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This phase 2, randomized, open-label study assessed the immunogenicity and safety of an investigational meningococcal ABCWY vaccine (MenABCWY) that contains components of licensed vaccines against meningococcal serogroup B (4CMenB) and serogroups ACWY (MenACWY). A total of 500 healthy 10- to 25-year-old participants were randomly assigned to one of five study groups in a 11111 ratio. Four groups received two doses 2 months apart of MenABCWY and 4CMenB plus MenACWY administered concomitantly in the same arm (4CMenB+ACWY/S group) or different arms (4CMenB+ACWY/D group) or 4CMenB administered alone. learn more A fifth group received a single MenACWY dose. Immunogenicity was determined by serum bactericidal assay using human complement (hSBA). The study was powered to assess immunological interference against pooled serogroup B test strains. One month after the second vaccine dose, hSBA geometric mean titers (GMTs) (with 80% confidence intervals [CI]) against pooled serogroup B strains were 31.84 (80% CI, 28.18 to 35.98), 3A licensed vaccine, MenACWY (Menveo), targets four of these meningococcal serogroups, and another vaccine, 4CMenB (Bexsero), targets serogroup B. A combined vaccine (MenABCWY) that targets all five serogroups is under development to simplify the vaccination schedule. In a previous study, the immune response to serogroup B was found to be overall higher in individuals who received 4CMenB than in those who received an investigational MenABCWY vaccine. We investigated this further by giving healthy adolescents and young adults the MenABCWY vaccine, 4CMenB plus MenACWY vaccine in the same or different arms, 4CMenB vaccine alone, or MenACWY vaccine alone. Immunogenicity results for serogroup B across study groups suggest no major interference between the MenB and MenACWY vaccine components. This supports further development of the combined MenABCWY vaccine.Microorganisms cooperate with each other to protect themselves from environmental stressors. An extreme case of such cooperation is regulated cell death for the benefit of other cells. Dying cells can provide surviving cells with nutrients or induce their stress response by transmitting an alarm signal; however, the role of dead cells in microbial communities is unclear. Here, we searched for types of stressors the protection from which can be achieved by death of a subpopulation of cells. Thus, we compared the survival of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells upon exposure to various stressors in the presence of additionally supplemented living versus dead cells. We found that dead cells contribute to yeast community resistance against macrolide antifungals (e.g., amphotericin B [AmB] and filipin) to a greater extent than living cells. Dead yeast cells absorbed more macrolide filipin than control cells because they exposed intracellular sterol-rich membranes. We also showed that, upon the addition of lethal concentction. The latter makes a striking contrast to the manifestations of apoptosis in higher eukaryotes, the process by which plasma membranes maintain integrity.Nitrogen fixation, a distinct process incorporating the inactive atmospheric nitrogen into the active biological processes, has been a major topic in biological and geochemical studies. Currently, insights into diversity and distribution of nitrogen-fixing microbes are dependent upon homology-based analyses of nitrogenase genes, especially the nifH gene, which are broadly conserved in nitrogen-fixing microbes. Here, we report the pitfall of using nifH as a marker of microbial nitrogen fixation. We exhaustively analyzed genomes in RefSeq (231,908 genomes) and KEGG (6,509 genomes) and cooccurrence and gene order patterns of nitrogenase genes (including nifH) therein. Up to 20% of nifH-harboring genomes lacked nifD and nifK, which encode essential subunits of nitrogenase, within 10 coding sequences upstream or downstream of nifH or on the same genome. According to a phenotypic database of prokaryotes, no species and strains harboring only nifH possess nitrogen-fixing activities, which shows that these nifH genesomology searches against nitrogenase genes, particularly the nifH gene, in public databases. Here, we report that public databases include a significant amount of incorrectly annotated nifH sequences (pseudo-nifH). We exhaustively investigated the genomic structures of nifH-harboring genomes and found hundreds of pseudo-nifH sequences in RefSeq and KEGG. Over half of these pseudo-nifH sequences belonged to members of the class Clostridia, which is supposed to be a prominent nitrogen-fixing clade. We also found that the abundance of nitrogen fixers in metagenomes could be overestimated by 1.5 to >10 times due to pseudo-nifH recorded in public databases. Our results encourage reconsideration of the prevalent use of nifH as a marker of nitrogen-fixing microbes.Resistance to third-generation cephalosporins among Gram-negative bacteria is a rapidly growing public health threat. Among the most commonly used third-generation cephalosporins is ceftriaxone. Bacterial exposure to sublethal or sub-MIC antibiotic concentrations occurs widely, from environmental residues to intermittently at the site of infection. Quality of ceftriaxone is also a concern, especially in low- and middle-income countries, with medicines having inappropriate active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) content or concentration. While focus has been largely on extended-spectrum β-lactamases and high-level resistance, there are limited data on specific chromosomal mutations and other pathways that contribute to ceftriaxone resistance under these conditions. In this work, Escherichia coli cells were exposed to a broad range of sub-MICs of