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Maternal care, including by non-biological parents, is important for offspring survival1-8. Oxytocin1,2,9-15, which is released by the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), is a critical maternal hormone. In mice, oxytocin enables neuroplasticity in the auditory cortex for maternal recognition of pup distress15. However, it is unclear how initial parental experience promotes hypothalamic signalling and cortical plasticity for reliable maternal care. Here we continuously monitored the behaviour of female virgin mice co-housed with an experienced mother and litter. This documentary approach was synchronized with neural recordings from the virgin PVN, including oxytocin neurons. These cells were activated as virgins were enlisted in maternal care by experienced mothers, who shepherded virgins into the nest and demonstrated pup retrieval. Virgins visually observed maternal retrieval, which activated PVN oxytocin neurons and promoted alloparenting. Thus rodents can acquire maternal behaviour by social transmission, providing a mechanism for adapting the brains of adult caregivers to infant needs via endogenous oxytocin.The hippocampus has previously been implicated in both cognitive and endocrine functions1-15. We simultaneously measured electrophysiological activity from the hippocampus and interstitial glucose concentrations in the body of freely behaving rats to identify an activity pattern that may link these disparate functions of the hippocampus. Here we report that clusters of sharp wave-ripples recorded from the hippocampus reliably predicted a decrease in peripheral glucose concentrations within about 10 min. This correlation was not dependent on circadian, ultradian or meal-triggered fluctuations, could be mimicked with optogenetically induced ripples in the hippocampus (but not in the parietal cortex) and was attenuated to chance levels by pharmacogenetically suppressing activity of the lateral septum, which is the major conduit between the hippocampus and the hypothalamus. Our findings demonstrate that a function of the sharp wave-ripple is to modulate peripheral glucose homeostasis, and offer a mechanism for the link between sleep disruption and blood glucose dysregulation in type 2 diabetes16-18.Single-particle cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has become a standard technique for determining protein structures at atomic resolution1-3. However, cryo-EM studies of protein-free RNA are in their early days. The Tetrahymena thermophila group I self-splicing intron was the first ribozyme to be discovered and has been a prominent model system for the study of RNA catalysis and structure-function relationships4, but its full structure remains unknown. Here we report cryo-EM structures of the full-length Tetrahymena ribozyme in substrate-free and bound states at a resolution of 3.1 Å. Newly resolved peripheral regions form two coaxially stacked helices; these are interconnected by two kissing loop pseudoknots that wrap around the catalytic core and include two previously unforeseen (to our knowledge) tertiary interactions. The global architecture is nearly identical in both states; only the internal guide sequence and guanosine binding site undergo a large conformational change and a localized shift, respectively, upon binding of RNA substrates. These results provide a long-sought structural view of a paradigmatic RNA enzyme and signal a new era for the cryo-EM-based study of structure-function relationships in ribozymes.Loss of skeletal integrity during ageing and disease is associated with an imbalance in the opposing actions of osteoblasts and osteoclasts1. Here we show that intrinsic ageing of skeletal stem cells (SSCs)2 in mice alters signalling in the bone marrow niche and skews the differentiation of bone and blood lineages, leading to fragile bones that regenerate poorly. Functionally, aged SSCs have a decreased bone- and cartilage-forming potential but produce more stromal lineages that express high levels of pro-inflammatory and pro-resorptive cytokines. Single-cell RNA-sequencing studies link the functional loss to a diminished transcriptomic diversity of SSCs in aged mice, which thereby contributes to the transformation of the bone marrow niche. Exposure to a youthful circulation through heterochronic parabiosis or systemic reconstitution with young haematopoietic stem cells did not reverse the diminished osteochondrogenic activity of aged SSCs, or improve bone mass or skeletal healing parameters in aged mice. Conversely, the aged SSC lineage promoted osteoclastic activity and myeloid skewing by haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, suggesting that the ageing of SSCs is a driver of haematopoietic ageing. Deficient bone regeneration in aged mice could only be returned to youthful levels by applying a combinatorial treatment of BMP2 and a CSF1 antagonist locally to fractures, which reactivated aged SSCs and simultaneously ablated the inflammatory, pro-osteoclastic milieu. Our findings provide mechanistic insights into the complex, multifactorial mechanisms that underlie skeletal ageing and offer prospects for rejuvenating the aged skeletal system.As animals navigate on a two-dimensional surface, neurons in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) known as grid cells are activated when the animal passes through multiple locations (firing fields) arranged in a hexagonal lattice that tiles the locomotion surface1. However, although our world is three-dimensional, it is unclear how the MEC represents 3D space2. Here we recorded from MEC cells in freely flying bats and identified several classes of spatial neurons, including 3D border cells, 3D head-direction cells, and neurons with multiple 3D firing fields. find more Many of these multifield neurons were 3D