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Cases of covid-19 are climbing sharply again, and China in particular faces a potential disaster if it fails to contain its biggest outbreak since 2020, reports Michael Le Page.Accurate prediction of the summer precipitation over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (MLYR) is of urgent demand for the local economic and societal development. This study assesses the seasonal forecast skill in predicting summer precipitation over the MLYR region based on the global Climate Forecast System of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST-CFS1.0, previously SINTEX-F). The results show that the model can provide moderate skill in predicting the interannual variations of the MLYR rainbands, initialized from 1 March. In addition, the nine-member ensemble mean can realistically reproduce the links between the MLYR precipitation and tropical sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies, but the individual members show great discrepancies, indicating large uncertainty in the forecasts. Furthermore, the NUIST-CFS1.0 can predict five of the seven extreme summer precipitation anomalies over the MLYR during 1982-2020, albeit with underestimated magnitudes. The Weather Forecast and Research (WRF) downscaling hindcast experiments with a finer resolution of 30 km, which are forced by the large-scale information of the NUIST-CFS1.0 predictions with a spectral nudging method, display improved predictions of the extreme summer precipitation anomalies to some extent. However, the performance of the downscaling predictions is highly dependent on the global model forecast skill, suggesting that further improvements on both the global and regional climate models are needed.Blight is a concept not commonly discussed. Liraglutide in vivo However, blight is a problem that exists in the lives of many people, especially if they reside in urban areas. Blight originates whenever properties are neglected, contributing to both a functional and social depreciation process and ultimately leading to uninhabitable dwellings. Despite being blighted, these properties and surrounding neighborhoods often are occupied by families who fail to have sufficient income to afford residences that meet minimum standards or to live in neighborhoods free from drug trafficking and prostitution or other forms of crime. Blight may spread rapidly, thus, experts must, in a timely manner, analyze its causes, which are essential to preventing and mitigating blight problems. The purpose of this study is to seek an understanding of blight and identify its causal factors. The generic methods commonly applied in previous blight research present limitations that this study aims to overcome by using cognitive mapping and the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) technique. This dual methodology provides a more transparent and less restrictive approach for analyzing and complying with the dynamics of cause-and-effect relationships among variables. Group debate involving a panel of specialists in this field identified six causation clusters based on the experts' experience and knowledge. The resulting framework and its application were validated both by these specialists and the head of the Territorial and Environmental Assessment and Monitoring Division of Cascais City Council Strategic Planning Department, Portugal.Girls involved in the juvenile legal system are at among the highest risk for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) challenges. Yet, few studies focus on girls or examine multiple predictors of their SRH in tandem. In addition to individual and familial-level risk factors (e.g., trauma, substance use, parental monitoring), this study also examines the influence of structural disadvantage on girls' SRH by assessing the degree to which girls' self-identified resource needs and access challenges across multiple areas (e.g., housing, employment, healthcare) predict SRH risk. Cross-sectional data collected from 269 girls involved in the legal system and their caregivers were analyzed using hierarchical regression analyses. Findings suggest that, over and above individual and familial level predictors, resource access challenges significantly predict girls' SRH, while high resource needs and access challenges predict Black girls' SRH specifically. Implications for programming, policy, and research are delineated.We study a three-player Tullock contest in an endogenous-timing framework, focusing on the players' decisions on timing of effort exertion. In this model, there are two points in time at which the players may choose their effort levels. The players decide independently and announce simultaneously when they each will expend their effort, and then each player chooses her effort level at the point in time which she announced. We find that, given moderate asymmetries among the players, each of the players announces the first point in time, and thus they all choose their effort levels simultaneously at the first point in time. This finding is in sharp contrast to a well-known result obtained from two-player asymmetric contests with endogenous timing.To investigate changes in the ozone (O3) chemical production regime over the contiguous United States (CONUS) with accurate knowledge of concentrations of its precursors, we applied an inverse modeling technique with Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) tropospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and total formaldehyde (HCHO) retrieval products in the summers of 2011, 2014, and 2017, years in which United States National Emission Inventory were based. The inclusion of dynamic chemical lateral boundary conditions and lightning-induced nitric oxide emissions significantly account for the contribution of background sources in the free troposphere. Satellite-constrained nitrogen oxide (NOx) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) emissions mitigate the discrepancy between satellite and modeled columns the inversion suggested 2.33-2.84 (1.07-1.34) times higher