ceftriaxone and mutants were analyzed using whole-genome sequencing. Low-level ceftriaxone resistance emerged after as low as 10% MIC exposure, with the frequency of reftriaxone. Most work has focused on known mechanisms associated with high-level ceftriaxone resistance. However, bacteria are extensively exposed to low antibiotic concentrations, and there are limited data on the evolution of ceftriaxone resistance under these conditions. In this work, we observed that bacteria quickly developed low-level resistance due to both novel and previously described mutations in multiple different genes upon exposure to low ceftriaxone concentrations. Additionally, exposure also led to changes in motility and the cell surface, which can impact other processes associated with resistance and infection. Notably, low-level-resistant bacteria would be missed in the clinic, which uses set breakpoints. While they may require increased resources, this work supports continued initiatives for broader surveillance of low-level antibiotic resistance or their resistance determinants, which can serve as predictors of higher risk for clinical resistance.The TonB-dependent transport of scarcely available substrates across the outer membrane is a conserved feature in Gram-negative bacteria. The plasma membrane-embedded TonB-ExbB-ExbD accomplishes complex functions as an energy transducer by physically interacting with TonB-dependent outer membrane transporters (TBDTs). TonB mediates structural rearrangements in the substrate-loaded TBDTs that are required for substrate translocation into the periplasm. In the model heterocyst-forming cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, four TonB-like proteins have been identified. Out of these TonB3 accomplishes the transport of ferric schizokinen, the siderophore which is secreted by Anabaena to scavenge iron. In contrast, TonB1 (SjdR) is exceptionally short and not involved in schizokinen transport. The proposed function of SjdR in peptidoglycan structuring eliminates the protein from the list of TonB proteins in Anabaena. Compared with the well-characterized properties of SjdR and TonB3, the functions of TonB2 and ons of the different TonB proteins have been identified. In addition to a role in uptake of scarcely available nutrients, including iron complexes, TonB proteins are related to virulence, flagellum assembly, pilus localization, or envelope integrity, including antibiotic resistance. The knowledge about the function of TonB proteins in cyanobacteria is limited. Here, we compare the four TonB proteins of Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, providing evidence that their functions are in part distinct, since mutants of these proteins exhibit specific features but also show some common impairments.Although prokaryotic DNA methylation investigations have long focused on immunity against exogenous DNA, it has been recently recognized that DNA methylation impacts gene expression and phase variation in Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus suis. A comprehensive analysis of DNA methylation is lacking for beta-hemolytic streptococci, and thus we sought to examine DNA methylation in the major human pathogen group A Streptococcus (GAS). Using a database of 224 GAS genomes encompassing 80 emm types, we found that nearly all GAS strains encode a type I restriction modification (RM) system that lacks the hsdS' alleles responsible for impacting gene expression in S. pneumoniae and S. suis. The GAS type I system is located on the core chromosome, while sporadically present type II orphan methyltransferases were identified on prophages. By combining single-molecule real-time (SMRT) analyses of 10 distinct emm types along with phylogenomics of 224 strains, we were able to assign 13 methylation patterns to the GArst systematic analysis of DNA methylation in a beta-hemolytic streptococcus and one of the few analyses to comprehensively characterize DNA methylation across hundreds of strains of the same bacterial species. We clarify that DNA methylation in group A Streptococcus (GAS) is primarily due to a type I restriction modification (RM) system present in the core genome and does not impact mga-regulated virulence gene expression, but does impact immunity against exogenous DNA. The identification of the DNA motifs recognized by each type I RM system may assist with optimizing methods for GAS genetic manipulation and help us understand how bacterial pathogens acquire exogenous DNA elements.The fatal pathogen enterovirus 71 (EV71) is a major cause of hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD), which leads to serious neurological syndromes. While there are no effective clinical agents available for EV71 treatment thus far, EV71 3C protease (3Cpro), a cysteine protease encoded by the virus, has become a promising drug target for discovery of antiviral drugs, given that it plays a crucial role in virus proliferation and interferes with host cell function. Here, we report two inhibitors of EV71 3Cpro, FOPMC and FIOMC, that were developed from previously reported cyanohydrin derivative (R)-1 by replacing the acyl cyanohydrin group with 4-iminooxazolidin-2-one. FOPMC and FIOMC have potent antiviral activity and dramatically improved metabolic stability. These two inhibitors demonstrated broad anti-EV effects on various cell lines and five epidemic viral strains. We further illuminated the binding models between 3Cpro and FOPMC/FIOMC through molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations. The substitutioty of cyanohydrin. This discovery addressed a critical issue of the primitive structural scaffold of these promising anti-EV71 inhibitors and could lead to their development as broad-spectrum anti-EV agents.

Autoři článku: Aaenmassey9494 (Richardson Gunter)