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In a nutshell, tissue-specific CRISPR/Cas genome editing is the most promising approach for crop improvement which can bypass the hurdle associated with constitutive GE such as off target and pleotropic effects for targeted crop improvement. CRISPR/Cas is a powerful genome-editing tool with a wide range of applications for the genetic improvement of crops. However, the constitutive genome editing of vital genes is often associated with pleiotropic effects on other genes, needless metabolic burden, or interference in the cellular machinery. Tissue-specific genome editing (TSGE), on the other hand, enables researchers to study those genes in specific cells, tissues, or organs without disturbing neighboring groups of cells. Until recently, there was only limited proof of the TSGE concept, where the CRISPR-TSKO tool was successfully used in Arabidopsis, tomato, and cotton, laying a solid foundation for crop improvement. In this review, we have laid out valuable insights into the concept and application of TSGE issue-specific promoters. In a nutshell, tissue-specific CRISPR/Cas genome editing is the most promising approach for crop improvement which can bypass the hurdle associated with constitutive GE such as off target and pleotropic effects for targeted crop improvement.The representatives of the main phylogenetic clades of Bilateria are characterized by metamery. In Deuterostomia, metamery is presented in hemichordates and chordates. Sea urchins have 7 metameric coelomic rings located along the oral-aboral axis of the body. A similar coelomic metamery is also a sign of representatives of other classes of echinoderms. We hypothesize that the metameric coelomic rings in echinoderms are inherent of the common ancestor of Deuterostomia. Asymmetry in the structure of echinoderm coeloms is the result of ancestral forms lying on the right side of the body, which led to a reduction of the coeloms on the right side. During the sedentary lifestyle, the left-side coeloms formed metameric coelomic rings.The results of the first comparative analysis of hematological parameters of bats from natural populations of the Ural region are presented the pond bat (Myotis dasycneme Boie, 1825), which is a resident species, and the two-colored bat (Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus, 1758), which is a migratory species. Significant differences in the content of white blood cells (p = 0.05), red blood cells and platelets (p = 0.001) were shown. Interspecific differences were found in the leukograms of the studied bats both in the content of granulocytes (p = 0.04) and agranulocytes (p = 0.05). Migrating V. murinus are characterized by a significant contribution of the nonspecific protective system of the blood (54.9%) to the adaptive reactions of the body. In the pond bat, a pronounced lymphocytic profile (58.5%) indicates the activation of acquired adaptive immunity. MRTX1719 PRMT inhibitor Two-colored bats in comparison with pond bats are characterized by a higher level of innate immunity.Immunological non-responders (INR) are HIV-infected subjects that fail to restore CD4+ T-cell counts despite undetectable HIV viral load, which is controlled by highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). In INR, impaired immune restoration is linked to low-productive proliferation of memory CD4+ T-lymphocytes. Taking into account that T-cell ability to divide depends on the activity of metabolic pathways, we aimed to determine rates of mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis in memory CD4+ T-cells of INR. Two groups of HIV-infected HAART-treated patients were studied immunological non-responders and subjects with an adequate immunological response to therapy (immunological responders - IR). Control (C) group comprised uninfected volunteers. In both groups of HIV-infected patients glycolytic activity of memory CD4+ T-cells was lower than that in C. Mitochondrial respiration rate in memory CD4+ T-cells derived from IR was comparable to that of C at basal state, however, after stimulation IR failed to reach the values of uninfected subjects. INR had the lowest mitochondrial respiration rate both at basal state and after stimulation. Taken together, the data presented herein demonstrate that low regenerative potential of memory CD4+ T-cells derived from INR might be linked to diminished lymphocytes' metabolic activity.The Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) activity in smolts of pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (a salmon species introduced in 1959 into the rivers of the Kola Peninsula) was studied in a ten-day cage experiment with fresh, estuarine, and sea water; the fish were caught during seaward migration in the Indera River of the White Sea basin. The development of tolerance to increased salinity in pink salmon smolts was accompanied by NKA activation. In estuarine water characterized by salinity fluctuations (from fresh to sea water) and in the marine environment (28‰), the NKA activity in pink salmon smolts was significantly higher than in the individuals kept in the cages installed in fresh water. The hypoosmoregulatory ability of pink salmon fry was registered, these data indicated that smoltification in this fish species took place in early ontogenesis. The changes in NKA activity evidenced the readiness of migrating pink salmon fry for the marine phase of their life cycle.Proteins with clusters of C2H2 zinc finger domains (C2H2-proteins) constitute the most abundant class of transcription factors in higher eukaryotes. N-terminal ZAD (zinc finger-associated domain) dimerization domain has been identified in a large group of C2H2-proteins mostly in insects. The piragua gene encodes one of these proteins, Fu2. We have generated CRISPR/Cas9-mediated deletion of the piragua gene that has no phenotype. We have used φC31-mediated attP/attB recombination to generate a transgenic line expressing Fu2 protein fused with HA epitope. This line will be useful for analysis of DNA binding profile and functions of Fu2 protein.For the first time in modeling posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), we have described the morphofunctional state of adrenal glands in Wistar rats resistant and sensitive to predator stress (rodent fear of the predator). Despite the evident signs of adrenal dysfunction in both phenotypes, we have discovered the thickening of undifferentiated cell zone and high indices of functional activity of stem cells in resistant animals, suggesting ample adaptation. The most important data demonstrate the direct relationship between the reduction of corticosterone and testosterone levels and adrenal dysfunction in PTSD models. The study results allow considering the adrenal stem cells as potential therapeutic targets.Pogonophora or siboglinid tubeworms (Annelida, Siboglinidae) have been found in the East Siberian Sea for the first time. On the basis of the results of molecular phylogenetic analysis, the found specimens are presumably assigned to the genus Oligobrachia. The stations where the siboglinid tubeworms have been found are located in the area of methane seeps. This confirms the previously stated hypothesis about relationship of siboglinid tubeworm distribution with the areas of underwater methane seeps.The cranial and mandibular remains of two adult individuals of Lynx issiodorensis (Croizet et Jobert, 1828) are described from the Early Pleistocene locality of the Taurida cave (Crimea, Late Villafranchian, 1.8-1.5 Ma). This lynx species was a typical representative of the Villafranchian fauna of the Eastern Mediterranean. A high craniological variability of L. issiodorensis is noted.A pygmy dormouse Typhlomys stegodontis sp. nov. is described on the base of the maxillary fragment and isolated teeth from the Middle Pleistocene Tham Hai cave locality in northern Vietnam (Lang Son Province). This first finding of the fossil Platacanthomyidae in Vietnam fills the Middle Pleistocene gap in the paleontological record of the family.The remains of the white-toothed shrew Crocidura kornfeldi Kormos, 1934 (one skull fragment with almost complete dentition, the fragmental rostral part of a skull with the left upper incisor, a maxillary fragment, five mandibular fragments and an isolated upper incisor) from the Lower Pleistocene deposits of the Taurida cave in the central Crimea (Belogorsk district, Zuya village) are described. This earliest European species of the genus Crocidura was quite common in the Early Pleistocene of Central Europe and the Mediterranean; for the first time, it is described from Crimea and the entire Eastern Europe.

