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Thus, a qualified assessment of upper gastrointestinal changes in acute bile pancreatitis can improve the topical diagnosis of necrosis in the pancreas and the early evaluation of the severity of bile pancreatitis.The article states the results of examination and treatment of 57 patients with stenosis of the common bile duct of various genesis. The main aim of the work is criteria definition and evaluation of diagnostic significance of endosonography in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant common bile duct stenosis. The paper presents a methodology of endoscopic ultrasound and basic criteria for the differential diagnosis of tumors and other lesions of the extrahepatic bile ducts. A comparative analysis of endosonography, ultrasound, CT, MRCP was conducted. The sensitivity of endosonography in determining the nature of the common bile duct stenosis was 97.7%, a specificity 100% and accuracy 98.2%, which is superior to other methods of radiological diagnosis. In comprehensive surgical centers endosonography should be used as a method of specifying the final diagnosis to determine the nature of the common bile duct stenosis, particularly at low constriction location.Endocytoscopy is one of the most novel endoscopic diagnostic procedures, providing optical magnification up to 1150 times of gastrointestinal and respiratory tract mucosa. Such approach allows real-time tissue and cellular structure visualization. Endocytoscopy, along with confocal laser endomicroscopy, can be considered as "optical biopsy" in vivo. Of course, endocytoscopy currently is experimental diagnostic method, all available endocytoscopes are prototypes. According to published data, endocytoscopy can be used in precancerous conditions and early intramucosal cancer diagnostics in esophagus, stomach, colon and bronchial tree. Different types of endocytoscopes are used for examinations some of them are baby-scopes, with fixed magnification 570-1150 times, introduced into accessory channel of the therapeutic parent-endoscope, others--are integrated type, providing scalable magnification from 80 to 380 times. As for traditional pathology ex vivo, for endocytoscopy mucosal cell nuclei stain is needed. For vital staining during endocytoscopy methylene blue, toluidine blue and crystal violet in different concentrations are more often used. In cases of squamous-cell dysplasia or cancer, it is recommended to use 1% methylene blue solution, whereas in intestinal type metaplasia, dysplastic changes and cancer (Barrett's esophagus, P. Correa precancerous cascade, colon adenomas), 1% toluidine blue is preferred. With endocytoscopy, after vital staining, we can visualize and estimate mucosa tissue and cell characteristics papillae, crypt and gland shapes and sizes, their integrity (tissue markers); cell nuclei size and shape, polarity and nuclear dye intensity (cell markers).The article presents the possible indicators of quality of endoscopy departments (cabinet) activities, developed on the basis of the experience of foreign colleagues using information resource PubMed, Cochrane Library, MDConsult, DynaMed, Google Schola and search engine TRIP Database www.tripdatabase.com, existing regulations as well as their own experience.In this policy brief we describe the types and volume of major surgical services provided in the inpatient and outpatient settings of Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) in 2011. Major surgical services are those procedures that require use of an operating room (OR), regardless of whether the procedure was inpatient or outpatient. Key Findings (1) CAH discharges of patients having a major surgical procedure that required use of an OR were analyzed from four regionally representative states Colorado, North Carolina, Vermont, and Wisconsin. The average surgical volume among all CAHs in the sample was 624 procedures per CAH per year, and only 6.8 percent of CAHs performed none. (2) The average portion of all surgery volume performed on an outpatient basis in CAHs is 77 percent. Inpatient procedure volume ranged between 20 percent and 24 percent of total surgical volume across the four states. Most of the research literature on surgery in CAHs focus on inpatient procedures only, thus missing a significant portion of the surgery volume that CAHs perform. (3) The high correlation (0.86, p less then 0.0001) indicates that the 31 ratio of outpatient-to-inpatient surgical volume was relatively consistent across CAHs. (4) Operations on the musculoskeletal system, the eye, and the digestive system accounted for 67 percent on average of all surgical procedures in CAHs. Many surgical procedures are performed on an inpatient and outpatient basis, but some are performed exclusively in one setting.Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a pioneer imaging technique commonly employed by biological researchers in detection of the properties of biological membranes over the last decade. The AFM findings distinguish its applicability from the conventional methods, such as confocal, multi-photons, electron microscopy, etc. as well as from the mechanical methods (compression and indentation test, extensiometry, etc.). With its high resolution (below 10 nm), AFM has emerged as a powerful tool in obtaining the nanostructural details and biomechanical properties of heart tissue. The composition of extracellular matrix is essential for heart compliance and its mechanical function. Here, we illustrate the surface morphology, its structural assembling and the mechanical properties of a myocardial infarction scar section aquired via AFM, in dry conditions. The cross section through the mature myocardial scar of mice after myocardial infarction shows that the embedded fibrils into the tissue matrix of a mature scar overlap at some sites, and form network-like structures. The nano-fibrils surface shows defined structural periodicity. A cross-section along the axial fibrilar direction gives an average D-periodic banding pattern of approximately 50,3 nm (± 6,2 nm std.). As future perspective, yet uncovered morphological and mechanical investigations, correlated with functional studies, open a new window for understanding pathological mechanisms.Non-coding RNAs have gained increasing attention, as their physiological and pathological functions are being gradually uncovered. MicroRNAs are the most well-studied ncRNAs, which play essential roles in translational repression and mRNA degradation. In contrast, long non-coding RNAs are distinguished from other small/short non-coding RNAs by length and regulate chromatin remodeling, gene transcription and posttranscriptional modifications. Recently, circular RNAs have emerged as endogenous, abundant, conserved and stable in mammalian cells. It has been demonstrated that circular RNAs can function as miRNA sponges. Other possible biological functions of circular RNAs are still under investigation. In this review, the biogenesis and biological functions of the three major types of ncRNAs, including miRNAs, lncRNAs and circRNAs, are overviewed. In addition, the role of ncRNAs in human diseases and potential clinical applications of ncRNAs are discussed.Uveitis is associated with a wide range of underlying causes. Familiarity with its clinical manifestations, referral indications, and treatment strategies are required for the optimal use of current therapeutic options. Smad2 signaling Uveitis can be caused by infectious and non-infectious factors, resulting in differing prognoses and treatments. The treatment of chronic, non-infectious uveitis has profoundly changed in the last years due to the advent of biologicals, but also of intraocular therapies. In severe uveitis, treatment of the underlying cause, whether ocular or systemic, is required to prevent severe loss of vision. For these purposes, a multidisciplinary clinical approach is important, which is addressed in this review. Relevance for patients A broad understanding of the different causes of uveitis and the implementation of disease-tailored, multidisciplinary management of uveitis is expected to improve treatment outcomes for patients with different types of uveitis.Incomplete understanding of the mechanisms responsible for induction of hibernation prevent translation of natural hibernation to its artificial counterpart. To facilitate this translation, a model was developed that identifies the necessary physiological changes for induction of artificial hibernation. This model encompasses six essential components metabolism (anabolism and catabolism), body temperature, thermoneutral zone, substrate, ambient temperature, and hibernation-inducing agents. The individual components are interrelated and collectively govern the induction and sustenance of a hypometabolic state. To illustrate the potential validity of this model, various pharmacological agents (hibernation induction trigger, delta-opioid, hydrogen sulfide, 5'-adenosine monophosphate, thyronamine, 2-deoxyglucose, magnesium) are described in terms of their influence on specific components of the model and corollary effects on metabolism. Relevance for patients The ultimate purpose of this model is to help expand the paradigm regarding the mechanisms of hibernation from a physiological perspective and to assist in translating this natural phenomenon to the clinical setting.

