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INTRODUCTION Nasopharyngeal (NP) colonization with antimicrobial-resistant bacteria is a global public health concern. Antimicrobial-resistance (AMR) genes carried by the resident NP microbiota may serve as a reservoir for transfer of resistance elements to opportunistic pathogens. Little is known about the NP antibiotic resistome. This study longitudinally investigated the composition of the NP antibiotic resistome in Streptococcus-enriched samples in a South African birth cohort. METHODS As a proof of concept study, 196 longitudinal NP samples were retrieved from a subset of 23 infants enrolled as part of broader birth cohort study. These were selected on the basis of changes in serotype and antibiogram over time. NP samples underwent short-term enrichment for streptococci prior to total nucleic acid extraction and whole metagenome shotgun sequencing (WMGS). Reads were assembled and aligned to pneumococcal reference genomes for the extraction of streptococcal and non-streptococcal bacterial reads. buy Gefitinib Contigs were aligned to the Antibiotic Resistance Gene-ANNOTation database of acquired AMR genes. RESULTS AMR genes were detected in 64% (125/196) of the samples. A total of 329 AMR genes were detected, including 36 non-redundant genes, ranging from 1 to 14 genes per sample. The predominant AMR genes detected encoded resistance mechanisms to beta-lactam (52%, 172/329), macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin (17%, 56/329), and tetracycline antibiotics (12%, 38/329). MsrD, ermB, and mefA genes were only detected from streptococcal reads. The predominant genes detected from non- streptococcal reads included blaOXA-60, blaOXA-22, and blaBRO-1. Different patterns of carriage of AMR genes were observed, with only one infant having a stable carriage of mefA, msrD and tetM over a long period. CONCLUSION This study demonstrates that WMGS can provide a broad snapshot of the NP resistome and has the potential to provide a comprehensive assessment of resistance elements present in this niche.Cancer immunotherapy using chimeric antigen receptor-armed T (CAR T) cells have been shown to improve outcomes significantly in patients with hematological malignancies. However, cytokine release syndrome (CRS) remains a risk. CRS is characterized by the excessive activation of CAR T cells and macrophages. Signs and symptoms of CRS are usually resolved after steroid administration, but steroids abrogate the expansion and persistence of CAR T cell populations. Tocilizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody (mAb) that attenuates CRS without significant loss of CAR T cell activity. However, interleukin-6 (IL-6)/IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) blockade alone cannot relieve CRS symptoms fully, and novel treatments are needed to prevent or cure CRS. TO-207 is an N-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine derivative that significantly inhibits inflammatory cytokine production in human monocyte and macrophage-specific manner. We investigated whether TO-207 could inhibit cytokine production without impairing CAR T cell function in a CRS-simulating co-culture system.Environmental mold (fungus) exposure poses a significant threat to public health by causing illnesses ranging from invasive fungal diseases in immune compromised individuals to allergic hypertensive diseases such as asthma and asthma exacerbation in otherwise healthy people. However, the molecular pathogenesis has not been completely understood, and treatment options are limited. Due to its thermo-tolerance to the normal human body temperature, Aspergillus. fumigatus (A.fumigatus) is one of the most important human pathogens to cause different lung fungal diseases including fungal asthma. Airway obstruction and hyperresponsiveness caused by mucus overproduction are the hallmarks of many A.fumigatus induced lung diseases. To understand the underlying molecular mechanism, we have utilized a well-established A.fumigatus extracts (AFE) model to elucidate downstream signal pathways that mediate A.fumigatus induced mucin production in airway epithelial cells. AFE was found to stimulate time- and dose-dependent increase of major airway mucin gene expression (MUC5AC and MUC5B) partly via the elevation of their promoter activities. We also demonstrated that EGFR was required but not sufficient for AFE-induced mucin expression, filling the paradoxical gap from a previous study using the same model. Furthermore, we showed that fungal proteases in AFE were responsible for mucin induction by activating a Ras/Raf1/ERK signaling pathway. Ca2+ signaling, but ROS, both of which were stimulated by fungal proteases, was an indispensable determinant for ERK activation and mucin induction. The discovery of this novel pathway likely contributes to our understanding of the pathogenesis of fungal sensitization in allergic diseases such as fungal asthma.The goal of this research was to evaluate the microclimate (temperature, relative humidity and ECI-enthalpy comfort index) of commercial loads of broiler chickens at different transport distances Dist15 (15 km on average) and Dist90 (90 km on average) in the summer and winter seasons and their effects on the production parameters body weight difference (BWD), mortality (%) and bruising prevalence (%). Twelve broiler loads were monitored using dataloggers to record temperature and humidity, with a total of 24 target crates per load. The experiment followed a factorial design [2 seasons (rainy and dry) × 2 distances (Dist15 and Dist90)] with a randomized complete block arrangement, 3 sexes (all males, all females, or mixed shipments) and one shipment per combination. BWD had a heterogeneous distribution throughout the load, and this distribution was not significantly correlated with the mean ECI