Grain size is one of the major determinants of cereal crop yield. As a class of plant polyhydroxysteroids, brassinosteroids (BRs) play essential roles in the regulation of grain size and plant architecture in rice. In a previous research, we cloned qGL3/OsPPKL1 encoding a protein phosphatase with Kelch-like repeat domains, which negatively regulates BR signaling and grain length in rice.

Here, we screened qGL3-interacting proteins (GIPs) via yeast two-hybrid assay and analyzed the phenotypes of the T-DNA insertion mutants of GIPs. Among these mutants, mutant osak3 presents shorter grain length and dwarfing phenotype. OsAK3 encodes an adenylate kinase, which regulates grain size by controlling cell expansion of rice spikelet glume. Overexpression of OsAK3 resulted in longer grain length. OsAK3 interacts with qGL3 in vivo and in vitro. Lamina inclination, coleoptile elongation and root inhibition experiments showed that the osak3 mutant was less sensitive to exogenous brassinolide (BL) treatment. The transcriptional level of OsAK3 was up-regulated under BL induction. In addition, RNA-Seq data indicate that OsAK3 is involved in a variety of biological processes that regulate BR signaling and grain development in rice.

Our study reveals a novel BR signaling component OsAK3 in the regulation of grain length, and provides novel clues for uncovering the potential functions of OsAK3 in rice growth and development.

Our study reveals a novel BR signaling component OsAK3 in the regulation of grain length, and provides novel clues for uncovering the potential functions of OsAK3 in rice growth and development.Antimicrobials use (AMU) is the key driver for development of antimicrobials resistant (AMR) pathogen in human and veterinary medicines. Therefore, understanding AMU pattern is prerequisite for focused intervention on AMR. The aim of this study was to understand the AMU pattern and their indications in dairy farm and individual farmer production conditions in southern India. Treatment registers of 6 years (2012 to 2017) containing 3178 cases from dairy farm and 12,057 cases during 2017-2019 under individual farmer production conditions were collected and analyzed by log-linear model. Seasons were classified as rainy (Jul-Oct), winter (Nov-Feb), and summer (Mar-June) as per climatic conditions in the study area. It is observed that mastitis, lameness, and reproductive problems were major health disorders among treated animals in farm and individual farmer production conditions. Season had significant influence on proportional rates of various health disorders in crossbred cows under both the production conditions. AMU pattern was different between the breeds and production conditions. Antibiotics were the most commonly used group of drugs (23-28%) than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (20%), antihistamine (17%), and nutrient supplements (14-16%). Antibiotics were mostly used for mastitis (47-67%) than other conditions like fever (18%), reproductive problems (15%), and lameness (16%). For treating mastitis, cephalosporins and gentamicin were most commonly used under individual farmer production condition, while penicillin group was frequently used in farm. It is concluded that mastitis is the most common indication for AMU in dairy animals and thus developing appropriate guidelines for mastitis treatment and control is necessary to reduce overall AMU.

Autoři článku: Aldridgeparsons8374 (Herring Bruce)