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Developmental programs are under strict genetic control that favors robustness of the process. In order to guarantee the same outcome in different environmental situations, development is modulated by input pathways, which inform about external conditions. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the process of postembryonic development involves a series of stereotypic cell divisions, the progression of which is controlled by the nutritional status of the animal. C. elegans can arrest development at different larval stages, leading to cell arrest of the relevant divisions of the stage. This means that studying the nutritional control of development in C. elegans we can learn about the mechanisms controlling cell division in an in vivo model. In this work, we reviewed the current knowledge about the nutrient sensing pathways that control the progression or arrest of development in response to nutrient availability, with a special focus on the arrest at the L1 stage.Secondary metabolites synthesized by fungi have become a precious source of inspiration for the design of novel drugs. Indeed, fungi are prolific producers of fascinating, diverse, structurally complex, and low-molecular-mass natural products with high therapeutic leads, such as novel antimicrobial compounds, anticancer compounds, immunosuppressive agents, among others. Given that these microorganisms possess the extraordinary capacity to secrete diverse chemical scaffolds, they have been highly exploited by the giant pharma companies to generate small molecules. This has been made possible because the isolation of metabolites from fungal natural sources is feasible and surpasses the organic synthesis of compounds, which otherwise remains a significant bottleneck in the drug discovery process. Here in this comprehensive review, we have discussed recent studies on different fungi (pathogenic, non-pathogenic, commensal, and endophytic/symbiotic) from different habitats (terrestrial and marines), the specialized metabolites they biosynthesize, and the drugs derived from these specialized metabolites. Moreover, we have unveiled the logic behind the biosynthesis of vital chemical scaffolds, such as NRPS, PKS, PKS-NRPS hybrid, RiPPS, terpenoids, indole alkaloids, and their genetic mechanisms. Besides, we have provided a glimpse of the concept behind mycotoxins, virulence factor, and host immune response based on fungal infections.Circadian rhythm disturbances are frequently described in psychiatric disorders such as major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Growing evidence suggests a biological connection between mental health and circadian rhythmicity, including the circadian influence on brain function and mood and the requirement for circadian entrainment by external factors, which is often impaired in mental illness. Mental (as well as physical) health is also adversely affected by circadian misalignment. The marked interindividual differences in this combined susceptibility, in addition to the phenotypic spectrum in traits related both to circadian rhythms and mental health, suggested the possibility of a shared genetic background and that circadian clock genes may also be candidate genes for psychiatric disorders. This hypothesis was further strengthened by observations in animal models where clock genes had been knocked out or mutated. The introduction of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) enabled hypothesis-free testing. GWAS analysis of chronotype confirmed the prominent role of circadian genes in these phenotypes and their extensive polygenicity. However, in GWAS on psychiatric traits, only one clock gene, ARNTL (BMAL1) was identified as one of the few loci differentiating bipolar disorder from schizophrenia, and macaque monkeys where the ARNTL gene has been knocked out display symptoms similar to schizophrenia. Another lesson from genomic analyses is that chronotype has an important genetic correlation with several psychiatric disorders and that this effect is unidirectional. We conclude that the effect of circadian disturbances on psychiatric disorders probably relates to modulation of rhythm parameters and extend beyond the core clock genes themselves.Human migration and community specific cultural practices have contributed to founder events and enrichment of the variants associated with genetic diseases. While many founder events in isolated populations have remained uncharacterized, the application of genomics in clinical settings as well as for population scale studies in the recent years have provided an unprecedented push towards identification of founder variants associated with human health and disease. The discovery and characterization of founder variants could have far reaching implications not only in understanding the history or genealogy of the disease, but also in implementing evidence based policies and genetic testing frameworks. This further enables precise diagnosis and prevention in an attempt towards precision medicine. This review provides an overview of founder variants along with methods and resources cataloging them. We have also discussed the public health implications and examples of prevalent disease associated founder variants in specific populations.While asthma has a strong genetic component, our current ability to systematically understand and predict asthma risk remains low, despite over a hundred genetic associations. The reasons for this unfilled gap range from technical limitations of current approaches to fundamental deficiencies in the way we understand asthma. These are discussed in the context of genomic advances.

