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As is well-known, defects precisely affect the lives and functions of the machines in which they occur, and even cause potentially catastrophic casualties. Therefore, quality assessment before mounting is an indispensable requirement for factories. Apart from the recognition accuracy, current networks suffer from excessive computing complexity, making it of great difficulty to deploy in the manufacturing process. To address these issues, this paper introduces binary networks into the area of surface defect detection for the first time, for the reason that binary networks prohibitively constrain weight and activation to +1 and -1. The proposed Bi-ShuffleNet and U-BiNet utilize binary convolution layers and activations in low bitwidth, in order to reach comparable performances while incurring much less computational cost. Extensive experiments are conducted on real-life NEU and Magnetic Tile datasets, revealing the least OPs required and little accuracy decline. When classifying the defects, Bi-ShuffleNet yields comparable results to counterpart networks, with at least 2× inference complexity reduction. Defect segmentation results indicate similar observations. Some network design rules in defect detection and binary networks are also summarized in this paper.Autonomous Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are of increasing importance to warn vehicle drivers of potential dangerous situations. In this paper, we propose one system to warn drivers of the presence of pedestrians crossing the road. The considered ADAS adopts a CNN-based pedestrian detector (PD) using the images captured from a local camera and to generate alarms. Warning messages are then forwarded to vehicle drivers approaching the crossroad by means of a communication infrastructure using public radio networks and/or local area wireless technologies. Three possible communication architectures for ADAS are presented and analyzed in this paper. One format for the alert message is also presented. Performance of the PDs are analyzed in terms of accuracy, precision, and recall. Results show that the accuracy of the PD varies from 70% to 100% depending on the resolution of the videos. this website The effectiveness of each of the considered communication solutions for ADAS is evaluated in terms of the time required to forward the alert message to drivers. The overall latency including the PD processing and the alert communication time is then used to define the vehicle braking curve, which is required to avoid collision with the pedestrian at the crossroad.For most natural or naturally-derived liquid products, their color reflects on their quality and occasionally affects customer preferences. To date, there are a few subjective and objective methods for color measurement which are currently utilized by various industries. Researchers are also improving these methods and inventing new methods, as color is proven to have the ability to provide various information on the condition and quality of the liquid. However, a review on the methods, especially for amber-colored liquid, has not been conducted yet. This paper presents a comprehensive review on the subjective and objective methods for color measurement of amber-colored liquids. The pros and cons of the measurement methods, the effects of the color on customer preferences, and the international industry standards on color measurements are reviewed and discussed. In addition, this study elaborates on the issues and challenges related to the color measurement techniques as well as recommendations for future research. This review demonstrates that the existing color measurement technique can determine the color according to the standards and color scales. However, the efforts toward minimizing the complexity of the hardware while maximizing the signal processing through advanced computation are still lacking. Therefore, through this critical review, this review can hopefully intensify the efforts toward finding an optimized method or technique for color measurement of liquids and thus expedite the development of a portable device that can measure color accurately.The increasingly ageing population and the tendency to live alone have led science and engineering researchers to search for health care solutions. In the COVID 19 pandemic, the elderly have been seriously affected in addition to suffering from isolation and its associated and psychological consequences. This paper provides an overview of the RobWell (Robotic-based Well-Being Monitoring and Coaching System for the Elderly in their Daily Activities) system. It is a system focused on the field of artificial intelligence for mood prediction and coaching. This paper presents a general overview of the initially proposed system as well as the preliminary results related to the home automation subsystem, autonomous robot navigation and mood estimation through machine learning prior to the final system integration, which will be discussed in future works. The main goal is to improve their mental well-being during their daily household activities. The system is composed of ambient intelligence with intelligent sensors, actuators and a robotic platform that interacts with the user. A test smart home system was set up in which the sensors, actuators and robotic platform were integrated and tested. For artificial intelligence applied to mood prediction, we used machine learning to classify several physiological signals into different moods. In robotics, it was concluded that the ROS autonomous navigation stack and its autodocking algorithm were not reliable enough for this task, while the robot's autonomy was sufficient. Semantic navigation, artificial intelligence and computer vision alternatives are being sought.Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a widely used imaging technique in the micrometer regime, which gained accelerating interest in medical imaging in the last twenty years. In up-to-date OCT literature, certain simplifying assumptions are made for the reconstructions, but for many applications, a more realistic description of the OCT imaging process is of interest. In mathematical models, for example, the incident angle of light onto the sample is usually neglected or a plane wave description for the light-sample interaction in OCT is used, which ignores almost completely the occurring effects within an OCT measurement process. In this article, we make a first step to a quantitative model by considering the measured intensity as a combination of back-scattered Gaussian beams affected by the system. In contrast to the standard plane wave simplification, the presented model includes system relevant parameters, such as the position of the focus and the spot size of the incident laser beam, which allow a precise prediction of the OCT data. The accuracy of the proposed model-after calibration of all necessary system parameters-is illustrated by simulations and validated by a comparison with experimental data obtained from a 1300 nm swept-source OCT system.As a definition, Human-Machine Interface (HMI) enables a person to interact with a device. Starting from elementary equipment, the recent development of novel techniques and unobtrusive devices for biosignals monitoring paved the way for a new class of HMIs, which take such biosignals as inputs to control various applications. The current survey aims to review the large literature of the last two decades regarding biosignal-based HMIs for assistance and rehabilitation to outline state-of-the-art and identify emerging technologies and potential future research trends. PubMed and other databases were surveyed by using specific keywords. The found studies were further screened in three levels (title, abstract, full-text), and eventually, 144 journal papers and 37 conference papers were included. Four macrocategories were considered to classify the different biosignals used for HMI control biopotential, muscle mechanical motion, body motion, and their combinations (hybrid systems). The HMIs were also classified according to their target application by considering six categories prosthetic control, robotic control, virtual reality control, gesture recognition, communication, and smart environment control. An ever-growing number of publications has been observed over the last years. Most of the studies (about 67%) pertain to the assistive field, while 20% relate to rehabilitation and 13% to assistance and rehabilitation. A moderate increase can be observed in studies focusing on robotic control, prosthetic control, and gesture recognition in the last decade. In contrast, studies on the other targets experienced only a small increase. Biopotentials are no longer the leading control signals, and the use of muscle mechanical motion signals has experienced a considerable rise, especially in prosthetic control. Hybrid technologies are promising, as they could lead to higher performances. However, they also increase HMIs' complexity, so their usefulness should be carefully evaluated for the specific application.Self-injection locking to an external fiber cavity is an efficient technique enabling drastic linewidth narrowing of semiconductor lasers. Recently, we constructed a simple dual-frequency laser source that employs self-injection locking of a DFB laser in the external ring fiber cavity and Brillouin lasing in the same cavity. The laser performance characteristics are on the level of the laser modules commonly used with BOTDA. The use of a laser source operating two frequencies strongly locked through the Brillouin resonance simplifies the BOTDA system, avoiding the use of a broadband electrooptical modulator (EOM) and high-frequency electronics. Here, in a direct comparison with the commercial BOTDA, we explore the capacity of our low-cost solution for BOTDA sensing, demonstrating distributed measurements of the Brillouin frequency shift in a 10 km sensing fiber with a 1.5 m spatial resolution.Mobile devices and sensors have limited battery lifespans, limiting their feasibility for context recognition applications. As a result, there is a need to provide mechanisms for energy-efficient operation of sensors in settings where multiple contexts are monitored simultaneously. Past methods for efficient sensing operation have been hierarchical by first selecting the sensors with the least energy consumption, and then devising individual sensing schedules that trade-off energy and delays. The main limitation of the hierarchical approach is that it does not consider the combined impact of sensor scheduling and sensor selection. We aimed at addressing this limitation by considering the problem holistically and devising an optimization formulation that can simultaneously select the group of sensors while also considering the impact of their triggering schedule. The optimization solution is framed as a Viterbi algorithm that includes mathematical representations for multi-sensor reward functions and modeling of user behavior. Experiment results showed an average improvement of 31% compared to a hierarchical approach.In this paper, we propose an obstacle detection approach that uses a facet-based obstacle representation. The approach has three main steps ground point detection, clustering of obstacle points, and facet extraction. Measurements from a 64-layer LiDAR are used as input. First, ground points are detected and eliminated in order to select obstacle points and create object instances. To determine the objects, obstacle points are grouped using a channel-based clustering approach. For each object instance, its contour is extracted and, using an RANSAC-based approach, the obstacle facets are selected. For each processing stage, optimizations are proposed in order to obtain a better runtime. For the evaluation, we compare our proposed approach with an existing approach, using the KITTI benchmark dataset. The proposed approach has similar or better results for some obstacle categories but a lower computational complexity.

Autoři článku: Aguirreramsey4565 (Hauser Koefoed)