Objective This study aims to analyze the effect of self-efficacy, work stress and job satisfaction on the organizational commitment of employees at accredited health centers in Ternate city. Methods The research design is an explanatory survey. The total sample were 194 people; 56 employees from the Jambula Health Center, 67 people from the Kalumata Health Center, and 71 people from the Kota Health Center. Sampling is done by purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). Results The results show that self-efficacy had an effect on work stress (t-value=-2.58), job satisfaction both directly (t-value=2.46) and indirectly (t-value=2.63). Self-efficacy indirectly affects organizational commitment (t-value of 2.69). Job stress affects job satisfaction (t-value=-7.64) but does not have a direct effect on organizational commitment (t-value=0.52). Job stress indirectly influences job satisfaction (t-value=-4.11). Job satisfaction affects organizational commitment (t-value=3.64). Conclusion There is an influence of self-efficacy, job satisfaction and work stress on employee organizational commitment. It is recommended to the head of the health center to make various efforts in increasing employee job satisfaction.Objective This study aims to analyze the implementation of E-recipes and the factors that influence the implementation of E-recipes in RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar. Methods This research is qualitative analytical methods with a case study approach. Data obtained by in-depth interviews with structural and functional staff, direct observations and review implementation E-recipes data. Results The implementation of E-recipe during May 2019 was 11.41%. From the checklist SOP the correct prescription was obtained the highest result was not the type of body weight which was 78.93% and communication has been carried out through meetings, socialization and mentoring but not yet thoroughly. The human resources are sufficient, but facilities and applications are still lacking, from disposition factors that implementation compliance and commitment are still low. The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are available as an implementation standard to cooperate and coordinate between units/installations.Objective This study aims to analyze the implementation of EWS according to standards and the factors that influence the implementation of EWS inpatient care Siloam Hospitals Balikpapan. Methods This types of research used the qualitative method and field research. Data were obtained from in-depth interviews with structural and functional staff related to inpatient room and review form of EWS which measures in April-May 2019 for inpatient patient. Qualitative analysis is done to see the relationship between factors on EWS implementation. Results The study shows that (1) the implementation of EWS hospitalized by SHBP has not yet run according to the standards; (2) the implementation of EWS Monitoring inpatient services at SHBP has been carried out even though it has not been contained EWS implementation policy on how the EWS monitoring is carried out; (3) factors influencing the implementation consist of communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure.Objective This study aims to analyze the relationship between stigma and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression on the incidence of HIV/AIDS in male sex men (MSM) in Makassar City. Methods The study design is case control, a mix method approach with in-depth interviews. Samples selected by purposive sampling with a total sample of 114 samples consisting of 38 cases and 76 controls. Data collected from April to May 2019. Then, Data analyzed by quantitative (chi square test) and qualitative method. Results The sexual orientation-based stigma and discrimination (OR=2.750 95% CI 1.075-7.469), stigma and gender-based discrimination (OR=3.111 95% CI 1.242-8.151), stigma and gender-based discrimination (OR=3.557 CI 95% 1.355-10.071) related to the incidence of HIV/AIDS in MSM in Makassar City. Conclusion The intervention to reduce the stigma of MSM is needed.Objective The aims of this study to analyze determinants factors related to HRSB (high risk sexual behavior) in adolescents at SMKN 8 and SMK Kesehatan Mega Rezky Makassar. Methods This study was analytic observational with cross-sectional design. The population were adolescents between ages of 15 and 18. Results The results analysis using Chi square, showed that there was no significant relationship between knowledge (p=0.522>α 0.05), attitudes (p=0.108>0.05), parental roles (p=0.326>0.05), and peers (p=0.146>0.05) with HRSB in students. While the condition variables (p=0.000 less then 0.05) and information media (p=0.000 less then 0.05) have a significant relationship with HRSB. Conclusion The most influential variables on HRSB were condition variables. M3814 It is expected that restrictions on the use of social media for students and controlling the situation can be used as a program in reducing risky sexual behavior in adolescents.Objective This this study aims to analyze risk factor of pulmonary tuberculosis smear (+) among people with diabetes mellitus in Makassar. Method This is a case control design study implemented in 5 public health center in Makassar. With a sample of 90 people (45 cases and 45 controls), interviewed with a questionnaire. Bivariate analysis and regression model were performed to examined potential risk factor of pulmonary tuberculosis. Result The result showed that significant risk factor for pulmonary TB were income level (OR=2.767, 95% CI 1.076-7.200, p=0.019), nutritional status/BMI (OR=5.500, 95% CI 2.038-15.088, p=0.000), smoking (OR=2.736, 95% CI 1.070-7.064, p=0.019), meanwhile educational level are not risk factors of pulmonary TB (OR=1.450, 95% CI 0.571-3.694, p=0.310). Conclusion Pulmonary TB control efforts are suggested not only to focus on curative aspects, but also through promotive and preventive aspects, especially to prevent people with DM from having risk factors such as duration of DM>5 years, contact history, low nutritional status, smoking habits and income level.