There is increasing demand for suitably trained pharmacists to undertake clinical roles in primary care general practices across the United Kingdom. This necessitates development of sustainable training opportunities to both better prepare future registrants for such roles and raise awareness of the new career pathway. Educational activity and setting Hospital pre-registration trainee pharmacists undertook four or eight-week placements in general practice as part of their training year. Trainees attended an introductory session and received educational support tools six weeks prior to their placements. Each trainee had an allocated clinical supervisor in general practice and maintained communication with their hospital tutor. On completion of all placements, trainees and general practice staff were asked to share perceptions and outcomes via online questionnaires.

Most trainees reported that the clinical supervision arrangements were satisfactory and found the placement workbook useful for guiding daily aneed further investigation, to improve the design of future placements.

Pharmacy academics are consistently challenged to incorporate innovative, active-learning strategies to encourage student participation while imparting knowledge. To achieve this, a board game entitled "PharmacyPhlash" was developed by academics teaching in an undergraduate bachelor of pharmacy program. The study sought to document student experience on playing a pilot version of the game and to understand the design strengths and weaknesses as well as the ability of the game to achieve envisaged educational and competency outcomes.

Third-year pharmacy students were invited to participate in the pilot study. Selumetinib cell line Student experience was evaluated using a questionnaire to determine general characteristics of game-playing, students' perceived engagement in the game and its ability to fulfil its anticipated design objectives, how playing the game helped or limited learning, aspects students enjoyed/did not enjoy about the activity, and suggestions for improvement.

Ten participants (six males, four females) volunteered for the pilot. Overall, playing the game improved understanding and application of knowledge and promoted sharing of knowledge and collaboration. Students were able to link pharmacy practice and pharmacology knowledge. It enhanced learners' ability to think and communicatee concisely and quickly. The competitive aspect of the game was the main negative associated with playing the game. Suggestions for improving the game included making it shorter, including mixed groups of students from different levels of study, and introducing a referee to oversee the game.

The current study found that students reported high levels of satisfaction from playing the game.

The current study found that students reported high levels of satisfaction from playing the game.

Acceptance to pharmacy school relies on data such as grade point average (GPA) and Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) scores in addition to holistic review. The interview is the final step in finding successful applicants. This study sought to identify if faculty interviewers had an impact on prospective students' decisions to accept an offer of admission to our college of pharmacy.

A seven-year retrospective review of applicants granted an offer of admission was conducted. Analyses determined if interviewer assignment impacted yield of students matriculating into the program.

Fifty-two different faculty interviewed 1634 applicants who were subsequently offered admission during the seven-years of review; of these applicants, 482 matriculated (yield 29.5%). Ten faculty interviewers provided 1020 (62.4%) of these interviews, with 302 applicants matriculating (yield 29.6%). Univariate analysis of these 10 interviewers did not find a significant difference in yield. Matriculation between the highest and lowest yielding faculty members trended toward a difference but was not statistically significant. Lower cumulative GPA, lower quantitative PCAT, lack of a bachelor's degree or higher, and interviewing later in the admissions cycle correlated with a higher matriculation yield (P<0.05).

Faculty interviewers did not impact an applicant's decision to accept an offer of admission to pharmacy school. Interviewing late in the admissions cycle, not having a bachelor's degree, lower cumulative GPA, and lower quantitative PCAT score correlated with increased matriculation yield.

Faculty interviewers did not impact an applicant's decision to accept an offer of admission to pharmacy school. Interviewing late in the admissions cycle, not having a bachelor's degree, lower cumulative GPA, and lower quantitative PCAT score correlated with increased matriculation yield.

It is unknown if students with previous pharmacy technician experience benefit from a community pharmacy dispensing lab. Anecdotally, students with previous technician experience often do not feel a substantial benefit from the course. The purpose of this project was to evaluate pharmacy practice knowledge and perceptions of those with and without prior technician experience in a community lab course.

Doctor of pharmacy students enrolled in the lab course were included in the study. All students were administered a pre- and post-course self-perceptions survey and knowledge assessment (20 scenario-based multiple-choice questions). The knowledge assessment evaluated understanding of community pharmacy law, workflow, inventory, insurance, and prescription verification. Survey variables analyzed included length of experience, confidence, and course expectations. Results were analyzed using student's t-tests.

A total of 216 students completed the pre- and post-assessments and were included for analysis. Students with previous technician experience scored statistically significantly higher on the knowledge assessment than students without experience (pre 57% vs.

Autoři článku: Aggerbarry9351 (Griffith Cooney)