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In cases where even professional nurses have difficulty in giving care to cancer patients, student nurses may not be able to provide adequate care and sometimes develop a negative behavior or attitude towards this patient group.

The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between the attitudes of nursing undergraduate students towards cancer and the empathic approach.

The study was carried out using the cross-sectional research design.

A university located in the southeast of Turkey between November-December 2020.

Nursing students from one Turkey nursing school.

The research data were collected using the Personal Information Form, Questionnaire for Measuring Attitudes towards Cancer (Cancer Stigma) (QMAC) - Community Version, and Jefferson's Empathy Scale for Nursing Students (JESNS).

240 students volunteered to participate in the study, and the rate of the students' response to the questionnaires was 52%. Of all the nursing students, 66.2% of them were female; 45.4% had a moderate cer decreased as their empathic skills increased. In addition, the students' receiving treatment for chronic diseases increased their negative perception of cancer. In order to reduce the negative attitudes of nursing students towards cancer, more trainings, lectures and seminars or clinical skills training regarding the development of empathic skills could be included in the undergraduate nursing curriculum.

Recent challenges to nurse education have resulted in an increased use of virtual reality which serves as an immersive and effective medium for skill and knowledge acquisition. Virtual reality technology is being included in nurse curricula at undergraduate level. This technology remains a relatively new experience for many nursing students with limited evidence regarding students' perspectives regarding virtual reality.

To explore nursing students' perspectives of incorporating virtual reality in nurse education.

Qualitative descriptive study using thematic analysis.

Public university in Ireland.

Undergraduate nursing students were recruited using purposive and snowball sampling.

Students (n=26) participated in face-to-face semi-structured individual interviews and focus groups in January and February 2020. Data were analysed using inductive thematic analysis.

Three themes were constructed from the interviews captivating, innovative, and empowering nature of virtual reality; contextual transfercilitate learning, complement current educational approaches, and provide nurse educators with novel and engaging means of content delivery.Animal welfare in livestock production is of great interest to consumers. The organic farming approach strives to ensure animal welfare based on preventive measures, but there are very few scientific studies that compare the actual differences in animal welfare between organic and conventional farms. Those studies that have been carried out frequently focus on specific aspects of animal welfare, mostly health issues. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to investigate the effects of the farming system on the welfare of dairy cows in a more holistic way. Although this study was carried out in just two federal states of Germany, the results could serve as a suitable model for the whole country. We used the Welfare Quality assessment protocol to measure welfare for dairy cattle (Welfare Quality®, 2009) and the results showed significant differences (P less then 0.05) between organic and conventional farms, but there was also considerable variance between individual farms of the same farming system. Organic farms scored higher in all four Welfare Quality® principles "Good Feeding", "Good Housing", "Good Health" and "Appropriate Behavior" compared to conventional farms. In particular, organic farms obtained higher scores with respect to Welfare Quality® measures of resting comfort, which contributes to a lower percentage of lameness; organic farms also implemented less painful methods for disbudding, or indeed carried out no disbudding, and provided access to pasture and outdoor exercise. However, organic farms still have room for improvement, especially with respect to animal health. Therefore, outcome-based specifications should be included in the current (purely action-oriented) European regulation of organic production (EC, 2008; EU, 2018) to safeguard the health-related aspects of animal welfare.Reduction in greenhouse gas emission from beef production is essential to the survival of the beef industry from environmental and social-economic perspectives. There are different systems available to measure methane from animals, but they are expensive, not easily accessible, and not suitable for large-scale methane measurements on the farm. Therefore exploring indicator traits, which are easy to measure, cost-effective, and suitable for large-scale measurement, are recommended. The objectives of this study were to examine the diversity of fecal methanogen profile among efficient and inefficient beef heifers on pasture and investigate methanogen profile as a possible proxy to predict methane emission in beef cattle consuming a forage diet. Forty pregnant (1st trimester) heifers previously classified for postweaning residual feed intake adjusted for off-test back fat (RFIfat; 20 high and 20 low) were included in this study. To determine individual pasture grazing intake, heifers were dosed with 1 kg of C32 lheifers and 0.46 and 0.57, respectively, for the high RFIfat group.Male reproductive performances are often ignored in cattle breeding programmes, although semen traits might be used to improve bull breeding soundness. Effects of genetic and environmental factors on semen production and quality traits were estimated in 693 Piemontese bulls with the aim of providing the first estimates of genetic parameters for semen traits for this breed. Volume and concentrations of individual ejaculates (up to three per each test-day), and volume, concentration, total number of spermatozoa and post-thawing progressive motility of within test-day pooled semen were available for 19 060 ejaculates. Bulls reached the maximum amount of daily semen production after their third year of age, with concentration rapidly increasing until 23 months of age, and then slowly decreasing. Semen volume was at its highest when collection days were at least 15 days apart, whereas the maximum concentration was reached when the interval was 6 days. Heritability estimates were generally moderate (0.14-0.26), and low for progressive motility (0.08). Estimates of genetic correlation among the volumes of the individual ejaculates were high and positive (≥0.79), as were the genetic correlations among their concentrations (≥0.46). Genetic correlations among volume and concentration traits varied from -0.47 (with a 95% high posterior density interval ranging from -0.65 to -0.23) to -0.32 (with a 95% high posterior density interval ranging from -0.55 to -0.09). Progressive motility was unrelated with the other traits, but moderately positively correlated with volumes of the second and third ejaculates. The magnitude of heritabilities showed that selection for semen traits is possible. However, the unfavourable relationship between volume and concentration must be taken into account if a future selection programme is to be established.In tropical environments, dairy cattle production is constrained by several factors, including climate. The seasonal loss of milk due to heat stress is a recurring challenge for many dairy producers. The objective of this study was to detect heat stress thresholds, milk yield loss and individual animal variations using random regression models for dairy cattle from test-day milk records. Data were obtained from the Kenya Livestock Breeders Organization for the years 2000-2017 and merged with weather data. The weather parameters were grid-interpolated solar and meteorological data obtained from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Prediction Of Worldwide Energy Resources (NASA/POWER). After editing, the records comprised 49 993, 45 251 and 36 136 test-day records for first, second, and third lactations, respectively, for the four main dairy breeds Friesian (68.0%), Ayrshire (21.1%), Jersey (7.6%) and Guernsey (3.3%). Variance components were estimated using Restricted Maximum Likelihood in ASReml and mitigation measures.

