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Pterodon pubescens fruits are popularly used because of their analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions, which are attributed to the isolated compounds with a vouacapan skeleton. This work aimed to evaluate the antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory effects of a P. pubescens fruit dichloromethane extract and the vouacapan diterpene furan isomer's mixture (1  1) (6α-hydroxy-7β-acetoxy-vouacapan-17β-oate methyl ester and 6α-acetoxy-7β-hydroxy-vouacapan-17β-oate methyl ester isomers) in HaCaT cells using the cell migration and the BrDU incorporation assay. Levels of IL-8 were measured by ELISA after TNF-α stimulation. HPLC/DAD analysis of the extract revealed the expressive presence of vouacapan diterpene furan isomer's mixture. P. pubescens extract (1.5625 - 25 µg/mL) and vouacapan diterpene furan isomer's mixture (3.125 - 50 µM) inhibited cell proliferation as indicated by a decreased BrdU-incorporation. For the evaluation of cell migration, time-lapse microscopy was used. P. pubescens presented inhibition on cell migration at all concentrations tested (3.125 - 12.5 µg/mL), whereas for the VDFI mixture, the inhibition was only observed at the highest concentrations (12.5 and 25 µM) tested. LDC203974 solubility dmso Furthermore P. pubescens extract and vouacapan diterpene furan isomer's mixture significantly decreased IL-8 levels. Our results showed antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory effects on HaCaT cells treated with the extract and the vouacapan isomer's mixture, without affecting cell viability. These activities could be attributed to the voucapan molecular structures. In conclusion, topical products developed of P. pubescens extract or the voucapan isomer's mixture should be further studied as a potential product for local treatment against hyperproliferative lesions as in psoriasis vulgaris, representing an alternative treatment approach.

 We aimed to reduce our monthly antibiotic usage rate (AUR, days of treatment per 1,000 patient-days) in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) from a baseline of 330 (July 2015-April 2016) to 200 by December 2018.

 We identified three key drivers as follows (1) engaging NICU charge nurses, (2) challenging the culture of culture-negative sepsis, and (3) reducing central-line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI). Our main outcome was AUR. The percentage of culture-negative sepsis that was treated with antibiotics for >48 hours and CLABSI was our process measure. We used hospital cost/duration of hospitalization and mortality as our balancing measures.

 After testing several plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycles, we saw a modest reduction in AUR from 330 in the year 2016 to 297 in the year 2017. However, we did not find a special-cause variation in AUR via statistical process control (SPC) analysis (

-chart). Thereafter, we focused our efforts to reduce CLABSI in January 2018. As a result, our mean AUR fell to 217 by December 2018. Our continued efforts resulted in a sustained reduction in AUR beyond the goal period. Importantly, cost of hospitalization and mortality did not increase during the improvement period.

 Our sequential quality improvement (QI) efforts led to a reduction in AUR. We implemented processes to establish a robust antibiotic stewardship program that included antibiotic time-outs led by NICU charge nurses and a focus on preventing CLABSI that were sustained beyond the QI period.

· This is a quality improvement project to reduce antibiotic usage in NICU.. · Charge nurses should take charge to reduce infections in NICU.. · Central line infections should be reduced to decrease antibiotic usage..

· This is a quality improvement project to reduce antibiotic usage in NICU.. · Charge nurses should take charge to reduce infections in NICU.. · Central line infections should be reduced to decrease antibiotic usage..

 This study aimed to determine whether outcomes differed between infants enrolled in the PREMOD2 trial and those otherwise eligible but not enrolled, and whether the use of waiver effected these differences.

 The multicenter PREMOD2 (PREmature infants receiving Milking Or Delayed cord clamping) trial was approved for waiver of antenatal consent by six of the nine sites institutional review boards, while three sites exclusively used antenatal consent. Every randomized subject delivered at a site with a waiver of consent was approached for postnatal consent to allow for data collection. Four of those six sites' IRBs required the study team to attempt antenatal consent when possible. Three sites exclusively used antenatal consent.

 Enrolled subjects had higher Apgar scores, less use of positive pressure ventilation, a lower rate of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and a less frequent occurrence of the combined outcome of severe intraventricular hemorrhage or death. A significantly greater number of infants weretely after birth..

· Waiver of consent is when informed consent cannot be obtained prior to delivery.. · Cord milking is a procedure in which blood is pushed (stripped) two to four times towards the newborn.. · Delayed clamping means the umbilical cord is not clamped immediately after birth..

 The authors aim to compare all code blue events, regardless of the need for chest compressions, in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) versus the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). We hypothesize that code events in the two units differ, reflecting different disease processes.