measured during transport at 12 positions along the load. In terms of comfort, summer is the most critical period for broiler transport. In the interaction between rainy season and Dist90, the highest ECI was scored in the lethal zone (where physiological mechanisms are not enough to control body temperature). Mortality during the rainy season was not significantly different between distances. However, during the dry season, mortality was twice as high as broilers that travelled for 15 km. The prevalence of bruising on carcasses was not affected by the interaction between season and distance. As we know, broiler chicken performance, during transport, can be also related to road conditions, being hard to evaluate the real impact of seasons and distances on animal welfare. Load microclimate can compromise broiler chicken welfare during transport and it does not necessary reflect significant losses pre and post-slaughter.Cervical cancer is a significant public health problem, especially in low- and middle-income countries, where women have little access to cervical cancer screening; consequently 80% of cervical cancer related mortality occurs in these regions. The development of screening methods that need less infrastructure thus represents an urgent medical need. The study aims to compare the detection rates of high-risk human papillomavirus 16 and 18 E6 oncoprotein in urine, vaginal self-collected, and cervical scrapes of women using the OncoE6™ Cervical Test and compare the HPV16 and/or HPV18 E6 detection rates with the HPV DNA testing. Paired urine, vaginal self-collected and cervical specimens were collected from 124 women who participated in cervical cancer screening or treatment in this proof-of-concept study and underwent to HPV16/18-E6 testing and high-risk HPV DNA testing prior to treatment of cervical neoplasia or cancer. Concordance between urinary, vaginal and cervical HPV16/18-E6 and HPV-DNA testing was evaluated for patients classified as negative group ( less then CIN2) and histological positive group (CIN2, CIN3 and invasive carcinoma). Overall, HPV16/18-E6 oncoprotein was detected in 30.6% of cervical samples, 20.3% of self-collected vaginal samples and 21% of urine samples. Regarding the clinical sensitivity, the HPV16/18-E6 oncoprotein was not detected in CIN2 cases, and was detected at low rates in CIN3 cases. The clinical sensitivity of the HPV16/18-E6 oncoprotein for detecting invasive cervical cancer was 70% for cervical scrapes, 55% for self-collected vaginal samples and 52% for urine samples. This study reports the urinary detection of E6 oncoprotein in vivo for the first time and our results suggest that this detection is only for invasive/microinvasive lesions. Then, further protocol development and standardization to achieve a clinical sensitivity for CIN2/3 detection close to what can be achieved for invasive lesions using the physician collected cervical is needed.OBJECTIVES Corneal nerve damage may be a surrogate marker for the risk of ischemic stroke. This study was undertaken to determine if there is greater corneal nerve damage in patients with recurrent ischemic stroke. METHODS Corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) was used to quantify corneal nerve fiber density (CNFD), corneal nerve branch density (CNBD), corneal nerve fiber length (CNFL) and corneal nerve fiber tortuosity (CNFT) in 31 patients with recurrent ischemic stroke, 165 patients with a first acute ischemic stroke and 23 healthy control subjects. RESULTS Triglycerides (P = 0.004, P = 0.017), systolic BP (P = 0.000, P = 0.000), diastolic BP (P = 0.000, P = 0.000) and HbA1c (P = 0.000, P = 0.000) were significantly higher in patients with first and recurrent stroke compared to controls. There was no difference in age, BMI, HbA1c, total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL, systolic and diastolic BP between patients with a first and recurrent ischemic stroke. However, CNFD was significantly lower (24.98±7.31 vs 29.07±7.58 vs 37.91±7.13, P less then 0.05) and CNFT was significantly higher (0.085±0.042 vs 0.064±0.037 vs 0.039±0.022, P less then 0.05) in patients with recurrent stroke compared to first stroke and healthy controls. CNBD (42.21±24.65 vs 50.46±27.68 vs 87.24±45.85, P less then 0.001) and CNFL (15.66±5.70, P less then 0.001 vs 17.38±5.06, P = 0.003) were equally reduced in patients with first and recurrent stroke compared to controls (22.72±5.14). CONCLUSIONS Corneal confocal microscopy identified greater corneal nerve fibre loss in patients with recurrent stroke compared to patients with first stroke, despite comparable risk factors. Longitudinal studies are required to determine the prognostic utility of corneal nerve fiber loss in identifying patients at risk of recurrent ischemic stroke.Detection of lameness in cats can be very time-consuming and frustrating. Feline studies have shown that the success of treatment can be evaluated by measurement of the ground reaction force (GRF). However, the possibility of multiple limb involvement or the presence of a compensatory mechanism has not been investigated. Furthermore, there has been no research in cats on possible differences in GRFs between those with stifle problems and those with hip problems, as reported in dogs. In this study, we compared temporospatial parameters and GRFs in 20 lame cats after femoral head and neck ostectomy (FHO) or stifle disease to those in 15 healthy cats. An orthopedic examination was performed in all cats and radiographs were obtained to confirm the disease. GRFs, including peak vertical force (PFz), vertical impulse (IFz), time to PFz, and temporospatial parameters, including step length, paw contact area, and stance phase duration, were calculated. We also calculated the symmetry index (SI) in the forelimbs and hind limbs.

Autoři článku: Willoughbyhoppe7978 (Miles Lam)