and confirm outcome event rates required to power a phase 3 trial.

LACI-2 is an investigator-initiated, prospective randomised open label blinded endpoint (PROBE) trial aiming to recruit 400 patients with prior lacunar syndrome due to a small subcortical infarct. We randomise participants to cilostazol v no cilostazol and ISMN or no ISMN, minimising on key prognostic factors. All patients receive guideline-based best medical therapy. Patients commence trial drug at low dose, increment to full dose over 2-4 weeks, continuing on full dose for a year. We follow-up participants to one year for symptoms, tablet compliance, safety, recurrent vascular events, cognition and functional outcomes, Trails B and brain MRI. LACI-2 is registered ISRCTN 14911850, EudraCT 2016-002277-35.

Primary outcome is feasibility of recruitment and compliance; secondary outcomes include safety (cerebral or systemic bleeding, falls, death), efficacy (recurrent cerebral and cardiac vascular events, cognition on TICS, Trails B) and tolerability.

LACI-2 will determine feasibility, tolerability and provide outcome rates to power a large phase 3 trial to prevent progression of cerebral small vessel disease.

LACI-2 will determine feasibility, tolerability and provide outcome rates to power a large phase 3 trial to prevent progression of cerebral small vessel disease.

While acute treatment and secondary prevention in stroke have undergone major improvements, hospital readmission after index stroke remains high. However, there are few reports on long-term readmission patterns.

For this prospective observational study, data on demographics, functional status and living conditions were obtained from the Swedish Stroke Register (Riksstroke). Data on comorbidity and hospital readmissions up to five years post-index stroke were obtained from the Swedish National Patient Register. Patients were grouped based on number of readmissions low (0-1) intermediate (2-4), high (5-9) or very high (≥10).

Of the 10,092 patients included, 43.7% had been readmitted within 12 months and 74.0% within 5 years. There was an average of three readmissions per individual during the five-year interval. A small group of patients with a high-comorbidity burden accounted for the majority of readmissions approximately 20% of patients accounted for 60% of readmissions, and 5% of patients accounted for 25%. Circulatory conditions were the most common cause followed by infectious disease, stroke, trauma and diseases of the nervous system other than stroke. The proportion of readmissions due to stroke decreased sharply in the first six months.

A small number of patients with a high degree of comorbidity accounted for the majority of hospital readmissions after index stroke. Our results highlight the need for further development of strategies to support high-risk comorbid stroke patients in the community setting. Further research describing characteristics and healthcare utilisation patterns in this group is warranted.

A small number of patients with a high degree of comorbidity accounted for the majority of hospital readmissions after index stroke. Our results highlight the need for further development of strategies to support high-risk comorbid stroke patients in the community setting. Further research describing characteristics and healthcare utilisation patterns in this group is warranted.

While the relationship between hypertension and incident intracerebral haemorrhage is well established, other risk factors are less clear. This study examined risk factors for primary intracerebral haemorrhage, separately for lobar and non-lobar intracerebral haemorrhage.

Incidence of intracerebral haemorrhage was studied among 28,416 individuals from the population-based Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort. Intracerebral haemorrhage cases were ascertained using the Swedish Hospital Discharge Register and the Stroke Register of Malmö, validated by review of hospital records and images, and classified by location by a neuroradiologist. Multivariable Cox regression was used.

Three hundred and thirty-three intracerebral haemorrhages occurred, mean follow-up time was 18.4 years. Systolic blood pressure (hazard ratio per 10 mmHg 1.19 [95% confidence interval 1.13-1.26], diastolic blood pressure (hazard ratio 1.42 [1.27-1.59]), oral anticoagulants (hazard ratio 4.26 [2.17-8.38]), smoking (hazard ratio 1.45 [1.14-1.87]), living alone (hazard ratio 1.

Autoři článku: Alvaradopalm4323 (Larsson Fischer)