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A bredge (bridge-edge) in a network is an edge whose deletion would split the network component on which it resides into two separate components. Bredges are vulnerable links that play an important role in network collapse processes, which may result from node or link failures, attacks, or epidemics. Therefore, the abundance and properties of bredges affect the resilience of the network to these collapse scenarios. We present analytical results for the statistical properties of bredges in configuration model networks. Using a generating function approach based on the cavity method, we calculate the probability P[over ̂](e∈B) that a random edge e in a configuration model network with degree distribution P(k) is a bredge (B). We also calculate the joint degree distribution P[over ̂](k,k^'|B) of the end-nodes i and i^' of a random bredge. We examine the distinct properties of bredges on the giant component (GC) and on the finite tree components (FC) of the network. On the finite components all the edges are on and a power-law distribution (scale-free networks). The implications of these results are discussed in the context of common attack scenarios and network dismantling processes.Polymers in shear flow are ubiquitous and we study their motion in a viscoelastic fluid under shear. Employing Hookean dumbbells as representative, we find that the center-of-mass motion follows 〈x_c^2(t)〉∼γ[over ̇]^2t^α+2, generalizing the earlier result 〈x_c^2(t)〉∼γ[over ̇]^2t^3(α=1). Here 0 less then α less then 1 is the coefficient defining the power-law decay of noise correlations in the viscoelastic media. Motion of the relative coordinate, on the other hand, is quite intriguing in that 〈x_r^2(t)〉∼t^β with β=2(1-α), for small α. Epigenetics inhibitor This implies nonexistence of the steady state, making it inappropriate for addressing tumbling dynamics. We remedy this pathology by introducing a nonlinear spring with FENE-LJ interaction and study tumbling dynamics of the dumbbell. We find that the tumbling frequency exhibits a nonmonotonic behavior as a function of shear rate for various degrees of subdiffusion. We also find that this result is robust against variations in the extension of the spring. We briefly discuss the case of polymers.Surface-directed spinodal decomposition (SDSD) is the kinetic interplay of phase separation and wetting at a surface. This process is of great scientific and technological importance. In this paper, we report results from a numerical study of SDSD on a chemically patterned substrate. We consider simple surface patterns for our simulations, but most of the results apply for arbitrary patterns. In layers near the surface, we observe a dynamical crossover from a surface-registry regime to a phase-separation regime. We study this crossover using layerwise correlation functions and structure factors and domain length scales.Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations is currently the most popular and credible tool to model water flow in nanoscale where the conventional continuum equations break down due to the dominance of fluid-surface interactions. However, current MD simulations are computationally challenging for the water flow in complex tube geometries or a network of nanopores, e.g., membrane, shale matrix, and aquaporins. We present a novel mesoscopic lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) for capturing fluctuated density distribution and a nonparabolic velocity profile of water flow through nanochannels. We incorporated molecular interactions between water and the solid inner wall into LBM formulations. Details of the molecular interactions were translated into true and apparent slippage, which were both correlated to the surface wettability, e.g., contact angle. Our proposed LBM was tested against 47 published cases of water flow through infinite-length nanochannels made of different materials and dimensions-flow rates as high as seven orders of magnitude when compared with predictions of the classical no-slip Hagen-Poiseuille (HP) flow. Using the developed LBM model, we also studied water flow through finite-length nanochannels with tube entrance and exit effects. Results were found to be in good agreement with 44 published finite-length cases in the literature. The proposed LBM model is nearly as accurate as MD simulations for a nanochannel, while being computationally efficient enough to allow implications for much larger and more complex geometrical nanostructures.The route from linear towards nonlinear and chaotic aerodynamic regimes of a fixed dragonfly wing cross section in gliding flight is investigated numerically using direct Navier-Stokes simulations (DNSs). The dragonfly wing consists of two corrugations combined with a rear arc, which is known to provide overall good aerodynamic mean performance at low Reynolds numbers. First, the three regimes (linear, nonlinear, and chaotic) are characterized, and validated using two different fluid solvers. In particular, a peculiar transition to chaos when changing the angle of attack is observed for both solvers The system undergoes a sudden transition to chaos in less than 0.1^∘. Second, a physical insight is given on the flow interaction between the corrugations and the rear arc, which is shown as the key phenomenon controlling the unsteady vortex dynamics and the sudden transition to chaos. Additionally, aerodynamic performances in the three regimes are given, showing that optimal performances are closely connected to the transition to chaos.We study the diffusive behavior of biased Brownian particles in a two dimensional confined geometry filled with the freezing obstacles. The transport properties of these particles are investigated for various values of the obstacle density η and the scaling parameter f, which is the ratio of work done to the particles to available thermal energy. We show that, when the thermal fluctuations dominate over the external force, i.e., small f