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Should You Call a Window and Door Doctor?

Maintenance and repair of windows and doors. repair can benefit homeowners by reducing energy costs as well as increasing comfort and security. Many homeowners have renovated their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic to enhance their living conditions without the need to move.

Loose or rotting exterior casing must be repaired as quickly as is possible. These are usually signs of moisture intrusion and can be repaired with minimal expense.

Cracked or Broken Glass

You may be wondering if it is possible to fix your broken or cracked window glass or whether you should replace it. The answer is contingent on a lot of factors, such as the severity of the damage and the cause, and the type of glass that is used in your windows.

In most cases, it's simpler to repair a damaged window than to replace it. The trick is to figure out what caused the crack and then act swiftly to stop it from becoming worse. This is especially crucial in the case of break-ups from impact like those caused by a lawnmowers or a ball for a child.

Before you can take care of a cracked or broken window, you'll need to remove any pieces that remain in the frame or on the ground. Wear gloves made for heavy-duty work and wear eye protection. Use a chisel, or a knife to gently remove any glazing that is holding the pieces together.

Once you have removed any shards of glass, carefully clean up the area and dispose of them in a safe manner. Always wear protective gloves and closed-toe shoes when handling glass or mirror pieces because they can be extremely sharp. It is also an excellent idea to fence off the area, close the door, and inform your family members not to enter until the broken glass has been cleaned.

It is also a good idea to check the condition of the frame and muntins and mullions that help support the glass pane. This is because corrosion and rust can damage these components, which could cause further problems for the windows.

If you're worried about long-term damage to your window, you should think about replacing the window with glass that is tempered. Tempered glass is more durable than regular glass, and it can break into smaller pieces which are less likely to break than sharp shards of glass to cause injuries.

If you're not confident in tackling the task on your own or if it would be more economical to replace your window, call a professional window and door doctor to assist with repairs or replacement. Window & Door Doctors are skilled in fixing and replacing windows and doors damaged by vandalism, storms or other incidents. They can help you decide whether it is more efficient to fix the problem quickly than a larger window replacement.

Frame Damaged

It's not a surprise that the window frame is damaged. While some damage is cosmetic and can be corrected easily, others like frames that are rotting are serious issues that need to be addressed as soon as possible to avoid costly repairs or replacement costs.

Wood rot around the windows frames isn't just unsightly but can also lead to various issues including fungus, mold, and pests that will impact your home's value as well as its health. To repair this problem start by removing all weatherstripping. Then, you can cut away the rotten wood with a chisel or saw. After removing the damaged frame part you can buy the kit at a hardware shop or online that comes with all the necessary tools and parts to repair it.

Moisture-related cracks in window frames are another frequent issue that must be addressed as soon as possible. This is especially important since North Carolina often experiences high humidity levels, which could cause wood to expand and shrink as it absorbs and releases moisture. When window doctor near me allows moisture to leak into your home, which could cause damage to the structure of your house and your belongings and even the health of your family.

Inability to open or close the window is a different issue that could have different reasons. The problem may simply be due to a buildup of dirt or dust that makes it harder for the sash to move or the frame could have suffered some type of structural damage that has affected its ability to properly open and close.

If your window frame exhibits visible signs of damage after an event, it's a good idea that you consult an expert. The damage may be so severe that a total replacement of your window could be the only or most effective alternative. Depending on your insurance policy, you may be eligible to file an insurance claim to cover any repair or replacement costs.

Damaged Seals

Window seals provide the final layer of protection against moisture and air infiltration, which could damage windows. They also help maintain a comfortable temperature inside and help reduce energy costs. If you observe that your window seals aren't working or you've noticed an increase in your energy bills, it's essential to fix the issue before it worsens.

The glass in your windows, whether they are double-paned or single-paned, is held together by a spacer made of aluminum and a polyurethane that is sandwiched between the two panes. In time, the cycle of temperature in the Phoenix sunshine can cause this material to degrade allowing air and humidity to enter between the panes. The window's increased insulation can also be lost if it contained inert gases. This is the reason windows with damaged seals will fog.

If you think that the seals on your windows are failing you should follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer. It may seem obvious but many homeowners overlook this step. Cleaning your windows using the recommended cleaning agent will prolong their life and ensure they are in good condition.

A drafty feeling is a sign that the window seal has failed, especially during an icy winter day. The cold air outside is dragging warm air from your window. If you notice that suddenly your energy bills are higher than usual, it could be because your windows let in more cold air.

Another sign that the seals on your windows are breaking down is when you see water between the glass of your windows. The moisture could be a thin, clear line or it could be a constant haze interfering with your view of the outside. Moisture between the glass is a result of an infiltration breach caused by the window seal breaking, and it can usually be fixed by sealing the aluminum spacer inside with polyurethane.

Muntins and Mullions Damaged

Muntins and mullions, the pieces of wood that divide panes of glass in single-pane windows, can be real or fake. Window repair experts can fix them if they are damaged. They will remove the glass, scrape and clean the area, and then replace any broken or rotted muntins or mullions. This is often a cheaper alternative than replacing a complete window.

While the damage to your window's frame from heavy rain, snow melt or humidity is obvious, less obvious issues are sometimes overlooked. For instance, a slit in the drip cap (the piece of metal that caps the top of the frame) can allow moisture enter the home, which can lead to rot, mould and even insect infestation. A broken sash cable can also cause draughts or rattles when windows are closed or opened.

Repairing windows that leak or causes draughts can be costly, especially if water gets into the wall. Any leaks should be repaired promptly. Draughts can often be caused by the faulty hinges on old windows or from poorly designed windows that are letting air through. Window & Doors Doctor can repair draughts and leaks without replacing the entire window.

If the casing that surrounds your window is loose or cracked, rotting, or is completely missing it must be replaced. This isn't a task that can be completed by a novice. The wall around it could be in poor condition and should be rebuilt. Casings that are loose are ugly however it allows moisture and air to enter the home which decreases the efficiency of energy. It can be replaced with primed wood exterior casing found at many home centers or low-maintenance vinyl PVC products. They are more weather-resistant than wood, and requires painting frequently to preserve the integrity of the product. All replacement casings must be painted with exterior grade paint, irrespective of the material.

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