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Le traitement a été bien toléré, sans effets secondaires aigus graves. Une réduction volumétrique de 40,8 % de la tumeur a été observée lors de la dernière fraction de la radiothérapie guidée par résonance magnétique.

Medication nonadherence is associated with more than $100 billion in preventable medical costs each year in the United States. Medication synchronization (med sync) programs have emerged as a potential solution to addressing nonadherence.

To assess the impact of med sync programs on adherence in adults on chronic medications through a meta-analysis.

A comprehensive literature search was conducted for studies of med sync and adherence in adults published in English from database inception to May 2020. Studies were included if they provided a description of the med sync program, reported a quantitative measure of medication adherence using the proportion of days covered metric, and were conducted in the United States. The search terms included "medication synchronization," "med sync," "adherence," and "PDC." Pooled odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs using random-effects models were calculated to assess overall impact and subgroup analyses. The risk of bias of individual studies was assessed using the Downs andrence. Policy makers and payers should consider reimbursement to pharmacies to support med sync programs in efforts to combat medication nonadherence and improve health outcomes.

The purpose of the study was to determine the incidence of uterine perforations, review the associated complications, and propose guidelines for management of perforations after brachytherapy.

A retrospective chart review was conducted for all patients with cervical cancer who received single or multiple high-dose-rate brachytherapy implants between April 2006 and May 2017at a single academic institution. CT and MRI images were retrospectively evaluated to record incidences of uterine perforation of tandem during brachytherapy. Acute and long-term complications during and after treatment were scored using the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, Version 4.0, of the National Cancer Institute.

A total of 123 patients were included in the study. Perforations were observed in 22 patients (17.9%) with 31 (6.4%) of the 482 total implants. Of the different categories of adverse events, only the rate of acute infectious complications among those with perforations (n= 3, 13.6%) versus those without pelay or need for prophylactic antibiotics in the acute setting. Further validating data would be able to assist in establishing a new standard of care and help prevent unnecessary and harmful breaks during treatment.

The purpose of the study was to develop a methodology for vaginal dose-surface maps (DSMs) in patients with cervix cancer and to investigate dose-surface histogram metrics as predictors for vaginal stenosis (St) and mucositis (Muc).

Thirty-one patients with locally advanced cervix cancer with no vaginal St/Muc (CTCAE-v3) G ≥ 2at baseline were analyzed. Patients were divided in four morbidity groups 15 with St/Muc G0/1, 6 with StG ≥ 2, 4 with St/Muc G ≥ 2, and 6 with Muc G ≥ 2. Patients received external beam radiotherapy and 4-fraction intracavitary/interstitial high-dose-rate brachytherapy using tandem and ovoids. DSMs were generated from inner/outer vaginal surfaces. DSMs of external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy (Gy EQD2

) were added based on a system of homologous points, to generate cumulative DSMs. Dose-surface histogram/dose-volume histogram parameters, location of high/intermediate-dose regions, rectovaginal reference point, vaginal lateral 5mm point doses, and vagina/implant dimensions wered with different applicators.

A novel method was developed to generate vaginal DSMs and spatial-dose metrics. DSMs were found to correlate with vaginal stenosis. The findings of this study are promising and should be further validated on a larger patient cohort, treated with different applicators.

The main study endpoint was tolerance of stapedotomy under local anesthesia with sedation and under general anesthesia using stress and quality of life assessment questionnaires. Secondary endpoints comprised operative time and functional results.

In a consecutive series of stapedotomy patients operated on over a 12-month period, quality of life and perioperative stress were analysed by 3 questionnaires the Glasgow Benefit Inventory, Cohen's perceived stress scale and the Post-traumatic stress disorder checklist scale. Questionnaire responses and audiometric data were compared between groups treated under local anesthesia with sedation and under general anesthesia.

Twenty-two patients were included in the local anesthesia with sedation group and 6 in the general anesthesia group. There was no difference between the groups for quality of life, onset of post-traumatic stress, or perceived pre- and postoperative stress. There was also no difference in operative time. The audiometric data confirmed the reliability of stapedotomy. Stapedotomy under local anesthesia with sedation improved air conduction with≤10dB air-bone gap (ABG), comparable to results under general anesthesia. The rate of ABG≤10dB was 71.4%; no labyrinthisation was observed.

Under local anesthesia with sedation, stapedotomy was well tolerated without increasing the stress associated with otosclerosis surgery. By correcting hearing loss, the procedure improves quality of life.

