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Examining neural etiologic factors'role in the decline of neuromuscular function with aging is essential to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying sarcopenia, the age-dependent decline in muscle mass, force and power. Innervation of the skeletal muscle by both motor and sympathetic axons has been established, igniting interest in determining how the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) affect skeletal muscle composition and function throughout the lifetime. Selective expression of the heart and neural crest derivative 2 gene in peripheral SNs increases muscle mass and force regulating skeletal muscle sympathetic and motor innervation; improving acetylcholine receptor stability and NMJ transmission; preventing inflammation and myofibrillar protein degradation; increasing autophagy; and probably enhancing protein synthesis. Elucidating the role of central SNs will help to define the coordinated response of the visceral and neuromuscular system to physiological and pathological challenges across ages. This review discusses the following questions (1) Does the SNS regulate skeletal muscle motor innervation? (2) Does the SNS regulate presynaptic and postsynaptic neuromuscular junction (NMJ) structure and function? (3) Does sympathetic neuron (SN) regulation of NMJ transmission decline with aging? (4) Does maintenance of SNs attenuate aging sarcopenia? and (5) Do central SN group relays influence sympathetic and motor muscle innervation?Extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) accumulates within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells during physiological aging and in age-related diseases (ARDs) and the accumulation could be caused by the declined exclusion of nuclear eccDNA in these states. This review focuses on the formation of eccDNA and the roles of some main factors, such as nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), nucleoplasmic reticulum (NR), and nuclear actin, in eccDNA exclusion. eccDNAs are mostly formed from non-coding DNA during DNA damage repair. They move to NPCs along nuclear actin and are excluded out of the nucleus through functional NPCs in young and healthy cells. However, it has been demonstrated that defective NPCs, abnormal NPC components and nuclear actin rods are increased in aged cells, various cancers and certain other ARDs such as cardiovascular diseases, premature aging, neurodegenerative diseases and myopathies. Therefore, mainly resulting from the increase of dysfunctional NPCs, the exclusion of nuclear eccDNAs may be reduced and eccDNAs thus accumulate within the nucleus in aging and the aforementioned ARDs. In addition, the protective function of non-coding DNA in tumorigenesis is further discussed.Melatonin (MLT) is a neurohormone that is regulated by the circadian clock and plays multifunctional roles in numerous neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). AD is the most common form of dementia and is associated with the degradation of axons and synapses resulting in memory loss and cognitive impairment. Despite extensive research, there is still no effective cure or specific treatment to prevent the progression of AD. The pathogenesis of AD involves atrophic alterations in the brain that also result in circadian alterations, sleep disruption, and autophagic dysfunction. In this scenario, MLT and autophagy play a central role in removing the misfolded protein aggregations. MLT also promotes autophagy through inhibiting methamphetamine toxicity to protect against neuronal cell death in AD brain. Besides, MLT plays critical roles as either a pro-autophagic indicator or anti-autophagic regulator depending on the phase of autophagy. MLT also has antioxidant properties that can counteract mitochondrial damage, oxidative stress, and apoptosis. Aging, a major risk factor for AD, can change sleep patterns and sleep quality, and MLT can improve sleep quality through regulating sleep cycles. The primary purpose of this review is to explore the putative mechanisms of the beneficial effects of MLT in AD patients. Furthermore, we also summarize the findings from preclinical and clinical studies on the multifunctional roles of MLT on autophagic regulation, the control of the circadian clock-associated genes, and sleep regulation.The growing life expectancy in modern societies has raised scientific interest in identifying medical interventions to alleviate age-associated pathologies such as vascular calcification, cognitive decline, sarcopenia, osteoporosis and sexual dysfunction. Although no such single treatment has thus far been established in humans, some clinicians and patients have set their hopes on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as a potential "fountain of youth" for aging men. While TRT has proven effective in ameliorating distinct symptoms of late-onset hypogonadism (LOH), its safety remains to be demonstrated. Besides humans, multiple other species exhibit age-related reductions in circulating testosterone levels, raising the question whether such changes are an inherent, pathological feature of growing organismal age or rather reflect an adaptive response. In this manuscript, we apply key principles of evolutionary medicine to testosterone biology and LOH to provide a novel perspective on these two fields. Additionally, we discuss insightful data derived from the animal kingdom to illustrate the plasticity of individual testosterone trajectories across the lifespan, outline cost-benefit-considerations of TRT in LOH and highlight potential caveats of such therapies.

Adolescent-onset depressive disorders (DDs) are associated with deficits in the regulation of negative affect across modalities (self-report, behavioral paradigms, and neuroimaging), which may manifest prior to first-onset DDs. Pemigatinib datasheet Whether the neurocircuitry governing emotional regulation predates DDs is unclear. This study tested whether a critical pathway for emotion regulation (rostral anterior cingulate cortex-amygdala structural connectivity) predicts first-onset DDs in adolescent females.

