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Extracellular matrix production by pleural mesothelial cells in response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis contributes to tuberculous fibrosis. NOX4 is involved in the pathogenesis of tuberculous fibrosis. In this study, we evaluated whether NOX4 gene-targeting microRNAs showed protective effects in tuberculosis fibrosis. TargetScan prediction software was used to identify candidate microRNAs that bind the 3' UTRs of NOX4, and microRNA-148a (miR-148a) was selected as the best miRNA candidate. A repressed and forced expression assay in Met5A cells was performed to investigate the causal relationship between miR-148a and NOX4. The role of miR-148a in tuberculous pleural fibrosis was studied using a murine model of Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) pleural infection. Heat-killed M. tuberculosis (HKMT) induces NOX4 and POLDIP2 expression. We demonstrated the inhibitory effect of miR-148a on NOX4 and POLDIP2 expression. The increased expression of miR-148a suppressed HKMT-induced collagen-1A synthesis in PMC cells. In the BCG pleurisy model, miR-148a significantly reduced fibrogenesis and epithelial mesenchymal transition. High levels of miR-148a in tuberculous pleural effusion can be interpreted as a self-limiting homeostatic response. Our data indicate that miR-148a may protect against tuberculous pleural fibrosis by regulating NOX4 and POLDIP2.Cachexia is a multifactorial and multi-organ syndrome that is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in late-stage chronic diseases. The main clinical features of cancer-related cachexia are chronic inflammation, wasting of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, insulin resistance, anorexia, and impaired myogenesis. A multimodal treatment has been suggested to approach the multifactorial genesis of cachexia. In this context, physical exercise has been found to have a general effect on maintaining homeostasis in a healthy life, involving multiple organs and their metabolism. The purpose of this review is to present the evidence for the relationship between inflammatory cytokines, skeletal muscle, and fat metabolism and the potential role of exercise training in breaking the vicious circle of this impaired tissue cross-talk. Due to the wide-ranging effects of exercise training, from the body to the behavior and cognition of the individual, it seems to be able to improve the quality of life in this syndrome. Therefore, studying the molecular effects of physical exercise could provide important information about the interactions between organs and the systemic mediators involved in the overall homeostasis of the body.Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) pathogenesis is closely related to tissue remodeling, including epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Epigenetic mechanisms play key roles in EMT. DNA methylation, mediated by DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs), is an epigenetic marker that is critical to EMT. The goal of this study was to determine whether DNMTs were involved in TGF-β1-induced EMT and elucidate the underlying mechanisms in nasal epithelial cells and air-liquid interface cultures. Global DNA methylation and DNMT activity were quantified. DNMT expression was measured using real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) in human CRS tissues. mRNA and protein levels of DNMTs, E-cadherin, vimentin, α-SMA, and fibronectin were determined using RT-PCR and Western blotting, respectively. DNMT1, DNMT3A, and DNMT3B gene expression were knocked down using siRNA transfection. MAPK phosphorylation and EMT-related transcription factor levels were determined using Western blotting. Signaling pathways were analyzed using specific inhibitors of MAPK. We demonstrated these data in primary nasal epithelial cells and air-liquid interface cultures. Global DNA methylation, DNMT activity, and DNMT expression increased in CRS tissues. DNMT expression was positively correlated with Lund-McKay CT scores. TGF-β1 dose-dependently induced DNMT expression. Further, 5-Aza inhibited TGF-β1-induced DNMT, Snail, and Slug expression related to EMT, as well as p38 and JNK phosphorylation in A549 cells and TGF-β1-induced DNMT expression and EMT in primary nasal epithelial cells and air-liquid interface cultures. TGF-β1-induced DNMT expression leads to DNA methylation and EMT via p38, JNK, Snail, and Slug signaling pathways. Inhibition of DNMT suppressed the EMT process and therefore is potentially a CRS therapeutic strategy.Due to their close connection with senescence, aging, and disease, telomeres and telomerase provide a unique and vital research route for boosting longevity and health span. Despite significant advances during the last three decades, earlier studies into these two biological players were impeded by the difficulty of achieving real-time changes inside living cells. As a result of the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-associated system's (Cas) method, targeted genetic studies are now underway to change telomerase, the genes that govern it as well as telomeres. This review will discuss studies that have utilized CRISPR-related technologies to target and modify genes relevant to telomeres and telomerase as well as to develop targeted anti-cancer therapies. These studies greatly improve our knowledge and understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie cancer development and aging.Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common brain cancer in adults. GBM starts from a small fraction of poorly differentiated and aggressive cancer stem cells (CSCs) responsible for aberrant proliferation and invasion. Due to extreme tumor heterogeneity, actual therapies provide poor positive outcomes, and cancers usually recur. Therefore, alternative approaches, possibly targeting CSCs, are necessary against GBM. Among emerging therapies, high intensity ultra-short pulsed electric fields (PEFs) are considered extremely promising and our previous results demonstrated the ability of a specific electric pulse protocol to selectively affect medulloblastoma CSCs preserving normal cells. Here, we tested the same exposure protocol to investigate the response of U87 GBM cells and U87-derived neurospheres. By analyzing different in vitro biological endpoints and taking advantage of transcriptomic and bioinformatics analyses, we found that, independent of CSC content, PEF exposure affected cell proliferation and differentially regulated hypoxia, inflammation and P53/cell cycle checkpoints. PEF exposure also significantly reduced the ability to form new neurospheres and inhibited the invasion potential. Importantly, exclusively in U87 neurospheres, PEF exposure changed the expression of stem-ness/differentiation genes. Our results confirm this physical stimulus as a promising treatment to destabilize GBM, opening up the possibility of developing effective PEF-mediated therapies.The published literature makes a very strong case that a wide range of disease morbidity associates with and may in part be due to epithelial barrier leak. An equally large body of published literature substantiates that a diverse group of micronutrients can reduce barrier leak across a wide array of epithelial tissue types, stemming from both cell culture as well as animal and human tissue models. Conversely, micronutrient deficiencies can exacerbate both barrier leak and morbidity. Focusing on zinc, Vitamin A and Vitamin D, this review shows that at concentrations above RDA levels but well below toxicity limits, these micronutrients can induce cell- and tissue-specific molecular-level changes in tight junctional complexes (and by other mechanisms) that reduce barrier leak. An opportunity now exists in critical care-but also medical prophylactic and therapeutic care in general-to consider implementation of select micronutrients at elevated dosages as adjuvant therapeutics in a variety of disease management. This consideration is particularly pointed amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.SLC26A9 is an epithelial anion transporter with a poorly defined function in airways. It is assumed to contribute to airway chloride secretion and airway surface hydration. However, immunohistochemistry showing precise localization of SLC26A9 in airways is missing. Some studies report localization near tight junctions, which is difficult to reconcile with a chloride secretory function of SLC26A9. We therefore performed immunocytochemistry of SLC26A9 in sections of human and porcine lungs. Obvious apical localization of SLC26A9 was detected in human and porcine superficial airway epithelia, whereas submucosal glands did not express SLC26A9. The anion transporter was located exclusively in ciliated epithelial cells. Highly differentiated BCi-NS1 human airway epithelial cells grown on permeable supports also expressed SLC26A9 in the apical membrane of ciliated epithelial cells. BCi-NS1 cells expressed the major Cl- transporting proteins CFTR, TMEM16A and SLC26A9 in about equal proportions and produced short-circuit currents activated by increases in intracellular cAMP or Ca2+. Both CFTR and SLC26A9 contribute to basal chloride currents in non-stimulated BCi-NS1 airway epithelia, with CFTR being the dominating Cl- conductance. In wtCFTR-expressing CFBE human airway epithelial cells, SLC26A9 was partially located in the plasma membrane, whereas CFBE cells expressing F508del-CFTR showed exclusive cytosolic localization of SLC26A9. Membrane localization of SLC26A9 and basal chloride currents were augmented by interleukin 13 in wild-type CFTR-expressing cells, but not in cells expressing the most common disease-causing mutant F508del-CFTR. The data suggest an upregulation of SLC26A9-dependent chloride secretion in asthma, but not in the presence of F508del-CFTR.The cornea is an avascular connective tissue that is crucial, not only as the primary barrier of the eye but also as a proper transparent refractive structure. Corneal transparency is necessary for vision and is the result of several factors, including its highly organized structure, the physiology of its few cellular components, the lack of myelinated nerves (although it is extremely innervated), the tightly controlled hydration state, and the absence of blood and lymphatic vessels in healthy conditions, among others. The avascular, immune-privileged tissue of the cornea is an ideal model to study the interactions between its well-characterized and dense sensory nerves (easily accessible for both focal electrophysiological recording and morphological studies) and the low number of resident immune cell types, distinguished from those cells migrating from blood vessels. This paper presents an overview of the corneal structure and innervation, the resident dendritic cell (DC) subpopulations present in the cornea, their distribution in relation to corneal nerves, and their role in ocular inflammatory diseases. A mouse model in which sensory axons are constitutively labeled with tdTomato and DCs with green fluorescent protein (GFP) allows further analysis of the neuro-immune crosstalk under inflammatory and steady-state conditions of the eye.The peripheral nervous system (PNS) has a remarkable regenerative capacity in comparison to the central nervous system (CNS), a phenomenon that is impaired during ageing. The ability of PNS axons to regenerate after injury is due to Schwann cells (SC) being reprogrammed into a repair phenotype called Repair Schwann cells. These repair SCs are crucial for supporting axonal growth after injury, myelin degradation in a process known as myelinophagy, neurotropic factor secretion, and axonal growth guidance through the formation of Büngner bands. After regeneration, repair SCs can remyelinate newly regenerated axons and support nonmyelinated axons. Increasing evidence points to an epigenetic component in the regulation of repair SC gene expression changes, which is necessary for SC reprogramming and regeneration. One of these epigenetic regulations is histone acetylation by histone acetyl transferases (HATs) or histone deacetylation by histone deacetylases (HDACs). In this review, we have focused particularly on three HDAC classes (I, II, and IV) that are Zn2+-dependent deacetylases.

Autoři článku: Ahmedsampson1132 (Patrick Boel)