Under local anesthesia with sedation, stapedotomy was well tolerated without increasing the stress associated with otosclerosis surgery. By correcting hearing loss, the procedure improves quality of life.Propionic Acidemia (PA) and Methylmalonic Acidemia (MMA) are inborn errors of metabolism affecting the catabolism of valine, isoleucine, methionine, threonine and odd-chain fatty acids. These are multi-organ disorders caused by the enzymatic deficiency of propionyl-CoA carboxylase (PCC) or methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MUT), resulting in the accumulation of propionyl-coenzyme A (P-CoA) and methylmalonyl-CoA (M-CoA in MMA only). Primary metabolites of these CoA esters include 2-methylcitric acid (MCA), propionyl-carnitine (C3), and 3-hydroxypropionic acid, which are detectable in both PA and MMA, and methylmalonic acid, which is detectable in MMA patients only (Chapman et al., 2012). We deployed liver cell-based models that utilized PA and MMA patient-derived primary hepatocytes to validate a small molecule therapy for PA and MMA patients. The small molecule, HST5040, resulted in a dose-dependent reduction in the levels of P-CoA, M-CoA (in MMA) and the disease-relevant biomarkers C3, MCA, and methylmalonic acid (in MMA). A putative working model of how HST5040 reduces the P-CoA and its derived metabolites involves the conversion of HST5040 to HST5040-CoA driving the redistribution of free and conjugated CoA pools, resulting in the differential reduction of the aberrantly high P-CoA and M-CoA. The reduction of P-CoA and M-CoA, either by slowing production (due to increased demands on the free CoA (CoASH) pool) or enhancing clearance (to replenish the CoASH pool), results in a net decrease in the CoA-derived metabolites (C3, MCA and MMA (MMA only)). ZK-62711 solubility dmso A Phase 2 study in PA and MMA patients will be initiated in the United States.MPS disorders are associated with a wide spectrum of neurocognitive effects, from mild problems with attention and executive functions to progressive and degenerative neuronopathic disease. Studies of the natural history of neurocognition are necessary to determine the profile of abnormality and the rates of change, which are crucial to select endpoints for clinical trials of brain treatments and to make clinical recommendations for interventions to improve patients' quality of life. The goal of this paper is to review neurocognitive natural history studies to determine the current state of knowledge and assist in directing future research in all MPS disorders. There are seven different types of MPS diseases, each resulting from a specific enzyme deficiency and each having a separate natural history. MPS IX, will not be discussed as there are only 4 cases reported in the literature without cognitive abnormality. For MPS IH, hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) is standard of care and many studies have documenteficits (MPS I, II, IV, and VI) are recommended with the goal of improving these patients' quality of life with and without new brain treatments, beyond the benefits of available peripheral enzyme replacement therapy. Recommendations are offered at-a-glance with respect to what areas most urgently need attention to clarify neurocognitive function in all MPS types.Patients with citrin deficiency during the adaptation/compensation period exhibit diverse clinical features and have characteristic diet of high protein, high fat, and low carbohydrate. Japanese cuisine typically contains high carbohydrate but evaluation of diet of citrin-deficient patients in 2008 showed a low energy intake and a proteinfatcarbohydrate (PFC) ratio of 194437, which indicates low carbohydrate consumption rate. These findings prompted the need for diet intervention to prevent the adult onset of type II citrullinemia (CTLN2). Since the publication of the report about 10 years ago, patients are generally advised to eat what they wish under active dietary consultation and intervention. link2 In this study, citrin-deficient patients and control subjects living in the same household provided answers to a questionnaire, filled-up a maximum 6-day food diary, and supplied physical data and information on medications if any. To study the effects of the current diet, the survey collected data from 62 patients e control subjects. We speculate that high-energy of a low carbohydrate diet under dietary intervention may help citrin-deficient patients attain normal growth and prevent the onset of CTLN2.Living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with hardships for patients and their care partners. Empowering patients and their care partners, including family members and friends involved in their care, may help minimize the burden and consequences of CKD-related symptoms to enable increased life participation. There is a need to broaden the focus on living well with kidney disease and reengagement in life, including emphasis on the patient being in control. The World Kidney Day (WKD) Joint Steering Committee has declared 2021 the year of "Living Well with Kidney Disease" in an effort to increase education about and awareness of the important goal of patient empowerment and life participation. This calls for the development and implementation of validated patient-reported outcome measures to assess and address areas of life participation in routine care. It could be supported by regulatory agencies as a metric for quality care or to support labeling claims for medicines and devices. Funding agencies could establish targeted calls for research that address the priorities of patients. Patients with kidney disease and their care partners should feel supported to live well through concerted efforts by kidney care communities, including during pandemics. link3 In the overall wellness program for patients with kidney disease, the need for prevention should be reiterated. Early detection with prolonged course of wellness despite kidney disease, after effective secondary and tertiary prevention programs, should be promoted. WKD 2021 continues to call for increased awareness of the importance of preventive measures across populations, professionals, and policy makers, applicable to both developed and developing countries.

Autoři článku: Aagaardmackenzie1194 (Christensen Ratliff)