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bal shotgun" or "synergistic multitarget effects" are the terms used for the strategy of combining different extracts. The research assessing the antimicrobial efficacy of a combination of these plant extracts against dental caries and periodontal pathogens is the need of the hour, and such research will aid in the development of a novel, innovative method that can simultaneously inhibit two of the most common dental diseases of mankind, besides slowing the development of drug resistance.Several anti-inflammatory drugs have been used to reduce pain and discomfort after periodontal surgeries. This study evaluates the efficacy of using etoricoxib and dexamethasone for pain prevention after open-flap debridement surgery. In this study, 60 patients who were undergoing open flap debridment surgery were randomly assigned to receive a single dose preoperative medication 1 hour prior to surgery. The patients were divided into three groups. In Group 1, 20 patients were given placebo drug orally. In Group 2, 20 patients were given 8 mg Dexamethasone orally and in Group 3, 20 patients were given 120 mg Etoricoxib orally. Patients were instructed to complete a pain diary hourly for the first 8 hours after each surgery and three times a day on the following 3 days. The four point verbal rating scale (VRS 4) and Numerical rate scale were used to assess discomfort. Post-operative Assessment of Pain and Discomfort showed that persistent discomfort and pain were found to be more in the placebo group compared to dexamethasone and etoricoxib group. The adoption of a preemptive medication protocol using either etoricoxib or dexamethasone may be considered effective for pain and discomfort prevention after open-flap debridement surgeries.Acute pericoronitis usually presents with severe localized pain, swelling and sometimes trismus. However, chronic pericoronitis and periodontal abscess produce a dull pain, moderate swelling and are occasionally seen migrating into distant sites producing fistulae intra-orally and/or extra-orally. Trolox manufacturer This may quite often cause diagnostic dilemmas necessitating thorough medical and dental history, careful clinical examination and sometimes special investigations to confirm the etiology and or origin of infection. Here, we present three such cases and their management.Peripheral giant cell granuloma (PGCG) is an infrequent exophytic lesion of the oral cavity, also known as giant cell epulis, osteoclastoma, giant cell reparative granuloma, or giant cell hyperplasia. Lesions vary in appearance from smooth, regularly outlined masses to irregularly shaped, multilobulated protuberances with surface indentations. Ulcerations of the margin are occasionally seen. The lesions are painless, vary in size, and may cover several teeth. It normally presents as a purplish-red nodule consisting of multinucleated giant cells in the background of mononuclear stromal cells and extravasated red blood cells. link2 This case report describes the unusual appearance of a PGCG extending from left maxillary interdental gingiva to palatal area in 32-year-old female patient.The osteotome technique is more predictable with simultaneous implant placement when there is 10 mm bone with osteotome technique and grafting materials where the edentulous posterior maxilla radio-graphically showed less bone between the alveolar crest and sinus floor.The periosteum is highly cellular connective tissue with rich vascularity and regenerative potential, which make it suitable autogenous graft. The periosteum eversion technique utilized periosteum for coverage of denuded root surface. The purpose of this case report was to evaluate the periosteum eversion technique that involves a single surgical site, in terms of root coverage, gingival height, and probing depth. A patient with Miller class I gingival recession of 3.0 mm, gingival height of 2.0 mm and probing depth of 2.0 mm was treated by the periosteum eversion technique. Root conditioning was done with 24% ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. In this technique, marginal periosteum was used as a pedicle graft. At the end of 6 months, 100% root surface was covered successfully with 5.0 mm of gingival height and 1.0 mm of probing depth. The periosteum eversion technique can be used for the treatment of gingival recession defect successfully.Gingival recession is defined as the displacement of gingival margin apical to cementoenamel junction. Aberrant frenum attachment can contribute to the progression of recession by generating tension on the marginal tissues. Treating such defects is a two stage procedure-frenectomy and recession coverage procedure. New techniques are developed to increase the predictability, reduce patient discomfort and number of surgical sites. Also, these techniques try to satisfy patients esthetic demands, which include the final colour and tissue blend of the covered area. In this case report, we present a method for coronally repositioning gingiva for root coverage over the maxillary central incisors while simultaneously performing a frenectomy, thus being clinically advantageous compared to two-stage technique.A 32-year-old patient with complete denudation of buccal root of tooth no. 14 was referred from the Department of Oral Surgery for opinion, as he was not willing for extraction. Patient's persistent urge to save the tooth, put forth a challenge, which motivated us to tweak the established techniques. The unusual presentation of the case and unexpected par-operative condition of the surgical site required out-of-box measures to deal with the situation. Though, the tooth no. 14 was having Grade-I mobility, it was endodontically treated, buccal root was resected, osseous graft was applied over the deficient ridge area and lateral pedicle flap was displaced over the short root-trunk area to cover the surgical site. To our astonishment, the tooth survived, mobility was reduced and complete coverage with soft-tissue was observed. Uneventful healing with stable gingival margin was observed at 3-month interval, which remained stationary at 1-year follow-up.