To evaluate the quantitative changes of respiratory functions for critically ill COVID-19 patients with mechanical ventilation, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis was performed based on patient-specific three-dimensional airway geometry.

37 cases of critically ill patients with COVID-19 admitted to the ICU of Huangshi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital from February 1st to March 20th, 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. 5 patients whose clinical data met the specific criteria were finally cataloged into death group (2 patients) and survival group (3 patients). The patient-specific three-dimensional airways were reconstructed from the central airways down to the 4th-5th bifurcation of the tracheobronchial tree. The volume changes of bronchi were calculated during the disease progression according to the comparison of two CT scans. Additionally, the changes of air flow resistance were analyzed using numerical simulation of CFD.

Pearson correlation analysis demonstrated that there was negative he 'virtual' pulmonary function test by integrating follow-up CT scans with patient-derived CFD analysis could be a potentially powerful way in improving the efficiency of treatment for critically ill patients with COVID-19.

This article evaluates the application of 'incident control' methodology usually applied in communicable disease control to an 'incident' of unexplained deaths, specifically to resolve a significant difference in 1-year survival after a lung cancer diagnosis observed between two Clinical Commissioning Groups and the England national average, 2011-14. The purpose of the evaluation was to assess whether a formalised incident control approach is feasible and effective in improving outcomes for non-communicable diseases.

Descriptive, qualitative, process evaluation.

There were two components to the evaluation a document review against identified phases of a non-communicable disease incident control framework and a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with stakeholders who had been involved in implementation.

The findings indicate feasibility of the incident control model, with some limitations. Identified strengths of the model included the articulation of a clear case and incident definition. The structure and stepped phased approach facilitated partner engagement, robust data analysis, action planning and communication strategies. Vorapaxar Delays in data publication and the lack of comparable data across different non-communicable diseases present challenges in timely response and prioritisation of 'incidents'.

The evaluation indicates value in applying defined incident control methodology to management of non-communicable diseases, especially where there is identification of a potential outlier or a measurable variation, i.e. there is a definable 'incident' and 'case'.

The evaluation indicates value in applying defined incident control methodology to management of non-communicable diseases, especially where there is identification of a potential outlier or a measurable variation, i.e. there is a definable 'incident' and 'case'.

Autoři článku: Abdiborre6269 (Ochoa Woods)