 This is a retrospective analysis of 107 code events using the code narrator, which is an electronic medical record of real-time code documentation, from April 2018 to March 2019. Events were divided into two groups, NICU and PICU. Neonatal resuscitation program algorithm was used for NICU events and a pediatric advanced life-support algorithm was used for PICU events. Events and outcomes were compared using univariate analysis. The Mann-Whitney test and linear regressions were done to compare the total code duration, time from the start of code to airway insertion, and time from airway insertion to end of code event.

 In the PICU, there were almost four times more code blue events per month and more likely to involve patiICU code events are more likely to be attributed to a problem with an airway..

 The aim of this study was to develop an algorithm for automated estimation of patient height and weight during computed tomography (CT) and to evaluate its accuracy in everyday clinical practice.

 Depth images of 200 patients were recorded with a 3D camera mounted above the patient table of a CT scanner. Reference values were obtained using a calibrated scale and a measuring tape to train a machine learning algorithm that fits a patient avatar into the recorded patient surface data. The resulting algorithm was prospectively used on 101 patients in clinical practice and the results were compared to the reference values and to estimates by the patient himself, the radiographer and the radiologist. The body mass index was calculated from the collected values for each patient using the WHO formula. A tolerance level of 5 kg was defined in order to evaluate the impact on weight-dependent contrast agent dosage in abdominal CT.

 Differences between values for height, weight and BMI were non-significant over a Kopp M et al. Personalized computed tomography - Automated estimation of height and weight of a simulated digital twin using a 3D camera and artificial intelligence. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2021; 193 437 - 445.

· Geissler F, Heiß R, Kopp M et al. Personalized computed tomography - Automated estimation of height and weight of a simulated digital twin using a 3D camera and artificial intelligence. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2021; 193 437 - 445.

 Malignancies show higher spatial heterogeneity than normal tissue. We investigated, if textural parameters from FDG PET describing the heterogeneity function as tool to differentiate between tumor and normal liver tissue.

 FDG PET/CT scans of 80 patients with liver metastases and 80 patients with results negative upper abdominal organs were analyzed. Metastases and normal liver tissue were analyzed drawing up to three VOIs with a diameter of 25 mm in healthy liver tissue of the tumoral affected and results negative liver, whilst up to 3 metastases per patient were delineated. Within these VOIs 30 different textural parameters were calculated as well as SUV. The parameters were compared in terms of intra-patient and inter-patient variability (2-sided ttest). ROC analysis was performed to analyze predictive power and cut-off values.

 28 textural parameters differentiated healthy and pathological tissue (p < 0.05) with high sensitivity and specificity. SUV showed ability to differentiate but with a lowradiation therapy planning.

 Cancer involving the parotid gland region may originates from parotid parenchyma itself or from locoregional organs and in rare cases, the facial nerve (FN) has to be sacrificed during tumor resection. In these cases, cancer extension often goes beyond the parotid compartment and requires extensive local resection responsible for complex multitissular defects. The goals of reconstruction may be summarized in the following two components (1) restoration of the volumetric tissue defect and (2) FN reconstruction. The aim of this study is to describe our surgical technique and our cosmetic results using the chimeric scapulodorsal vascularized nerve (SDVN) flap to reconstruct extensive maxillofacial defects associated with FN sacrifice.

 All patients undergone an extensive maxillofacial resection with FN sacrifice and primarily reconstructed with a SDVN flap were included. We classified the maxillofacial defects into six groups based on the type of resection. Intraoperative data including flap composition, totruction utilizing a vascularized nerve graft. We believe that the chimeric SDVN flap should be highly considered for these cases due to its versatility. The surgeon is able to use single donor site available soft and hard tissues components along with a vascular motor nerve graft, which offers a great length and number of distal branches, and easily matches with the extracranial FN trunk and its peripheral ramifications.Acid-base disorders due to different etiologies are frequently encountered in daily clinical practice and may result in life-threatening situations. Basic knowledge of the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of acid-base disorders is therefore essential for every clinician. Acid-base disorders should be treated according to their underlying etiology. Therefore, diagnosis of the underlying etiology is the critical step in the process of care for patients with acid-base disorders. Undirected buffering with HCO3- should be avoided, since the application of HCO3- might lead to severe side effects. A strict diagnostic pathway for the diagnosis of acid-base disorders is required, which should be vigorously applied- analysis of the pH to classify acidemia or alkalemia- analysis of pCO2 and HCO3- to classify the primary acid base disorder- analysis of the adequate regulation in order to detect additional acid-base disorders- analysis of the anion gap and the relationship of the anion gap vs. the change in HCO3- to detect further metabolic disordersMetabolic acidosis can be divided into two main etiologies- acidosis with addition of acid with increased anion gap,- acidosis with loss of HCO3- with normal anion gap.

Autoři článku: Alexanderlewis8176 (Mooney Snyder)