NOx over the CONUS (over urban regions) and 0.28-0.81 times fewer NMVOCs emissions over the southeastern United States. The model-derived HCHO/NO2 column ratio shows gradual spatial changes in the O3 production regime near urban cores relative to previously defined threshold values representing NOx and VOC sensitive conditions. We also found apparent shifts from the NOx-saturated regime to the transition regime (or the transition regime to the NOx-limited regime) over the major cities in the western United States. In contrast, rural areas, especially in the east-southeastern United States, exhibit a decreased HCHO/NO2 column ratio by -1.30 ± 1.71 with a reduction in HCHO column primarily driven by meteorology, becoming sensitive to VOC emissions. Results show that incorporating satellite observations into numerical modeling could help policymakers implement appropriate emission control policies for O3 pollution.Due to the COVID19 outbreak, there has been increasing interest in tailoring, modifying and improving conventional personal protective equipment to increase their service life and make them more effective against viruses and bacteria. Here, atomic layer deposition (ALD) was used to functionalize the filter of N95 mask with nano-islands of silver. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and x-ray absorption fine structure were used for ALD silver characterization; microbiological assay was conducted to study the effectiveness of the deposited silver against the air-borne pathogen Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). Results showed that silver ALD successfully functionalized the N95 mask at 90 and 120 °C for two different numbers of ALD cycles (1100 and 1500 cycles). The deposited silver nano-islands were stable on the N95 filter media against washing. The leaching of silver nano-islands was studied using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry of phosphate-buffered saline solution after soaking the mask in it over predetermined times. less then 9% of Ag was removed after a maximum time of 4 h that was investigated. Antimicrobial tests showed that for samples functionalized with 1100 ALD cycles of Ag, 76% reduction in S. aureus colony-forming units content was observed after 24 h of biofilm development on the mask surfaces.Cytotoxic H2O2 is an inevitable part of our life, even during this contemporary pandemic COVID-19. Personal protective equipment of the front line fighter against coronavirus could be sterilized easily by H2O2 for reuse. In this study, Ag doped δ-MnO2 nanorods supported graphene nanocomposite (denoted as Ag@δ-MnO2/G) was synthesized as a nonenzymatic electrochemical sensor for the sensitive detection of H2O2. The ternary nanocomposite has overcome the poor electrical conductivity of δ-MnO2 and also the severe aggregation of Ag NPs. Furthermore, δ-MnO2/G provided a rougher surface and large numbers of functional groups for doping more numbers of Ag atoms, which effectively modulate the electronic properties of the nanocomposite. As a result, electroactive surface area and electrical conductivity of Ag@δ-MnO2/G increased remarkably as well as excellent catalytic activity observed towards H2O2 reduction. The modified glassy carbon electrode exhibited fast amperometric response time ( less then 2 s) in H2O2 determination. The limit of detection was calculated as 68 nM in the broad linear range (0.005-90.64 mM) with high sensitivity of 104.43 µA mM-1 cm-2. No significant interference, long-term stability, excellent reproducibility, satisfactory repeatability, practical applicability towards food samples and wastewater proved the efficiency of the proposed sensor.The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) makes publicly and freely available period migration data at the state and county levels. Among their uses, these data inform estimates of net-migration as part of the U.S. Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program, which, in turn, are used for producing other annual statistics, survey design, business and community planning, and federal funding allocations. Building on and extending prior research, we devote this Research Brief to documenting from multiple new angles a highly concerning and apparently systemic problem with the IRS migration data since the IRS took over responsibilities for preparing these data from the U.S. Census Bureau in 2011. As we then discuss, despite the fact that the IRS provides documentation detailing changes that it made to how it prepares these data relative to how the U.S. Census Bureau prepared them, it is not clear why or how these changes would result in the problem detailed in our analysis. Given that this problem appears to be an internal one within the IRS, we conclude by suggesting that the post 2011-12 IRS migration data not be used until this problem is resolved, and we encourage the IRS to do so quickly, transparently, and collaboratively.An ongoing debate in the United States relating to COVID-19 features the purported tension between containing the coronavirus to save lives or opening the economy to sustain livelihoods, with ethical overtones on both sides. Proponents of opening the economy argue that sustaining livelihoods should be prioritized over virus containment, with ethicists asking, "What about the risk to human life?" Defendants of restricting the spread of the virus endorse saving lives through virus containment but contend with the ethical concern "What about people's livelihoods and individual freedoms?" A commonly held belief is that political ideology drives these differential preferences liberals are more focused on saving lives, whereas conservatives favor sustaining livelihoods with no additional government intervention in the free-market economy. We examine these lay beliefs among US residents in four studies and find that economic system justification (ESJ), an ideology that defends the prevailing economic system when under threat, is a reliable psychological predictor beyond political ideology.

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