regime, particles get trapped in the given environment when the system percolates at the critical obstacle density η_c≈1.2. However, as f increases, we observe that particle trapping occurs prior to η_c. In particular, we find a relation between η and f which provides an estimate of the minimum η up to a critical scaling parameter f_c beyond which the Fick-Jacobs description is invalid. Prominent transport features like nonmonotonic behavior of the nonlinear mobility, anomalous diffusion, and greatly enhanced effective diffusion coefficient are explained for various strengths of f and η. Also, it is interesting to observe that particles exhibit different kinds of diffusive behaviors, i.e., subdiffusion, normal diffusion, and superdiffusion. These findings, which are genuine to the confined and random Lorentz gas environment, can be useful to understand the transport of small particles or molecules in systems such as molecular sieves and porous media, which have a complex heterogeneous environment of the freezing obstacles.In this paper, a prey-predator system described by a couple of advection-reaction-diffusion equations is studied theoretically and numerically, where the migrations of both prey and predator are considered and depicted by the unidirectional flow (advection term). To investigate the effect of population migration, especially the relative migration between prey and predator, on the population dynamics and spatial distribution of population, we systematically study the bifurcation and pattern dynamics of a prey-predator system. Theoretically, we derive the conditions for instability induced by flow, where neither Turing instability nor Hopf instability occurs. Most importantly, linear analysis indicates the instability induced by flow depends only on the relative flow velocity. Specifically, when the relative flow velocity is zero, the instability induced by flow does not occur. Moreover, the diffusion-driven patterns at the same flow velocity may not be stationary because of the contribution of flow. Numerical bifurcation analyses are consistent with the analytical results and show that the patterns induced by flow may be traveling waves with different wavelengths, amplitudes, and speeds, which are illustrated by numerical simulations.Transient regimes, often difficult to characterize, can be fundamental in establishing final steady states features of reaction-diffusion phenomena. This is particularly true in ecological problems. Here, through both numerical simulations and an analytic approximation, we analyze the transient of a nonequilibrium superdiffusive random search when the targets are created at a certain rate and annihilated upon encounters (a key dynamics, e.g., in biological foraging). The steady state is achieved when the number of targets stabilizes to a constant value. Our results unveil how key features of the steady state are closely associated to the particularities of the initial evolution. The searching efficiency variation in time is also obtained. It presents a rather surprising universal behavior at the asymptotic limit. These analyses shed some light into the general relevance of transients in reaction-diffusion systems.Lipid vesicles are known to undergo complex conformational transitions, but it remains challenging to systematically characterize nonequilibrium membrane dynamics in flow. Here, we report the direct observation of anisotropic vesicle relaxation from highly deformed shapes using a Stokes trap. Vesicle shape relaxation is described by two distinct characteristic timescales governed by the bending modulus and membrane tension. Interestingly, the fast double-mode timescale is found to depend on vesicle deflation or reduced volume. Experimental results are well described by a viscoelastic model of a deformed membrane. Overall, these results show that vesicle relaxation is governed by an interplay between membrane elastic moduli, surface tension, and vesicle deflation.Arrays of coupled semiconductor lasers are systems possessing radically complex dynamics that makes them useful for numerous applications in beam forming and beam shaping. In this work, we investigate the spatial controllability of oscillation amplitudes in an array of coupled photonic dimers, each consisting of two semiconductor lasers driven by differential pumping rates. We consider parameter values for which each dimer's stable phase-locked state has become unstable through a Hopf bifurcation and we show that, by assigning appropriate pumping rate values to each dimer, high-amplitude oscillations coexist with negligibly low-amplitude oscillations. The spatial profile of the amplitude of oscillations across the array can be dynamically controlled by appropriate pumping rate values in each dimer. This feature is shown to be quite robust, even for random detuning between the lasers, and suggests a mechanism for dynamically reconfigurable production of a large diversity of spatial profiles of laser amplitude oscillations.Motivated by recent studies of the phenomenon of coherent perfect absorption, we develop the random matrix theory framework for understanding statistics of the zeros of the (subunitary) scattering matrices in the complex energy plane, as well as of the recently introduced reflection time difference (RTD). The latter plays the same role for S-matrix zeros as the Wigner time delay does for its poles. For systems with broken time-reversal invariance, we derive the n-point correlation functions of the zeros in a closed determinantal form, and we study various asymptotics and special cases of the associated kernel. The time-correlation function of the RTD is then evaluated and compared with numerical simulations. This allows us to identify a cubic tail in the distribution of RTD, which we conjecture to be a superuniversal characteristic valid for all symmetry classes. We also discuss two methods for possible extraction of S-matrix zeros from scattering data by harmonic inversion.

Autoři článku: Rhodesjiang8619 (Gleason Adams)