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Lavazza Coffee Beans 1kg

The red packaging of lavazza beans 1kg represents the passion of Italian homes. This classic blend is evenly roasted for a rich and intense flavor with an exceptional body.

This blend is made of high-quality Arabica and Robusta beans that are sourced from the most pristine regions of Central and South America and Asia. It is ideal for bean to cup machines and filter coffee makers.

Qualita Rossa Qualita

Lavazza Qualita Rossa 1kg coffee beans is a powerful blend of Arabica and Robusta with hints of dried fruit and dark chocolate. It's medium roasted and has smooth, well-rounded flavor. It is the ideal coffee to use in bean-to cup machines, filter machines or even ground for French press or Moka pots.

It is a distinct blend of 70% Arabica and 30 percent Robusta whole beans, suitable for cafetieres, percolators and filter-coffee machines and espresso machines. The coffee beans are carefully selected from around the world and are processed to give you a tasty, authentic experience. This is the authentic Italian blend of coffee, and the renowned Lavazza brand that has brought out Italian passions throughout the generations.

With a lavazza bag of beans, you will be able to enjoy an excellent cup of coffee every morning. This blend is versatile that can be enjoyed with or without milk according to your preferences. It is a full-bodied, rich coffee with a level five intensity that will brighten up your mornings.

click the next website is a blend of most exquisite arabica from South America and Africa combined with robusta beans from India and Indonesia. This gives it a full-bodied taste with hints of cocoa and dried fruits. This is the ideal coffee for those who prefer a thick, strong crema layer.

Lavazza is a family business for more than 100 years. It began as a small Turin coffee shop, and has grown into an international brand. It has a strong reputation for consistency and quality, and its products are sold in more than 80 countries worldwide. The company is also renowned for its innovative and innovative products that have made it a leading player in the field of coffee.

The coffee is medium roast that can be used in bean-to-cup machines, traditional espresso machines, or ground for filter coffee. It is also compatible with stovetop espresso makers, such as moka pot. The beans are packaged in a bag of 1kg so you can enjoy an espresso every morning.


A premium blend of quality coffee beans from Southeast Asia, Africa and Central and South America, the Cremoso espresso is a delightfully balanced blend that has a strong yet delicate flavor. This premium blend is perfect for a rich smooth espresso or cappuccino or macchiato. It can be made using a portafilter or a fully automated machine. The Cremoso premium coffee will impress you and your family with its delicious aromas.

The Ndeg9 Cremoso is a sublime coffee that comes from Pellini, a classic Italian roaster that uses traditional methods and slow processes to ensure that the beans are well and evenly roasted. The result is an Espresso with smooth body and lasting crema. This high-quality coffee is the perfect choice for those who wish to taste the authentic flavor of an authentic Italian espresso and will please the most refined palates.

The decision to buy 1kg of coffee beans will benefit your taste buds as well as your finances and the planet. By buying in bulk, you reduce the amount of packaging waste and makes it easier to experiment with the grind size and brewing methods. You can make more coffee using the same amount. The coffee grounds that are the byproducts of your daily brews, can be composted to help with soil enrichment.

Lavazza's exquisite blends are carefully selected, and only the top Arabica and Robusta beans are employed. The company pays close focus on the source and the variety of these beans, which are sourced from Central America, South America, and Asia. By selecting the highest quality whole beans and then grinding them on site, Lavazza provides an unforgettable barista-worthy coffee experience for coffee lovers.

Super Crema

The Super Crema blend is perfect for those who appreciate a coffee that's full of flavor. It combines the delicate and sweet flavours of Central American beans and Indonesian varieties to make the perfect cappuccino and espresso. The blend has a medium strength and is ideal for use with an espresso machine.

The combination of natural and washed premium Arabica and Robusta beans has been carefully roasted to ensure that the final product is a rich and intense with flavour. The beans are sourced from all across the globe with particular attention given to their source. The result is a high-quality coffee that is both delicious and healthy. It is high in antioxidants and is also low in fat and sugar.

This 1kg bag will produce around 140 single espressos when used in a modern Italian espresso machine or traditional Italian espresso maker. The bag can be utilized in a coffee filter maker. It is recommended that you grind the beans before making the coffee. This will help preserve the freshness of the beans and ensure they are at their peak.

Lavazza whole bean coffee can be stored in an air-conditioned, dry area. It is not recommended to expose it to intense sunlight or heat. You should also keep it in an airtight container to prevent moisture from entering.

Lavazza is an established brand in the world of coffee. It has a long history of producing top quality coffee. Luigi Lavazza founded the brand in Turin in 1894. He began his business as an retailer and later began roasting beans himself. He wanted to create coffee that was distinctive and distinct. Lavazza, one of Italy's most well-known coffee brands, owes its popularity to this.

The company has a global presence while continuing to concentrate on its values and history. It blends this with cutting-edge research and technology to design new products. It also focuses on sustainability. The company is trying to reduce its environmental impact by buying its beans from local farmers and employing a CO2-neutral facility.


If you're looking for a complete bean coffee that will keep its organoleptic characteristics in your tabletop coffee machine take a look at Lavazza Expert. This blend is medium dark, delivering rich and balanced notes of cereals and dried fruit. It is also great for espresso drinks.

If properly brewed the coffee will result in a dense and compact cream that is bursting with aroma. This coffee is a well-balanced blend of Robusta and Arabica beans from Africa and Asia. Roasting produces a strong flavor, with a rich and rich taste. It also has woody aromas.

The process of experimenting using whole bean coffee will assist you in determining the best one. You can experiment with different sizes of grinding, brewing techniques, and blends of coffee beans to enhance your brew. The bulk purchases are also more eco-friendly, as they reduce the amount of packaging waste by using fewer bags and containers. It's a small gesture that can help you become a true coffee lover. You can switch to compostable grounds as a substitute for fertilizer.

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