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hese variables may aid clinicians in identifying SLE patients at highest risk for this important complication.Aims Antimicrobial resistance presents an increasingly serious threat to global public health, which is directly related to how antibiotic medication is used in society. Actions aimed towards the optimised use of antibiotics should be implemented on equal terms and according to the needs of the population. Previous research results on differences in antibiotic use between socio-economic and demographic groups in Sweden are not entirely coherent, and have typically focused on the effects of singular socio-economic variables. Using an intersectional approach, this study provides a more precise analysis of how the dispensation of antibiotic medication was distributed across socio-economic and demographic groups in Sweden in 2016-2017. Methods Using register data from a nationwide cohort and adopting an intersectional analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy, we map the dispensation of antibiotics according to age, sex, country of birth and income. Results While women and high-income earners had the highest antibiotic dispensation prevalence, no large differences in the dispensation of antibiotics were identified between socio-economic groups. Conclusions Public-health interventions aiming to support the reduced and optimised use of antibiotics should be directed towards the whole Swedish population rather than towards specific groups. Correspondingly, an increased focus on socio-economic or demographic factors is not warranted in interventions aimed at improving antibiotic prescription patterns among medical practitioners.Point-of-care (POC) tests for antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) could help improve individual adherence. This study sought to define the utility of urine, blood, and buccal swabs as minimally invasive specimens amenable to development of POC tests for ARVs. Urine, dried blood spots (DBS) and buccal swabs were collected from 35 HIV-negative men between 2 and 96 h after a single dose of tenofovir (TFV) alafenamide/emtricitabine (FTC)/elvitegravir (EVG)/cobicistat and darunavir (DRV). ARV concentrations were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. High concentrations of FTC, DRV, and TFV were detectable in urine at least 24 h after dosing. FTC, DRV, and EVG remained detectable in DBS at least 24 h postdose. FTC and DRV were detectable on buccal swabs up to 2 and 24 h postdose, respectively. TFV was not detectable in DBS or buccal swabs collected between 2 and 96 h after dosing. Variable distribution of ARVs in minimally invasive specimens highlights the challenge of developing POC assays for recent ARV exposure.Abdominal actinomycosis is a chronic suppurative infection caused by Actinomyces species. The ileo-cecal region is most commonly affected, while the left side of the colon is more rarely involved. The infection has a tendency to infiltrate adjacent tissues and is, therefore, rarely confined to a single organ. Presentation may vary from non-specific symptoms and signs to an acute abdomen. We present a 56-year-old male who underwent a colonoscopy for complaints of bleeding per rectum that showed an ulcero-proliferative lesion at the recto-sigmoid junction that seemed like malignancy. Multiple biopsies done were reported this lesion to be Actinomycosis. He responded well to medical management that avoided a major surgical procedure.Ambulatory chemotherapy allows the delivery of short and extended chemotherapy infusions through a portable pump from the comfort of patients' homes. It is essential to offer it for suitable candidates to ensure both their safety and the success of the treatment session. This requires a delicate balance between clinical assessment and patient acceptance.The two main components of this treatment modality are the pump and the access device.There are several pump designs and mechanisms on the market, with the latest being the portable disposable elastomeric one.Clinicians along with a multidisciplinary medical team often decide upon the type of access device; patients are also involved whenever shared decision making is practiced.Despite some reports of pump programming errors or malfunctions, research is underway to find innovative solutions to support its use.Previous studies have found that processing of a second stimulus is slower when the modality of the first stimulus differs, which is termed the modality shift effect. Moreover, people tend to respond more slowly to the second stimulus when the two stimuli are similar in the semantic dimension, which is termed the nonspatial repetition inhibition effect. This study aimed to explore the modality shift effect on nonspatial repetition inhibition and whether such modulation was influenced by different temporal intervals. A cue-target paradigm was adopted in which modality priming and identity priming were manipulated at three interstimuli intervals. The results showed that the response times under the modality shift condition were slower than those under the modality repeat condition. In trials with modality shift, responses to congruent cues and targets were slower than to incongruent cue-target combinations, indicating crossmodal nonspatial repetition inhibition. The crossmodal nonspatial repetition inhibition effect decreased with increasing interstimuli interval. These results provide evidence that the additional intervening event proposed in previous studies is not necessary for the occurrence of crossmodal nonspatial repetition inhibition.Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) often suffer from non-motor symptoms, which may be caused by serotonergic dysfunction. Apart from alleviating the motor symptoms, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) may also influence non-motor symptoms. The aim of this study is to investigate how turning DBS off affects the serotonergic system. We here exploit a novel functional PET neuroimaging methodology to evaluate the preservation of serotonergic neurons and capacity to release serotonin. We measured cerebral 5-HT1BR binding in 13 DBS-STN treated PD patients, at baseline and after turning DBS off. Ten age-matched volunteers served as controls. Clinical measures of motor symptoms were assessed under the two conditions and correlated to the PET measures of the static and dynamic integrity of the serotonergic system. PD patients exhibited a significant loss of frontal and parietal 5-HT1BR, and the loss was significantly correlated to motor symptom severity. We saw a corresponding release of serotonin, but only in brain regions with preserved 5-HT1BR, suggesting the presence of a presynaptic serotonergic deficit. Our study demonstrates that DBS-STN dynamically regulates the serotonin system in PD, and that preservation of serotonergic functions may be predictive of DBS-STN effects.Alterations in the concentration of nitric oxide (NO) and L-arginine metabolites have been associated with the pathophysiology of different vascular diseases. Here, we describe striking changes in L-arginine metabolism after hemorrhagic stroke. Blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and/or intraventricular hemorrhage were collected over a ten-day period. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was used to quantify key substrates and products of L-arginine metabolizing enzymes as well as asymmetric (ADMA) and symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA). Changes in the plasma were limited to early reductions in L-ornithine, L-lysine, and L-citrulline concentrations. Intrathecally, we observed signs of early NO synthase (NOS) upregulation followed by a decrease back to baseline accompanied by a rise in the level of its endogenous NOS-inhibitor ADMA. SDMA demonstrated increased levels throughout the observation period. For arginase, a pattern of persistently elevated activity was measured and arginineglycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) appeared to be reduced in its activity at later time points. NSC697923 nmr An early reduction in CSF L-arginine concentration was an independent risk factor for poor outcome. Together, these findings further elucidate pathophysiological mechanisms after ICH potentially involved in secondary brain injury and may reveal novel therapeutic targets.Age-related neurodegenerative diseases are a growing burden to society, and many are sporadic, meaning that the environment, diet and lifestyle play significant roles. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-mediated clearing of brain waste products via perivascular pathways, named the glymphatic system, is receiving increasing interest, as it offers unexplored perspectives on understanding neurodegenerative diseases. The glymphatic system is involved in clearance of metabolic by-products such as amyloid-β from the brain, and its function is believed to lower the risk of developing some of the most common neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we present magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data on the heart cycle's control of CSF flow in humans which corroborates findings from animal studies. We also review the importance of sleep, diet, vascular health for glymphatic clearance and find that these factors are also known players in brain longevity.Myasthenia gravis is a rare autoimmune disease, which presents with ocular or generalised symptoms. Few publications describe its prevalence in African populations. We describe a young woman who was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis in a Malawian public hospital and outline the challenges encountered in managing this condition in a low-resource setting.Examining a well-stained slide in a systematic manner is the key to being a good pathologist. For a blood smear, it involves examining first at low power (40× or 100×) for broader details and then going on to high power (400×) for finer details, from the tail end to the body of the slide. The 'tail end' is the key to early diagnosis.The discovery of the role of light exposure for the development of lateralization in domestic chick embryos revolutionized this research field. However, two main issues remain unresolved (i) while in chicks anatomical light-dependent lateralization is mostly confined to the thalamofugal visual pathway, in pigeons only the tectofugal pathway is lateralized after light exposure. However, no study in either species ever investigated anatomical lateralization in the entopallium, the forebrain station of the tectofugal pathway. (ii) It is now known that lateralization can be observed also in dark-incubated chicks, both at the behavioural and at the Immediate Early Gene-expression level. We hypothesized that lateralization of the tectofugal system may underlie these light-independent effects. To investigate structural lateralization in the tectofugal pathway of dark-incubated chicks, we used parvalbumin (PV) as a marker of a sub population of entopallial neurons, quantifying PV-ir cell densities in the left and right entopallium. We found higher density in the right hemisphere, revealing for the first time anatomical lateralization in entopallium and confirming its potential role in supporting lateralized brain processing in dark-incubated birds. Results are discussed in relation to the possible functional role of PV-ir cells in inhibitory neural functions.

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