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National and international funding agencies should invest in LMIC population neuroscience in order to promote replication and generalization of research from high-income countries.Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic mental illness characterized by changes in mood that alternate between mania and hypomania or between depression and mixed states, often associated with functional impairment. Although effective pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments are available, several patients with BD remain symptomatic. The advance in the understanding of the neurobiology underlying BD could help in the identification of new therapeutic targets as well as biomarkers for early detection, prognosis, and response to treatment in BD. In this review, we discuss genetic, epigenetic, molecular, physiological and neuroimaging findings associated with the neurobiology of BD. Despite the advances in the pathophysiological knowledge of BD, the diagnosis and management of the disease are still essentially clinical. Given the complexity of the brain and the close relationship between environmental exposure and brain function, initiatives that incorporate genetic, epigenetic, molecular, physiological, clinical, environmental data, and brain imaging are necessary to produce information that can be translated into prevention and better outcomes for patients with BD.OBJECTIVE To investigate associations between the percentage and severity of mental disorders (MD) and three different primary health care (PHC) strategies in Brazil traditional care (TC), the Family Health Strategy (FHS), and FHS with shared mental health care (FHS+SC). METHODS Random samples were selected from three different areas of a Brazilian city. Each area was served by a different PHC strategy (TC, FHS, or FHS+SC). Five mental health professionals, blinded to the type of PHC strategy delivered in each area, conducted interviews using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) and other specific instruments to assess the prevalence and severity of MD. RESULTS 530 subjects were interviewed. The TC strategy was significantly associated with a higher percentage of MD when compared to FHS and FHS+SC. These results were not affected by adjustment for sociodemographic variables. The difference in prevalence of MD between the two FHS areas (with and without SC) was not statistically significant. No significant differences in MD severity were observed across the three PHC strategies. CONCLUSION Areas covered by FHS showed a lower percentage of MD than those covered by TC. Presence of SC did not influence the prevalence of MD, suggesting that mental-health training of FHS teams may have minimized the influence of SC.PURPOSE Assess the effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions at work on noise exposure or occupational hearing loss compared to no or alternative interventions. RESEARCH STRATEGIES Pubmed, Embase, Web of Science, OSHupdate, Cochrane Central and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) were searched. SELECTION CRITERIA Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT), Controlled Before-After studies (CBA) and Interrupted Time-Series studies (ITS) evaluating engineering controls, administrative controls, personal hearing protection devices, and hearing surveillance were included. Case studies of engineering controls were collected. DATA ANALYSIS Cochrane methods for systematic reviews, including meta-analysis, were followed. RESULTS 29 studies were included. Stricter legislation can reduce noise levels by 4.5 dB(A) (very low-quality evidence). Engineering controls can immediately reduce noise (107 cases). Eleven RCTs and CBA studies (3725 participants) were evaluated through Hearing Protection Devices (HPDs). Training of earplug insertion reduces noise exposure at short term follow-up (moderate quality evidence). Earmuffs might perform better than earplugs in high noise levels but worse in low noise levels (very low-quality evidence). HPDs might reduce hearing loss at very long-term follow-up (very low-quality evidence). Seventeen studies (84028 participants) evaluated hearing loss prevention programs. Better use of HPDs might reduce hearing loss but other components not (very low-quality evidence). CONCLUSION Hearing loss prevention and interventions modestly reduce noise exposure and hearing loss. Better quality studies and better implementation of noise control measures and HPDs is English, Portuguese OBJETIVO Identificar os indicadores de fluência da fala que diferenciam os sujeitos com gagueira, com transtorno fonológico e com os dois distúrbios em comorbidade. MÉTODO Participaram deste estudo 30 sujeitos de 4 a 11 anos, separados em 3 grupos, cada um com 10 sujeitos grupo com gagueira do desenvolvimento (GG), transtorno fonológico (GTF) e os dois diagnósticos em comorbidade (GGTF). buy Saracatinib Os procedimentos foram avaliação da fluência da fala e da fonologia. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística. RESULTADOS Os sujeitos do GG e GGTF apresentaram maior ocorrência das disfluências típicas da gagueira e do total das disfluências em relação aos do GTF. Em relação às outras disfluências, os três grupos foram semelhantes. O GTF manifestou menor quantidade de repetições de palavra monossilábica, de parte de palavra e prolongamentos em relação aos sujeitos dos GG e GGTF. Os bloqueios ocorreram mais frequentemente nos dois grupos com gagueira (GG e GGTF) em relação ao GTF. A interjeição ocorreu com maior frequência no GG quando comparado com o GTF. CONCLUSÃO Dos três grupos analisados, o GTF foi o que mais se diferenciou em termos quantitativo e qualitativo. As semelhanças e diferenças entre os grupos auxiliarão o diagnóstico diferencial e, consequentemente, possibilitarão melhor terapia. buy Saracatinib A presença de bloqueio representa um importante marcador para o diagnóstico de English, Portuguese FUNDAMENTO Os efeitos da redução na ingestão do sal sobre a pressão arterial (PA) casual de hipertensos já foram amplamente estudados, entretanto essa análise ainda é escassa no contexto da redução exclusiva do sal de adição na rigidez arterial e em indivíduos normotensos e pré-hipertensos. OBJETIVO Avaliar os efeitos da redução progressiva na ingestão do sal de adição (de 6 para 4 g/dia) sobre os valores da pressão periférica e central, a rigidez arterial em normotensos, pré-hipertensos e hipertensos. MÉTODOS Ensaio clínico, simples cego com 13 semanas de seguimento. Foram avaliados normotensos (≤130/85 mmHg), pré-hipertensos (≥130 e less then 139/≥85 e less then 90 mmHg) e hipertensos estágio 1 (≥140 e less then 160/≥90 e less then 100 mmHg). Utilizou-se medida casual e monitorização residencial da PA com aparelho automático OMRON 705CP, medida central da PA com Sphygmocor®, dosagem do sódio urinário de 24h (colhido no intervalo entre cada visita) e mensuração de sal de adição. Foi adotado nível de significância p less then 0,05 para todas as análises.

Autoři článku: Thorpeladefoged6247 (Coble Nicolajsen)