Acetaminophen (APAP) hepatotoxicity is a major cause of acute liver failure in many countries. Mechanistic studies in mice and humans have implicated formation of a reactive metabolite, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidant stress as critical events in the pathophysiology of APAP-induced liver cell death. It was recently suggested that ATP released from necrotic cells can directly cause cell death in mouse hepatocytes and in a hepatoma cell line (HepG2).

To assess if ATP can directly cause cell toxicity in hepatocytes and evaluate their relevance in the human system.

Primary mouse hepatocytes, human HepG2 cells, the metabolically competent human HepaRG cell line and freshly isolated primary human hepatocytes were exposed to 10-100 µM ATP or ATγPin the presence or absence of 5-10 mM APAP for 9-24 h.

ATP or ATγP was unable to directly cause cell toxicity in all 4 types of hepatocytes. In addition, ATP did not enhance APAP-induced cell death observed in primary mouse or human hepatocytes, or in HepaRG cells as measured by LDH release and by propidium iodide staining in primary mouse hepatocytes. Furthermore, addition of ATP did not cause mitochondrial dysfunction or enhance APAP-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in primary murine hepatocytes, although ATP did cause cell death in murine RAW macrophages.

It is unlikely that ATP released from necrotic cells can significantly affect cell death in human or mouse liver during APAP hepatotoxicity.

Understanding the mechanisms of APAP-induced cell injury is critical for identifying novel therapeutic targets to prevent liver injury and acute liver failure in APAP overdose patients.

Understanding the mechanisms of APAP-induced cell injury is critical for identifying novel therapeutic targets to prevent liver injury and acute liver failure in APAP overdose patients.Laser-assisted vascular welding (LAVW) is an experimental technique being developed as an alternative to suture anastomosis. In comparison to mechanical anastomosis, LAVW is less traumatic, non-immunogenic, provides immediate water tight sealant, and possibly a faster and easier procedure for minimally invasive surgery. This review focuses on technical advances to improve welding strength and to reduce thermal damage in LAVW. In terms of welding strength, LAVW has evolved from the photothermally-induced microvascular anastomosis, requiring stay sutures to support welding strength, to sutureless anastomoses of medium-sized vessels, withstanding physiological and supraphysiological pressure. Further improvements in anastomotic strength could be achieved by the use of chromophore-containing albumin solder and the employment of (biocompatible) polymeric scaffolds. The anastomotic strength and the stability of welds achieved with such a modality, referred to as scaffold- and solder-enhanced LAVW (ssLAVW), are dependent on the intermolecular bonding of solder molecules (cohesive bonding) and the bonding between solder and tissue collagen (adhesive bonding).

Autoři článku: Abildtrupmchugh5131 (Fowler Branch)