Periodontal plastic surgical procedures aimed at coverage of exposed root surface. Owing to the second surgical donor site and difficulty in procuring a sufficient graft for the treatment of root coverage procedures, various alternative additive membranes have been used. A recent resorbable amniotic membrane, not only maintains the structural and anatomical configuration of regenerated tissues, but also enhances gingival wound healing, provides a rich source of stem cells. Therefore, amniotic membrane is choice of material these days in augmenting the better results in various periodontal procedures.

The aim of this observational case series was to evaluate the effectiveness, predictability and the use of a novel material, amniotic membrane in the treatment of shallow-to-moderate isolated recession defects.

A total of three cases, showing Miller's Class I or Class II gingival recession, participated in this study. link3 Recession depth, recession width, keratinized gingiva (KG) tissue width, clinical attachment level (CAL) were recorded at baseline, 3 and 6 months postoperatively.

Six months following root coverage procedures, the mean root coverage was found to be 70.2 ± 6.8%. CAL significantly decreased from 6.4 ± 0.54 mm preoperatively to 3.5 ± 0.9 mm postoperatively at 6 months while KG showed significant improvement from 3.2 ± 0.28 mm preoperatively to 5.9 ± 0.74 mm postoperatively at 6 months.

Autogenous graft tissue procurement significantly increases patient morbidity while also lengthening the duration of surgery in placing the graft, while self-adherent nature of amniotic membrane significantly reduces surgical time and made the procedure easier to perform, making it membrane of choice.

Autogenous graft tissue procurement significantly increases patient morbidity while also lengthening the duration of surgery in placing the graft, while self-adherent nature of amniotic membrane significantly reduces surgical time and made the procedure easier to perform, making it membrane of choice.Autogenous bone grafts have been considered the gold standard for bone grafting procedures. This case report describes the management of a two wall defect by utilizing the autogenous bone graft obtained during removal of ledges as a part of osteoplasty procedure. The bone was removed with a sickle scaler, and sufficient amounts of bone graft material were obtained to fill a two wall defect distal to left mandibular first molar.

Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a condition in which the body becomes susceptible to a host of opportunistic infections. This syndrome is a culmination of infection with a lenti virus called Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) particularly HIV 1. A cross section of the population including adults and children are affected by HIV infection with estimate of 36.1 million affected by the end of 2014. HIV infection affects the T lymphocytes especially cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4) count reducing it drastically jeopardizing the acquired immunity. The advent of Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) has proved as a ray of hope, at least reducing the misery and suffering although not permanently. This study attempts to understand the prevalence of periodontal disease and other oral lesions, further examining their relationship with CD4 counts in the HIV seropositive patients on ART.

A total of 72 HIV positive patients on ART reporting at ART centre at Raichur District hospital were screened in the study ally becomes a chronic disease the features and course of chronic periodontal disease and other oral manifestations in HIV infected patients require more careful and extensive investigation.

The aim of the present study was to compare various risk indicators of chronic periodontitis (CP) and aggressive periodontitis (AP) among patients of Davangere population.

Totally, 89 CP and 90 AP patients were selected from outpatient Department of Periodontics, College of Dental Sciences, Davangere. Various clinical parameters proven to be risk indicators were determined for each patient such as age, gender, occupation, oral hygiene habits, personal habits, income, level of education, place of residence, frequency of dental visits, various oral hygiene indices, gingival status, wasting diseases, malocclusion, laboratory investigations, and the results were subjected to statistical analysis.

This study demonstrated that AP is manifested early in life in susceptible individuals. Proven risk indicators for AP and CP in the present study population included young age, place of residence, income and education levels, frequency of dental visits. Patients with AP had better oral hygiene habits and oral hygiene index results than patients with CP. Paan chewing and smoking could be considered as risk factors, both in CP and AP cases. The similar association of plaque scores but higher bleeding tendency in AP patients supported the fact of higher susceptibility of AP patients to periodontal breakdown. Malocclusion being present in the majority of cases could also be put forth as a risk factor for AP and CP.

This study identifies the different risk indicators for CP and AP and demonstrates the need for constructing nationwide oral health promotion programs to improve the level of oral health awareness and standards in Indian population.

This study identifies the different risk indicators for CP and AP and demonstrates the need for constructing nationwide oral health promotion programs to improve the level of oral health awareness and standards in Indian population.

Autoři článku: Abildgaardmcneill5138 (Foldager Medlin)