Diffusion tensor imaging data were acquired on adolescent females (n= 212) without a history of DDs and the cohort was reassessed for first-onset DDs over the next 27 months.

A total of 26 girls developed first onsets of DDs in the 27 months after imaging. Multivariate logistic regression showed that lower weighted average fractional anisotropy of uncinate fasciculus tracts between the rostral anterior cingulate cortex and amygdala prospectively predicted first onset of DDs (adjusted odds ratio= 0.44, p= .005), aboveon and prevention of DDs.

Active surveillance (AS) is a management alternative for patients with low-risk papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC). To decide the best candidates for AS, clinicians can use a framework to classify PTMC patients as ideal, appropriate, or inappropriate. This study aimed to explore the correlation between the framework categories and surgical pathology.

This multicenter retrospective study was conducted between 2014 and 2016. We included 1997 patients who underwent thyroid surgery for the first time due to suspected PTMC and were confirmed as PTMC by postoperative pathology. The consistency of modified preoperative risk stratification and the pathologic condition were evaluated using a consistency ratio and the Kappa coefficient. Stratified analysis was also performed to test consistency in different age groups.

Based on the decision-making framework, 558 (27.9%) patients could receive AS while 810 (40.6%) patients did not require immediate surgery according to the actual postoperative pathology. The sensitivity, false-positive rate, specificity, false-negative rate, and consistency rate were 82.39%, 56.91%, 43.09%, 17.61%, and 66.45%, respectively. The Kappa value was 0.268. Stratified analysis showed that the sensitivity was 87.7% among patients aged 18 to 59 years. In the group aged ≥60 years, the specificity was up to 87.5%, but the sensitivity was low.

The results of the modified risk-stratified clinical decision-making framework did not have a high consistency with the postoperative results. However, the framework showed a good effect in selecting patients for immediate surgery in the younger group and patients for AS in the older group.

The results of the modified risk-stratified clinical decision-making framework did not have a high consistency with the postoperative results. However, the framework showed a good effect in selecting patients for immediate surgery in the younger group and patients for AS in the older group.

Nondipping heart rate (HR), defined as a night/day HR ratio >0.90, has been associated with increased mortality in epidemiologic studies. However, its prognostic value in stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD5) patients and the effects of parathyroidectomy (PTX) on nondipping HR remain unknown.

This case-control study of 162 healthy controls and 502 CKD5 patients was performed between 2011 and 2018, in which CKD5 patients were further divided into non-PTX (n= 186) and severe secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) with PTX (n= 316) subgroups. Each participant underwent 24-hour Holter monitoring for HR ratio. Mortality was followed up in CKD5 patients (median time 46.0 months).

The HR ratio in CKD5 patients was higher than in controls (0.92 ± 0.08 vs 0.81 ± 0.08, P <.001), associated with a 44% increase in mortality risk per 0.1 increment (hazard ratio, 1.44; 95% CI 1.02-2.03; P=.04), and was positively related to serum intact parathyroid hormone levels (P <.001). PTX reversed nondipping HR in SHPT patients (n= 50, median time 6.3 months, P <.001). Survival probabilities for PTX (n= 294) were better than non-PTX (n= 47) (hazard ratio, 0.31; 95% CI 0.14-0.67; P <.01) in SHPT patients (serum intact parathyroid hormone >500.0 pg/mL).

CKD5 patients displayed a nondipping HR pattern, which is a prognostic marker of all-cause mortality. PTX for SHPT patients was associated with a reversal in nondipping HR ratio, which may mediate a better outcome.

CKD5 patients displayed a nondipping HR pattern, which is a prognostic marker of all-cause mortality. PTX for SHPT patients was associated with a reversal in nondipping HR ratio, which may mediate a better outcome.

When different health care providers use different patient-reported outcome (PRO) instruments, it is challenging to integrate findings that describe particular patient groups or to establish treatment effectiveness across studies. It is therefore critical to develop accurate ways to convert scores between various instruments for clinicians and researchers to make comparisons across health outcomes.

To develop a common metric so that scores on the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and scores on the PROMIS Physical Function can be converted interchangeably.

Data were collected from a prospective study. A single-group linking design was used.

The study population included 9020 patients presented to an orthopedic spine clinic from November 2013 to March 2019.

Patients completed the ODI and the PROMIS Pain Interference scale delivered by Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) at the same time prior to their visit with a spine clinician.

Equipercentile linking methods based on log-linear smoothing approach a the equipercentile linking approach. The crosswalks are helpful for comparing new and old studies on the two measures and identifying benchmark scores for various diseases and disability levels.

This study is the first to create crosswalks to interchangeably convert scores between the ODI to the PROMIS-PI in a large population of spine patients using the equipercentile linking method. The results of this study provide confidence in the validity and usefulness of the derived crosswalks based on the equipercentile linking approach. The crosswalks are helpful for comparing new and old studies on the two measures and identifying benchmark scores for various diseases and disability levels.

Autoři článku: Stephansenmills1067 (Boesen Troelsen)