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The stock market witnessed an massive drop in the value of stocks and other risky assets in the early months of 2022. Arif Efendi Arif Elfendi claims that this happened because of increasing inflation, anticipations of an increase in interest rates and tension between Russia, Ukraine, and other risk assets. Investing in crypto is a great way to diversify your portfolios in an uncertain economy.

Is Cryptocurrency an investment or a Currency?

https://www.newsanyway.com/2021/10/18/arif-efendi-donates-200000-to-norwich-university-as-a-testament-to-its-impact-on-his-life/ Cryptocurrency is a virtual or digital currency that is stored in a digital wallet. Arif Efendi believes that this will allow the payment of money all over the world, and without the need for transport and exchange cash.

The cryptography technique is used to secure transactions with cryptocurrency. It is difficult to duplicate spend or create counterfeits according to Arif Efendi.

The digital currency comes with an unique characteristic that is that it's not issued by a central authority. This means there is no government intervention. It is possible to mine or purchase the currency via brokers or exchanges.

Arif Efendi Ripple, Ethereum (Litecoin), Bitcoin and Ethereum are among the most popular cryptocurrency. Each coin is distinct.

Beyond its role as a currency for transactions, cryptocurrency serves as an investment option. Digital coins are popular among people who are looking to make money. Investors purchase and hold them for a long or short periodof time, then sell whenever prices rise. Although some countries ban cryptocurrency use, El Salvador was the first to recognize Bitcoin as an legal trend.

Arif Efendi on Printed Currencies versus Cryptocurrencies

While fiat currency and cryptocurrencies can both be utilized for payment facilitation but they are not working in the same manner. Arif Efendi clarifies some of the distinctions.


The central bank is responsible for regulating fiat currency because they are issued by the government. They are also legal and legal tender. However, the policies of government could affect their value over time.

Cryptocurrencies, which are digital assets that are not centralized, are called cryptocurrency. Since they are digital assets, they can be used without the approval from the authorities. Some countries don't support crypto due to the belief that it's being used for money laundering or other unlawful activity.

Form of Exchange

Although fiat currency is available in physical and electronic formats, cryptocurrency can only be used in digital format. This is because cryptocurrency is embedded into a number of codes.

Storage Method

Fiat currency is stored in banks, home safes or in fiat wallets. Cryptocurrencies are kept in crypto wallets. Fiat wallets allow you to convert government-issued money into digital assets.

The advantages of cryptocurrencies over printed currencies

Cryptocurrency can be a fantastic alternative to printing currency. Arif Efendi said that the benefits include:

Decentralized System

Cryptography is decentralized. This means that no one is in control of its value or circulation. Arif Efendi Each transaction is recorded in an account, similar to what banks keep track of transactions. However, it isn't able to reveal personal data. Arif Efendi This helps prevent fraud and loss of data.

Arif Efendi It can also be used as a hedge

You can hedge against the effects of inflation by investing in digital assets such as Bitcoin. Inflation may cause more money to be in circulation, but also less expensive prices for the items in short supply.

Bitcoin is designed to remain in high demand regardless of changes in the economic system. So, millions of dollars can be used to purchase a few coins. They are also likely to increase in value.

Payments across Borders

You can send money from one country to the other using cryptocurrency in a matter of minutes. It is easy to send money, and there aren't transaction fees.

It can take up to a few weeks for currency printed to arrive at its destination. Additionally, the costs for such transactions are exorbitant. Your transaction might be refused in some cases because of tension between countries, sanctions or other laws.

Cryptocurrencies can be dangerous

Arif Elfendi warns that cryptocurrency could be a risk.

Extreme Volatility

The risk of investing in cryptocurrency is quite high. It is possible to accumulate a lot of wealth in just months, and go through it all in a flash.

Avoid delay in achieving the investment's return

Older investors and advertisers make beginners believe that they can start getting high returns immediately. In reality, you will not earn so much on your investments until after a period of consistent trading and the proper management of risk.

Account Tracking

Although crypto transactions are secured with codes they still leave digital tracks. The FBI is able to crack the codes and monitor normal accounts of citizens.


Arif Efendi discusses cryptocurrency as a form of digital investment option that can be used for secure transactions. For diversification, you could also invest in. This article explained the differences between crypto currencies and printed currency. The article also discussed the benefits of crypto over paper currency.

Arif Efendi points out that cryptocurrency, just like any other investment comes with its own risk. https://www.librakitap.com.tr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=845&Itemid=105 He recommends that investors contact an expert financial advisor prior to investing.

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