grid cells, whose neighbouring fields were separated by a characteristic distance-forming a local order-but lacked any global lattice arrangement of the fields. Thus, whereas 2D grid cells form a global lattice-characterized by both local and global order-3D grid cells exhibited only local order, creating a locally ordered metric for space. We modelled grid cells as emerging from pairwise interactions between fields, which yielded a hexagonal lattice in 2D and local order in 3D, thereby describing both 2D and 3D grid cells using one unifying model. Together, these data and model illuminate the fundamental differences and similarities between neural codes for 3D and 2D space in the mammalian brain.Non-genetic mechanisms have recently emerged as important drivers of cancer therapy failure1, where some cancer cells can enter a reversible drug-tolerant persister state in response to treatment2. Although most cancer persisters remain arrested in the presence of the drug, a rare subset can re-enter the cell cycle under constitutive drug treatment. Little is known about the non-genetic mechanisms that enable cancer persisters to maintain proliferative capacity in the presence of drugs. To study this rare, transiently resistant, proliferative persister population, we developed Watermelon, a high-complexity expressed barcode lentiviral library for simultaneous tracing of each cell's clonal origin and proliferative and transcriptional states. Here we show that cycling and non-cycling persisters arise from different cell lineages with distinct transcriptional and metabolic programs. Upregulation of antioxidant gene programs and a metabolic shift to fatty acid oxidation are associated with persister proliferative capacity across multiple cancer types. Impeding oxidative stress or metabolic reprogramming alters the fraction of cycling persisters. In human tumours, programs associated with cycling persisters are induced in minimal residual disease in response to multiple targeted therapies. The Watermelon system enabled the identification of rare persister lineages that are preferentially poised to proliferate under drug pressure, thus exposing new vulnerabilities that can be targeted to delay or even prevent disease recurrence.Adult-stem-cell-derived organoids model human epithelial tissues ex vivo, which enables the study of host-microbe interactions with great experimental control. This protocol comprises methods to coculture organoids with microbes, particularly focusing on human small intestinal and colon organoids exposed to individual bacterial species. Microinjection into the lumen and periphery of 3D organoids is discussed, as well as exposure of organoids to microbes in a 2D layer. We provide detailed protocols for characterizing the coculture with regard to bacterial and organoid cell viability and growth kinetics. Spatial relationships can be studied by fluorescence live microscopy, as well as scanning electron microscopy. Finally, we discuss considerations for assessing the impact of bacteria on gene expression and mutations through RNA and DNA sequencing. This protocol requires equipment for standard mammalian tissue culture, or bacterial or viral culture, as well as a microinjection device.Ribosome profiling enables sequencing of ribosome-bound fragments of RNA, revealing which transcripts are being translated as well as the position of ribosomes along mRNAs. Although ribosome profiling has been applied to cultured bacterial isolates, its application to uncultured, mixed communities has been challenging. We present MetaRibo-Seq, a protocol that enables the application of ribosome profiling directly to the human fecal microbiome. MetaRibo-Seq is a benchmarked method that includes several modifications to existing ribosome profiling protocols, specifically addressing challenges involving fecal sample storage, purity and input requirements. We also provide a computational workflow to quality control and trim reads, de novo assemble a reference metagenome with metagenomic reads, align MetaRibo-Seq reads to the reference, and assess MetaRibo-Seq library quality ( https// ). This MetaRibo-Seq protocol enables researchers in standard molecular biology laboratories to study translation in the fecal microbiome in ~5 d.A Correction to this paper has been published https// RNAs (circRNAs) are a class of endogenously expressed regulatory RNAs with a single-stranded circular structure. They are generated by back splicing and their expression can be tightly regulated by RNA binding proteins. Cytoplasmic circRNAs can function as molecular sponges that inhibit microRNA-target interactions and protein function or as templates for the efficient generation of peptides via rolling circle amplification. They can also act as molecular scaffolds that enhance the reaction kinetics of enzyme-substrate interactions. In the nucleus, circRNAs might facilitate chromatin modifications and promote gene expression. CircRNAs are resistant to degradation and can be packaged in extracellular vesicles and transported in the circulation. Initial studies suggest that circRNAs have roles in kidney disease and associated cardiovascular complications. They have been implicated in hypertensive nephropathy, diabetic kidney disease, glomerular disease, acute kidney injury and kidney allograft rejection, as well as in microvascular and macrovascular complications of chronic kidney disease, including atherosclerotic vascular disease. In addition, several circRNAs have been reported to have oncogenic or tumour suppressor roles or to regulate drug resistance in kidney cancer. The available data suggest that circRNAs could be promising diagnostic and/or prognostic biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets for kidney disease, cardiovascular disease and kidney cancer.

Autoři článku: Allisonmckenna4307 (Hart Lacroix)